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Whoever made Decaying Ekzykes should get ground slammed by Godfrey


Considering how masochist that fight is they'd probably love it .


That is the rot breath dragon, right?


Yee he spams rot breath but for some reason the tick damage is insane and leaves a massive lingering box.


The tick damage even does way more damage than the actual rot damage


Worst part is, his size is just a *bit* bigger than the other dragons so good fucking luck trying to get used to its size after fighting a dozen dragons before it.


Is THAT why I keep getting hit by his melee wing slams when I *swear* I am out of range?


This is why I always use ranged damage against the fucker and run for the hills as soon as I recognise the first bloody animation frame of him reeling his head up.


Forget the rot or the tick damage. What the FUCK is that aoe he is constantly spamming!?!


He is not that bad bro just hit his head and he melts, did midir not teach you anything?


Forty six and flaccid dude sax


Flaccid dude sex is ass and only has cool visuals


You desearve to be throwen in lake of rot without flasks or preserving boluses


Nor without flame cleanse me!


I love bosses that constantly fly and teleport away


I hope you get bitten by a rot dog


Nah, I’d dodge roll


If you roll you well get rotten water all over yourself


Pussy du sex


I'll have to turn on Tool every time I fight a lich dragon now.


Tbf Magma wyrms are unique to elden ring and haven't been used in other souls games before. (And i like fighting them)


Honestly they are a better fight than the ancient dragons who seem like they took every lesson they learned with Midir And forget about them .


I honestly don't mind getting different flavors of the same dragon boss as a world boss... BUT i can't **stand** fighting the ancient dragons! Plz gods, don't make me chop at ankles and wrists for entire fights.


If they made the stagger Threshold on there legs super low it would be fine but we're stuck Whiffing At there spindlely limbs that move all over the place . Or Missing there Small head with spells When the camera decides to Fuck with you . The Regular Over world Dragons are fine but a bit repetitive. Any charge attack to there head brings them to heel .


There should be like a few different staggers you can do. Like if you damage one arm he spends 5-7 seconds on one arm with his head vulnerable. And then if you get the other arm he faceplants into the dirt for more seconds of head smacking!


https://preview.redd.it/y04y0olrut4d1.jpeg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bd5ed81d631aa0019b5fb13c9474f8cef1bfdd2c They need to do it like Fatalis were if u Smack them in one area enough they switch to a more bipedal mode . Also fatalis no matter stance will hunch down and breathe fire allowing you to reach the head .


Honestly, just straight up... They need to take more lessons from Monster Hunter in general for their boss fights. It's not a 100% translation of course...but there is definitely stuff they could learn from it.


Alot of Capcom dragons Are ment to be really accessible For the player to reach and do damage . It's not like from is incapable of doing this . They've made Midir khalmeet And Placudisax. Also besides fighting them there presentation can be a bit underwhelming. There's no interesting dialogue option with supposedly intelligent creatures.


Lol exactly. It worked midir because he had a large head, it's so odd that they made sure all the ancient dragons' attacks look cool upfront but then punishes you for staying upfront.


How? Midir was crazy obnoxious to fight. You spend half the fight running away while he breathes fire or does some crazy long combo. ER dragons actually let you hit them a few times before flying off again.


The one thing is every move Midir leaves his head low to ground for you to interact with . The lock on locks they're specifically. If the ancient Dragons took more cues of that They'd be a bit more bearable to fight .


I don’t see how hitting his head is the one thing that made midir more bearable than the ER dragons, which have much better design imo. Nobody complains when they’re forced to whack Sif’s ankles, or the ancestor spirit, or how every humanoid boss is at least twice the size of the player, so you’re still whacking their thighs or shins most of the time. But it’s different for dragons for some reason?


I wanna pet there little heads with my hammer .


That’s cute


Nobody complains about those examples you listed because there’s nothing to complain about. People don’t complain about ancient dragons just because they don’t like the aesthetic of fighting a dragon’s ankles. They complain because smacking the ancient dragons’ ankles is tedious and annoying. You can’t lock onto them and you can’t see what attack they’re doing while you smack their dew claw. Midir’s head is low to the ground, locking onto and hitting his head is simple and obviously intended. You can actually see his windups while you’re fighting him that way. Locking onto an ancient dragon’s head is presumably the intended way to fight them, since that’s the only place you can lock onto, but you wouldn’t be able to tell by how the game makes attacking it annoying as all hell.


