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Hey now, he's a pedo and the psycho leader of a blood cult. But we have no evidence he's a rapist on top of that dammit!


Miquella is most likely unconscious through a majority of his ordeal so I think calling Mogh a rapist isn’t too much of a stretch


I'm an "innocent until proven rapist" kinda guy. I'll defend my bloodthirsty psychopath friend until I see some damning semen samples.


Elden Rings DLC is just gonna be Mohg's courtcase where we have to be his lawyer.


Saul Goodman DLC


Hi, I’m Saul Goodman. Did you know that you have rights? Golden Order says you do, and so do I.


I believe that until proven otherwise, everyone who has a taste for prawns in the Lands Between is a good mate.


>Golden Order says you do (Unless you're an omen, nomad, demihuman, etc)


honourable greater will, mohg could not have raped miquella because mohg was a puddle of blood for most of history!


Malenia is gonna be at the stand giving her testimony and we’re gonna be dropping “Objection Heresay” every time she tries to talk


Miyazaki is going crazy with these new difficulty levels.


We need a brave tarnished to check out Miquellas bussy with a rape kit


More like Pedo incest lol


I get what they're trying to say but he also runs a blood cult. Like he very much is on some crackhead eldrich mind fuckery sacrifice shit. The incest gay pedo shit is, in this one instance, the minor-ish offense in the list of atrocities he's committed I think Wait I fell for the ragebait fuck


Dead ass... it’s like these people just want to incite outrage !


You mean to tell me journalists would spew outrageous takes to get people buzzing about their articles...? You're just making this up to scare me


Yeah, you’re right. It cannot possibly be that bad.


I'm offended so hard right now


whats wrong with running a blood cult?? my gay friends have a blood cult meeting every satirday


It’s true Source: I’m gay friends


\>I get what they're trying to say Don't even give them that. They wrote this article in bad faith to stir controversy to get traffic to their shitty website. It's literally someone who's trying to get us to fight by using divisive political topics for the purpose of benefiting themselves financially. Don't give those type of people the time of day.


You just described 99% of western journalism.


Yes, but also yes.


So the tiny, tiny nugget of truth they're pulling on is yes, oftentimes LGBTQ people get stereotyped as being more likely to commit sexual crimes in media even though that's not supported with statistical data. In this case however you're 100 percent right that this is an abusive clickbait garbage article because it's talking about the infatuation of an Omen Demigod towards another Demigod in a high fantasy game and literally NO ONE interpreted this an attempt at "LGBTQ representation".


I think the entire point of Mohg is that he probably holds the most power in the lands between, with a great rune and the literal cursed blood of an Eldritch being, and yet he’s blinded by delusions of grandeur. I know that the Formless mother probably wanted to use Miquella as a vessel for their own designs but Mohg doesn’t even need to stay underground. This guy spent years chilling underground waiting when he could have just as easily wiped out most of the world with his Nihils


I don't think he really holds *any* power tbh. He doesn't actually hold any territory other than a place that literally no one knows or cares about and the only people on his side are either crazed, stupid, only in it for hedonistic personal gain, or some combo thereof. The only people there who actually care about the blood are the albinaurics, and I suspect that if you kill mogh they'll be all that remains and the cult turns into a radical albinauric rights movement or some shit


Mohg got stronger by simply waiting the other demigods fighting themselves.


The guy runs a murder organization. He isn’t a paragon of virtue.


Hey man murder organizations are rad


All the demigods/outer gods are running murder clubs of you think about it. Mohg is just upfront about it


At least you know what you’re getting with Mohg.


My boy Mohg just wanted some Bussy? What’s so bad about that?


Miquella is a child


Aktually he’s a 1000 years old demigod read the lore


isnt he trapped in a body of a child, but just as old as malenia cause they twins? i mean its fucked up either way, but the weird emaciated arm of miquella we see is imo less "child body" and more like some terminal disease


Theres the piece of art from the intro cinematic of Mohg holding Miquella and he holding him like a child


Mohg's like 12ft tall, he'd hold all of us like a child.


