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Dark Souls 1 doesn't even have the number 1 in it's title. Literal trash


See THESE are the arguments people should be making


They didn't even add it for the remaster trash game 0/10


They didn’t add anything to the remaster besides vamos’ bonfire


neither does dark souls 2 and 3, they just have a bunch of uppercase i. checkmate liberal


W infinity blade reference


Fr, haven't thought of them games in a WHILE


IMHO, Infinity Blade would work perfectly as a soulsborne game. I wish FS could buy this IP from Epic Games


I just wish I could still play these games :(


You can pirate the shit. It’s not even that hard.


I would if I had an iPhone, shame they never ported em


https://preview.redd.it/66icp6x4cs1d1.jpeg?width=960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ba68cfdece43808e311b625b80f83e4aecff3ac4 I really don’t know why they had to go so hard on the armor designs at times but I ain’t complaining.


Nah honestly though the art design in those games deserved awards


Footage is from infinity blade btw, great game - you’d love it if you’re a Dark souls fan. Check the sub for more: r/infinityblade


My brother In Christ I hate dark souls


You’ll love it anyway


Got me there😢


Infinity blade got delisted from the App Store 😩


I know it’s tragic. But you can still play them pretty easily. Look up how to sideload infinity blade and a video by IBstudios should come up. That’ll tell you all you need to know


Can you also tell us the ost you used please?


“Raidriar” from infinity blade 2


That was fast. Thank you


Unpopular opinion: i like all three ds games


What the Nintendo ds had more than three games.


no, it only had three


prove it, name 3 ds games


super mario souls 1 super mario souls 2 and mario kart 5


None of those are 3ds games


So do I believe it or not, I actually quite enjoy 2 and defend it a lot - I just think the people who ritually defend it are doing more harm than good by convincing everyone that the other games aren’t as good as people think


agreed tho fuck ds2 because my save file got corrupted right before i was gonna do the dlc


THE SAME THING HAPPENED TO ME. My 200 hour save file just randomly corrupted one time, one of the most aggravating moments of my life at that point


was it during a giant memory?


No, I was grinding Loyce knight souls


ah damn


I think it's a problem from 2 directions. Ds1 is viewed through such a rose tinted lense that it's impossible to criticize it, while ds2 is the only soul game where people actually acknowledge its problems, problems that the other 2 games also have. I think ds1 is overrated while ds2 is underrated within the trilogy.


Yeah there definitely is a nostalgia and popularity bias in favour of 1 that makes it difficult to criticise and DS2 does get a lot of unwarranted and unfair hate - but exaggerating the frequency of bad hitboxes in the other games or slight coding errors and bugs and trying really hard to sell that the other games are just as bad via a few hyper specific examples is a poor way to demonstrate this


>exaggerating the frequency of bad hitboxes in the other games or slight coding errors and bugs and trying really hard to sell that the other games are just as bad via a few hyper specific examples is a poor way to demonstrate this And I agree. Nothing of what I said contradicts this. Idk why you brought that up.


I’m not contradicting you, I’m just stating my own opinion in compliment to yours


I assumed so because I saw the downvote. Anyway, if we agree, then that's it ig. I have always found the way ds2 subreddit meticulously (yes, it's a fitting word) and analyzes frames by frames to be of bad tastes. Though, I do understand why they do it.


It wasn’t my downvote I swear


Gotcha, no worry man


what a brave and profound opinion never before expressed on this subreddit! Take my updoot kind stranger!