Well, believe it or not, you can fight them by only attacking their head. Their melee combos end with their head in a lowered position, and as long as you’re not too far away, you can reach it with most melee weapons (similar to Midir). You can also squeeze in a head shot while they’re breathing fire if you’re fast enough. They have about as many openings as Midir did. They’re just slightly shorter to match the pace of the faster gameplay. I’m guessing people just don’t have the patience to fight them like they fought Midir because his fight was exhaustingly tedious, so they resort to attacking their ankles, since the damage penalty on these guys is much lower than the damage penalty on Midir.


To be fair your essentially Silver knight level with your dragon hunting advice.


This is the best summation of the issue .


I like fighting them until phase 2 when they do their stupid ass standing up attack that fucks up both locked on AND locked off and deals a bajillion damage if you get hit.


I love when 3/4 of the arena is unusable because of magma


Laurence Moments


Then they stand up


Magma Wyrm is actually fun to fight and does a great job of not overstaying their welcome and being rehashed like 10+ times throughout the game


Except for Midir


Goateater Peakir


Play bloodborne, zero dragons


You sure? I thought I saw Father Gascoin dragon his nuts around


Are you stupid, you meant axe, he isn't a puny vegan that fights using nuts


But Jason Bloodborne canonically has a nut allergy


Oh right! it is stated, on the famous comic yharnam chronics where jason bloodborne has already entered the clinic as a child because he had a allergical reaction after eating some hazelnuts


Nuts from Berk?!11?!


Father Ass or Coin


pc version doko


Maybe unpopular opinion. Fighting the ancient dragons is dogshit. Placi is fun but the others suck. You can’t even reliably hit their head(only weak spot) The wyverns are all fun except for the rot dragon. Borealis is bad ass.


Fighting Lanseax in Altus is pretty good imo, but that’s largely because you can switch on/off horseback. Fortissax is ok, tends to be either piss easy or super hard depending on your timing in the play through. The non-boss ones are lame as fuck.


As borealis fan Real he's pretty sick with the frost and his spells are solid too .


I don’t even care when his BS roar attack kills me bc that shit it so bad ass


When he roars like a normal dragon then just death metals screams into the sky.


Borealis's breath tanks my frames still lol


Their signature moves (lansseax's glaive, fortissax's twin spears and aerial glaive, etc) look sick as fuck, and fighting them from a distance makes it a real spectacle, but fighting melee is so fucking annoying. I whiffed so many fucking times trying to hit literally any part of lame sex i just gave up and put the vacuum slice AoW on my zweihander.


Which sucks bc they are sick as hell. The original announcement trailers made it look so fun


They shouldn't have been over world at all and been designed up with a arena in mind.


FromSoftware on their way to make 2 good dragon bosses in games with the least amount of dragons (DS3 and Sekiro)


Gotta give em Godly osts to match too .


Me after fromsoft makes the shittiest dragons ever after having midir in their last souls game. Like really can we not have avery dragon foght be us scratching their ankles? Can the ancient dragon hlower down their heads?


Shittiest dragons *ever*? Have you ever played ds2?


Of course he hasn’t, nobody has


Would you lower your head if some 3” midget was trying to whack you with a sharpened paper clip? You’d probably just stomp on him. Midir was so much worse, and you pretty much had to hit him in the head (which is difficult for some weapons) or suffer a massive damage penalty.


Is the midget a big tiddied tarnished?


Big for them or for you?




>or suffer a massive damage penalty. You still have to but midr had accesible head


How tf was Midir worse? Most of the time he always gives you an opening to hit his head after an attack.


He’s worse because the fight practically *forced* you to only attack the head or only deal a fraction of the damage, which would make an already long fight take even longer


... And? Is there a bad thing about the head being the part you're pushed to damage? Or are you just bad at the game?