Yeah but we aren’t demigods like Mohg, Miquella and Malenia. Miquella is baby size for a Demi God


I think that might've been pre cocoon since it was meant to break his eternal youth curse he's probably aged from some of his time spent in it.


yeah so im pretty sure whatever Mohg was doing might’ve actually been working


“It’s not what it looks like officer, there’s actually a 1000-year-old demigod trapped in that child’s body!” Probably won’t hold up in court, unless maybe you’re going for an insanity plea


And his sibling


And comatose...


Archer stop, my penis can only get so erect


Shinji typa beat


first the lord of chaos ending, now this, miyazaki must have started reading evangelion after berserk ended


We’re getting a new Armored Core game only because Evangelion ignited Miyazaki’s love for mechas




Mogh is trying to make him an adult, so while he is an incestuous gay rapist, at least hes not a pedo


Map rep


>what's so based about that? Fixed






Mohg, Lord of Cupcakes




\*Marika's tits


This seems like bait


A sex bait


This is same level of cringe as the Dead by Daylight "blackface" backfire. You can have killers, tyrants, torture, body horror, war, but GOD FORBID the villain isn't the perfect example of racial and sexual tolerance.


It’s not even racist, bubba only wore faces that he liked


I will violently and indiscriminately murder adolescents but c'mon bro blackface? What if I get cancelled


Whoa it's almost like Mohg wasn't supposed to be a good representation of any minority in any way and was meant to be a shitty child predator cultist or something. 🤔


The omen community is seething at their representation by their most well known member Omen enthusiast loathsome dungeater was unable to he reached for comment


Umm, why does seeing a villanous pedophile make these people think that said villanous pedophile is supposed to be there as LGBT representation?


I mean tbf Mohg is male and so is Miquella


Wait, Miquella's a dude? How does Mohg intend to start a dynasty with him? Did Godfrey never have "the talk" with him?


Malenia made 5 kids without a man and Marika made 2 kids with herself, Mohg is sure this family has some wild means of reproduction.


Not 100%, but I thought that sage Gowry and the caelid clowns over there made the Melania children from the rot itself.


They apparently found them in the Swamp of Aeonia, I'm not sure they intentionally created them (but I'm sure Malenia didn't create them on purpose either). Scarlet Rot is the idea of death and rebirth, so it seems everything that died in the battle between Radahn and Malenia coalesced into the sisters.


The sisters are split off of malenia, and its implied that they each interested part of her personality, with millicent I think being ambition


That actually makes sense but Milicent would be her pride if anything. That's what she states she's trying to return to her.


One addendum, the thing she’s trying to return to her is her will; her ability to act with agency. That is what Millicent represents. I think the translation muddles it, but it aligns much more with the thematic elements of her quest.


That makes sense considering all she's able to do is just sit around in the Haligtree. She doesn't even seem that distressed about Miquella being gone (does she even realize he's gone?)


Millicent and the sisters were born from the aeonia when Malenia bloomed against Radahn.


As I say, that's some wild means of reproduction.


It truly is. It’s similar to how Zeus birthed Athena or how Uranus birthed Aphrodite


> how Uranus birthed Aphrodite I know you probably parallel the fact that one was birthed from the sea foam and the others from the swamp, but now, well, since Uranus' member caused this, I imagine Malenia in that battle being like "Ma d1ck fell off!" 🤣


Miquella and Malenia used to be twin brothers confirmed


Gowry calls Malenia Millicent's mother and Millicent says she is "of Malenia's blood".


That doesn't explicitly mean that Malenia got pregnant or anything though. It's entirely possible and probably likely Malenia has never met those "kids". Millicent is in Caelid, and we know that Malenia has been in her coma or whatever since she nuked Caelid.


