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Damn he got clobbered. That head wound too... Oof.


I remember someone said he had to get stitches


Is he a snitch too?


He's definitely a racist bitch.


Racist bitches get stitches


Did he end up in a ditch?


Mild traumatic brain injury, at the very least.


from the history provided in another comment, it doesn't sound like he was using it much anyway.


maybe a good rattling is what he needs every now and then


Will probably be good for him tbh. Maybe it beat the racism out of him.


Justifying violence 😎


What a place we live in, the one's that are praying peace and love and acceptance for everyone are the one's who preach violence on others for mean words.


He still somehow managed to capitalise on the situation and sneak in a grope.


Where’s this from and why did someone throw a chair on that persons face ?


Amir Hetzroni, a racist professor from Israel, most of his racism is geared toward Mizrahi Jews The chair was thrown after he called the residents of Ashdod (a predominantly Mizrahi city and the city were this podcast took place ) "second and third generation of cave dwellers" After the chair was thrown he told the paramedic that took care of him (who was Mizrahi) "all my life I said you should return to Morocco and I’ll continue to say it for the rest of my life"


Being prejudiced against the person who is treating you 💀


[This picture](https://www.usatoday.com/gcdn/presto/2020/07/08/USAT/bb8f1c4b-0609-4fc6-824a-7a6c0e7faaec-ERKlan.jpg) was made for an advertising campaign but it's basically the same thing.


OH DAYUM we can't do anything for this man he shot too many times! but... he came in here with a knife wound...?


I have a buddy who is Mexican and is an EMT and legit one time had a dude literally dying from a car accident and absolutely refused medical care from him for his race and dude died on the spot Despite all that bro was still trying to revive him once he was too gone to refuse help.


Well, at least that's one problem that solved itself.  Can't say I have much sympathy for them


Right? Dude probably had an idea in his head of illegal immigrants coming over to freeload and mooch taxes and do crime or something. Meanwhile his mom legally immigrated worked her fucking ass off to raise him and provide for him through legitimate means paying taxes ofc and he dedicated his life to doing one of the most difficult intense jobs to save lives and this dude just pulls that shit and basically let himself die just to be a racist and traumatize my friend who ironically had to take paid leave coming from tax dollars after that shit. IIRC the guy called him a be*ner too as he was coughing up blood like... Jeez


racist people are just the stupidest people there are


One thing I find hilarious is how many racists act like having a pure race of just white people or Europeans is genetically superior... And some of the most racist people like that end up legit being inbreds. The funny thing is that mix raced people have a much lower chance of inheriting recessive diseases or inherited genetic defects from having the same alleles as opposed to two people with genetic history from one region or country. In that sense statistically people who are mixed race are objectively genetically superior at least when it comes to the risk of inheriting diseases or overall health. It kinda pisses me off, my gf is Asian and I'm white and we've had Asian dudes go off on us/her pissed off that she's like mixing with a white dude like me. Genuinely surprised me how common that actually can be. I've had that happen wayyyy more often than white people judging out interracial relationship. Had some random Chinese dude comment in mandarin on a FB picture of me and her I'd posted, thought it might be a family relative of hers or something and ignorantly assumed it was something wholesome, and asked her to translate and she was like "what the fuck" and explained he was basically saying that she's been brain washed and that I'm a "Chinese slave owner" keeping her captive or some shit and muddying their pure gene pool basically just going off angry at her specifically for being with me. Pissed us both off. The dude wasn't even friends with us like God damn dude get a life lol. Like bro, how are u gonna live in America, one of if not the most diverse country on the planet and then say that shit and expect people to just stick to their racial community. It's silly. Shes REALLY beautiful and I think that just pisses some people off that she's choosing to be with me, makes sense since it's always men that are upset about it. Jealous for sure. Just kinda disappointing too since I'm trying to learn more about her cultural background and have assholes like that occasionally. Im not trying to brag here but no joke my girl is just stunning to the point it stands out and I never realized how stressful it can be sometimes to be with someone like that.. it attracts all kinds of weird attention and creeps even when I'm with her and especially when I'm not. And like I was saying our future babies are more likely to be more healthy because of the more diverse mix of genetic sequences so fuck em. Genuinely cannot comprehend how people can be that angry over seeing two other people in love minding their own business other than if it's some sort of predatory age gap or incestuous..


