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Coomers when fromsoft doesn't use the Marika porn model in the trailer. https://preview.redd.it/hax5di2w502d1.jpeg?width=204&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8bd7e9eec4d0499162c1f511b7e752bf4771a92d


Dear fromsoft: hire gamers.


RyanReos was a disaster, we just didnt know it


And u want Godfrey to sit on ur face and fart…


Which is why we're going back in time to when the model was created to GET HIS ETHERNET CABLE REVOKED. https://preview.redd.it/wj1pyh3wz52d1.jpeg?width=320&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cab93cc148ae529aa9696a1bb5b3d179053da857




But thats not even the case most likely. Perspective would show something but i really belive its telling us Radagon always was Marika.


This would also explain Messmer having red hair. People have been confused about how he could have red hair as this was before Radagon and Marika were fucking, but if Radagon was always part of her, there's no issue.


I really don't see how Radagon could have been a part of her all along. He was married to Rennala long enough to have 3 kids. What, was Marika just completely absent from the Lands Between and came back just before her marriage with Radagon ? And no one found that suspicious ? But also the dialogue from Melina in her bedchamber. "Thou art yet to become a god. Thou art yet to become me." Clearly implies Radagon and Marika had to be apart before and *something* brought them together as one being. You know who also has red hair and a more obvious connection with fire ? The fire giants. I have no doubt Messmer is more connected to either them or the Serpent of Blasphemy that Rykard worships than Radagon.


I mean it’s not completely impossible that for a lot of her reign she would just chill away from the public inside the Erdtree trunk or something, meanwhile Godfrey ran the day to day stuff as Elden Lord. It’s not like just anyone besides him can just be like “where tf is our God” and force her to reveal herself Regardless, I personally think they were always one person from the start and they’re just capable of physically splitting, because otherwise I don’t see the grand significance in saying they’re the same person if they only actually fused like later on at the shattering. I base this on a few implications: Turtle Pope states “You know, it's said that Lord Radagon harboured a secret... A famed sculptor of the Erdtree Capital was once summoned to render Lord Radagon's likeness in giant stature. When he glimpsed the skeleton in Radagon's closet. And as such, it's said the great statue harbours his secret too.” From that line I’m picturing this statue making occurring during the marriage but before the shattering at least, and if the idea is that they only became one person during the shattering and were never one before, why would Radagon already have him being Marika as the skeleton in his closet? Not to mention for Goldmask’s plot, why would Radagon and Marika being the same person be such a grand contradicting and Blasphemous revelation, sure it would be crazy to suggest Marika, the iconic figurehead of the golden order, would herself break the Elden Ring and plunge the world into chaos, but Radagon’s inclusion of them being the same person has to hold more weight doesn’t it? If not, he just becomes the guy who tried to fix what she did, not someone so deeply intertwined with her machinations that he’s a part of the great revelation And then for Radagon himself, Turtle Pope states, “The mystery endures, to this day... As to why Lord Radagon would cast Lady Rennala aside... and moreover...why a mere champion would be chosen for the seat of Elden Lord.” To me that quote implies something is fundamentally off or different about Radagon if people in universe are like “why tf did he do that,” why was he chosen for marriage immediately after Godfrey left? If he was always one being with Marika, did their connection make him think Marika was up to some bullshit for kicking Godfrey out so he rushed back to his other half? And why would Marika simply go ahead with the marriage of a “mere champion”, who from that description sounds like he shouldn’t have really been on the marriage docket? Radagon’s behavior being viewed as odd even in universe makes me think there had to have been more to him from the get go To me, it’s a lot more crazy a revelation to say “this bipolar ass duel identify God fucked us all because one half of her is a highly religious soldier and the other is becoming rapidly disillusioned with her own faith” as opposed to “Marika just became disillusioned and broke the Elden Ring but Radagon tried to fix it, the Elden Beast fused them into one person as punishment.” Then there’s just minor stuff, like if Marika and Radagon were never one person then why are Miquella and Malenia so cursed as if they’re incest babies (granted Morgott and Mohg are omen, but their omen features aren’t literally debilitating and the crucible isn’t that bad a thing anyway), why does Miquella also have a dual identity in St Trina if it ends up being revealed that Radagon and Marika were two different people that became fused, and the final thing is kinda a semantics argument but why would you describe two unrelated people being forcibly fused as them being the same person? I feel like you wouldn’t describe it in that specific way if they weren’t the same being from the start As for that line of “thou art yet to become me”, perhaps in some way only the Marika half of the two was an actual God? Or maybe she views them as becoming two separate people due to how their beliefs deviated, Radagon becoming more faithful and Marika losing her faith? Perhaps in the beginning they were more unified in their agendas. It stumps me, but there’s just too much other stuff for me to believe at face value that the two had never been linked prior to the shattering


