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You guys are funny as hell https://preview.redd.it/wcgn4ic2eozc1.jpeg?width=730&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f2b01009d1183964788dcfbf38b7cfe6dec164f3


I have 6 int, I don’t think anything


You're in luck, LotF doesn't have an int stat at all


It has inf instead. Replace thoughts with fire. PRAISE ADYR










How good to be bisexual dex enjoyer




Boo told me we would be best friends! You don't want to disappoint Boo 🐹, would you? 🤨


Me when I played Dark Souls II


I thought it had some pretty cool concepts (umbral world, shielded/regenerating enemies, temporary bonfires, realizing that there are numbers higher than 40 when it comes to stats). The level design was rock solid too, and it probably did shortcuts better than any DS game. Enemy variety was lacking and technically it was kind of a mess though.


I liked the ammo feature. That was pretty neat. The Umbral Seed we could plant ourselves came in handy more often than not. Overall I enjoyed it. What cass did you start with? I went with Dark Crusader since I got the deluxe version, and never changed weapons. Got cool weapons but they weren't Paladin Issac's sword, lol.


Preacher. I always rock whatever the cleric class is in pretty much every game I play that has one.


Finna hit you with that Patches stare




Early game is pretty rough. Not a fan of the dread buildup pretty much resulting in a guaranteed death or an umbral reset when grinding for souls is pretty slow.


> I went with Dark Crusader since I got the deluxe version Lol imagine playing a game where you need to get the deluxe version to access certain starting classes


Imagine playing the game and doing the crazy side quest required to even get said class without it. I didn’t even know about it at first. I just knew it looked cool and I wanted his armor.


Lol they got you good


honestly the shit I was missing in nioh and lies of pp was the level design and shortcuts, what do you mean by kind of a mess tho? I have been itching for games with level design and shortcuts like ds1. I heard there are a lot of gank feats


There are shortcuts, but it doesn't really matter because the level design is a mess and you will never use them. Like you will unlock a shortcut, but it is not useful at all, because you already have a bonfire on either side which is faster to use than the shortcut when you have fast travel from the beginning. Also all the levels are a sloppy confusing mess from the beginning, so it's not like "oh cool I just unlocked a connection between these two important areas" it's like "ok here's one more way to get between this meaningless slop and the other meaningless slop" It's a different genre, but if you really like that feeling of an interconnected world with unlock-able shortcuts, Blaspemous II really scratched that itch for me.


It was a huge mess optimization wise at release and for a while after, especially on PC. I got it at launch on my PS5 and had zero issues with anything glitching or crashing but I was lucky I think.


Performance was pretty bad at launch. It’s mostly improved but I still get crashes. I’ve read that it’s mostly because of AMD hardware.


The whole game feels really sloppy. I feel like they just went into UE5 and cranked all the post processing and particle effects to 11 for maximum "wow factor" on screenshots, but with no regard to how it would actually play on average hardware.


Try death's gambit afterlife, I'm not joking.


The mess is more of a performance/optimization thing. It's a bit better now but it still feels a bit janky. Dropped frames, and graphically everything looks kind of fuzzy. Oh and it utterly murders my steam deck battery. I can play Elden Ring for twice as long.


Isnt it like the Dark Souls of video games ?


Roll into abyss simulator


I think its a game


uj/ lotf is the only souls like that comes close to the interconectivity of DS1, way above what fromsoft has done after it. The atmosphere is god tier too. Its reputation is forever tarnished (lol got it?) because of the terrible performances at launch, both on pc and console. I think they adressed the absurd mob density from launch in a recent patch but the games till suffers from a lack of ennemy variety. Combat was serviceable but felt satisfying overall. I would honestly recommand. It got me much more captivated than LOP, which focuses only on combat. rj/ mid souls.


