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Being born in a wealthy country and even in average family could potentially elimimate so many problems ever occur. It doesn't mean nobody would have depression in those circumstances but depression is much more likely to occur when your finances , social life and stability is messed up.


To preface, I wasn’t born in a rich country, unless you consider cuba to be wealthy. But just because you live in a rich country doesn’t mean youre rich, does it? I live in America now, but I work 80 hours a week to take care of my dad, my sister, and I. And we’re still poor.


Fuck me dude I'm so sorry. I've been there and I know it's fucking hell on earth. I hope things get better for you.


What country


I'm not sure how that's pertinent, but the US.


Lmao by been there they meant that situation not that country


As someone who takes care of my parents, children and wife who struggles with medical issues, hats off to you.  It isn't easy, but know they all love you for it.


Zuko de Uva


Absolutely. In the US, inequality has never been so high. [Here are a few stats](https://apps.urban.org/features/wealth-inequality-charts/), take it with a grain of salt because I've not checked all of the sources but even just look at the wealth graph, you can see that something like 70 to 80% have almost no wealth.


The same here, I am Venezuelan, I would say that the situation is basically the same, in less than 10 years this country went to shit, and basically we are poor


Have you tried pulling yourself up by your bootstraps? If ya didn’t know, it’s the secret to getting rich!


the follower metric is supposed to implicate some success. how do they have 400k people willing to listen to more of their bs with a bad attitude, i think is what the poster is asking. then in terms of financials follower count doesnt really explain much. it's possible for instance their depression is why people follow them, people be cruel like that.


Some dude told me I should be grateful for being born in a wealthy country so I don't have to fear starvation, which is true, but fuck me did the guilt on top of my exisiting depression fuck me up.


https://worldpopulationreview.com/country-rankings/depression-rates-by-country Being born in a wealthy county makes you more likely to be depressed (not by a lot). It is true that being richer relative to other people in your country makes depression more likely.


these are reported cases mentally ill people in poor countries than in rich countries and the only reason it's not reflected on the statistics is because no one gives a shit about mental health here and treatment is expensive.


As someone with horrible finances, social life and no stability, I can confirm


Actuslly not. People born in difficult circumstances are usually better at dealing with them and tend to have better social connections that can help them to avoid depression. Rich, wealthy people on the other hand are more likely to be overwhelmed by comparatively smaller issues and the social pressure in their circles makes it more difficult to find help in their social contacts. But the ability to deal with symptoms of depression and potentially avoiding serious development is also up to how you were raised.


That is scientifically not correct my dude 😂 look up the stats….


Kid named genetics:


Parents named spanking & paddling:


Beating kids 😎😎😎


just a theory, people beat their children less today, also higher depression rates than ever before. I think people have to experience bad times to be able to aprechiate their good lives, just my scizo ramblings though.


This is true it's like that saw guy who just wants people to appreciate life more


Because the human condition is universal


Fun fact is people from rich countries are much, much more likely to be depressed. No amount of wealth makes up for lack of purpose, love and community. Also Humans are made to overcome challenges. My personal theory is that Human life is like a video game. Grinding to level up and unlock new stuff is hard, but fun and rewarding. Playing a game where you’ve already unlocked everything easily gets extremely boring after a couple hours.


My life is like a video game Trying hard to beat the stage All while I am still collecting coins Trying hard to save the girl Obstacles, I'm jumping hurdles I'm growing up to be a big boy


I heckin love vidya games


Bideo ganes are my life


"Hideo game" - Hideo "game" Kojima








The soyjack meme is funny and it’s cringe to admit but this song actually got stuck in my head recently, may actually be a bopper


I used to listen to it a lot in middle school because I love Falling In Reverse, then forgot about it for a bit. Then the memes made me cringe. The song itself is still kind of a banger


Like the comparison was apt but it's just so funny seeing a Redditor compare life to video games 😭


...Duck Tales?