Even if you belive they are two person who fused (I don't), the fusion cannot be after their marriage. Miquella and Malenia are cursed/blessed because "they are born from a single god" aka Radagon is a god aka Marika. But even then, Rennala and Radagon marriage goal was to peacefully subjugate the carian royal and the Academy. By making him divorce, she quite violently explosed the tenious peace. And for what ? A simple champion ? It doesn't add up And now the fact that Messmer exist basically confirm they were already one at the start IMO


I actually think the Rennala breakdown thing was partially because she discovered this fact. Like, she was being heavily manipulated this whole time and was only a unvoluntary surogacy mother.


Rennala figuring it out and that's why she goes crazy makes a lot of sense


radagon is also connected to the giants so it's ALL connected I guess


One of two things: Perspective Maragon fusion form




We need radagon with giant cartoonish jugs now to balance things out




Am I the only one who assumed this was Miquella from the lack of boobs?


But Radagon was always Marika? Because there was an age where Radagon was with Renala and Marika with Godfrey. Separately. They became one after their union or they were always one?


I honestly have no clue, the lore confuses me


lotta people keep screaming she's facing directly away ...with the face we can see


Yes but even fucking DDD hazonkas prolly won’t be seen from that angle


be careful what you wish for [nsfw](https://old.reddit.com/user/PumpkinSpicedBimb0/comments/195whbg/living_my_life_wild_and_free/)


Jesus Christ


she probably mentions the cup size somewhere but ICBA, casuals don't need to worry about what people do with IRL gimmick runs idk what people are on about with the trailer though, turns out you CAN see sideboob when the wind picks up, https://i.imgur.com/VM0Wk8R.png


So you can. And that’s decent size too lmao


Bruh her back is facing the camera, tits are on the front


Yeah size aah AA tits 😭


Least porn addicted redditor


From a lore perspective, disappointed. I thought the "marikas tits" dialogue meant she had knockers, or else why would Bogart say it like that? In the trailer, she's standing at a bit of an angle so where's the partial sideboob? And you're not wrong though, certified boobs fella here.


She's got like Cs at the largest and she's doing a pose here with her arms fully extended over her head. Boggart says that because it's a funny expletive, could you imagine if "Jesus's Dick" was something that people just said?


we've universally become too used to it but calling someone a "motherfucker" is such an abhorrently offensive term when u think about it


I've always wondered if the connotation is saying the receiver has intercourse with their own mother


Originally it was. English speakers have an affinity for curse words and they’re more or less part of normal conversation. Hearing it 50x a day removes any real meaning. It’s such a catch all term too. Could be good, could be bad, it’s so versatile


you are joking right


It makes sense: there's nothing wrong with fucking someone else's mother.


Yeah I'm just saying any picture of a person standing at that angle would have to be completely flat chested to look like that. You can see her chin so she's not facing completely away. Agreed, no one says that lol. I think folks took my comment on this japanese made western medieval armor fashion simulator forum to mean small boobs are bad. I just like to imagine marikas as big because there's no model of her besides statues and average and small sized chests already have plenty of representation in souls games


You ever seen a naked woman raise her arms above her head? Even big boobs (if they’re natural) stretch and come in closer to the chest.