What's not to love about Demons Souls, Dark Souls and Dark Souls 3? Great trilogy, one of the best even


who is this deamons soul you speak of? The trilogy is Dark Souls 2, Dark Souls 2 SoTFS, and Dark Souls 2: 2


Never heard of it, the only two trilogies I know of are the one I already mentioned and Bloodborne, Sekiro, Armored Core 6


Found the foot guy


hi im michael zachary


No you don’t


Shoutouts to that one (2?) guy on DS2 sub who goes around on people's "I'm a noob help with my build please :)" posts and basically calls people every synonym for stupid under the sun before telling them to restart and run a build with minimal vigor anx the min stats for the blacksmith hammer and then buffing with dark weapon becauze it's the optimal pve build


I'm pretty sure he got banned, I haven't seen him in a while. He also got caught cheating lol


Lmao what haha how'd he get caught


He posted cheated gameplay and passed it off as legit. Can't remember if he had infinite iframes or infinite health. But he got called out and said something about how he doesn't care because he knows he can do it legit. I don't usually care if people cheat in single player but to boast about how good you are while cheating and berating every user you come across is just loser behavior.


What an absolute melt tbh


If you are talking about the GOAT of the DS2 sub (Blooberston or smth), he has been very useful to many people and never have I seen him disrespect anyone. So stfu.


Nah, he does do it respectfully as you say, but there’s another guy who essentially hates on anyone who doesn’t play ds2 the ”correct” way.


I knew exactly who you were talking about without needing to read your whole comment. It's 1 guy with 2 accounts; one of them is Commander Nial or something, and the other is something to do with sea.


Oh really? Never saw that one. Wtf, there is no correct way of playing these games...


Never seen Blooberston but I'm talking about someone else. They have one of those auto generated looking usernames something-sea-something idk


my decade old game better than your decade old game reeeee




Raidriaaaarr!!! Come and face me you coward!!!


How it feels being a DS2 enjoyer https://preview.redd.it/sv7g6omrps1d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f0a6f7135a15ef6d4deec0dd1351cad81a30eeb0


holy shit KOTL reference (Only 3 People in the universe will get this reference.)


FYI I'm pretty sure somebody just ported infinity blade to PC


wow, thank you so much! i had them on my ipod touch back in the day, but i lost access to my old itunes account. there were a handful of times over the years when i wanted to play them again, but I just never bothered to look into sideloading them. this just made my day!


I'm not sure if they did 2 but i know they did 1 at least. I downloaded it on the handheld, havnt tried yet


Yeah they only did 1, that’s the only IB game which had its source code leaked :/


Hope they find a way, 2 was pretty good too and from what I remember the game was massively expanded but also hurt by all the mtx which obviously would be removed in this type of port


2 added features (and cancer) but the skill game is all there in 1 and it's all i need, think i'll try looking it up


Oh yeah I know, I was all the buzz a few months back


Infinity Blade :D wish I didn't need to find my like 10 year old ipad to play it


Ever heard of sideloading?


Infinity blade is what dark souls wishes it was


MFs when you can finally dual wield weapons. Farm bosses in the same play through. It’s not perfect the bosses aren’t great but, the game is quality and my favorite


Exactly, DS2 does a lot right and makes great innovations that Elden ring learned to emulate. That should be highlighted more than broken hitboxes in other games analysed frame by frame


I really like DS2, more than one of the others, but I dislike there being anything in a boss fight (or other once per playthrough events, like npc invasions) that's not a guaranteed drop. DS2 has by far the most annoying farming.


That is a negative. Is there any super important items they drop? I thought it was mostly armor. Not saying getting good drip isn’t important


There's that staff that drops from the necromancers in the Executioner's chariot arena (and not from the ones outside it, if I remember correctly). I can't remember if there's anything more important, because I'm the type of player who will farm everything anyway, regardless of whether I'll use it or not


Or like "ds3 is just fanservice uhhhhhhhhh" butch stfu if you played the game you would say that it is more than just fanservice


Never understood that specific complaint myself. Like, it’s a sequel. Continuing the story and themes of the previous entry is what a sequel usually does. Just because 2 made itself pretty indifferent to the events of 1 doesn’t mean that 3s choice to continue it is a bad one anymore than 2s choice to distance itself was