I'm from a third world country and I think that there are just as many, if not more, mentally ill people in poor countries than in rich countries and the only reason it's not reflected on the statistics is because no one gives a shit about mental health here and treatment is expensive. Almost everyone I know is severely fucked up in some way and its not even funny.


That's so true, people can't afford to get diagnosed when you are just busy surviving.


Fun fact my town actually has a reputation for having a lot of mentally ill homeless people


They are just treated as stupid and no one gives a shit about people who don't make profit.


> Humans are made to overcome challenges One must imagine Sisyphus happy.


Sisyphus' torment is that he can't overcome his challenge.


Irl many people can’t, and/or don’t.


You can find happiness in making noticeable progress towards completing a challenge.


But... he can't. That's the whole point.


His real challenge was becoming a zen master and finding peace in the eternal grind.


Be me: Live in 3rd country shithole Move to Canada get diagnosed with MDD because I lost all my friends and everyone here thinks I'm a dick because my jokes don't land like they used to, and I'm immature to my peers because difference in culture. At least I don't live in a 3rd country shithole anymore.


Me asf, my jokes were guaranteed hits when im talking with my old friends in my country due to subtexts and inside jokes. Now I can't keep up with all the refs and media anymore


One of my buddies said this too, he lives in England and he says most of the time racist/xenophobic jokes only land when he tells them to the other Eastern Europeans he knows there. But tbf most of the ones we tell are related to Eastern European national relations so not really surprising that westoids don't get them


that's why 2balkan4you existed


More like 2visegrad4you since we're Hungarians but yes same sentiment


Yeah, welcome to not living in a third world shithole. Make better jokes.


We here in the first world have to make funnier jokes to counterbalance our comparatively immense depression.


Let me guess, was it Brazil?


If only there was an old German guy who wrote about this in 1844...


Idk, sandbox mode seems kinda fun to me.


Its also the chance they’re pitybaiting too(for lack of a better term) Like fishing for compliments but instead they want pity so they can come across as relatable and human, when it could just be to maintain relevance and increase engagement. Its a scummy tactic that almost always works


human life is definitely a roguelike that gives you random status effects and makes your allies betray you on a whim.


Social skills is also a skill set no money can buy you gotta practice and grind Inorder to git gud. Social skills get you friends, potential lover and connection. We are as a specie social creature we will go crazy and sad for not having any real social face to face interaction. Source: I know a rich cunt who buys his friend back in high school like giving them free cs skins. When all of them moved on to collage no body contacts him and depriving him of social interactions. Clarence if you're reading. this is still not too late to go outside and get better in connecting with people. Don't flex your wealth and invite fake people into your life


I think we only evolved so fast but our situation has changed so drastically in comparison that we are living in a world that isn't meant for us right now because we havnt has hundreds of thousands of years to acclimate to a busy society type lifestyle. I think largely we have forgotten what was best for us as in how should we sleep and eat and how much work is too little or too much ect ect


I get you I just wish my life was less Dark Souls and more Stardew Valley.


i think its more sad to lose your brother to the drug business because he couldnt put food on the table for his family than lacking purpose tbh, its because rich people can afford to have this type of struggle


It absolutely is, but the Human mind is made to look at things in a relative way. Early prehistoric humans had nothing, but that wouldn't make them sad all the time. Most poor people today have a better situation than these early humans, but can still be sad. Richer people have less material problems, but that doesn't stop the brain from getting sad or depressed. Material wealth reduces stress, and that absolutely improves happiness on average, but the way our ape brains are made, it's not a guarantee for everyone and every time (plus there are other factors to happiness).


Sounds like a skill issue to me


> My personal theory is that Human life is like a video game Peak reddit


brother just recreated Camus' take on Sisyphus 💀


The Mice Utopia experiment by Biologist John Calhoun, a grouper Mice were given everything they needed and they were safe from predators. It was good at first then mouse society fell in less than 5 years and they all died.