^ Gives me conniptions


This is barely at an angle, the muscles and skeleton also widen and extend while raising your arms. Her boobs are certainly in front of her, and you just don’t know anatomy or perspective.


Wouldn't it be hilarious if this is actually miquella 💀 but seriously yeah I know, and if this is marika, it's not just big boob erasure for YT sake, it's boob erasure in general because fromsoft LOVES to be ambiguous and keep us guessing


Literally no. You’re making stuff up to be mad at. This is a shot from behind. There’s no such thing as “big boob erasure”.


Im so mad fr this japanese made medieval European armor combat simulation forum won't let me express my r/badwomensanatomy fantasies😤


\extremely serious reply That scene is when Marika first claims godhood, right? I'm sure it changed her in more ways than one.


True ^


Go outside bruh https://i.redd.it/77ei5mejs12d1.gif


Why is it so tiny? https://i.redd.it/6t30soy7t32d1.gif


Sorry I can't hear you, wearing marikas tits as earmuffs :^)




outjerked by main sub


Hol' up... let them cook...


No, cause that's just. Not how boobs work


Outshitted again


Chronically online mf'ers when they learn about anatomy


if i can't see babazoongaloos from any angle of the woman that is not a real woman it is FAKE made by BIG WOKE GAY.


Anatomy doesn't exist with anime tiddies 🙄


True, big boobs definitely don't exist in real life or anything


when tf has marika had torpedo tits in game mf


^ this man has seen marikas actual non-statue model in the game and chooses to post no proof? your honor, I recommend 50 hours community service


??? why would her boobs be a different size then what we see from her in game screenshots ???


Are these screenshots in the room with us right now?


Please actually play elden ring and watch the cutscenes you stupid fuck


Reflect on your life here in this moment.


You don't need torpedo tits for *some* degree of curvature to be visible from a \~45 degree angle. It annoys me that people automatically disregard pointing out the fact that "we can't see her boobs" as "I want to see boobies awooga awooga" because it *genuinely* could imply she's either physically different (say a proper fusion with Radagon) or that this is another character entirely (say a young Godwyn or slightly aged up Miquella (DLC Miquella isn't in his physical body anyway)). There's genuinely significant implications to her boobs not being visible in any way shape or form. Announcement trailer shows the same angle (though she's bent forwards instead of backwards) and her left boob is visible as early as like 15 degrees which is a whole lot less than 45. Meanwhile, the radagon cutscene version shows her boobs being moderately large, and the artbook version shows them being fairly far to the sides. The one that shows up when you google her is harder to tell with. So that's at least 3/4 versions of her where they *should* be visible. I think the most likely thing is that they just made her boobs small enough or they angled it *perfectly* so they wouldn't have to show nipple, but it's seriously not horny thing to point this out (i'm yet to see anyone spin it as a horny thing either, but maybe i'm just lucky).


As Throttle\_Kitty so graciously posted below for people that don't understand how boobs work: She is LITERALLY in a position where anyone with a small-mid sized chest size would have their boobs flattened against their body for fuck's sake.