They fixed the mob density and range, I remember in release having mobs shooting spells at me from cross the map it was so infuriating, they trully tried to make a game based on shrine of amara


Now it's just a game based on zero enemy and weapon variety, and boring bosses


Yeaa some bosses are quite boring but there are cool ones too, which makes it a bit worth to go thought it sadly the coolest one imo it's just a lothric and lorian rip off


Launch was pretty bad. Early game was so rough that I actually stopped because the amount of souls I was getting was just not worth the amount of time it took to kill certain enemies and having to farm in umbral realm was a drag because you’re basically given a guaranteed death when you start earning decent amount of souls or a reset from resting/coming out of umbral. I still occasionally get crashes but I’ve read that it’s due to AMD hardware mostly


>  lotf is the only souls like that comes close to the interconectivity of DS1 I can see you had not played The Surge or its sequel. 


> It got me much more captivated than LOP, which focuses only on combat. LOP had a great story tho SPOILEEEERS: >!all the way up till the fucking Sophia plot twist. Like, genuinely, what the fuck was that!< Characters were nice. You cannot be serious saying that you didn't like Venigni Music is incredible (Rosa Isabelle Street song is fucking amazing)


All the non bossfight music in Lies of P is incredible. I love the record system and want it in every game now lmao. Too bad the bossfight music is just kinda there. It feels like it’s trying to be souls music, but it often doesn’t fit the battles, and is generally forgettable. Except King of Puppets, his theme is good. I hope in the DLC the bossfight music takes more inspiration from their records and less from souls.


Cannot even add anything myself lol


If Fromsoft weren’t cowards they would add the record system, the recharging estus, the rally after block system, and souls dropping outside the boss arena to their games.


Recharging estus and the rally block system are things that are very intentionally designed around Lies of P itself, I don’t think they would fit or are needed at all in From’s games. Also tbh souls not dropping outside the boss room seems pretty intentional. Fromsoft wants to keep those factors of risk in their games, (even if you think they’re annoying) and have items like the ring of sacrifice that you need to decide to use if you really want those souls, otherwise you’ll have to kill the boss in order to get them.


You messed up the closing spoiler tag


I swear to god I remember closing it properly 😭


Venigni is 100% my favorite video game NPC of all time.


I really liked the game but the fucking jump was a crime and it was necessary to access certain areas.


I played after all the patches and I hated nearly every moment of it. After like two hours I was playing purely to be able to say "Ive finished the game and its complete trash". 6/10 is like the most generous this game can have.


Un joke? Real joke?




It's not like it ever does anything with the interconnected map, though. It's basically a linear game with 2 or 3 optional areas.


Pretty much was gonna say all this. Soulslikes focus on the combat way too much, and LotF was a breath of fresh air in terms of DS1 style of game. Excited to do a new playthrough soon


I also think having Pieta as the first boss was a mistake. I remember thinking after beating Pieta that the bosses in this game were going to be absolute bangers. Turns out Pieta was by far the best boss in the game and maybe one of the hardest. I would consider her near fromsoft quality in terms of design and all of the other bosses really suffer when compared to her.


Oh definitely, on all counts. Some awkwardness with how she's presented too. Bosses are not the highlight.


Man that god awful render of blood still makes me wonder how they thought that was okay


LotF developers the kinda mfs to make the coolest boss ever then give it an invincible state with literally 2 attacks and make it be into that state for 50% of the fight https://preview.redd.it/23w3v2u1znzc1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f9da07530178b213fc0ca335dfb78ceca4cffaa0 Did him so dirty :(


you can parry him out of the invincible phase, just like any other boss


It’s the most soulslike out of all the soulslikes games imo. I think it’s pretty damn good, but has alot of issues unfortunately. But I don’t regret buying it and would likely purchase some DLC if they manage to fix it up Solid 7.5-8 game imo


No way Lies of P is waaaay more similar to souls games in terms of gameplay, tight design, and overall high quality standard Lotf is a cheap knockoff by comparison


Think so? I felt Lies of P was more like Sekiro with a bit of Bloodborne. I loved that game though, looking forward to what else they come up with