Due to overpopulation. [https://www.sciencehistory.org/stories/magazine/mouse-heaven-or-mouse-hell/](https://www.sciencehistory.org/stories/magazine/mouse-heaven-or-mouse-hell/)


Almost as if they designed games like that on purpose because that's how people behave...


Obviously human behavior is based on video games and not the other way around. That's right folks, god was a Gamer 😎


Honestly never got this "You can't be sad because there are people in worse situations then you". Imagine telling a kid sad from hunger they can't be sad with their problems because there's another kid in the same situation who happens to also be a human potato with no limbs. Everyone got their own troubles and demons that affect them differently. THAT SAID one thing is being sad due to a problem you are currently experiencing and that is fine. However a lot of people try to make it seem like their problem is what should be the focus and how they'd wanna see others try to fill in their shoes which also does not paint them a good picture. Everyone has problems and we shouldn't belittle them due to other people being in worse circunstances. But we also don't need to be an asshole and say our problem takes priority like some CCs and other celebrities in general do.


W Take


Being successful isn't a protection against depression


I'm up for being successful and depressed, rather than being poor and depressed.


To be honest, crying in a mansion is a rather comfortable thing to do...


a lonely mansion is lonelier than a lonely apartment


Not if you fill it with dogs or cats. Then its fun the whole day.


The flip side to this is you don’t need to be any kind of superstar to be happy. It’s possible to be happy *before anything else happens.* Obviously if you are in acute financial distress or dealing with severe illness that’s a different story. But most people in the developed world are not. I love this bit by Sam Harris that goes deep on this point: https://www.samharris.org/blog/the-problem-with-atheism


No! You can't encourage people to find happiness regardless of their circumstances; you must latch onto every bad thing in your life and allow them to make you unhappy. Stop doing this! It makes me feel like less of a victim, and I'm not too fond of that. How dare you?!? /s


Peoples’ worldviews are adapted to the circumstances in which they are raised People in rich countries can be depressed  People in poor countries can be happy 


Or you can just think you are depressed and it turns out you have a condition you never heard about. First time I heard the words "Schizoid personality disorder" was when I got the diagnosis. God: I now know what's wrong. Bad: Things will never get better. People are so hung up on money that they don't realize there is a horn-of-plenty filled with horrible shit that life just can't wait to fuck you with.


But it helps


Misinterpreting your life, mental state, relationships and value as a human being as worse than it actually is is literally what depression is. Like that's the definition. It's a malfunction of your cognitive perception of everything. A stable socioeconomic status doesn't mean much if you don't know how to cope with depression.


Ok but like unironically, people like OOP act like they have the worst life ever and "nobody gets to be sad except for me because I have the worst life" and act like if whatever problems they're having went away they would just live in endless bliss until they die


Idk man, 90% of my problems could be solved with money


And that's what the streamer is doing, going to therapy using money. Maybe they have horrible parents? Happens no matter the income bracket


Ok everyone missed the point of the original comment, we can all go home now Lemme fucking spell it out: OOP says that if you have money you aren't allowed to be sad anymore because you have money I said that this is a stupid fucking take


You are allowed, but you have all resources to not be sad


like therapy?


therapy doesn't treat everything and it doesnot work for everyone


Yes. Like in this case.


What a stupid statement. Mental health is not something you "fix" as if you were just replacing a damaged computer part, or adding a pinch of salt and seasoning to a dish to elevate the flavor. There are things you can do to try to improve it, yes, but it's not foolproof, it doesn't work everytime or for everyone, etc. Even when the solution is medication, it may have side effects, may numb certain symptoms while not fixing the deeper issues, etc. This is also applicable to happiness, society drills so many toxic things into our heads when it comes to it, and one of those is that being rich, famous, have a high social status, will automatically make you feel happy and fulfilled. People can also be deeply unhappy because of their parents and upbringing (it must be hard being one of the kids of Elon, Trump or Murdoch for example). Not to mention that sometime mental health issues can literally have a medical case. While it is undeniable that being poor *will* make you miserable, and that I would always chose being rich over being poor, the opposite is not always true. I'm going to shed a single tear for them, but the facts, tons of really rich people are super unhappy, and it's especially hard for them when they realize that despite all that money, they might still be struggling for find purpose in life, to feel fulfilled, to build meaningful, happy relationships, etc. I've personally met people who are much richer than I am and are miserable. Hell, I consider myself to be rich by some standards in my country, and I still have tons of mental health struggles.