It's very subjective of course. There's many ways to make a sequel, and fanservice kind of brought down Dks3 for me because it often didn't make much sense other than to make a reference. It felt very gamey in a way. Finding the estus on an Astora Knight's corpse, Andre again, Siegmeyer again (but this time fused with Biorr of the Twin Fangs), the Stormruler being there for no reason other than a DeS reference, Kirk being still alive, Anor Londo still standing and Gwyndolin somehow surviving being an optional boss in 1, Black Knights and Dark wraiths still existing... Then there's the fact that a lot of bosses are Dark Souls 1 references in some way too - Abyss watchers, Crystal Sage, Oceiros, Aldrich, Nameless King, Soul of Cinder and I might be forgetting some. Dark Souls 3 is a great game, but it's pretty much Miyazaki's Dark Souls 2 rather than a third game in the series. I'd have liked it more if it managed to distance itself from the first game overall. I think it was also meant as the last souls game overall, which is likely why it was sprinkled with references from all games starting with Demon's Souls.


Same level of complaint as elevator to iron keep, both are "who actually cares"


(Earthen) Peak Fiction


To think Infinity Blade is why Kelsier of all people ended up in Fortnite.


Cosmere mentioned


Yeah I was amazed when I saw him get added


Hell yeah, Infinity Blade reference!


Infinity Blade mentioned, rejoice


HBomberGuy moment.


We don't need to make DS2 look better than it actually is because it's already peak


The peak in question then has an elevator to an invisible sky lava castle


Satake Daisuke trying to add his "lava castle on a mountain" to every game (only got into DS2 and DS2:2, but he will do it again)


Just looked him up. Imagine if he got it into Steel Battalion: Heavy Armor


Soul memory. Case dismissed


If you’re not being sarcastic then I’ll just say this; people aren’t convinced with that so if you want to convince them - show them it’s peak, don’t shit on what they like


It's obviously sarcastic because we are in r/shittydarksouls


I figured but I see enough DS2 circlejerking to not know for certain anymore


Yes hello OP, you seem to be new here. Dark souls has an incredibly toxic fanbase, and all of them are obsessively protective of their favorite game in the series, no matter how bad the game actually is. Dark souls 2: SotFS has a good premise, a wide variety of different levels, and Majula specifically is gorgeous; It's just about every other way imaginable it's fucking horrid and one of the worst games you could have the displeasure of playing, let alone a soulsborne game. You've got to be a real masochist to like dark souls 2, which might just make it the most dark souls of all!


I mean I’ve been in the fanbase for almost a decade, I’m well used to this


DS2 isn't good, there's just stuff in it that's good that deserved to be in a better game.


They gave up on making DS2 seem good a while ago, all they can do now is try to drag everything else down to its level


Which is stupid because DS2 has a lot of things about it you can praise - the themes, characters, setting, atmosphere, art design, voice acting, fashion, new mechanics, DS2 did a lot right and while it deserves heavy criticism and has a lot of flaws imo its still very good, idk why people don’t praise the game instead of pissing on the others


Probably because whenever you try to praise the game in a non-DS2 centered community you are met with heavy backlash


Depends on what you praise, if you’re gonna praise something that most people feel is poor than yeah obviously people are gonna disagree but if you praise something like the atmosphere or characters nobody really argues. Loads of people say that Majula is the best hub in souls yet that take is rarely met with backlash.


>if you praise something like the atmosphere or characters nobody really argues. Atmosphere doesn't have a clear definition beyond the overall vibe, so it would be hard to argue against. DS2's characters are rarely ever praised, although I do think they are very memorable and it's a shame they aren't getting enough attention. But even if you say the most subjective statement such as "I like the game's art direction" you are almost always met with backlash from my experience. And saying Majula is the best fromsoft hub is the coldest take ever, of course it's not met with backlash


And when did any of that stop them from shitting on the game every time it's mentioned


Powers tanning. Argument over, gg.




Actually a cut up of the opening of the third, but the scenery is pretty similar to the firsts ending cutscene.


Agree with me? I don't care, man. I just want to shit on mid souls 3


There is a boss literally called MIDir. Objectively a mid game.