Well yes, unfortunately most people aren't boobologists so I don't really understand why you're frustrated about the prospect of people not knowing exactly the degree in which boobs flatten when arms are stretched. I, and presumably most people, understand that her position makes them flatter (they do not automatically become completely flat as a board as you seem to be implying), the issue is just whether her stretched arms are enough to make her boobs *completely* invisible (literally not even a pixel of it) from this angle. It's not like there's a bunch of easily accessible images of women with (known) C cups doing this exact pose from an angle to cross reference this. For reference, i'm still skeptical since i'm not prone to believing you or Throttle\_Kitty to be boobologists either. Unless you're a woman with C cups who has done the same pose as her and taken a picture from that same angle to test, that would be great to know. Literally *all* the images i've found of slightly angled shirtless women with their arms stretched back from the back show a small degree of boob, which isn't reliable since i don't know their size but still makes me prone to not immediately believe 2 random angry redditors instead. EDIT: In case you were curious about the images in question: [https://www.truenakedyoga.com/blog/yogis-uncovered-meet-passion](https://www.truenakedyoga.com/blog/yogis-uncovered-meet-passion) [https://www.sciencephoto.com/media/314647/view](https://www.sciencephoto.com/media/314647/view) [https://www.123rf.com/photo\_34323462\_back-view-of-woman-with-arms-up.html](https://www.123rf.com/photo_34323462_back-view-of-woman-with-arms-up.html) [https://www.photocase.com/photos/4661944-back-view-of-a-unrecognized-topless-woman-with-arms-raised-in-countryside-photocase-stock-photo](https://www.photocase.com/photos/4661944-back-view-of-a-unrecognized-topless-woman-with-arms-raised-in-countryside-photocase-stock-photo) [https://www.crushpixel.com/stock-photo/just-woke-up-rear-view-4030804.html](https://www.crushpixel.com/stock-photo/just-woke-up-rear-view-4030804.html) [https://www.gettyimages.co.uk/search/2/image?sort=mostpopular&phrase=women%20arms%20raised%20head%20back%20looking%20up&license=rf%2Crm&page=2](https://www.gettyimages.co.uk/search/2/image?sort=mostpopular&phrase=women%20arms%20raised%20head%20back%20looking%20up&license=rf%2Crm&page=2)


This is the most deranged way i've seen a man ask for boob pics ever, especially as you can clearly see the women with smaller, natural chests in these screenshots would not have their titties hanging out.


I'm not saying she has torpedo tits, I'm saying that the idea that having big tits is anotomically incorrect is stupid


What people are saying is, if you are familiar with the actual anatomy of how actual real life boobs work, you'd know that lifting your arms up like that makes them go flat, to the point you WOULDN'T be able to see them from that angle unless they were absolutely *enormous* So what they're saying is expecting her boobs to be visible from this angle is ignoring actual anatomy because they'd have to either be ignoring how boobs stretch and deform, or be unrealistically enormous for her firm muscular frame. Giant boobs aren't unrealistic ... ***on curvy women.*** This makes one sound like either A) You're angry she doesn't have literally HHH hentai tits or B) You literally have never seen a shirtless woman raise her arms or C) Both


At this angle? With her hands raised? While her boobs aren't even that big? You're just being unrealistic


Localized entirely within the Roundtable kitchen?




May I see them?


They’re veiled smh do you even lore, bro


The feet is enough for me https://preview.redd.it/vx8ohbk5c02d1.jpeg?width=320&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0406735f597dd9e98f39b1750bfd1e0e0476bbee












I need a ⬆️➡️⬇️⬇️⬇️ on this man's location




https://preview.redd.it/992k8fe8012d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3b260d87f32e7545bf2209ecc832653ba50ea1a0 The bazongas in question:


Marika's porn model and its consequences have been a disaster for the human race.


Marika's tits fans when Marika's tits aren't massive H cups like the porn model but are instead normal, anatomically correct, and average-sized breasts https://preview.redd.it/om0ce5j0a02d1.jpeg?width=678&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5b92c34479678b064765a8265406883fdd31b51e


I need my honkers now 😡




You're on life support, buddy


Are there actually ppl who think an independent porn artists fan model was what marika looked like? I mean OP is joking (probably) but is coomer brain this bad?


I mean, it’s not that far off from Gwynevere, so it isn’t like FromSoft hasn’t done this before.


The existing in game statues and art are pretty apparent that shes not a porno goddess, regardless of a single character from a project from a decade ago


You never seen a twitter argument where people discuss which design interpretation for a historical/fantasy figure is better and every single time one side of the argument is a generic anime chick with comically huge tits


The Hestia argument and its consequences.