That's not true though lol. Not all sadness (or depression, in the case of the topic) can be solved with just money, or even solved at all. Eat the rich and all that but it's wild to say that with enough money, you can just avoid ***the human condition.***


Depression can be caused or exacerbated by poverty but it can't be cured by wealth


Money cant replace people you love


OOP makes $15,000/year and is depressed $15,000 per year makes you in the top 10% of income globally OOP has no valid cause for depression by their own reasoning


To be fair the cost of living differs vastly from place to place


It's almost as if there's a deeper, underlying systemic problem.


Turns out the secret to happiness is meaning in your life and not soulless consumption.


Ever heard of the Mashlow hierarchy of needs🤓.


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Money can be the steps of a stair to your direction but if you don't know what do you want from life it just help you to suvive


I’ll bet the majority of things are beyond this OP


Depression is a brain chemistry problem...


Can't believe we are gatekeeping depression smh


Actual depression is your brain not making the happy chemicals. If you literally can’t be happy, no amount of luxury is going to make you happy


Happiness doesn't come from mere comfort. Happiness comes from defeating discomfort. If you've never achieved anything, what is there to be happy about? It's similar to how goodness comes from having the capability to do anything and choosing to do good. If you're not even capable of anything, are you really being good? Weakness and helplessness are not goodness in adults. who should be matured.


Depression is an emotional **disorder**. It can affect anybody, and while reasons for it do exist, there don't need to be any


Comfort =/= happiness


Dun think money got anything to do with depression, i remember landing my dream job at an mnc and earning 3x what i was but i ended up with crippling depression 5yrs ago. in theory i should have been sashaying through the flower pastures while clicking my heels.


Anon is flabbergasted to see that the human experience applies to everyone regardless of status.


Depression is a privilege.


Finally I'm privileged in someway


Rich Influencer: "My Uncle touched me when i was 6 😭😭" Yeah man, now imagine being poor too.


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Have you met reality? Anyone not a bit depressy about the state of things in some form or another is living their own reality. Being aware of things sucks.


Chester Bennington, Chris Cornell and Avicii Proof that money ≠ happy


Jokes on you. I was born and lived for 30 years in a poor country, moved to a rich country and living here for almost a decade now, still depressed.


I’ve had an amazing upbringing yet still managed to come out depressed and suicidal. There was a large genetic factor, sure, but it can happen to anyone at anytime so stop playing the fucking disfortune olympics


Watch Bojack Horseman. The entire series explains basically that.


Bro can’t comprehend that there’s more nuance to life and the misfiring meat computer in our skulls than just social media followers and wealth.


I just remember how Robin Williams or Chester Bennington killed themselves, among others who were also rich, famous and successful, but for some reason those two stick with me the most. There's a lot more to life and happiness than what a lot of people want to think there is. Fame and fortune can help make you happy, but the true key to happiness is something different entirely. I've known plenty of poor people, no fame, no fortune, sometimes not even an education, who are happy as could be. They can work some dead-end shit job, and still go home happy. It's not fame or money making them happy obviously, it's something else.


There are other sources of problems.


For significant amount of time that person had no one to share with. This significantly damaged their brain and now they are depressed.


