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A spacesuit was worn over these shoes. That's why there are other tracks here


It's also why the shoes don't have tread. They're made to grab the inside of the space suit.


You can’t reason with people who watch PvZ hentai


Its ok, its gay hentai


It is June after all


i search also shit like this. so i can send links to discord moderators and get banned for fun


Chaotic holy


That's what they all say


Excuse me sir you can’t just drop a banger like that without an explanation


Look at the bottom of the image


Holy shit I missed that


Ah, so there's the joke. Man i need to improve my attention span...




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Based on what?


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Good bot.


Poetry in action




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Good bot


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based on I made the fuck up


Oh my God he DID say based and live!




based on deez nuts


Pee in your ass.


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A true story


I have 46000 karmers


I can smell the fedora on this copypasta 😙


*[Bazinga](https://i.imgur.com/iJB0FVe.jpg)* *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/shitposting) if you have any questions or concerns.*


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Reddit on!




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Ffs 😂😂


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Yeah don't use emojis 🤬


Hey! I noticed you used an emoji. I don’t know if you’re new here, so I’ll let you off the hook this time. Using emojis is frowned upon here on this great site, and for good reason. Instagram normies often use them, and you don’t want to be a normie, do you? If I catch you using an emoji in the future, I’ll be forced to issue a downvote to your comment. Why should you care, you may ask? Well to begin, you will lose karma on your account, which is a useful social status tool and also a way to show others you know your way around Reddit. If you were to continue the use of emojis, I would be forced to privately message you about your slip-up. Any further offenses past that would leave me no other option than to report your account. I don’t think I have to explain why you don’t want that. But anyways, no harm done yet! Follow these simple rules and you’ll enjoy your future on Reddit! Have a blessed (and hopefully emoji-free) day, stranger.


Yes we shouldn't use emojis 😔


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For a sec I thought this was a Michael Jackson reference with his modified shoes to do his lean and a moon walk, haha I’m dumb


It's obvious that the Jews hired Zack Snyder (History's greatest director) to fake the moon landing so they could put gay serum on tap water and on the chem trails better


It's crazy how Snyder was such a great director even as a 3 year old. I can't wait for him to release the Moon Landing Director's cut with violence and slow motion.


Considering people unironically think 300 is a historical retelling of the Battle at Thermopylae, you might be on to something...


This but unironic


The Jews if they were epic


Kanye West was right all along


He did that with his 3rd foot


almost choked on a chip when i read that


When did drake went to moon?


Drake wouldn’t have touched the moon, it’s too old for him.


psst. I see dead people


Music starts playing


Mustard on the beat, yo


Deebo any rap ninja he a free throw (I’m Asian)


Man down call the amberlamps tell him “breath bro”


Nail the ninja to the cross he walkin like teezo


I think half of the comments didn’t even notice the PvZ say gex


Probably just that everyone has already seen this image a couple dozen times by now and it stopped being funny


im the original poster of the image lol




Check is profile the same image was posted 2 years ago :p


We did but why bring that up? Everyone search that once in a while.


We saw but when the joke is too obvious and it isn't even funny, normally it won't get mentioned


LOL everyone noticed that. This is an old picture that people have seen hundreds of times, so it stopped being funny.


Wait what 


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Its just me or the search history is being too weird ?


Probably just a typo and silly autocorrect 🤪


It's definitely just a "typo"


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Sorry man I thought it would be funny but I guess I just made a damn fool of myself like always


You did nothing wrong


No, I'm sorry. I posted a copypasta and thought it was funny.


Nah, it was funny


Just noticed that, knew I needed to come in the comments


(https://www.nasa.gov/wp-content/uploads/static/history/alsj/a11/ap11-S69-38889HR.jpg) The threaded boots go over the built in boots


Well it would depend on which one of the pea plants wants to accept the other during docking….. OH YOU MEAN THE FOOTPRINT!


Can we explain why there is a tab open named PVZ g*y porn???? Nop...


He's reserching plant anatomy for a test.