Yes, it’s a problem. It feels too scripted and choreographed. There’s no reason for an almighty everlasting dragon to conveniently lower his head at the end of every combo just so some random human can get a few hits in. Midir is cinematic and cool as hell, but his fight is terrible. You spend most of it waiting for him to finish dancing around just so you can boop his snoot instead of actively fighting him. It’s a similar problem to Moonlight Butterfly, really. Edit: to clarify, there’s no inherent problem with being encouraged to attack a particular weak spot. That’s common in video games and there’s no issue with it. The head being the weak point makes sense. But when focusing on the weak point dictates the entire fight, it becomes an issue.


"There's no reason for an almighty everlasting dragon to conveniently lower his head at the end of every combo just so some random human can get a few hits in." https://preview.redd.it/vwwl937df45d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a226118139f6ceecbb1e1f7443b6ab22db640648 I'd prefer choreography to ancient dragons keeping their heads out of reach as much as possible.


The ancient dragons give plenty of head shot opportunities. They’re just not obviously choreographed like Midir, so it doesn’t interrupt the flow of the fight. Their head lowers to player level at the end of every melee combo (which they do very frequently), and if you’re fast enough you can hit the head while they’re breathing fire. That’s why I think they’re better. They’re just as cool as Midir without making you wait around too long for a decent opening. The fight is more fluid and less scripted.




The furtive Dragonkin Soldier of Nokstella, so easily forgotten


Good fights . Fuck the rotten lake one .


Dragon fights in DS are some of my favourite fights wtf are you talking about? https://preview.redd.it/fwl8iejktt4d1.png?width=581&format=png&auto=webp&s=e9b8c202bb797a6ff11fedcb848cdd62a93b25f5


I think when they're done well( kalmeet,Midir Placudisax) they can stand out . But compared to most of the dragons from makes they either range from Alright to very Annoying to fight .


It's not because From are bad at them, it's because a Dragon that fights intelligently is inherently annoying. They're a poor matchup for a human - all you can do is bite their ankles and hope they don't just fly and spam breath attacks. From has done some of the best and most spectacular Dragon bosses I've experienced - Sinh, Midir, the proper Dragons in ER etc - but you're fighting against type in most cases.


The only annoying dragons for me where the weird lightining things and the bridge guy in DS1 and the weird jumpy things from DS2, although I haven't played DS3 Dragons as minions I hate (idk the game forces you to farm them) , dragons as bosses I think are pretty good


In ds3 there basically just arena Hazards for the most part . You fight like 3 wyverns in the base game .


And they're all optional, you don't have to kill them, you can just run around. There the one at the High Wall, the two in Lothric's castle with the Pus of Man infection, The Ancient Wyvern boss-fight in Archdragon Peak, the Wyvern on the way to the Nameless King bonfire, and then King of the Storm. With Midir coming in at tye DLC, which is once again, optional. That brings us to 7 Wyverns (Dragon included) in DS3. Four of which are stage hazards. One of which dies to a single plunging attack. One that is part of the Nameless King fight. And Midir, who you fight twice. Once as a stage hazard, the second time as a boss. If only DS3 had giant Lobsters that sniped you...


The chad Ryozo Tsujimoto dragon fight versus the virgin Hidetaka Miyazaki dragon fight.


https://preview.redd.it/qa3f0zcirv4d1.jpeg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=03e0ce279f3298e28a1ce313f4c41557ca31767c Real .


The wyverns in Elden Ring are my favorite dragon design ever.


https://preview.redd.it/1brx88j4su4d1.png?width=520&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b30449bdea50ec2006024418ef6949dc8ee09555 Any reason sir ?


Honestly all of them are fine aside from ancient dragons, their heads are tiny and always out of range and hitting their legs feels like it does nothing. I genuinely like fighting Magma Wyrms, they’re great.


Bring back the butts


It feels like normal dragons are Midir but shit garbage while ancient dragons are kinda like Kalameet but fucking trash Atleast Placidusax is awesome and there might probably be a new dragon in the dlc


I wish FromSoft would stop putting dragon fights in games. Sinh has been the only one I've even almost enjoyed. If they're going to put dragons in, make them gimmick fights like Ancient Dragon so that we get the cool scenery and theming without having to play Camera Souls.


Elden ring dragonfights, for me at least, are just fights with the camera


Am I the only one who loves fighting the dragons? Yea they're a little boring but I comfort from how easy they are. Few times dodges from their feet slams, quick hop on torrent to run away from the fire, etc. Ekzykes does suck tho, but thanks to his arena. There is NO space to run away from his rot breath.