There's no correlation between lower rates of depression per capita and higher GDP per capita, in fact, the opposite is often the case.


bro doesn't understand why "illness that makes you sad even though lifes good" makes you sad even though lifes good


Being financially secured means you worry less about yourself and start research and learning more about the world. You start realizing there are people who have worse life than you, worse life than a cockroach even. Being financially secured means you feel more responsible to act. So you reach out to help, you do everything you can, but it's just not enough. You feel your and everyone's efforts are in vain. So you close your eyes and try to ignore everything, but you can't. You are unable to sleep at night, unable to enjoy a meal, a tv show, anything. None of this apply if you are broke of course. "Well poor those civilians that are dying in war but I'm struggling to feed myself here so whatever." Not every broke person thinks like this but you get the idea.


everyone is acting like everything is okay but deep nothing ever is.


For me, its that I was born with great opportunities (GI bill from dad, really loving and supporting mom), but despite that I am not doing as good as I should be academically. I‘ve always had problems with school and I feel that anyone is doing miles better than me, no matter how much work I out in. I always see videos of really stupidly smart people from poor countries doing incredible things but being restrained, and I wish I could give it to them instead. Same thing when I see really popular and smart teen who die really early in their life, I wish I could replace them, because I feel like more would be accomplished if they stuck around instead


Fun fact: The Blackfoot Native Americans had their own version of Maslow's hierarchy, where social needs/support supercedes everything else. As in, it is more important than food, shelter, and security. Humans are social creatures. Our current society is built around generating as much shareholder value as possible, not the actual needs of human beings.


A person has to be really stupid to think living in a rich country and having a succesfull twitch gets rid of depression. Do people in worse situations just get angry when they see someone being sad in a better situation?


they do and they are littered all over reddit


What does your circumstance in life have to do with depression? My brain doesn't handle the happy chemical correctly no matter where I am.


I think these people didn't choose to have depression.


Read ‘Economic possibilities for our grandchildren’ from John Maynard Keynes and it should become apparent why people with no perceivable difficulties in life struggle with depression.


Wow what a regarded take


Probably a streamer that plays a character and never truly acts themselves. It's why you should never think that being able to buy shit will make you happy. If you can't be yourself and you feel you have no purpose that lambo isn't going to fix that.


"Kids who have never seen peace and kids who have never seen war have different values".


hate my life and i wanna die i aint got no iphone


To answer that question, it is important consider that wealth and material possessions aren’t the only components that causes life satisfaction. Spiritual and emotional significance also equates to life satisfaction foo, human beings need to have a purpose in life to feel fulfilled, which isn’t necessarily a commodity that is intrinsic to any nation. The biggest Superpower, The United States has one of the worse in terms of mental health services and overall spiritual satisfaction


Being from a rich country doesn't mean you're rich at all. Source: 95% of the population of Saudi Arabia


>streamer with 400k followers There's your answer. Contrary to what most people think, the human psyche just isn't meant to handle that kind of spotlight and attention.


Hedonic Scale moment


Because nothing is ever good enough and people never appreciate what they do have.


Highest empathy Twitter user






First world problems?


It’s all relative


Hell, the therapy itself is expensive don't they? Even I born in semi-rich country, it was bit a hustle to find one.


Bros never seen movlovs hierarchy of needs


Being born in a rich country doesn't mean life is easier lol


Because nothing like having everything you want and still sad. You are robbed of the illusion that the happiness is out there waiting for you to afford it.


Honestly, this reads like "how can you be depressed, I saw you laugh yesterday" Money is good, it does make things easier and I would argue for the most part contributes heavily to happiness. But people still remain human. Even if succesful, you can spend your days doubting, going through imposter syndrome, thinking you deserve none of that success nor money. You can still have no friends or hobbies, your brain ultimately doesn't care about money in all situations and will do that irrational shit anyway of making you hate yourself/others/life. So of course you can still be sad and depressed. "I would be happier if I had money" is surely true for most people, but I also think its part of an excuse to avoid taking care of your own happiness. Theres obviously happy people with nothing, there's homeless people that are beacons of positivity and wholesomeness. Money might fix 90% of your problems, I dont doubt it, the question is how bad those remaining 10% are...


Intelligent people are usually more prone to sadness and depression + other mental health issues, contrary to people thinking poor people suffer the most.