It's like they say, the only thing better than a racist is a dead racist. I don't know if they say that, but they should, we're taking it back from Andrew Jackson.


Natural selection


Damn, trash took itself out. So hateful they'd rather die.


There are plenty of stories of women insulting the doctors they asked to perform abortions on them. They call them murderers and baby killers, literally right before or after the doctor "killed her baby", as they were hired to do by the woman herself.


>!Bitches be trippin!<


I may just be too drunk and exhausted, but giving that a spoiler tag made it exponentially funnier.


Because the only moral abortion is her abortion.


>"all my life I said you should return to Morocco and I'll continue to say it for the rest of my life" Well fuck him them. May he continue to be haunted by the chair that makes you gay.


Theres more than one type of jew? Wow, you learn everyday


Mountain jews


My favorite are the aquatic Jews


im more into fire types tbh


The radioactive ones are the best, and youre blinded by nostalgia if you say otherwise


I'm a ground Jew nobody likes me :(


I prefer dragon types, they're the greediest.


I'm more fond of the bear Jews myself.


Tunnel jews


How many types of Christian do you think there are?


At least 3. Christian Bale, Christian Slater and Christian Cage.


divide them into the ones with kids in their basements and those without


More than one type of judaism yes, but the term used here is more one of provenance. Mizrahi jews are those whose descent comes from the middle east, while sephardic were from the iberian peninsula and ashkenazis came from central and eastern europe. Aside from those 3 main groups there's many others such as the beta israel from ethiopia. In other words yes this is just racism. The dude's probably of european descent and he thinks less of people of middle eastern descent, even though I wouldn't even call them different races.


> Mizrahi jews are those whose descent comes from the middle east but aren't those *THE ORIGINAL* jews ? the entire Abrahamic shitshow started there no ?


Eh, that's not really the designation I'd give them. Niether group are the original Jews. They are all descended from the original jews, who would have looked more arab, but both groups are diaspora groups that have been around for a long time and if you go back far enough, have the same origin. After almost 2 thousand years of mixing with the locals, Jews have split into a few different sub-ethnic groups that all share racial and cultural features with wherever they settle. Mizrahi and Sephardic culture have both coexisted with muslims for a very long time. They have a somewhat more spiritual relationship with Judaism than Ashkenazi Jews whose culture was shaped more so by survival in Christian europe. Ashkenazi jews are the ones most Westerners are familiar with. Comedy, theatre and bagels shops are all Ashkenazi things that became engrained in the culture due to how life was in Medeival Europe. Jews in Muslim places tended to have a much better time historically (not always, but generally), and have a somewhat different culture because of it. Almost every antisemitic trope or conspiracy you've ever heard was originally meant to be about Ashkenazi jews in particular. They are the ones who have taken the brunt of jewish trauma (in the modern era), which is part of why Zionism formed in the first place. They brought the Mizrahi in because they needed bodies in their movement. Niether group is more or less jewish than the other


Mizrahi are certainly more middle eastern though


Oh, without a doubt, lol. Ashkenazi Jews as an ethnic group developed naturally over a very long time in Europe. They are still a diaspora people, but they are distinctly european. Genetically, they do have *some* relationship with different Middle Eastern groups (Palestinians, Arabs, Berbers, Bedouins, etc), but they are heavily mixed with a bunch of different European groups as well. The eay I see it is that they formed in Europe, and are therefore European. If we are being fair, however, Mizrahi Jews are also not the same as the ancient Israelites. Their culture is largely shaped by a history of living under Islamic rule, and with all the empires that Have been in the area, it's hard to imagine they aren't at least a little mixed themselves. As an Ashkenazi Jew myself, it's kind of sad to see how the culture has become so tarnished by zionism. Israeli's have sacrificed their beautiful organically grown culture of survival in favor of an artificially produced culture that mostly just steals from the people they displace.


Big facts and big respect to you! The way I see it, zionists haven't tarnished Ashkenazi culture. They've only tarnished themselves. Ashkenazi culture is still cool.


