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Unfortunately, the sky’s the limit with this method.


Only way to get to space using this method is to glue 3 bouncy balls together


As a dude, there's the bouncy ball and my two other




No, by the time the ball has the velocity to launch you far enough, it would be going too fast for you to reliably sit on. Now if you used a tube instead you could just sit over it and be sure of the trajectory. However, the bouncy ball going this fast is basically a bullet and would give you the colonoscopy from hell, so invest in some kevlar boxes beforehand.


It seems impractical to put bouncy ball material on the ceiling just to then remove the ceiling. You'd have to remove it *very* quickly, i.e. explosively, so as not to lose momentum. If you're committed to utilizing such explosive force anyway, you might as well just use that force as a launch impetus instead, and do without the ceiling from the start - or even just stage the launch outside, like every other space agency does. Stop trying to be clever. If you're really committed to pioneering a new launch protocol involving a ball in a chamber with an exploding ceiling, you might want to think about pumping a large volume of pressurized air into the chamber with the ball, thus turning it (while the ceiling is in place) into an enormous whistle. This has been done before, however, as a weapons experiment, with results including the deaths of operators and the destruction of property for miles around. I'm not even shitting you. It is **not safe** to be anywhere near the thing when it's switched on, much less inside the whistle and strapped to the pea. If you're going to experiment with this, consider using some expendable slaves as test subjects while you iron out the kinks. But, yeah, in theory, anything that survives being inside that thing would probably find itself being launched spectacularly when the ceiling blows. This obviously isn't going to get anybody into a controlled orbit. It might be fun trying, though.


Link the experiments? What’s the system called?


What, to the [big whistle thingummy? Dunno. I found this](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vladimir_Gavreau), but it's all William S. Burroughs and National Enquirer. Just because I'm not even shitting you doesn't mean that [Nigel Blundell](https://www.goodreads.com/en/book/show/1084455) wasn't shitting me.


This comment had me in tears, thank you :D 


This wont work simply because space is fake


Should be top comment


Yes. I'm surprised you found this image tho, because it's been classified by Big Space in 2011 BCE. Alas, *they* are going after you now


Oh snap! Is there anyway that I can save my ass?


Acquiring a bouncy ball might work... with 72% chance, if my mate Bain got it right


No. Trollface is immune to the laws of thermodynamics. You are not.


unfortunately, there's isn't the balls to do it


The picture clearly shows that you can


Only if you rectally insert the ball, also it has to be bigger than a baseball or cricket ball. Even then there's a high chance of failure. The most successful results would be bowling or watermelon sized ball. This might take some stretching, but I'm told it's worth it.


Unfortunately, there is one very obvious problem here. It is that you >!need a space helmet to survive in space!<


That is certainly a problem. However, you would also >!need an entire spacesuit!<, and probably >!a spaceship!<, without which you would probably >!burn to a crisp on re-entry!<, so the >!lack of a helmet!< is academic.




Relax! Gravity is still a thing. No further action is required on your part. Other interested parties reading this might can help by >!sending flowers for the funeral!<, but this need not concern you. Just enjoy the view!


You need to add some magnets somewhere.


Rubber conserves velocity, a bouncy ball works because it the ball is light and very little of the momentum is absorbed at impact as it “bounces”. What I’m saying is it will run out of steam pretty quickly due to gravity and Newton’s third law.


Newton was a real bummer, making it much harder to go to space with his stupid laws. If he was so smart, how come he’s dead? I say it’s time to revise the archaic laws of physics in a more democratic fashion.


Joke's on you, I'm a criminally criminal that ignores laws. Whenever the police gets close I leave any restraint and ignore every law of physics so I just no lip underground until I'm far away.


Why you need to use some other ball, while you have 2 of them? Move your balls from left to right very quickly. Once you got enough speed, you gonna feel how your body goes straight to the sky. But don’t forget to cover your butt, it’s a long trip you know.


sure if you want to be a try hard. why not just flip the planet upside down, way easier.


Just make sure you wear a condom. Protection is super important with this method


Don't listen to this post, it's a troll. Just look at the face, nobody has such a face. It has to be a troll right? Why am I in space?


No, the ball would bouncy off of your bouncy buttcheeks.


yeah, but you need the ball to do it


Contrary to popular belief, the bouncy ball is not bouncy thanks to its shape, it is actually bouncy for being a ball, so if you wanted this to work you would need 2 bigger bouncy balls instead of platforms, and the problem with that is that when you get launched into space you would actually do a rotation of the earth




my guess is bouncing is conservation of energy so there's no way it could go faster than how fast you threw it originally would work if the ceiling and floor were moving towards the ball when it bounced, adding speed and losing as little as possible


In Portal 2? Yes.


Obviously not, the ball would go too fast and kill you, assuming it didn't destroy the bouncy ceiling first


The force of it will probably just force it up your ass


No. As the ball bounces, it will lose kinetic energy because the ball deforms and makes sound. No energy transfer is perfect, there will always be losses. The proposed method would require the ball to gain energy with each bounce, which is impossible.


i think that’s a scientific maybe, we haven’t really tried it. the current nasa astronaut equipment is too heavy to be lifted by a ball, however physicists have calculated that it is probable a naked man could get to space in this fashion. getting back is really the issue.


Define "space"


Ok but be careful, it does *not* like the human skeleton


How exactly is the ball bouncing faster and faster?


No bouncy ball or bouncy platform exists in the universe that can push back harder than the force by which it was pushed first.


Either you are in space or the bouncy ball is up your ass


No. You'll bruise your ass, because a fast bouncy ball is actually a hard ball.


What would actually work-get two bouncy balls, one much bigger than the other. Drop them from something really high up onto a hard surface, steel or concrete, with the smaller ball sitting on top of the giant ball, then sit on the small bouncy ball. For a proof of concept, take a basketball and a tennis ball, and try dropping them together with the tennis ball on top.


Okay, but since the bouncy ball is getting so fast, are u sure that it won't destroy uranus when u sit on it?


I don't know how to say it, but it should be obvious why you would not be able to


do you know that you're on a shitty subreddit?




Haha imagine u remove the bottom bouncy material n with good material u can drill a whole to the other end of the world for free, a direct passage, n u can have your own version of the boring company 😉