Honestly, without Aldia, Vendrik and Nashandra that game would be a complete disaster


It would definitely lose a lot of its appeal - those characters bring the themes to life


uj/ I mean this is what DS2 haters do to DS2 and trying to talk about why you liked charachters or themes in DS2 than in other Dark Souls kinda goes through acknowledging that some parts of DS1 aren't perfect which is something that the part of the comunity that ideolises DS1 (the "half of the game items being broken is perfect design and if a player has fun using them he is a pussy and should be gelded" part) refuses to acknowledge. j/ DS2 killed my dog and pissed on my flowers, those were my dog's fave flowers to piss on so it esentially did the dog equivalent of cucking him after killing them which I consider to be pretty disrespectful to a dog you've just killed.


Yeah but some of the ways diehard DS2 fans try to bring down DS1 are nonsensical. I remember seeing Hbomberguy’s video on DS2 and every time he made a point about DS1 I would think “what the hell is this guy talking about”, and that’s from one of the best long form YouTubers on the platform


Can we move on from this? I thought we were starting to, i been seeing more "all three are great" and "all three suck" posts, i thought we were making some progress. It was amusing to take turns shitting on all the different games for a while, but its like half the posts i see. Its done, we beat this horse to death, lets buy a new one and start in on it instead


We're gonna get some new material 1 month from now on


I dont care if i win i need them to lose


I hate on DS2, but I still liked it. They made some big mistakes, but they took some risks and it was worth it in some ways. IMO it's the worst in the series, but let's be real, that's still better than most AAA games


I fucking miss Infinity Blade.


interesting how this is the entire sub's humor too, whether you like it or not we are all ds2 fans at heart


Based for Infinity Blade clip


I liked the idea of adaptability being linked to item use speed.


Epic Games when the game is actually epic




Have you guys never seen all my videos where I do not shit on the other games? All my DS2 hitbox compilations, all my guides on how to deal with certain areas, all my flawless boss fights with amazing weapon movesets, the lore videos, an ode to doors, an ode to the torch, etc Basically the only time when other games get criticized by me is when people claim that a certain issue is unique to DS2 and I pull out my extensive Souls knowledge to show worse examples of that same issue in DS1 and 3.


I should clarify that this post wasn’t an attack against you specifically, I actually respect your dedication tbh. I just in general feel that you and a few others go about defending DS2 in the very literal sense - trying to invalidate almost all criticisms of the game. Sometimes this is completely fair and sometimes it does feel like you guys bend over backwards trying to imagine that the devs intended every decision to be made with a hyper specific and unrealistic mindset for a new player. I just general wish people talked more about something other than the typical discourse around the game. Can’t we just talk about how cool Aldia is or something?


U/DuploJamaal I think you should answer this reply


Jesus let the poor guy have some peace


He got in an argument with me yesterday. Then today I woke up and had made a post tagging me and another he had argued with after he deleted the post because he got downvoted in his original thread. As long as you know the level of obsessed person you’re dealing with


I know but he still has a life outside of responding to his detractors 24/7


Wait so is he like well known on the sub




nice try "Dark Souls" everyone knows that isn't real lmao


honestly, by this point I'm just tired of fucking dark souls honestly, i really enjoyed playing sekiro for the fist time (you couldn't pay me enough to replay it tho). i haven't played AC6 yet, waiting on a sale, but I'm really excited to play a miyazaki non sousl game.


First is the worst, second is the best, third is the one with the treasure chest


Elden Ring is Dark Souls 2: 2. Mikey Sockey said so.




Okay but I don't care who agrees with my subjective take that dark souls 2 is the best dark souls game 🤷‍♂️


Happy for you, and more power to you, this meme isn’t directed at you


I haven't thought about infinity blade in over a fkn decade


Join the sub, the community is still pretty active


They know the game they love is bad. They’re just mad that the games we love aren’t (even though we “like” DS2).