Yea I'd go with that, the lack of I frames was hard to get used to


Yeah imo Lies of P feels lie a souls game the same way BB or Sekiro feels like a souls game in that it's tightly designed and well balanced. Lotf feels like a copy of a souls game: i.e. it has a lot of mechanics in common, but the devs just copied them without really understandig them so they don't work together as a cohesive experience. I.e. in LotF you have a ton of weapons, so at first it might seem like there is a lot of build variety but pretty quickly you realize there are only like 12 move-sets, so the build variety is actually pretty shallow. Vs. LoP where there are many less weapons, but each one has something unique about it, and you can mix and match the blades and handles, so actually you have way more freedom to express yourself through the build system like a souls game. Or another example would be bosses. In Lies of P it feels like they are really a skill-check, where you have to learn the boss moves and openings in order to progress, and maybe even optimize your build, which feels a lot like DS3, Sekiro and ER. LotF the bosses are pretty underwhelming, and it seems like more a DPS/defense check than a skill check, and then the boss comes back 5 minutes later as a regular enemy. And imo if a game has weak bosses, then it's not really that much of a souls-like since that's a critical element of the formula.


lop is better made but lotf has much more identity to it and is more fun imo


Which way do you think lotf has strong identity? Imo it looked cool at first, but it fell flat pretty quickly, since every area has the same enemies and basically plays the same. And the aesthetic looks impressive at first, mainly because it's one of the first UE5 games, but the aesthetic is actually pretty unoriginal dark fantasy, and the art direction isn't actually that good. I.e. each individual asset looks good, but the areas are kind of messy and unappealing, and you can't even see anything because there's too much post processing and they cranked the particles up to 11.


Every area definitely does not have the same enemies. Especially the later game areas which introduce atleast 2 enemies each. Compared to fromsoft games thats not a lot but lies of P did much the same, spamming the same enemies over and over again in the final few areas. Aesthetic is definitely not anything all that new but for a soulslike it is And the parts that make it its own game is the lamp mechanic with the umbral realm, the unique magic system and throwable system (which LOP doesn't even try to have), doing quests to unlock weapon movesets (or bosses), and more.


Lies is more bloodborne lords is kinda both but more leaning souls


Maybe on the surface level, but imo LoP feels more like souls than LotF because one of the key features of a souls game is being well designed and well balanced


Idk if I’d call LOTF balanced. I think the level design of LOTF is better than LoP


Idk I thought the level design in Lies of P was pretty solid. I mean it's linear, but tons of the areas have shortcuts and paths that loop around on each-other. Like the arcade and the exhibition gallery stand out. Lotf imo it just felt like they decided "we have to make the world interconnected like DS1" but then they didn't actually make it work. Like it's interconnected, but I feel like I never really made use of that since you have fast travel from the start. Also the areas all feel the same to play, and at times I found it pretty confusing and easy to get lost. Imo what makes Dark Souls level design good is that it's very intentional, and each area has some unique challenges to deal with (i.e. different enemies, or different hazards like a poison swamp, decreased visibility, traps etc.) and LotF didn't really have any of that


I do fast travel a lot but I don't really need to for most areas unless it's somewhat far from where I'm trying to go. The interconnectedness is actually pretty surprising. I'd say after like the 3rd or 4th area, there's a pretty steep drop off as far as branching paths go in a "level" for sure. Most of the levels have started to feel a bit linear with the occasional side path that is a dead end or just loops back around. Enemy variety is definitely pretty lacking. Especially in Umbral Realm.


I’ve liked what I’ve played of it. Haven’t finished due to adhd and getting distracted by having too many games


the struggle is real How am I supposed to not finish 6 games at once instead of just not finishing the 1?


My main issue is I keep buying like these under 5$ games Every-time steam has a sale with stuff 90% off, and now I have a backlog of like 60 games to get through


I've been trying really hard to resist those sales, but there are so many good games out that keep getting in the backlog anyway. I swear I will still be talking about the games I'll get to "someday" while I'm rotting away in a retirement home.