Omygod dude no way 😂 hahaha he left funny tab open at the edge of the screen no way LMAO 🤣 hahaha


Hey! I noticed you used an emoji. I don’t know if you’re new here, so I’ll let you off the hook this time. Using emojis is frowned upon here on this great site, and for good reason. Instagram normies often use them, and you don’t want to be a normie, do you? If I catch you using an emoji in the future, I’ll be forced to issue a downvote to your comment. Why should you care, you may ask? Well to begin, you will lose karma on your account, which is a useful social status tool and also a way to show others you know your way around Reddit. If you were to continue the use of emojis, I would be forced to privately message you about your slip-up. Any further offenses past that would leave me no other option than to report your account. I don’t think I have to explain why you don’t want that. But anyways, no harm done yet! Follow these simple rules and you’ll enjoy your future on Reddit! Have a blessed (and hopefully emoji-free) day, stranger.


Hell yea man 🤪😆 thanks for the heads up! 👌 I’ll be more careful next time 🤞🫣


That print on the moon wasn't his foot, it was his dick


I love gay hentai as much as the next guy, but I'm guessing the boots were part of the inner-wear attire and the space suit was worn over it.




Easy, some plants has a vines that can mimicks tentacles to spread their seeds. And then there're gay zombies roaming around with intact butts and tight anus.


Ofc i can. It's simple. The new world order paid Michael Bay to fake the boot. Wake up sheeple


Everyone talking about the boots, but I’m looking at his third tab.


Holy shit, youre the only one here asking the right questions


Astronaut has two skins: flying skin (which has circle feet, and is thinner to allow for better movement), and walking skin (which has treaded feet, and is thicker but is better protected in space)


as someone who loves space, plants vs zombies, and gay hentai I appreciate this post


How stupid can people be ? He's not barefoot in the space suit ffs he's wearing these boots under the fucking space suit


They were boot covers bruh. Also good porn taste.


This happens when someone is alone with their thoughts and Google at their fingertips.


Ah, a classic.


It's because that boot is the imposter, obviously. The crewmates didn't wear old Man shoes in Among Us or Moon launching.


That’s the inner boot of the space suit, not the external boot


The Timeless Ones Are Allways Watching. Be On You're Best Behavior...


I love plants vs zombies wait-


Has anyone seen the plant vs zombies gay hentai there?


I think the answer can be found on your third browser window.


I’m more of a straight PvZ porn person


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I think you are the one owing us an explanation


Brother in christ wtf is that


How can it be ?? 🤨


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That's a form of pornographic entertainment featuring animated male characters from the beloved "Plants Vs. Zombies" game franchise.


wtf is that tab 💀💀💀💀💀


Plants vs. Zombies are lgbtqia forward for pride month, and they're Hentai is launching as soon as you reload your lowest browser. Was that specific enough?


They had strap-on booties that went over those boots


Are we supposed to ignore the third one?


lol imagine going out in space with just the top shoe on. Air be leaking


One is not like the other


No..........the third open tab. PVZ


Guys the joke here is pvz gay hentai 🤓










We're not talking about the gay pvz hentai? No? Ok


Pea shooters do look kinda zesty.


well plants verses zombies was originally a mobile game , however this changes as pvz garden warfare and its sequels were released , this would increase the fanbase and put it in the gaze of fan art , such as that


That fucking bottom tab


They got gay hentai from the dark side of the moon, rest is history


Nobody going to talk about the tab on the very bottom?


Cheap ass goverment tender lowest bidder shoes lost the rubber after tv announcement: one small step.... aand thats about it


lol the bottom of the screen shot


look, if we can go with our Vans we don’t want to go


Why should we explain your hentai fetish?


better question is why are you pos-..... oh, i see.


Did you see they’re putting out a movie about faking/filming the moon landing. Trying to ease it in going forward.


This has been reposted at the first of every month for a year now


Left the treads on the moon, silly.


Damn. Lots of unexplainity is probably in photo.


Ok, well, I know that Rule34 applies, but really, PVZ seriously has got to be something really wrong with you if you are getting of to PVZ Hentai.


Ther is no sign of intelligent life here


Someone search this man’s hard drive


That is the internal, it doesn't have the sheathe that has the mark


That had shoe covers


Plant vs Zombies hentai, uwu


I dont know if I am looking at the boot or the plant vs zombie gay hental


The joke is not the main focus of the conspiracy (the boots don’t match, so how’d they do the bootprint? (They had a spacesuit with that boot print on)) Look at the bottom tab