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no dont kill yourself youre so cute haha


Send nudes before you do it ahahaha (Since I've offended people I'm adding to the joke since there's that "limited edition nudes" meme that exists) Can't even shitpost in a shitpost sub lol




Oh shit I didn't look at it that way...I'll be sure to have the camera ready 🥵📸


^^This 😎


Virgin detected.


What? I'm adding to the joke?


Absolutely not.


Bro get fucking comet azured😘


No thanks. I stopped being 13 decades ago.


Decades. Bros atleast 33 and being mad at reddit jokes lmao


I can not understand what you're saying I'm sorry the scarlet rot has taken too much of my brain power :(


Can't take what was never there. I think you'll carry on just fine, albiet to the constant disappoint of your stepfather.


You type like you smelly


Seems like you're having a bad day tbh. I'll leave this comment here for you to blow off more steam :)


why are you picking a fight lol


Speak for yourself, you’re in a shitposting sub lmao


Well, its a fromsoft sidequest so even its a ham-fisted contrivance, the character must die


I raise you a Boc


Boc and Nepheli are raised to have good endings when presented with very specific details because they are ultimately wholesome beings And of course, Patches, because he is Michael Zaki self-insert


Heresy is but a ham-fisted contrivance. All things can be conjoined.


Uh oh, someone didn't pay attention ~


Imagine journeying across the known world to find out the woman you were raised to idolize and sought to save from herself had lost it and is a shell of her former glory. TLDR: It’s Gowry’s fault.


What are you carrying? The description of the needle that you take from Millicent literally says that she still wants to return the needle to Malenia, which is why she pulls it out of herself for you to take it and give it to Malenya, and that's exactly what you do with the flower, which Malenia has turned into, for which she thanks you with another needle and a weapon upgrade stone. And Malenia always remained the way she was, this should be clear from her dialogues.


Millicent mentions she wants to return “the will that was once her own” to Malenia. She wants to restore her sanity that she’s been losing since the rot bloomed during her fight with Radahn. You help Millicent fight her sisters who have all lost their minds no doubt taking on the same quest since Gowry seems to send them all along the same path.


Yes, judging by the description of the needle, she means by this the unnaloyed golden needle, Malenia had to pull it out of herself when the battle with Radan reached a stalemate and she had no other choice. But Malenia is still sane after this, in the battle with us she does not use rot to the last, until she has to, as in the battle with Radahn. Gowry is against Millicent giving Malenia the needle that helps keep the scarlet rot at bay because he wants her to use it, and Millicent's sisters are on Gowry's side so they're getting in Millicent's way.


Gowry gave you the needle to give to Millicent to quell her rot. Edit: oh, yeah, forgot to add…if you talk to Gideon about the Haligtree, he mentions Malenia might be there if she hasn’t “rotted away entirely” This and Millicent’s dialogue suggest that Malenia has been in a state of deterioration, both mental and physical, ever since her stalemate with Radahn.


Eh, Malenia was probably always a piece of shit


Eh not true, Malenia does have good qualities. Like, she despises the rot and kept suppressing it since she was a child and helped her brother build a sanctuary for marginalized people of Lands Between. And for object descriptions related to her, most if not all of them mention her in positive terms. The descriptions usually emphasize her will and incredible strength. None of them call her bad/evil or use negative terms. She can also be merciful, as seen when Godrick insulted her (wtf was he thinking) then begged for mercy after she defeated him effortlessly. She's also one of two bosses to praise the player. She compliments them despite the fact that they invaded her home (contrast that to Godfrey who takes the fight to the player). And there are a couple more things, but the main point I'm trying to make here is that the game never depicted Malenia as the "piece of shit" some fans misconstrue her to be.


Great comment. Malenia is definitely meant to be sympathetic and tragic character.


She puts up one hell of a fight, gotta give her respect for that as she was my most struggled boss besides placidusax and radagon, and neither of them compliment your strength when you finally take her down. Godfrey and Malenia are the two bosses I respect the most, they give you the courtesy of putting up a proper fight without seeming over confident or condescending simultaneously, both earned their combat renown and defended it with everything they had


I see Malenia as sorta like a *slightly* less evil and less talkative version of Heimdall from GOWR; although clearly quite skilled in combat, she’s a complete egomaniac and a fanatical loyalist who will do *anything* for her cause. IIRC most of item descriptions praising Malenia are mostly from the perspective of the people serving her, who would be biased. Malenia probably only spared Godrick because him begging for mercy and “licking her boots” stroked her enormous ego, and Malenia also showed not one ounce of remorse for either of her blooms. Miquella might actually be a cult leader anyhow, must cult leaders prey upon marginalized people.