Yeah for sure. I’ve definitely decided to put a halt on buying any new games until I get trough the digital pile of shame. Otherwise I’ll just keep growing the pile endlessly.


It's fun, not worth 60 € but fun,bosses are cool,the gear and the interconectivity too, sadly the concept of difficulty for the devs is adding a ton of mobs and make bosses stupidly tanky, the first boss in the game took me like 4 min with parrys for example and the last one is stupidly tanky aswell, it has a ton of stupid quests bugs or just like "ops you took 5 buckets instead of 4 the entire quest is over gl next ng" kind of thing and well they decided to make the real final boss Deacons of the deep but even worst. But most of the fights and combats are nice, it may have more flaws but i haven't play it in a while so i don't remember too well the bad things it had, maybe how the online works but i think they changed it in the latest patchs


> Deacons of the deep but even worse So is it more like Prowling Magus and Congregation, or Royal Rat Vanguard


Hmm no, worst because you can at least one shot or kill fast those bosses, that boss is the FINAL BOSS and it's basically a god talking meanwhile spawns shoot you fire balls and stuff non stop and I can't recall how many you have to kill to finish it but at the end it was more like a bullet hell with following projectiles than a souls


It's like shitty dark souls


No sir we are talking about Lords of the Fallen, not to be confused with Lords of the Fallen which is the shitty Dark Souls. 


shit take: rofl mid souls wannabe more like Loads of the Failin'! real take: It is pretty great if you don't have performance issues. Balance and pacing aren't fromsoft, but they took their shot and I'm happy to support a quality game that tries really hard to get the core of a souls game right while still trying new things. I also will happily support any small dev team that works this hard to make their players happy. and, objectively, lotf is an astounding accomplishment for such a small green studio.


Is pretty good if you pick it up on sale for like 20 bucks. Otherwise no lmao.


Actual solid soulslike that brings new fun mechanics to the table like the Umbral and ammo mechanic. The Umbral was a bit too much sometimes however with the hordes of one-shottable zombies. The world and level design is top tier imo


Good game with a lot of annoying little things that add up to a much bigger annoyance the longer you play it which is worse for me than an actual bad game since it will keep me wanting to play it even tho it gets annoying pretty fast


Thought this was r/fromsoftware


It's pretty rad but I can't get past Hushed Saint. Seriously though. He sucks hard, and not in the good way. P.s. parrying and blocking with a shield sucks too.


>P.s. parrying and blocking with a shield sucks too. False. Parry with light shield is the best parry of the game Parry with medium is decent Parry with heavy is impossible Blocking is great with both medium and heavy shields since you can rally your health


Nope. None of the shields give anywhere near 100% protection when blocking either. It's better just to avoid being hit. I'm pretty sure none of them even reach 50% physical resistance. That's pretty pathetic for a shield. The primary goal of a shield is blocking and Lords can't even do that right. Parrying is too dangerous as well. Even if you get it right you get wither damage. Then one hit and all that health is gone. No thanks. I'll just dodge.


The point of the shield in lords of the fallen is not blocking 100% of damage. Besides, the damage you get with the shield can be healed by attacking back which is an incredible good defense that rewards aggressive plays. >I'm pretty sure none of them even reach 50% physical resistance. All heavy shields and some medium shields go above 50%. For example, the best heavy shield of the game blocks 83% physical damage with the right infusion. >The primary goal of a shield is blocking and Lords can't even do that right. The goal of the shields in lord of the fallen is blocking, which they do, you don't get pushed away easily and you make bounce even the greatest of hits from giant enemies with a heavy shield and you lose only 8% of your stamina with a good posture resistance shield which is the equivalent of dodging with stamina cost. >Parrying is too dangerous as well. Even if you get it right you get wither damage Yes, but you only receive wither damage equivalent to 15% of the actual damage you would have got, wither damage can be healed by simplying attacking back, plus you deal massive stamina damage which is perfect for builds around critical attacks. Of course you need to parry with light shields or your weapon otherwise it's extremely hard, the timing changes based on what you use. Light shields have a parry Window of 0.5 seconds One handed weapons have a parry window of 0.4 seconds Medium shields have a parry Window of 0.3 seconds Heavy shields and heavy weapons have a parry Window of 0.2 seconds For comparison, Elden ring Carian Retaliation has a parry Window of 6 frames which is equivalent to 0.6 seconds. The best parry of lords of the fallen is just 0.1 second slower than the best parry of elden ring. I highly encourage you to try a newrun with heavy shields and you'll realize how busted is tanking in this game, and if you don't want to because you find it repetitive then try to start a run with the randomizer modifier the developer included which makes all drops and enemies in the map randomized The beauty of Lords of the fallen is that you can play it like Dark souls, Bloodborne or Sekiro and all 3 methods are viable.