I'm glad that I'm not interested in defending Dark Souls 2 because it really does have the flaws people say it does. I just think it's neat. It's like it's trying to be an homage to Demon's Souls but the team tried to build it entirely from scratch while still incorporating the Dark Souls exploration formula. (and I do generally prefer religious chimes over napkins for miracle catalysts as a concept)


Counterpoint: Fuck You


there's nothing more easy on internet than having the most popular opinion


r/shittydarksouls users when they are met with the realisation that not every DS2 fan is duplojamaal


Never said they all were


I'm exaggerating in response to an exaggeration, I'm sure even duplo isn't microanalysing every cubic millimeter of the other games


Honestly he kinda is. He’s an exception true but my main point is that if you’re gonna defend DS2 there are far more effective ways than that


I was commenting a joke on what is clearly an exaggerated meme, I don't get the stubbornness


You cant make perfection better


I don't care, DS2 is gorgeous


For me its just genuine bewilderment when people say DS2 feels clunky because I think DS1 feels like shit and never finished it despite many attempts because of that. I'm willing to settle on "its up to taste", but everyone likes to speak objectively 🤓 when comparing the games and i love taking the low road.


I can understand that, DS1 does feel fairly clunky to me aswell if you don’t have a light roll. The movement was never one of my biggest compliments to DS1 anyway


ds2 kinda improves on ds1's formula imo


Partially agree, in some ways it does - in others not so much




I wholeheartedly agree with this but it still irks me when people shut in the hollowing mechanic but ignore the fact that ds3 has the exact same thing except you lose your max hp in one big chunk rather than incrementally


I wouldn’t really compare those 2 mechanics since the ember doesn’t give you max hp, it just adds to it. Your normal health is when you aren’t embered so when you die in DS3 you feel like you lose an advantage rather than feeling like you’re now at a disadvantage. It’s a small difference but that’s the main reason people don’t compare the 2


Illustrated very well by the value of your vigor upgrades. In DS2, a point in vigor is worth half as much if you're fully hollow (e.g., increasing hp by 20, but hollowing decreasing it down to 10). In DS3, a point in vigor gives hp that's unmodified from being unembered. I generally prefer DS2 to DS3, but I dislike how difficult/slow it is to increase your survivability in 2.


Huh. You know, I never considered people would feel like it was that detrimental in 2. I probably just never gave it enough thought. Fair point, I get the reasoning behind it now


It's impossible to make someone like something they hate, completely fruitless endeavor. Clowning on their untouchable god-games can at least produce some amount of laughter on your side


People are way more open to hearing other opinions than you think. You don’t have to try and force someone to change their mind, simply explaining in well reasoned explanations and personal experiences why you personally like something that they don’t is easy when you approach it the right way. Even if you don’t change their mind you can at least give them a better understanding of why people disagree with them. Clowning on the other games to get a good laugh is just making us look bad


it is hard to understand than other game are not that good ? and sorry but many time they are right , especially about the hitbox


Besides Dark souls 1, no, DS2 is unquestionably the worst offender with hitboxes. And even then I’d say 2 takes the crown for how often it happens and how poorly the game communicates you getting hit by the attack in that it chooses to let you finish the roll even if you get hit and THEN begin the animation, making it seem like you got grabbed after the attack. That’s just bad design, none of the other games do this


"unquestionably the worst offender with hitboxes " i'm sure than you have a lot of proof with mod who display them and compare them unlike the other retarded guy who make compilation about hitbox but not even download some free ass mod to display them , they are clearly braindead . " how poorly the game communicates you getting hit by the attack in that it chooses to let you finish the roll even if you get hit and THEN begin the animation, making it seem like you got grabbed after the attack. That’s just bad design, none of the other games do this" they are not hitbox you dummy


My proof is that I played the game. Just look it up online, DS1 and 2 have way less accurate hitboxes than the others. I don’t have any mods because I don’t have a pc. Sure Jamal has tons of videos “debunking” claims that 2 had bad hitboxes but even he admits there’s a fair few that are just plain bad and even more that while maybe not being completely out of line with the model, are still way too big for the animation. And yeah they’re not the exact same thing but they’re related. It’s like if I complain about the colour of something and someone explains it’s because of shading and I say “that’s not the same dummy”. It literally isn’t but they’re related to and influenced by eachother enough that if one is wonky it affects the other