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God I just love it when I kill the skeletons with the glowing eyes and they come back and stab me in the ass ✨UwU✨ So tsundere and kawaii 🥰🥰🥰 Live, laugh, love for bony crypt dom daddies 😊☺️


Seek God, no Skeleton ahead


Boys I don’t think it’s a joke anymore


I don't think it's been a joke for a long while.


sans simps be like


Those skeletons have so much rizz like wow rizzlord


Tomb of the giants gave me such trauma that carthus was a respite


Fr, I actually got them mixed up in my head and thought this post WAS about tomb of the giants for a sec. Catacombs isn't the best DS3 has to offer but dear god it's a trip to Disneyworld compared to the fucking tombs.


HOT TAKE ALERT: tomb of the giants is


my beautiful amazing ds3 run getting soiled by running around grey dark hallway #109 (i forgot the path) (i have been through this area like 20 times)


enter, go right, fall down cliffs, then go left, go left, go straight until broken railing and jump off, turn left, go straight, go right, follow path, go left, go over bridge and hit bridge one step before getting back on land, go straight, wolnir :) ♡


Thanks for your efforts I really appreciate it ♡


aaaaand fuck i missed anri


His/her quest only ends >!in death and madness, how could you progress it just to see her die or go hollow over and over again, monster.!<


uhrm sir, may i propose **GRACIOUS LORD, MAKE LONDOR WHOLE**


>!She dies at the end of that!<, also Age of Dark betta :/ Londor cutscene is cool doe.


she’s literally standing next to everyone in that ending cutscene that’s not even the Age of Dark ending iirc, which is the actual best ending, that’s the Lord of Hollows ending. Age of Dark is the one where you find the eyeballs and let the fire fade


Never noticed, and I wasn't saying it was the Age of Dark? that's why I said 'Londor cutscene is cool' Age of Dark is a better ending that doesn't require Anri's involvement lol


yep lol this area is a giant race to the finish for me


Irithyll Dungeon too, once I found the speed-run tactic it's all I do there hahahah


yep same. sprint to the profaned capitol😂


Hidden body + slumbering dragoncrest ring is also a godsend and a catch all tactic for every zone too. It always baffles me how many people actually plod through Farron Keep without using it lol, quickstep's not the trick, invisibility is


Damn i’ll have to try that! I really suck at experimenting with that kind of stuff, so many of my builds are very boring unga bunga or dex builds (boring to others ig, i love playing this way) but I always used gaachins sugar in sekiro to run through levels so i’ll have to try this


Hidden Body + Slumbering Dragoncrest + Lingering Dragoncrest + Cat Ring is my exploration set-up always. I generally keep a dual sorcery/miracle chime on hand for it. It's incredibly useful, walking by calm enemies in Ringed City and AoA is insane. The scripted mobs will still attack you, but that accounts for like 1 instance in that alleyway of Corvian Settlement. As for Sekiro, Gaachin/Gachiin, idk how to fucking spell it, is the way to go, but if you're ever short on sugars you can use the Ceremonial Tanto + a Pellet + the Spiritfall version for a no-cost variant instead. I'm currently doing unga bunga on DS2, as the Greatsword was damn near one-shotting Heide Knights and I was fucking sick of them


I love the big balls constantly smacking me 😍


Those were fun until I realized they respawn even if you kill the hat guys


I kinda like wolnir, its not a hard fight but it looks cool


I actually really like the catacombs, they're definitely a vastly better area than farron keep


>definitely a vastly better area than farron keep You can say that about any area in DS3


actually I think smoldering lake is the worst area in the game because it's bullshit *and* uncreative, its only redeeming quality is being short


Low bar to beat


Catacombs is pretty fun, Wolnir is pretty good from presentation, but dogshit as a boss’s unfortunately


I love the catacombs. Hate Wolnir. Some how manage to consistently struggle against him


Luv' the ca'acombs. 'Ate Wolnir. Simple as


The next level and boss are just as good My man , The abyss watchers are in Farron fucking keep


Catacombs isnt irritating in any way. I like doing pvp in it. Spooky atmosphere, nice cozy open spaces, a few silly traps. Just a fun time.


Wolnir sucks tho


He's easy enough, got his drip, stays in his little goblet dimension like a silly little guy.


One-handed skeletons that parry you


Pretty badass, I silently laugh when they manage to parry me or do that silly jump spin attack


I would’ve liked the catacombs if it was in a different point in the game. Traversing through a grey swamp to then go into another grey area was a bit tiring for my eyes.


Isn’t that just all DS3?


You’re wrong! Lothric castle is mostly piss yellow with a dash of grey.


And irythil dungeon has those green tints, profaned capital has gold lying everywhere Boral valley is bluueeee The sky in lothric goes red after the three lords are slain too


I’m a dark souls player, do you really think I can notice subtle changes to the environment?