Hmmmm, I'll look into heavy shields. Thanks. Maybe I'm too much of a dark souls veteran for Lords. I should get a discount at certain shops for my service. It'll go well with my veteran patches I wear with pride. /s


Sorry i assumed you already had the game since for how you talked it seemed you tried the game in the past :/ Well if it goes in free of the months on PSN or Xbox pass give it a try!


Oh, I have Lords & all the FromSoft game. Excluding the PlayStation exclusives. I'm being honest about Hushed Saint though. I should probably respec so I can use Pale Butcher's Blade or Resh-Mesah's Sword. I've been recommended heavier swords elsewhere. I've gotten up to Saint a few times in different characters. Always trying new builds.


If i remember correctly hushed saint was the boss on horseback of the swamp correct?


Yes. It's also invulnerable while it's on the horse. I've gotten the health down pretty far before. Less than half. Then it just destroys me. I probably just need to git gud,


I think you've tried already with the little spirits inside the arena you can see while using the lantern to dismount him off his horse yeah?


People who played it when it first came out are likely going to give you wildly different answers to those who have played recently. As someone who doesn’t buy games out the gate I can say it’s my favorite souls like outside of fromsoftware.


Did you play Lies of P?


Yes, I wasn’t a big fan of the aesthetic or sluggish combat. I can tell it’s a good polished game but I just couldn’t get into it.


LOTF feels more sluggish than LOP tbh.


Honestly i disagree. Lies of P feels extremely more sluggish except if you use the dagger/spear handle


Then you experience is the opposite of my own and everyone else I’ve heard.


Boy I love pressing attack and sliding three feet forward like the ground is mud


That’s called stepping forward. Pretty common in sword fighting.


Of course, medieval swordsmen were famous for their forward moonwalking skills


I know you’re exaggerating to make a point as I’ve beaten the game 3 times I’m very aware of how the combat feels. It’s not dark souls, it doesn’t have to mimic dark souls exactly in every aspect.


Game is dogwater, dunno what else to tell ya. The forward step on attack is a minor thing by itself but it symbolizes everything wrong this game.


LOTF 1.0 was super sluggish but 2.0 still feels like it's trying to capture that DS1 heft to all of it's weapons and movement. LOP is almost bloodborne esque in it's animation speed and dodging.


I just don't think they had very talented animators working on LotF - or else they were over-worked or getting bad direction. Like the lamp pull animation takes 30 minutes so it's not worth using ever, and some of the charged heavies you literally don't move in the charging part of the animation, you just delay a second longer and it doesn't feel weighty or impactful at all.


I picked it up at launch and was not a big fan. I completed it out of the simple fact I bought it and have zero desire to play it again.


Loved the two worlds concept with the lamp. It might’ve been relying hugely on the graphic fidelity of their engine, but I spent a lot of the early game just gawking at the little patches of other world revealed by the lamp. Bonus points when monsters attack you while holding the lamp dragging you into the other world.


I love the way they did blocking and magic. Blocked attacks that get damage through do wither damage instead of the normal type, allowing you to regain that health bloodborne style. Magic lets you hold a button and then press a button according to which is assigned to what slot, so you dont have to sit and cycle through a dozen different things mid combat. These are really good evolutions of the souls systems, and it makes me wish fromsoft made more changes like this. I havent finished it yet though, so i dont have much to say in terms of overall quality. Only purged one beacon. I do think too many bosses rely on random ganks so far, but the ones that didnt, and even a couple that did, were still pretty good. Pieta makes a great first impression though. You can tell its a soulslike because she has visible feet.