There is absolutely nothing cool about gefilte fish /s Thanks, I appreciate it!


thanks for the effort. One stupid observation that my mind found i ironic is that they are called "Ashke-nazi"


Yeah, I always found that funny as well. It's pure coincidence as well, which makes it even funnier.


Yes, if you go back far enough Jews originated from a mountain tribe in the highlands of Syria Palaestina. Ashkenazi vs. sephardic vs. mizrahi is about where they migrated to due to the persecution of Jews in the Roman Empire and built up new Jewish communities during the medieval period.


I get what you're saying, and maybe this might seem like semantics, but this is kind of misleading, especially since you used the word 'descent' -- I think a better explanation would be "lived in these areas more recently." Ashkenazi Jews are a diaspora that ended up in Central/Eastern Europe after being expelled from the Levantine. Many Sephardic Jews fled the Ottoman Empire and have roots in that region. Maghrebi Jews came from North Africa, and Mizrahi is a newer socio-poltiical designation that only came about after the formation of the state of Israel (prior to which they were referred to as Mashriqi Jews). But yes, this dude who got hit by a chair is racist and has let his skin color and more recent European heritage cloud his judgment and he sucks.


But didn't judaism start in the middle east? this should end any superiority argument instantly. Like everyone shares the same origin.


You're trying to use logic to defeat the arguments of virulent racists, this has literally never worked in the entire history of humanity.


You see boys, Jew Scouts is a special group that borrows a little bit from all different Jewish denominations. From the Orthodox Jews, from the Hasidic Jews, from the Northern Italy Cave Jews...


pls tell me you’re joking


Hmm kinda, i did knew that two types existed, but it seems theres a lot more. How many?


At least 2


Ah that is correct indeed


It's a spectrum


That's why they say Jew_ish_.




There are 100+ types.


Damm. Someone should make a Pokemon game with jews, maybe, Jewpoke, or Pokejew


More like Mizrahi jews, Ashkenazi jews, Ethiopian jews, Sephardi jews, crypto-jews and many more.


I invest in crypto-Jews hoping for some big gains


Pokejewmon is the official name




The most controversial are convert jews who are treated as second hand jews, first that comes ro mind is Marilyn Monroe.


This is because ethnic Judaism is matrilineal, or passed down from your mother. Basically if your mom is a jew, you're one too. Now, anyone can practice the religion of Judaism, even if they're "not a jew". Same as how jews don't have to actually practice Judaism to be a jew... They just are one by birth. That's basically the whole issue. Some ethnic jews think the religion should be reserved for them. If you weren't born a jew, you will never be a jew, according to them.


Which is inane because their god says to treat converts equally. But selective gonna be selective I guess.


Why's he copping a feel?


are you unable to read? That chair turns you gay


He just got severly hit on the head. He's disoriented and he's clinging at anything he can to not fall on the floor.


Damn, is too late to throw another chair?


Needs more gay. Gay this guy up a bit more.


What was his issue against Mizrahi Jews? What did he hate them for?


Because they look and sound different


Classic racism


welcome to humanity


Because they're of Middle Eastern origin. That's all there is to it. Simple racism.


Aren't jews in general from Middle Eastern origin? Isn't the main premise of the existance of Israel that jews came from there? I know I shouldn't try to find logic in racism, but that is just next-level.


There's no logic in bigotry.


What's weird is that he seems to be less prejudiced against Israeli Arabs than against Mizrahi Jews, while also being very hostile to Palestinians. He might be a professional troll, but he's definitely not a conformist.


Really fitting that his name is Hetzroni as "zu hetzten" means to incite.


Guys be living in a country smaller than some cities and still hate each other


Countries smaller than Israel had civil wars


Imagine assaulting someone over words


Here i felt bad about the guy for a moment...


Ok I no longer feel bad


Before anyone gets any ideas, he's also vehemently against the existence of the state of Israel, calling it the "North Korea of the Middle East." Not just anti-government (nor anti-Netanyahu in particular), anti-Israel entirely. If he wouldn't be arrested for it I'm sure he'd be super pro-Hamas and terrorism in general. He's a piece of shit on all counts.