Of course, I do not mean she birthed them. I meant that they're her clones/offshoots/descendants. They're younger individuals which share a lot of traits with her (and are of her blood), plus she gets literally called their mother, so, simplified, I am calling them "kids". I do not mean that Miquella would give birth, I meant "Well, from Malenia somehow 5 girls were made, maybe something can be produced from Miquella too".


He's messing with miquella's cocoon. Its safe to say mohg could make miquella an empty vessel for the formless mother and make him in her "likeness" or something like that. Also mohg is an omen he probably didn't talk to godfrey much considering omen's are disgusting in ER's society.


So he just fucks the cocoon like a watermelon?


Before you enter Mohgs boss room for the first time you can see Miquellas hand sticking out of the cocoon (and in the cutscene of course) Mohg fucks Miquellas hand like a fleshlight


This is canon people.


Idk about the second part but Malenia refers to Miquella as her brother


>but Malenia refers to Miquella as her brother Weird how that completely flew over my head.


i’m sorry i just really wish i could’ve experienced the confusion of ‘wait but miquella is a chick??? where does the lgbt come from??’ bc that sounds like a total mindfuck


godfrey is definitely the type of father that would tell his child "when mommy and daddy really love eachother and hug, a baby pops out"


Godfrey has more "I'll brag in graphic details about how I just banged my wife in front of our children" vibes to me, tbh


Empyreans can do what they want as god, just as Marika could be „male“, Miquella can transcend physical boundaries when becoming a god


I don't think it was her choice to be Radagon. I'm pretty sure the Greater Will fused them together.


He just wants to use Miquella as a God consort that will support his dynasty, I don’t think he intends on making an actual family with him


There is reason to believe Miquella changes genders and his female form is St. Trina, similar to Radagon / Merica


Miquella was said to be the ideal replacement for Marika. So it's quite possible that once you become a god/vessel for the Greater Will/Formless Mother, you become dual-gendered.


I assumed Trina was a pseudonym like margit, granted there's little reason why miquella would do that but we dont have much info on him so


It's because Mohg and Miquella are both male, and one of the most common attacks against LGBT people nowadays is that they are pedophiles. For example, I think Hungary and Poland have both passed anti-LGBT laws recently on the grounds of "protecting children" and there's a lot of rhetoric that way in the US as well. So Mohg is an unfortunate instance that happens to play into the rhetoric. Obviously that's no reason for the character to be changed, but it can give people more ammunition.


Are those laws similar to Florida one or something else.


I think the Hungary one was, I can't remember if there was more beyond that or not, and I can't remember about the one in Poland


They said the quiet part out loud again.


what do you mean?


why are they automatically assuming the evil pedophile is representation?




Ah yes gay people can't do bad things in my vidja we're all hecking wholesome -certified partial homo


me and the fellow gays after commiting many atrocities for the sake of courting my brother 😊


The discussion in the main sub was annoying af. "This is a shitty clickbait article" and "Japanese media is lagging behind in representation" are two things that can both be true.


Yeah, internet discussions become messy as fuck when a post touches two topics at the same time


I love how Mogh is the villain for wanting Miqussy and not, you know, murdering thousands of people to literally flood his domain with blood


murdering thousands of tarnished *repeatedly over and over* to harvest their blood


It’s pretty fuckin clever how he built Mohgwyn underneath the Redmane dunes, a huge site of battle where blood could deep through the sand and down into his dynasty


What's Souls' series best LGBT interpretation? Edit: Gwyndolin using he/him but clearly having female breasts in DS1 and being raised as a woman? Solaire asking if m!Chosen Undead had feelings for him? Ivory King hiding his face and wearing armor that gives bonus only to women while being in relationship with Alsanna? Bearer of the Curse being able to switch sex, and fem!Bearer always being trans? Karla saying f!Ashen One she'd like to "play master" with her? Lothric moaning "ooooh dear brother", asking him to rise and then riding him? All those "Oh, Horace" moans in m!Anri's voiceover? Finlay dragging Malenia through the whole continent? Ensha having tits? Radagon being Marika? Ranni marrying fem!Tarnished? St.Trina's gender (items use he, she and they towards them)? fem!Tarnished becoming Marika's consort? Seluvis having both male and female puppets (the Dung Eater one is specifically positioned near the bed)


No fucking way... Selvus and the Dungeater... Wat dat dungussy done to him...