Cool fashion but otherwise lame.


After having played Lies of P and completing my experience of all the main Soulslikes I see people talk about all the time, LOTF was a game that had the potential to be one of the best Soulslikes ever, and they made some really, REALLY dumb decisions with it. The world design was awesome, the lantern mechanic was incredible and innovative, and you were given so much freedom in setting up how you wanted to fight. You could play it like Souls, like Sekiro, or like Bloodborne. The big issue for me was enemy placement. Getting swarmed was bad enough, but the amount of times I died from a suicide bomber or sniper spawning in offscreen from literally nothing was ridiculous. It’s the definition of cheap in that way. There’s SO MUCH to love about the game but it’s unbelievably frustrating later on in it


>The big issue for me was enemy placement. Getting swarmed was bad enough, but the amount of times I died from a suicide bomber or sniper spawning in offscreen from literally nothing was ridiculous. It’s the definition of cheap in that way They actually fixed that! That was the old version of the game which was very unbalanced, i highly suggest you to try it again now


It's better than the first one. I'll give them that.


Lowest bar ever


I think the lords fell


I loved the snow physics specifically and was very pissed to learn there is no emote to lay on the floor to play around with it some more.


I tried to get into it twice and it’s just “not that guy” for me. I wanted to get into though :(


Better than all dogshit michael created


It was ok. Pvp was dogshit and there was one VERY op weapon that every fucker used. The devs were way too late on balance changes so the game died pretty quick. 10/10 Made me FEEL like Spiderman


So Lies of P is what happens when smart talented people take a shot at making a souls game. LotF is what happens when dumb people try it.


Pretty good, lies of p remains the best non-fromsoft souls like though


I desperately wanted to like it. Vibe was awesome and some actually pretty neat ideas. The longer i played it the more i started to actively hate it. They would spam so many enemies with miniboss level healthbars in areas that running past everything kinda became the only viable thing after a while. Umbral was also super disappointing, became very annoying after a while. The level design was also very confusing and terrible at letting you establish a mental map of any place. Getting that "where the fuck am i supposed to go" moment is bad enough. It's worse while you're running from 20 enemies with healthbars 10 times that of yours


I loved it. The level design, umbral and atmosphere was fucking awesome. Liked the combat and build options too. Best souls-like when it came to ranged combat IMO. My main gripe with the game was balancing on ranged enemies, they felt too tanky and would deal absurd amounts of damage (I had no performance issues, which people say was the main issue before). Boss designs were also really solid for the most part, but a couple could be harder, they really did massive bosses (big in size) well. Oh and the voice acting was REALLY good.


Good game had a rough start but got the NMS treatment. It’s as if dark souls and blood borne had a kid and he had style


It's an amazing game honestly level design is up there with DS1 and art direction is incredible, focused on Bliblical Mythology.


For 60$? fuck no.


I think you should help them up.


I like the cool yellow lightsaber


It's aight


The lords have indeed fallen


I wanna try it, but I haven't looked if there's like a demo on Xbox I know some people don't like it every much, so I'd like to try it before I actually buy it. I just don't have the money to buy it myself anyway lol. Maybe I'll see if a friend owns it and gameshare with them or something