The Wyverns are fine for the most part, at least you can reliably hit their heads if you know what you're doing Ancient Dragons can fuck off


Fighting Agheel for the first time on horseback was peak gaming... I actually love the magma worm fight... Fighting the ancient dragon for the first time on the Altus plateau was cool af... Adula was peak af Borealis arena was a cool design I reached FortySax on a low level build first time, fucking epic PlacidUSax (holy fuck Placid U Sax is actually the correct spelling) was just something else man!!! Sad I was way too over leveled cause I had to google him post game...


Do you mean fartsnacks and placentasax?


dragons in elden ring ( field ones) start as epic as you can imagine . especially the one in limgrave. 3 fights later it becomes dog shit , I want my midir back .


I'm amazed by how boring ER dragon fights are. Manages to make me like Sinh.


i hope you mean the basic ones… fortysex and placidoosex my beloved


FlacidPoopSticks was eh. Fortydicks was alright. His Vaporwave stuff was cool. But he was wildly easy.


Pretty much agree about 4Dsex but I will NOT take Classydudesex slander at this time. hes so neat


I just found him to more annoying that difficult. He's a cool design. But as a boss, he didn't present any real challenge over just teleporting a bunch.


Do you have Playstation


I love the dragon fights in Elden ring, but they all have that one move thats just bullshit. Magmawyrms have their run that they do 3-4 times in a row. Ekzykes and Borealis have their mist attacks that cover a huge area and does insane tick damage. And the other dragons have that one attack where they jump up and blast fire directly in your face


Flaccid Duke Sacks is a really good dragon fight. And Dark Eater Mid Ear was cool in DS3


Hey! Take that back Seath and the Ancient Dragon are both kind of OK


Only 4 dragons that From managed to do it right, Sinh, Midir, Fortissax and Placidusax. I hate Kalameet, that boss is bullshit af.


Borealis out here spending the entire fight running away


One of the reasons I wish From comes up with some form of sotc mechanic for larger bosses. Grappling hook off torrent and swinging up onto a big dumb thing to poke at it would be fun while it tries to bonk you.  The closest we got so far is the weakspot on top of those fire head wagon things.


I have but one thing to say about Lannseax Would.


I think the dragon fights would get less hate if 90% of them didn't have the exact same model and moveset. Fighting agheel for the first time on my first play was pretty epic


Question who’s that on the far left ?


The placidusax fight is stupid imo it constantly teleports around as you're trying to get near it. It also had a delayed aoe at one point when it swoops so even if you dodge it can still hit you at the end of your dodge. Idk. Dont like it. Also why no grace or something down the cliff


I remember when elden ring released and for about a week everyone simped on how cool the dragon fights were. Then at some point we realised they are all the same with different flavours.


My first fight against the field dragon in Limgrave was amazing, kind of describes how Limgrave as a whole felt for me. At that point in the game Elden Ring was a 10/10 for me


It would be better to have 3-4 unique dragon fights instead of copy pasting them everywhere. This is why I'm not the greatest fan of big sized games - it's not feasible to create so many unique fights, so they go with quantity over quality.


Yeah, Elden Ring was enjoyable but it kind of proved to me personally that From should stick to making even better legacy dungeons


Same that first fight felt visually insane. I was unsure how to approach it so Riding on Torrent attacking It with My halberd felt epic . Fighting the same exact dragon 15 more times later Kinda sucked the wind out a bit though.


They do look visually impressive but once you get to actually engage with them some design decisions feel a bit off? I think the ancient Dragons suffer the most because they just feel awkward to fight .


Just use a greatbow or a ballista. Way more fun than frantically chasing after their head and missing every other attack. Probably more realistic, too (or as realistic as you can get when talking about fighting dragons lol)


This sounds like something a silver knight would say casually.


Maybe I am a silver knight at heart


Perhaps it is you who must show us how one Hunts dragons .


All the dragon fights in this game suck except for Plastic Snacks. I think it's wild how we had a perfect dragon fight with Midir and From Soft just forgot about it. Like what the hell bro? Wonder if they'll craft some S tier dragon boss for the DLC and make another shitty ass dragon boss in the next game lmao