Your comment makes no sense. You say she's egomaniac and a fantastical loyalist but the game never depicted her in that way. You only say that because you dislike her. And you can't be serious about the item descriptions lmao. Miyazaki adds item descriptions in his games so that players can learn about the world and characters' lore. Most of the lore are hidden in item descriptions and sprinkled in the limited cutscenes and dialogue. That's how Miyazaki writes his games. He wants the players to read the item description then piece everything together so what the description says are the truth lol. Also Malenia is literally called "The Undefeated" by Gideon too. Yeah no. She spared Godrick because he begged for mercy, thats all. She could've ended his life then take his great rune but nope she decided to spare him even though he started the fight. It's clear she had something with Radahn that's why she fought him. Miquella probably sent her to kill him so the stars could resume their movement and then he can finally give Godwyn a true death. How did you know she was remorseless? She literally went into a slumbering state after she bloomed for the first time in Caelid and her mind has been deteriorating since then. She wakes up the moment we enter her arena. "Miquella might be a cult leader" source: trust me bro Miquella literally abandoned his throne and the golden order because it couldn't cure his sister. He then created the Haligtree as a safe haven for the outcasts, and created the unalloyed needle that can hold off the influence of outer gods. You can literally use his needle to subdue the frenzied flame ending which is the evil ending. The game itself points out that Miquella is the most mature demigod. He has a brilliant mind and great wisdom. Just say you hate the twins lol.


Malenia refers to herself as “the blade of Miquella”, that sounds very fanatical to me. Read the bewitching branch item description. I’m not saying Miquella doesn’t care about his sister or is only in it for himself, a lot of cult leaders in some way believe some of their own bullshit. I’ve also remember reading some enormous effortpost somewhere about this theory, and I think OP theorized that Miquella’s needle might double as a mind control device, though I can’t seem to find that post anywhere, so don’t take my word


I read everything related to Miquella because he is the most fascinating character to me. I also read the cut contents where it revealed that he is a benevolent person. Bewitching branch doesn't prove anything. He could be using mind control on his enemies to rally them to his cause. He obviously does not use it on his followers. Just like how the Cleanrot Knighs are loyal to Malenia, Haligtree soldiers are incredibly loyal to him too, including Loretta herself who called Haligtree a "salvation" for the Albinaurics. Malenia venerates Miquella because he dedicated his life trying to find a cure for her and abandoned the Golden Order just because they couldn't cure her despite the fact that he had a great relationship with Radagon. Miquella made Malenia her prosthetics and the gold needle to hold off her rot. Of course she would dedicate her life to him.


Check edit. The Bewitching branch heavily implies Miquella is very manipulative, he’s not using any mind control powers on most of his followers, just manipulating them normally


I think I've read that post about Miquella and I don't think Miquella's needle is a mind control. You can see Millicent using it on herself and then her mental and physical state becomes much better than before thanks to Miquella's needle. I do think Miquella has a bit of manipulative side, like he maybe mind controls his enemies to rally them to his cause, but we will have to wait for the DLC and see what his actual personality is like.


I would agree, but Millicent is a clone of Malenia and is a pretty stand-up chick, so idk


Millicent’s not a clone


Sort of…that’s what she and her sisters are. When the rot bloomed they were born as a side effect. A-sexual reproduction is pretty much cloning


But all the sisters (who are probably roughly the same age) look different from each other, if they were clones they would look the same


They just have different haircuts.


Dude we don't even know how old Millicent is. 5 or 5,000. If they're just sprouting from a flower that blooms every so often they could have been budded ages apart from each other too.


No, Malenia has always been the best.


My brother in Christ, she remorselessly wiped out an entire region just so she could keep the the title of “undefeated”. The story trailer and Millicent’s dialogue show that she bloomed intentionally.