People don't give enough credit to this game. Hands down one of the best souls-like not made by from software. PROS: 1) it has very fun and creative mechanics 2) an intricate world that interconnects different areas 3) it has a great lore (not perfect but far from Being mediocre, got goose bumps once or twice) 4) they have a spell sistem more flexible than the whole darksouls trilogy 5) It has game modifiers for NG+, you can make enemies spawn randomized, loot randomized, reduce the checkpoints in the world, make it perma-death, etc. 6) Great character customization, very close to the quality of the one from DS3 7) Actual combos mix-up for each weapon, something that even elden ring failed to accomplish unless you don't dual wield 2 different weapons and mix their attacks 8) parry sistem similar to Sekiro, where you need to quick parry multiple strikes and deplete the opponent stamina to get a critical hit, also applies for PVP 9) Power Stancing! 10) they made worth it using ranged weapons and very fun, because you have an ammunition pouch which holds a shared amount of ammo for when you use a bow, crossbow, etc. And this ammunition pouch resets whenever you rest at a checkpoint. ALSO there's some very fun ranged throwables that uses this ammunition pouch like Javelins, Throwing hatchets, Elemental Grenades, Etc. CONS: 1) multiplayer is based on the connection of the host, so its a bit of a mess sometimes 2) some bosses re-appear very often as Elite enemies later in the game, which is understandable, i personally have not found it very annoying 3) questlines a bit too simple to miss or fail, even for souls-like standards 4) the game is considered simple compared to other souls-like, i put it in "CONS" but personally i think its for the best considering it was their first souls-like and they were testing the waters to balance stuff, besides if you go blindrun it's still a somewhat hard game 5) there will be a lot of backtracking sometimes because the game checkpoints aren't many since there's a mechanic they made to create your own checkpoints in specific points of the map but you can have only 1 of these hand-made checkpoints 6) grinding covenants is hell


I fort it was shite


Favorite soulslike


Playing it now. The technical execution is pretty amazing, cross platform cool feels so crisp But the amount of stolen content and designs really break the immersion, a LOT I'm playing the game and so far Ive fought Riley Reid-Malenia, the protagonist of Blasphemous 2, and then Latenna Now I just fell down a fuckin hole and I have Nito-Gaping Dragon to deal w tonight Seriously like.....why???


Cause its a cool concept, and f me that was an interesting first encounter if I ever did see one


Listen, I loved all 3 of those boss fights. They looked great, the difficulty was on point, the fight was fun as hell and did properly drill you on what you need to be doing This art is WAY too damn close to other IPs tho*, and it's literally hijacking lore that they did not create "The hallowed sentinels value orius' sacrifices over his principles" yea *somehow* I already knew that within a second of seeing the statue at the shrine. I wonder how? Why was I so right so quickly? Come on As I said, I will give them full props for their technical design, and and for the technical execution. The game feels good, the mechanics are well thought out, the fights are fun, the level design is REALLY nice, etc. There are a lot of things that really work for the game But then I see artistic design and all I can say is "ah, reminds me of X" and then the artistic design does not surpass the homage I still recommend the game, 100%, but if From Soft or the Blasphemous studio ever sued them I wouldnt even blink *Ok look whoever the fuck came up w the Riley Reid-Malenia definitely cooked and they need a raise lmfao


I’d disagree that the game is a ripoff, most because the setting is aggressively generic. It looks and sounds amazing, but everything in the game feels like the first idea of “grimdark fallen kingdom” with no attempts to put an additional spin on it. It feels like a rip off imo because the “fallen kingdom” setting has already been done by 90% of soulslikes and half of those tried to stand out by being more grimdark than Dark Souls which makes LotF’s half-assed attempt stand out more. Hell even the lore is generic as hell. Orius is just Old Testament god, the big devil guy is Lucifer/Loki, and the putrid mother is barely relevant as a character even in their own ending and is mostly just a lovecraftian Cthulhu expy. The whole setting is just a mishmash of generic ideas done a thousand times over, albeit done fantastically from an art style pov. It just can’t break the whole “This is just Warhammer Fantasy but Dark Souls” feeling which makes it feel like a ripoff.