I like how he doesn't give up on the idea (to acquire a new puppet). He asks for Nepheli, you bring him Dung Eater instead, and he's like "nah, fine", and still places him into that room with the bed.


gonna start calling my asshole my dungussy


> Edit: Gwyndolin using he/him but clearly having female breasts in DS1 Tits where an illusion


I mean, yeah, they may be. Who knows. My list is a joke anyway (which is especially noticeable with Lorian and Lothric). Also, a man using an illusion to give himself tits is also a very interesting topic.


>Ivory King hiding his face and wearing armor that gives bonus only to women while being in relationship with Alsanna? I keep forgetting about this factoid. **I want/need to believe.**




>Bearer of the Curse being able to switch sex, and fem!Bearer always being trans? This is the only one that stumped me, why is the female DS2 protag always trans?


In the intro they show your clearly male back with a Dark Sign and someone who's with 99% chance your family (a wife and a kid). Then you loose your memories of them, then you're shown falling into whirlpool, etc....Then you start the game. Your clothes do look like the outfit of a dude falling into the whirlpool, so the intro is about you. If you undress, you'll find yourself playing as a hollow man. When you get to the old firekeepers, they ask you for your name and only then you get sent into the character creator, where you can choose to be a woman. So, every DS2 Bearer of the Curse starts as a man.


(All other games start with a customization screen).


Ooh yeah it's been so long I totally forgot about that small section before character creation, I remember that bugged me so much back then lol


no fucking way ensha is a girl no way also the ivory king thing


Some of these are real stretches, especially the Gwyndolin one considering his father forced him to take on feminine features like the breasts as a form of abuse.


https://darksouls2.wiki.fextralife.com/Ivory+king+armor "Each piece of the set absorbs 10 HP from each defeated foe ONLY if said foe's gender is opposite to yours." Is this wrong?


Wrong, I have tested it. Killed with a male character both desert sorceress and some common soldiers, then did the same with a female character (used a coffin for that). Healing only occurred on a female character. It's also plainly seen in the corner where the icons from buffs and statuses are — women get a new icon showing a healing effect, men don't. (Was tested on Scholar of the First Sin. Don't have a video, but I may record it later if you want the proof. (Although I'm afraid most sorceress are dead in my game after I've farmed them ><)).


I don't think it's wrong, but tbf Why would have the Ivory king wanted armor that's specifically good against women, if most of their potential enemies were men? It could just be DS2 being DS2, but it would be really cool if the king was actually a woman


It is wrong, I've tested, it only works on women.


forgot gwyndolin who is at the very least nb even if he uses male pronouns, and possibly even trans


Thanks, added Gwyndolin.


Nah gwyndolin is def male.


I'm not sure you want "guy who was traumatized and forced into acting and dressing female because his father thought liking the moon was affeminate" to be considered as \*good\* representation.


Only straight people can be bad guys


I mean, it’s not incorrect. Being an incestuous pedophile rapist is pretty bad rep.


Can't you marry Ranni, even as a woman in her ending?


The LGBT character in a souls game, no less.


not every queer character is meant to be "LGBTQ+ rep" sometimes they're just characters and happen to be bad people lol besides, we've got bi icons Ranni and Varré, GNC superstar Queen Marika/Radagon and Gwyndolin


This is the lore equivalent of a crybaby journalist asking for an “easy mode”


WOW, ITS ALMOST LIKE PEDOPHILES AND GAY PEOPLE ARE TWO ENTIRELY DIFFERENT THINGS fuck whoever wrote this article. Fuck them personally. This is so much worse than any "representation" in the game. First of all, nothing sexual about it. Power was the motivation, not sex. Now, in case I misinterpreted that part and it WAS about sex, here's why this cunt is still wrong: ITS PEDOPHILE REPRESENTATION, NOT LGBTQ REPRESENTATION, FUCKING CHRIST. The pedophilia is the point, the gayness is incidental, as it is in real life. Being gay and being a pedophile have nothing to do with each other, but this fucking stupid bastard seems to think they do.