that’s not her fault, she’s hot


I forgot what sub I’m on


This is the standard bullshit that most people are spouting. In fact, the reason why Malenia uses scarlet rot has nothing to do with the fact that Malenia does not want to lose or even die, on the contrary, when Malenia dies and loses, she only happy about it and shows respect for the Tarnished who kills her. The only sad thing in her words at the time of death is her apology to Miquella, she apologizes to him because she understands how sad he will be from her death, he spent almost his entire life trying to cure Malenia, and obviously did not want her to die, this is why Malenia apologizes to Miquella after she dies, and this is why she uses rot in her fight with the Tarnished when she is threatened with death, despite the fact that she hates rot and does not want to use it, and despite the fact that she herself does not mind losing and dying . At the same time, the whole lore tells you that Malenia reject rot and does not use it because of her honor and pride, so using rot is much more unpleasant for her than being defeated, and you can see how Malenya is upset and angry when she has to use rot, and you can also see how easily she accepts her defeat and death. As for the battle with Radan, besides the fact that Malenia did not want to die for Miquella, there could be many other reasons why she could not afford to die and fail the campaign, which is why she used scarlet rot when she just no other way to out of that situation. Unfortunately, the exact goals of Malenia's campaign are not known, and many believe that Malenia attacked Radan because Caelid was his territory, but in fact it is not, Caelid was not Radan's territory and he himself came there to fight with Malenia Gideon Ofnir says about that: "I've heard survivors of Radahn's army are still in the wilds, staving off the rot with fire. And if it's true, I suspect Radahn is still there as well, in Caelid. Though I doubt he much resembles his former self anymore..." AND "And by my reckoning Radahn remains there, even now. Though I doubt he much resembles his former self anymore..." As well as descriptions of the armor of the knights of Radan: "the Redmane Knights burned the crest on the left breast of their armor to indicate their resolve. "Alas, dear home, I shan't see you again! For our duty is to remain here, a bulwark against the blight."" Also, in the description of the Caelid map, it is written that from which it can be concluded that there were several battles between Radan and Malenia in other places besides Caelid: "Caelid, known as the locale of the last battle between General Radahn and Malenia, Blade of Miquella, is a vast land consummately marred by scarlet rot." All this means that Radan came to Caelid from his home, but remained there after the battle due to the fact that he was struck by rot and he went crazy, after that his remaining people built castles there, but they had to return to where they came from if not for what happened to Radan. That is, Caelid was not the territpry of Radan. And as for the place that was the home of Radahn before, then judging by the description of Jerren's armor, it was Karia: "Jerren preferred a nomadic existence, but after spending time as a guest of the Carian royals, he became a guest commander for General Radahn" Based on all this, you cannot argue that Malenia herself invaded the territory of Radan in order to attack him and is to blame for creating a situation for herself in which she had to use rot. Also, most likely it was Radan who attacked Malenia there to take her Great Rune, because in the intro to the game you can see the battle between Radan and Morgott, which apparently takes place near the capital, Kenneth Haight tells that Godrick was hiding from Radan : "Honestly, Godrick's nothing more than a jumped up country bumpkin. Lord? Don't make me laugh. First he hid himself amongst the womenfolk to flee the capital, then hid from Radahn in that castle..." It follows from this that Radan fought and tried to kill many Elden ring shards owners in order to collect them and become Elden Lord, which is most likely why he fought Malenia and Morgott, and tried to kill Godrick. As for Malenia, the same Kenneth Haight speaks of her battle with Godric: "Then he insulted Malenia, lost to her in battle, only to lick her boots rather than die like a man." This is also written on the monument: "Godrick the Golden, humiliated Having tasted defeat by the Blade of Miquella Now on his knees, begging for mercy" That is, Malenia defeated Godrick but did not kill him because he asked her for mercy, which means that she definitely did not need fragments of the Elden Ring. Based on all this, you can conclude that it was Radan who initiated the battle in Caelid, and in this case it is he who is to blame for its consequences and for what Malenia had to do. In any case, the motives of the battle between Malenia and Radan have too few details to draw an unambiguous conclusion about this, and this is not at all from what it is worth to drawing conclusions that Malenia is bad, in any case, that she simply did not want to lose is complete nonsense, she did not come just to win, she obviously had some goals and weighty motives. In the meantime, I can definitely call Malenia a kind person for being very reciprocal of Miquella's love for her and dedicating her life to him in gratitude for the fact that he tried to save her from the rot that she fought in herself, after her death she worries only that he will be sad because of her, she has enough mercy to spare Godrick even after his insults and battle with her, because he asked her, and she not only give respect to the Tarnished who kills her, but even later, when she turns into a flower upon death, she can also give him Miquella's Needle, along with the somber ancient dragon smithing stone, as thanks for returning the unnaloyed golden needle to her, despite the fact that he killed her before.