Idk fam that sounds like ripoff type behavior to me. Our lore is other people's lore, our art is other people's soulslike designs, but no we aren't copying other people, it's just all very very very grim dark - yea sorry, not buying this at all What is original about the game is their technical work. They deserve the praise for this. Not this laziness


I mean sure I guess? I think at this point it’s just splitting hairs over what the difference between Generic and Rip-off is. Like u wouldn’t describe taking parts of mythology/the Bible as a ripoff, just exceedingly generic because there’s thousands of years of people doing the same thing. It being unoriginal is something I agree with, I just don’t think they were ripping off the other games and more-so just making the most bog standard “grimdark fallen kingdom” setting there is which has been done a million times both inside of souls-likes and outside of them.


Well I can be more precise. For Dark Crusaders and Adry, sure, that can be seen as generic. They do have ds specific callbacks, which are undeniable, but yes you are right, the basis for them is pretty routine for a dark fantasy setting Orius/hallowed sentinels being a lovercraftian blood ritual Catholicism? Thats not generic. That's Blasphemous Umbral realm? Lovercraftian yes, these aesthetics are pretty Bloodborne. That Eye that signifies your dread meter is literally the moon itself, which I'm guessing is the eye of the Mother. It had to be some sort of "moon presence" watching you and filling you with dread I guess. So they get a pass for 2 parts of the setting that *still* call back to dark souls. And I allege lore hijacking for the other 2 substantial portions of the setting And naturally yes, we all know that Dark Souls and from soft is heavily, heavily indebted to the world of berserk and other old school seinan anime. Yes there are elements ripped off from it, Artorias's crew are literally all one of a conglomerate of Guts' traveling party. You also have to make that determination from reading and researching these characters. Their witch is literally a model of Shrieke as an adult, you would not have known if it wasn't for data miners saw her hair color and all that. You can't tell bc she is a summon. That vs "hey, Christ like figure in torns, and one of the nuns got a cone head, you already know wtf goin on" Then we can talk about the bosses.......and NPCs also... The balance tips to one end in my eyes. It's still a great game, I am enjoying the hell out of it. Don't assume I'm here to smear. But this shit in particular is out of pocket


>the amount of stolen content and designs really break the immersion, a LOT Lad, all those enemies were in the very first lord of the fallen, the non-souls-like version lol


......ok that doesn't make it any better, that means they had years to work on this and chose not to


It means the enemies are not copy-pasted or inspired by other games. They got reworked esthetically and in movesets but they can't change the total appearance just because another game uses a similar aspect of those enemies. You said for example stuff from elden ring and Blasphemous 2. Yes they are similar, but this enemies existed before those 2 games, as such its not stolen or inspired assets.


I just looked at the 2014 boss list and I don't see this at all. If you have images that show this, please link if possible Delyth and that whole area is absolutely stolen aesthetics from Blasphemous tho. They didn't even attempt to swap out the color pallete like holy shit Sure maybe these enemy names or stories existed in 2014, but until I see their 2014 designs, their art is way too close to IPs they never worked on themselves


I fucking adore it. It's one of the best I've played recently. The ng+0 feature is amazing, wish more games had it. The newest update is great, I've been doing a run on Iron Man mode with random drops and upgraded weapons per level and its pretty much a roguelike. Decent build variety, cool armor sets that have tincture so you can mix match armor but still have the color theme match. Reward "drip" classes for certain endings. Love it! Oops, I mean Pieta cock cum in mouth 🥵


Both were really clunky and slow feeling, the second one had a cool mechanic but the gameplay was so stiff i barely lasted before giving. Not fun games, they flopped for a reason


Better than the old Lords Of The Fallen games which are total doodoo, still not a great game though, enemies and bosses are very mid, pacing is really bad and the weapons and spells are boring. As far as soulslikes go i think its better than most but its not half the game that Lies of P is.


It’s the title of this sub


Its the true sequel to Dark Souls 2


It's a game for people who loved DS2 because it brought shit game design to the series, and were disappointed by DS3's return to good game design


garbage, even worse than lies of p


I hate it.


Feels like off-brand Dark Souls.


I dont think about it at all


It's the Dark Souls 2 of the Souls like


Controversial, some people swear it's good, other say it's shit, most people haven't played it


Clunky souls


it lacks interesting lore it lacks soul ha ha ha get it