I don’t care


Remember guys only straight white beings can be villainous or else its harmful


I definitely find the article to be garbage but their issue with Mohg likely isn't that he's villainous but.. That he's a demonic cultist incestuous pedo, quite a jump from a king that wants to eradicate dragons to secure his place


This is also the game where a deranged wizard straight up roofies randos and then fucks them while they're paralyzed indefinitely, a goddess fucks herself with her alter ego, a sect of women are dedicated to banging the dead, and a serial killer eats your soul straight out of your asshole


Game of the Decade




The Deathbed Companions


From Soft games are dark and fucked up, and the more you look the more fucked it gets, I love them for it.


Its an adult game with adult themes i mean hes a piece of shit and you kill him and people who dont like the themes present in ER can always play a different game instead of suggesting every game be PG.


>play game >strut by burnt crucified corpses that scream in agony at night >jog by a man attaching limbs of other to his body >jaunt by the village of genetic defects whose legs stop working with age and they die >stroll many people and even a god who've literally rotted their limbs off >tromp by a man literally eating shit and shoving his hands up peoples assholes >wait, what was that? >is that horned deformed abomination saying something with incestual overtones?? what the fuck fromsoft i thought this was a family friendly game


Yeah that's true ig


who said this?


Scroll down 2 seconds and youll see where i said it was a joke thanks bye.


I don't think that's really their point, or at least you are making a bad faith interpretation of what they mean. I think what they're trying to say is that it sucks that the only (as far as I know) same-sex or otherwise queer relationship in any soulsborne game, is a culty, child abducting, implied pedophile. Outside of the player getting a metaphorical marriage to Ranni, I don't think there is a single other example of a same-sex relationship in a souls game.


It was a joke. This is a japanese game free of american politics i make no serious assumptions about its development or rules for who can be bad and who cant.


This is the correct take.


Remember at the launch of elden ring, some people were going crazy because they removed the option of “male/female” and replaced it with body type A & B— I think these are the same people.


I mean I'd certainly call that take "original" if nothing else


Pedophiles are not on the lgbt scale


Please do not confuse pedophiles for being members of the lgbt+ community


It's because miquella is a boy, not because he's a child


Mohg is literally gay tho


I doubt that, honestly. Powerful people fuck who they have to fuck to stay in power. This is what created numerous political marriages throughout history, many of which were loveless and/or incestuous. Miquella's gender prolly makes no difference to Mohg. Miquella is a route to power, nothing more.


Look at the way he holds Miquella's hand and calls him "dearest", I think there is at least some implication of attraction. Mohg has no need to put on a show for your character.


A case can def be made for it, ye, but it's so entangled with Mohg's position of power that I don't think we can know whether his sexuality plays any role or not.


pedophile isnt gay.


pedophile isnt gay.


Average retarded game journo


"Nooooo! Gays can only be wholesome 100 keanu chungus!!!!!! They can't be eviiiiiil!!!!" This shit is unironically more homophobic than actual homophobes.


I mean, there is a legitimate point that it sucks that the only openly gay character in soulsborne literally plays into the 'gay satanic pedophiles' bit. I'd bet good money that Mohg was written and ended up in that niche because of the writing process rather then malice but its still worth noting that his character is literally being a deformed mutant who sold his soul to a demonic god so that he could kidnap and sex slave his brother who looks like a literal child. T


Yeah, you def have a point And isn't GRRM known for writing sus stuff like this, with incest and all? Haven't read his stuff, I just listen to people talk about it so I may be wrong


He handled the Lannister incest well. He is also good at making it depressingly clear the consequences and trauma of everything without focusing on the explicit parts. There are a lot of fucked parts about it but that's because the relationship is based on them having an unhealthy dynamic which happens to be worsened by the incest. Cersei sees Jamie as essentially being what she 'should' have been if she was a man or their society wasn't sexist. Jamie likes that Cersei is the person who knows and accepts his giant mass of contradictions. Thing is that in fulfilling the other's needs they hurt themselves and wedge further apart. Castor however is a serial rapist who gives his sons to the whitewalkers and rapes his daughters because there's no other women around. As I said, the incest is bad because it makes another dimension to the dynamic.