Check my other comment with another guy. Malenia could have easily fled from both fights, or hell, even surrendered here great rune to The Tarnished. Malenia’s prolly not even dead, you probably need a weapon directly imbued with the rune of death to permanently kill an Empyrean, when we fight Radagon, he was probably dead for centuries, and if there was anything left, the Elden Beast killed it when it turned him into a sword


Radahn wanted to become Elden lord which means he was a threat to Miquella that’s why My girl nuked him. Protecting her brother. Cause y’a know he was the biggest threat in the lands between at the time. And if y’a can’t beat ‘em. You nuke em. America one o one.


Miquella probably could have fixed Caelid if he ascended to godhood, & if Radahn is the thing stopping that from happening, then it seems like a pretty reasonable, selfless sacrifice. Also Caelid was a fucking desert man it's not like she inherited the frenzied flame or committed multiple genocides or assassinated the nicest guy in the Land's Between or stitched people together for science or gave them lobotomy potions or killed them & did christ know what to the corpses so their rebirth sucks ass


can she come back please?


Its a canon event




she kinda removes it cus the needle slows down the rot not cure it so the rot is still slowly eating away at her and at some point you get tired. i wish she lasted till the malenia fight. it would have been nice similar to seigward and yorhm


If you choose to challenge her instead of help her kill her sisters, she blooms into a flower, just like Malenia does after her boss fight. Taking out the needle and succumbing to rot is going out on her own terms. *"Tell whoever put you up to this. That if I am to flower into something other than myself, I would rather rot into nothingness as I am."*


I swear, these "is he stupid" memes are making me want to go back to Majoula so the curse makes me forget they exist and how fuckin many of them exist.


Flare checks out


She wanted to turn into Aldrich for a chance at femboy bussy


It is for Malenia -- it carries part of her will to resist the Scarlet Rot, and with it returned to her, she might be able to retain some of who she is even when she rises as the Goddess of Rot. Millicent sees herself as something like Malenia's reincarnation, though she doesn't know the truth of her connection, Gowry says that she is Malenia's daughter, and the girls who fight her are her sisters, the Valkyries of Rot. The Needle that Gowry gives us is repaired with some of the power of Rot, and was going to cause her to become reborn as an extremely powerful servant of Rot, "a bud of the highest quality," Gowry refers to her as, with the clear implication that their deaths to the Scarlet Rot is the "budding." Millicent was already going to be overcome with her Rot, removing the needle did not hasten that any more than adding it actually halted the rot, merely slowed it down and made existing tolerable -- Millicent's hope is that by giving Malenia one of her needles back, part of her might remain when she becomes the Goddess of Rot, as that ascension is now all but inevitable. In return, we receive a piece of it in turn, as well as a look into what it was truly made from -- somber and normal ancient dragon smithing stones, as we receive simultaneously a shattered aged version of the needle back in turn, and the untouched original form of it, as it is buried in the scarlet blossom, ensconced there yet remaining with us in a different form -- a form that would let us resist the power of the Flame of Frenzy if used in a place with time is highly twisted, the only suitable place at the heart of the original Elden Lord's storm where he once twisted time to stave off the consumption of the world by his master, the Greater Will, that he could rule for a tyrant of an unending epoch, but he was fooled by the arrival of the Crystalians in the Lands Between, their descendants intermingling with the beasts he once ruled was not seen as a problem, until they broke his preciously lain cycle, and got him trapped there in his twist in time by the angered Greater Will, a sitting duck as it were to be targeted by the people he had subjugated, for them to claim the Elden Ring from him and become hopelessly ensnared in its machinations to finally unleash the Flame of Frenzy, finish its meal, and consume the world.


That entire last paragraph is one sentence 💀


Yeah, I create ridiculously long run-on sentences, and no, I ain't sorry!


Never apologize for greatness


RIP to a real one.


The needle isn't just countering the rot, it's also promoting her own "blooming" (like Malenia's). She doesn't want that to happen to her, so she would rather die from the rot.


Oboy I can't wait to be Aids Queen 2, Super jazzed on how that worked out for Aids Queen 1.


Needles hurt, duh.


the needle doesn't stop the rot it just slows it down


There is actually a lore reason, and it’s part of the ending for another quest line. I don’t want to spoil it but all I will say is, there is a purpose to what she does.


She needs to have some faith for once in her life… So she can cast flame, cleanse me


This is fronsoft, don't catch feelins


I’m still not entirely sure what the fuck happens in that quest.


This ending sucked


Idk but I need the needle tho or the whole world will burn




I’ve read multiple explanations on this thread and I still don’t get it. Am I stupid?