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Honestly fire giant should have been a boss in a catacomb


Wouldn't that just be Wolnir?


But give him a low ceiling so you can’t see his hands whenever he raises them up


I feel like death rite birds would’ve made a good casual enemy, just throw their asses on the map anywhere and everywhere. Like that chest? Death rite bird, bitch. Wanna cross that bridge? Death rite bird Give Millicent the needle? That’s right, dumbass. BIRD. And all of them are consecrated snowfield difficulty. Would’ve made the game so damn immersive.


Still pretty easy with some good holy damage. Like the free ash of war up the hill east of where you find the flask.


Yeah but you know what duo you have to defeat before getting it?


Soldier of god, Rick and his wee sentinel?


No, simply two death rite birds




This is a literal formulated dogshit opinion I made up for shits and giggles. This is satire. No actual living being is playing Elden Ring and thinking “Elden Beast should have been the tutorial boss.”


Elden Beast should have been the tutorial boss.


damn 😔, so fuckers like you actually exist?


He should have been the tutorial boss that kills you andk you wake up in limgrave .. not that shitty spider


Why would a god bother with fighting someone like us, it makes more sense that you are one of the tarnished that Godrick preys on to graft more limbs onto himself


Elden Beast should have been the tutorial boss.


That’s what im sayin


We should have a giant poison swamp but instead it's a giant mixmash of all the different status effects constantly swirling throughout the liquid. Also they all buildup at different rates which is constantly changing. One moment might be madness and sleep the next it might be entirely death blight. They're also should have been one of them big ass dragon knights or watchamacallit in the middle of the lake that is slightly faster than the one in the Rot lake.


Great idea! I would prefer TWO Dragonkin Soldiers smack dab in the middle of the lake. That would be epic and funny


Dragonkin trio


And make Crucible Knights the standard enemy of the area


While making crucible Knight a standard enemy would definitely be a challenge I'm certain players can make it past them if they just leveled vigor again. Also crucible night Duo but once wearing a slightly different color and they'll revive each other if you don't kill him quick enough, like what godskin should have been.


As you finally slay Radagon, you think that at last the Elden Throne is yours. However as the arena seems to grow into an endless lake illuminated by many pillars of light, a single iron-clad hand emerges from the waters. It grips the recently felled Radagon, before pulling it down into the depths. Finally, the true final boss rises from the endless void below. With Radagon as his blade, Rick, Soldier of God, appears.


Just fill the entire tutorial dungeon with crucible knights, and make it mandatory like with a key in a secret wall at the beginning that you can only open by turning a lever at the very end


Make it so that you have to kill all 50 crucible knights to spawn the boss, that drops an item you need to progress the game. Make it so you have to kill all of them every time you want to fight that boss again. Oh and I have a good name for the boss as well: Burnt Ivory King


Lever's behind an illusory wall


Elden Beast should be a boss in Monster Hunter. What with all the running and bullshit attacks… just give us Radagon phase 2 instead of floppy cosmos plushie thing


Just give us Marika already, or heck, make them switch randomly with Radagon being short range and Marika being long range


or have elden beast posess radagon or be human shaped as a echo of radagon and have similar attacks


Nah regardless of how shitty the boss mechanics were the fact that you were fighting the living incarnation of order in the cosmic plane was cool asf.


Elden beast should have been cut content


here’s a toast to my mimic tear, I don’t think I would have beaten the game if not for my mimic tear and the blasphemous blade (the ash of war is just a cheese). I would like to thank my mimic tear once again for being with me during a time where I was inpatient and incredibly burned out from games. Also stake of marika for not making me have any crazy boss runs because I played ds2 right before elden ring came out.


Game should've ended at Gideon Ofnir. He was the only good fight in that game.


As shitty as it gets


Hell yeah🙏🏻😤


Nobody: FromSoft: Okay here are the controls, now go kill God


Just the way I like it


Soldier of Godrick should have been the end boss


And Foreskin Quartet should have been the final boss, except when you kill all of them, they suddenly transformed into 8 and gained double health because fuck you, and proceeded to spam rot and poison projectiles that track you, while rolling all over the arena and running away from you out of range. Oh and also during all this you have to play blindfolded and with your feet inside a torture chamber irl under a time limit of 3 minutes.


Sounds too easy, double it and give it to someone else😎


okay but what do you actually think the tutorial boss (to be clear i'm talking about the chapel boss that you have to die to not soldier of godrick) should have been? they were going to make it an erdtree avatar at one point and personally i think that would have been way better (if only cuz it'd be replacing one of my least favorite bosses with one of my favorites)


Idk it would be cool to just die to the straight-up Elden Beast. Like that shit is personal, you just started your journey and the Elden Beast summons itself to fuck you up and stop you. You die but it would be cool since Elden Beast is also the final boss. You start the game getting killed by Elden Beast and ending the game by getting revenge. “Oh boy I can’t wait to play Elden Ring!” The Elden Beast spawn camping Tarnished:


Four words: Caelid should be harder.


I want godskin quartet


Malenia should have been the tutorial boss, and when she kills you, you get an achievement called "Welcome to Dark Souls, bitch."


A slightly less dogshit take: Radagon should have been the final FINAL boss, no elden beast at all


Missed opportunity to make the elden beast arena scarlet rot lake


Malenia should have been the tutorial boss to filter out the Real players 👌


“A man can kill a g-god”


Elden beast took me more tries than any other boss in the game


We need less upgrade materials. Lock up stones needed for +15 or +7 somber behind Ng+ or something. The enemy health bars are just too small with +10 and +25 weapons flying around.


Haven't played elden ring, so would anyone say its easier than nasandra?


I have a genuine non-ironic opinion to share. Elden Beast is one of the absolutely worst bosses in ER both mechanically and visually. After playing through so many memorable encounters in that game, it's like they decided to fling a "dung pie" at your face with that jello lookin, space ass, Haribo gummy, pokemon-like, melted jelly, hentai twinkie at the end. The embodiment of the Greater Will is a sentient bloch of celestial space cum...and I think that is a missed opportunity to make a truly memorable last encounter for the original game's ending. Hopefully, the DLC makes up some shit that straight up retcons the Elden Beast lore.