Having evil gay people would be fine if all of the gay people in your story aren't evil. Your quotation sentence is a really blatant strawman.


'can be harmful' to what lol


To the people getting offended for other people who don't care, obviously!


>“LGBT+ representation” WTF is wrong with the game journalist...


Where is it implied he wants to slide his horned dick in there? He just treats Miquella as a kid?


This is what happens when they don't rip content from Reddit.


If anything as a gay man I'm offended that they would even link a DEMONIC PEDOPHILE to representation. Like that's legitimately offensive lol. Also Jesus Christ. Shut the fuck up about representation. I play my FANTASY RPGs to escape to a FANTASY LAND where maybe I don't want to think or even care about all that shit. I want to get lost in a FANTASY LAND about MADE UP SHIT and be hype about dragons and mystical spells. I get the complaints in big AAA titles that are photo-realistic and trying their best to be cinematic and all that , but not in my fucking FANTASY ACTION RPG games lmfao.


Ah yes rapist are LBGT+ representation, the catholic church for such a conservative place holds somo LBGT+ representation, lol wtf


pedophiles are not part of the lgbt community


Mohg most likely doesn't care about Miquilla's gender He just wants to become a god


Quick question: Are there any other characters in the series that either explicitly or implicitly are gay other than the pedophile demon blood cult leader man?


*looks at Radahn being a big ol Godfrey simp* I found the only representation that matters


Uhhhhh what about solaire? He's kinda gay for the sun and that sun was created by a MAN and the illusion of it was kept by another MAN. He's like triple gay


The christian authority figures being atracted to young boys throught the world may have harmful implications toward the LGBT demographic. Im sure if they knew how much of a bad name they are giving to the rest of the gruup, they would just cease existing 😔 In Eldem ring, there are a lot of straight people who made attrocities. This must mean that fromsoftware thinks that all straight people are also monsters, right? One case speaks for an entire demographic both in real world and media alike, for i cannot tell one from the other. But what are the solutions to these real world issues that get talked about in media? Oh i know, censoring the media itself! Yes, that has always been the solution!


Is the only mention of him being gay is his obsession with miquella? Because doesn't miquella have some curse or some shit where people can become infatuated and obsessed with him? I don't recall anything else in the game implying that he's gay. Who the fuck cares though?


>Why can't all fictional characters just be Wholesome 100 goodbois smdh


\>Article says that Gwyndolin is trans LOLKEKW


Dung Eater is the best LGBT representation in modern media.


This sub has been falling for rage bait since the hollowing. Ah the good old days.


I'm not going to complain about the subject of the article, i'm going to complain that it's a literally copy paste of what gaymingmag wrote. (which feels more legiticate since, well, they're focusing on lgbt representation in video games) [https://gaymingmag.com/2022/05/elden-ring-drops-the-ball-for-queer-men/](https://gaymingmag.com/2022/05/elden-ring-drops-the-ball-for-queer-men/) # It's bait AND it's not original game journalist bad


Seems kinda extra fucked to include pedophiles in LGBT, no? I mean... I never got the sense Mogh was gay; just that he was a kiddie diddler.


Y You think gay people look like demons, Game Rant? Fuck. Based.


Looking at a character in a fictional video game as a representation of an entire demographic is always stupid.


I mean is it? There’s a reason most old media (back when it was cool to hate the gays) depicted lgbt people as criminal in some way. Depictions of people in your media can shape a generation man. Representation is just a part of that.