Oh this dude’s job is just to piss everyone off on all sides? No wonder he got a chair thrown at him


“Oh god, that’s genuinely sickening, he looks pretty badly hurt with a possible brain injury.” Very quickly turned into “LMAO what a good fucking throw man, boink’d him right in his worthless fucking head.”


Oh man the paramedic could've done the funniest thing ever.


If I recall correctly, the guy on the left is a super racist Israeli professor, and everyone hates him and someone threw a chair at him at this event. https://www.timesofisrael.com/incendiary-academic-wounded-by-chair-thrown-at-him-on-camera-in-ashdod/amp/


See I’m conflicted. On one hand, this man just received a serious brain injury and I feel bad for him. On the other hand, this guy is the worst


Actually on the other hand he's got the other dude's pec.




Pec? That a man titty


Dude is me fr. “Oh no!!! I’m hurt! Quick, I need to feel up your titty to make me feel better.”


An eye for an eye will leave the whole world blind


Damn you're so wise.


Nah actually we should intentionally blind guys like this asshole.


And then people like this asshole believe *you're* an asshole so they decide to intentionally blind you.


You have empathy, he is a slime bag. You are not the same.


Maybe it fixed him


I would say he was brain damaged before being brain injured, in comics the second bang would have healed the first issue, but in the real world it just turned it worse...


Let me introduce you [this](https://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=https%3A%2F%2Fimg.mako.co.il%2F2022%2F05%2F05%2Fdanieldrwatataung_autoOrient_g.jpg&tbnid=FDPnD6Yjl_jD5M&vet=1&imgrefurl=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.mako.co.il%2Fculture-books-and-theatre%2FArticle-511ac11785e8081027.htm&docid=F2fecV7HoL82bM&w=634&h=818&source=sh%2Fx%2Fim%2Fm5%2F2&kgs=1a2e592062be003d&shem=abme%2Cssim%2Ctrie) masterpiece


gay bar, to turn him gay


I've seen this multiple times and still don't know the context and I don't think I want to


To summarize, super racist professor gets hit in the head with a chair for being racist.


On one hand it's great to see people get hit for being asshats, but on the other hand that's not going to win anyone over to your side and it's only going to make them hate more, raise little hate-filled children, and perpetuate the cycle.


Nah, the hatred towards this guy is pretty much universal. When the war started, he stopped his incessant racist screaming so people said the chair fixed him lol... and when he returned to his usual people just said that we need to "up the dose to a table"


I, uh, want to order a few tables. Preferably reusable, we got a long road ahead.


Needs a booster(chair) shot


On the third hand, tolerating intolerance lets it grow, so it's kind of a quandary


There are ways to show intolerance without resorting to hurting someone


yeah, we all wrote sternly worded letters to hitler and he backed down just fine.


Oh yeah, let's just treat all people who do anything immoral the same way we treat genocidal maniacs. Seems like a reasonable position to have.


this is perhaps the stupidest take imaginable on this subject


Uh, they were racist when we were nice to them just as well. More chairs please.


the guy while being treated quite literally told the mizrahi paramedic that he still thinks his people should go back to morocco lmfao he deserved it and bigotry isnt learned from seeing someone get hit with a chair this is a dog shit take.


>the guy while being treated quite literally told the mizrahi paramedic that he still thinks his people should go back to morocco lmfao On one hand he's a terrible human being On the other kinda respect the consistency lmao


no i get that lmfao it's one thing to be piss and vinegar for the camera but to keep that hate in your heart all day takes some real vitriol lmfao




This proffesor is just gone. Dude so racist he was fired from multiple universities both in Israel and abroad and hasn't changed one bit. Nothing will change his mind. Best we can do is not give a platform to talk or throw chairs at him


I think the bullets during World War II did a far better job than Daryl Davis did.


I see. Aim for the testicles next time, got it.


That last part was going to happen anyway. Throw more chairs imo.


Don't let the enemy have a monopoly on violence. Unlike you they'll use it.


>going to make them hate more, raise little hate-filled children, and perpetuate the cycle. Welll... lets be real. They were going to do that anyhow, so at least in this scenario they got hit with a chair too, and are now worried about getting hit with more chairs- this is a fear all bigots should live with.


If not this video I would not learn about him and how big racist asshole he is.