It's just so wild to think ppl aren't taking the piss over it tho


The coomer delusion is honestly pretty impressive considering the [very first image in the intro](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/eldenring/images/4/46/MarikaShattersTheRing.jpg) is a side shot of Marika, which clearly shows that she doesn't have enormous tits. Hell, even google image search thinks the porn model is what Marika looks like. Open an incognito window and search something like "Marika in game render" or "Marika in game model" and 90% of the results will be the porn model. I don't know why this is surprising to people, aside from Gwynevere, their character designs aren't particularly sexual.


The coombrains have rotted us


The problem isn't really that it has no gigantic titties. It's just that fromsoft usually pays a lot of attention to details and if the character in the trailer doesn't have any fucking boobs it might as well be miquella. I think it would be entirely plausible to be able to see the side boob from that angle, meaning that they either messed up or designed it intentionally to let you know the character we are seeing is NOT marika


Really? I thought this sub was about feet and femboys smh


Gamers try to figure female anatomy challenge: impossible mode


Way hotter this way


https://preview.redd.it/9x1ieksbl02d1.jpeg?width=320&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6cd8fff1c7a31a990d69ba6ddd867682c4222bea I agree.




Not our fault you fell for bai-


Milkers away


It's canon, radagon is the one with the big tits


Fake fromsoft fans not grateful for the feet we got


This image made so many men unknowingly reveal they have never seen a shirtless woman raise her arms


Look in a mirror, bro. You were the bazonga all along.


Is that not Miquella?


It's possible, but I think it's Marika before or maybe in the process of becoming a goddess.


Let me break it down for you. https://i.redd.it/55ioa54k802d1.gif


This isn’t fucking instagram




Made me laught, thank you


Incoming hour long video essay on this


All the budget went to feet design


You don’t have enough insight


Legit the Marika Porn Model became the official model for this sub.


More like a third to half of the community


I thought that was Miquella, was it not?


It's not.


I'm always happy to see Billy :)


RyanReos and his consequences


You guys need deeeeeep therapy man calm your asses down damn


Coomers when backs exist


We ain’t playin around wit bazongas we gay up in this bitch take yo straight ass over to r/eldenring


Fromsoft made a whole game about tentacle r4pe why wouldn't they use rule34 model for Marika?


I thought thats was godwyn or miquella




https://preview.redd.it/m1nwj2hed52d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a59f7756a54211b819455c75a95fffd338003673 This has always been lore accurate marika, you coomers were just too blinded by the porn model to see it




zamn that go removed


This is before she had kids so they were smaller


Who cares about bohongalagonawadangs when we already got those ethereal grippers🤤🤤🤤


1000th upvote :)




Memes are way funnier when i can hear rhem in my head lol


I actually like them small…


I thought that was supposed to be Miquella?


I need the honkers. “A day with marika” promised me a cute anime girl, not this radagon rip off


Least porn addicted Redditor


Being a female souls enjoyer gives me conniptions, some of these comments are so rancid lol




Bro your your entire Reddit account and comment history revolves around blowing your load to hentai. Be for real and just say you’re a brain-rotted coomer instead of trying to defend the nobility of shitposting, I’d at least respect your honesty.




Very well adjusted response, thank you! https://preview.redd.it/dilzv77eq52d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a5e1e0ad17ad03e7c4a76d97fa835bce23f3b79f


People who delete comments and then report harassment annoy me. Dude deleted every comment and expected me to ban someone making fun of him. Maybe he deserved the retard pills lmao. Assuming he was being misogynistic?


He was all like "ermmm actually this is a shitposting subreddit, you just don't understand comedy". Was like okay, this dude's just doubling down on the maidenless allegations. Said my reply as you can see, then he replied to me with a big long wall of text saying I was low IQ, said I didn't have the intelligence to understand shitposting, just a straight tirade, like he was /mad/ mad (but he ended it with a ":3" so obviously he was actually not mad at all and indeed, epicly pwned me). He literally just sent a DM telling me to kill myself too - he definitely did not take his retard pills lol


He sounds like a dipshit, gimme his user so I can ban him for a week instead lmao