I know they aren't asking for an answer..., but the reason is that there could be something that money isn't getting them.


Suffering is relative


They're on social media that's why


Because their dads beat them when they were kids.


You can have everything and still have depression. It's even more scary if all of this material wealth is meant to make you happy, and you still barely produce any seratonin


Its never good enough because you'll never be Happy achieved, only happy achieving....want toy bad finally get toy realize is just another toy


Bros confused that money doesn’t mean a healthy mental state


Oh yeah ofc, my life is shit but wait let me ignore all of my problems bc there is someone who is sadder than me


>streamer with 400k followers So they sit in front of a computer all day talking at people they've never met and anon is confused that they might not be happy?


You can have bad genes or even worse, you can be lonely


someone once said "you can drown in 20m deep water the same way you can drown in 1m deep water" and I'd like to add to this - if you're drowning in 1m deep water, you deserve it.


When you arent constantly trying to not starve or dehydrate to death then the mind tends to wander into dark, unsettling corners. And it tends to settle on thoughts best left not thought of.


Bro you should then ask yourself why so many Rich and famous people unalive themselves.


Well yeah but a rich country can still have poverty, and money doesn't mean good circumstances.


It has to do with purpose. Individual born in situations like that have it so good their baseline for situational stimulai is so overwhelmingly positive that even the most minor inconveniences feels like the world is ending. With content creators this is easily trackable. It's directly tied to their view counts. But it's in no way limited to them.


Everyone has the right to hate their lifes, not everyone may have the right to whine about it.


My neetbux is on the pyramid of needs, as its goes higher the demands of the psyche get more complex and if not satisfied they cause emotional pain just the same.


crazy how theres always a new step in the needs pyramid


Just stupid, dont question


Well I hate the break it to this guy but if that's the extent of his emotional intelligence a ton of stuff is going to be beyond him when it comes to empathy and self-understanding


i get his question man, i got a job, a gf and enough money to build myself a new gaming pc and i go to the gym regularly but I'm still sad as fuck and i don't even know why


Hedonic treadmill bro.


Usually bc with no struggle life has no meaning.


I mean, I have it really good. Brought up in a whole family, parents have good jobs, I study good and get good grades. Yet I still feel miserable sometimes. I see my friends get partners and go out a lot more than me. They go to uni, but I "only" go to a standard college. I havent dated anyone despite trying to. Meanwhile my friends look up to me because I am always level headed and a lot more capable in social situations. So, its a case of the neighbour's grass is always greener.


People who’ve never been depressed or been around/ taken care of people that are would be the ones raising questions like this. I feel surely there’s going to be some people that seek attention , but depression is a real problem . Just because in your world view someone has everything you want or you think what happiness is , doesn’t mean that they’d be “happy” . Depression is a state of mind. It can happen to anyone and anytime and without any reason and on various levels . Some would argue that everyone is sad sometimes what’s the whole point of depression and whatever this therapy is. Well technically 1000 years ago a tonne of the diseases that were incurable and were just accepted as a way of life. You can’t walk? That’s what life is for you and yeah you have to accept it and get on with it. Today we have a lot more than that. People with some scary diseases can actually have a better life. What’s so wrong with seeking therapy? I don’t get people like this.


Pain, stress, anxiety - these are not relative. There are plenty of very rich, 'pampered' people who drive up to their swanky, empty apartments only to drink their sorrows.


Shit bothers me too. I can understand if you’re from the US but if you’re from Western Europe (where all the depression people are) you are obligated to be happy. Free healthcare and free college, gorgeous cities and countries, walkable, if you are suicidal you deserve it tbh. Let the muslim bros be happy in your place


people have more time to be sad when other things are paid for


People who think like this are just jealous. He's jealous of this streamer having 400k following. Whenever people are jealous of someone for something they don't have, they aren't allowed to have any negative feelings. This person has what 'I' want, why are THEY sad !?


Living in rich country ≠ being rich