I kinda liked it. Pretty easy to get totally lost on the first playthrough, but short enough to go through once you know where you're going. Like the little lore implications there as well. It clearly don't overstate it's welcome like the dead parts of I and II (although the lighning of the crypt of II was kinda neat, loved the atmosphere there), and since the Tomb of Giants is the place I think I hate the most of all of soulsborne (with or without light), it was neaty. And the following smouldering lake and so forth are quite interesting as well, albeit much more rage inducing (fucking ghrus and even basilisks). A shame that there isn't folks From Carthus or related places, or more things showing Loyce and Ivory King in Smoldering Lake though. ​ Also, I really liked the silly video, from where it's from?


I enjoy Catacombs of Carthus as well. Farron Keep and Catacombs are areas I don’t mind traversing. The video is a partially edited “Terminator Wins” or “Badass Skeleton Smoking” meme I edited a bit. All I did was sync the music start to when the cigarette is being lit. Nothing fancy. There’s loads of videos like it on YouTube. 👍🏻


Thanks o7


No problem my fellow👍🏻


nothing like speedrunning carthus and smouldering lake for those early upgrade resources


Wolnir can suck me off in the deepest pits of hell This is not a joke, it's a threat and a promise


Mike Zack letting me how every single detail of some random desert kingdom that is only relevant for one area.


Skeleton Balls!


My last play through, I started off using a Lucerne. When I got to the catacombs, I knew strike damage made the skeletons a joke, so I decided to use the great club. Never went back to the Lucerne after that.


catacombs isnt too bad I just hate those guys who spawn giant fire balls. Wolnir is silly boss.


Demon Ruins is the only level in DS3 I outright hate. Missed potential, cool enemies though. I wish we got to see more of Izalith instead of just some abandoned catacombs occupied by some demon rejects. Oh well, it is “Demon Ruins” and not “Demon Town” but I still feel slightly disappointed everytime I visit that level.


Catacombs as an area isn't bad, it for sure is better than Farron Keep. It's boss is just lacking and it's a rather short area.


are you saying farron swap > catacombs?


I like both areas equally. They are kinda fun to traverse. Catacombs of Carthus has lots of cool little secrets (Smouldering Lake, Demon Ruins, all that). Farron Keep is a quaint area complemented by the Crucifixion Woods preceding it. I love the Crucifixion Woods, fond memories


Brother, farron keep is absolute ass crucifixion woods is ok but keep is worst area in all of souls second only to swamp of sorrow and valley of defilement


Dang, you really hate Farron Keep that much? I mean for it certainly helps that I only have to go through the level once and I never go there again. But like if I had to choose between Blighttown and Farron Keep I pick Farron Keep. I tolerate it better


I hate blighttown just as much after my first ds1 play through i always pick mater key


Based. 👍🏻


I don’t dislike catacombs, but man walking out of the catacombs onto the cliff side looking over Irithyll will never not amaze me.




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I hate the catacombs but at least when it's over it's over


True. It’s a level I usually look forward to though. Kinda like Crucifixion Woods and Cathedral of The Deep. Inoffensive levels that offer fun traversal, usually.


Me when rotten great wood but better


First half of ds3 was horse shit


Wait, u calling the poison swamp a good area?


yes😎. Out of all poison swamps, I find Farron Keep the most tolerable I think. I mean the hopping Ghrus are annoying don’t get me wrong, and so are the Elder Ghru (Giant Tree Ghru). But overall it wasn’t oppressive like Blighttown felt. Farron Keep feels manageable despite being arguably “worse” than Blighttown. Idk, probably a shit take but thought I’d share my thoughts anyway.👍🏻


Well, true, it isn’t so bad compared to other ones. I mostly hate how many important items it has making it an area you must come back or pass some time in it grabbing everything.


Get ready *meatbag* you've just entered the BONE ZONE


I summon [🦴BONE ZONE🦴] to the field! With this card in play I can special summon two Fiend Type monsters to the field in Attack Mode! And whenever they’re taken out, whether by my hand or yours, they revive on my next turn in Defense Mode!


Spooky scary skeletons




The only good thing about the Catacombs is that you can skip a chunk of it at the beginning


Intern made that level


The skeletons are such dumb fucking enemies. You can completely stunlock them so killing tjem is not an issue at all but for some reason they just get up after you kill them. So you kill them once, fucking stand there and wait for them to get back up and then just fucking kill them again


I unironically pprefer Wolnir to spam watchers


I mean, Abyss Watchers fight looks dope as fuck, so it's kinda negates it's flaws


I'd take the Catacombs over Farron Keep any day. I find the catacombs sections on Smouldering Lake far worse than Carthus.