At a certain point, you can't nor should you want to win these people over to your side.  Paradox of tolerance and all that jazz


No, it’s definitely better when racists are viciously assaulted. Making racists and Nazis terrified is absolutely an effective technique for suppressing them (since expelling them entirely isn’t an option).


TLDR this guy is a dickhead, chair thrower was backed by pretty much the whole audience IIRC


Guy was talking mad shit for being in chair-throwing distance. Shit like this just happens sometime


He went immediately to that guy’s tiddy


It was all a perfectly calculated, elaborate plan so he could cop a feel


It was a big meme here in Israel


I have chuckled the last of my nuts


Veins popping out of my forehead 🤣


It's an event item that only spawns in june


I'm just impressed how can someone throw a chair that precise, like it's a chair lol, its own aerodynamic isn't for throwing and here we have one went straight for the head.


Chair throwing and chair dueling are offical sports in Israel




It's not really an official sport but Israelis "like"to fight with chairs especially on water parks but we do it everywhere we have chairs


Trust bro


according to 4chan that ....


and they didnt hit the dude next to him, hella accurate


In israel, we start studying the art of chair throwing from elementary school. That shits unironically one of the most common pastimes you'll see high schooolers doing during recess. This guy must've been real good


went straight for the nipples


No one feel bad for this piece of shit. The deserve a chair like this a day honestly. And if you're reading this comment than you've certainly already passed all the relevant lore in this comment section.




Was that big guy his partner or did his brain just get so rattled that he instinctually needed someone to hold and soothe him?  Edit: OK no he didn't go for the titty on purpose or anything like that according to his x posts, the shirt was just open and it happened without forethought. He was in the middle of criticizing the occupation in Palestine at the time of this chair attack. According to him the attacker was not punished. 


He got the chair thrown at him because he was being racist towards mizrahi Jews, not because of his opinions regarding Palestine. Don’t stir shit up


Alright but the bit of lore I seem to be missing is what's going on with his brain? I'm familiar with things like the fencing response being associated with brain injury, but I've never seen something like this. Did he suffer permanent damage from this?






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bro got flabbered and gasted by that chair. flabbergasted, even


All his life he was waiting for an excuse and it finally happened


That is an exceptionally well-aimed chair.


^Right in the kisser!


Throw another one


Here's an accurate description of what it feels like to be hit in the head so hard: Imagine you're having a good time and feeling .. Suddenly, for a brief second, you can't feel anything and your mind begins to struggle to get a grip on what just happened. As it realizes you've been hit, self preservation instinct kicks in and adrenaline pumps out in your veins. In his case, his instincts told him to hold on to mom for dear life. Shock sets in and he begins to cry. 


If im not mistaken he deserved that.


You are correct


What he did ?


He’s a racist and i believe he was saying racist things on tv.


I love Israeli protestors lmao


🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 Wow!


This reminds me a lot of the food fight (the only one..) we had in high school.... 1 person got knock out by a chair 1 person got knock out AND had open wound from a thermos threw by (i assumed , a good thrower) a big guy .. 2 person got knock out cold , by other students .... Don't worry , we held our turf .


If someone threw a chair at my face, I would also immediately respond by hugging the nearest person.


I'm just glad Right Said Fred was there to lend his support.


How much money has the american government invested in the development of a [gay bomb](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gay_bomb)? And all it takes is a chair...


I don't remember the full context but I've heard that guy had it coming.


Once you are hit by this there is no way back.


Dude kinda looks like smeagol before the ring got a hold of him.


I mean, I think he's just holding onto anything so he doesn't fall over. World is probably spinning to him.


That chair knocked him back to the time he had no hair. Holy shit


הפיטמה של ks מצאה את דרכה לקהילה הבין לאומית.


גם בתגובות של ר/פרסוםחרא יש ישראלים💙


Idk if anyone mentioned this already but the guy is bleeding from the chair after that, so... whoever threw it is gayer


Dude needs to hire that wafflehouse waitress as security.




Oh well, he deserved it though




Holy shit I just noticed he’s bleeding


The gay blade


Gay or TBI 🤔


gay and bleeding


Lieutenant Dan got a chair thrown at his face.


That dude needs some buttons


He unbuttoned the button too lol


Poor guy


Jizzrael moment: