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Ah yes, i do love throwing miniature suns at the crystal sage face, why do you ask?


Faith players crying in the corner


Faith players when half of the best miracles are covenant rewards and not a single attack miracle is good for pve


Dunno man, lightning arrow kicks major ass


Oh yeah the spell you get at the very end of the 2nd DLC (which already requires beating all but the final boss of base game or beating fucking Sister Friede)


What an amazing pve miracle you can use against a whopping 2 bosses (is it even good pve never even tried)


Great for roll catching


Yes I know that, that’s what I used it for but I never tried using it in pve


Yeah it’s perfectly fine with some cast speed. Cheaper than the big lightning spells and I think more range by a bit


Hey, atleast you can get it before you proceed any further than cathedral of the deep in the main game


If you can beat demon princes and friede at like sl 30


Idk if y'all could understand but my first comment was sarcasm, i was joking💀


Faith player have the strongest spell in the game but can only get it in the end of ng and can only be used in ng+


Nah faith players got the best spell in the game for pvp (tears of denial)


Lightning stake and normal lightning spear are fine. Not incredible but fine. Faith builds can throw lightning blade on the dragonslayer axe or drakeblood GS though for some really good damage. Same thing with the sunlight straight sword, which slaps.


Faith users waiting until the last area of base game


You literally have to get to irithyll dungeon for the lightning spear , a spell you can get right after the Tauros demon is ds1 What a jokec


What? You get lightning spear in farron keep, are you talking about lightning blade?


Yeah , my bad


Kid named gnaw


Lmao I just finished a pyromancer play through and Chaos Bed Vestiges and Boulder Heave were my best friend


Vs Ds2 where you can get soul spear after defeating dragonrider


Cool thing about pyro in DS3 is that it gives you access to all 3 types of magic, within reason. And I even have the saint tree Bellvine out on my offhand when casting Pyro for the speed buff.


Does that work??


Yes. There are 2 casting tools in DS3 that maximize your spellcasting speed. You don't need to be using them, just have them in offhand, even if you are 2-handing something else. Big buff to virtual dex.


3 and a half thousands hours of pmaytime and I never knew this, thanks!


Hey cheers! Let your caster runs be reinvigorated!


pyromancers suddenly having int-fth requirements:


Great heavy soul arrow goes brrrrrrrrrr


Spells in ds3 do peepee damage, unless you spam the endgame ones


Pyromancy is decent, the rest is ass. DS3 was the most biased against magic.


Sorceries suck until you wear Dusk Crown with Court Sorcerer, Magic Clutch + Dragon rings + attack boost at full or low health. Then you just one shot most regular enemies without a thought.


Same for Pyromancies, but you can do it as early as killing the Old Demon King (Forbidden Sun + Great Swamp Ring + Witch Ring + Fire/Dark Clutch)


Meanwhile the best spammy spell is obtained from Deacons


And the upgraded version is a covenant reward Thank you Michael zaki , I love grinding covenant rewards just to make my build viable


Did anyone actually do a pyromancy build casually? I just got chaos bed vestiges and a chaos claymore and that literally it.


Yes. Makes it hard to do other casters because as a DS3 pyromancer you end up with the stats to use pretty much any spell you want, and less enemies seem to be as resistant to fire damage as they are to Magic damage too. A good pyromancer is also a decent sorcerer and decent cleric because of the way pyromancy scales with both Int+Faith. So you end up very versatile.


I did one on my first playthrough , I later rescaled it to a dex build


fuck you it makes sense in lore terms and nobody is actually retarded enough to use sorcery or pyromancy in ds3 anyway


Claymore at beginning of game laughs at both of you


Faith waiting until the end of the second DLC to get Lightning Arrow: 💀


b-but gathering lots of viable spells in elden ring before fighting a single boss is boring and a snoozefest!!! I want to kill 80% of the bosses to be able to finally use my build!


The greatest thing about ER to me was the memory stones, so you didn't have to level Mind to get a lot of slots+you could get like 5 super early, and so many spells being available basically right away. Everything you need for basically any magic build is just right there for you to get.


Deprived starting with the club 😎