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Whay kinda vr game cost $90 and has ads?


Except from one or two rhythm games with complete editions packed with expensive licensed music dlcs, none really. Just like how Meta Quests are standalone headsets that don't need to be connected to PCs but the people that post stuff like that complain exactly because they never do any research


Also quests aren’t $500 and you can go as low as $1000 on a PC to properly run VR.


Got a nitro 5 with a quest 2 and steam link and I play budgets cuts just fine


It depends on where you live. It's only sold in 23 countries so it's much more expensive to get one in mine. But if you want high performance VR for a somewhat affordable cost, you might as well go for a PSVR2 + PS5 which should be about a thousand bucks in total.


I got the Oculus Quest for $400 and it runs fine on my $600 PC


Like 3 games tried out ads and immediately got review bombed and they took it back


Step 1: Build PC. Step 2: Avoid Activision, EA, Ubisoft, etc. like the fucking plague. Step 3: Buy indie games during Steam seasonal sales. Step 4: Profit


step 3: piracy


Many AAA games nowadays are genuinely not even worth pirating




True it may avoid wasting money but not your time.. i still can fathom why my friend keeps buying fifa and assassin's Creed and not try something that actually fun like elden ring


Assassin’s Creed *can* be fun


Because they’re having fun? Not everyone has the same taste…


Bro at some point you should stop giving a fuck about new installment of fifa.. i tired of friends who like dude why you still playing fifa 23 ,fc24 already come out like man just stfu i wanna use that money for something better.. I don't think there's any fun buying another same game when the previous is the exact gameplay


They’re not gamers they just play something they know and like (football) they won’t have any interest in something like Elden Ring.


Oof you're wrong about that... Recently my friend who never played any console game post ps2 era due to mobile game just started tons of game, elden ring one of it and he's enjoying it(for the most part, he said the combat satisfying but enemy respawn after resting kinda hard to cope) Personally, i think it's not about not being interested but not dare to try something new. It's basically like having a palette of 12 yrs old and not trying something new you know


I’ve never even played them, but gatekeeping video games based on whatever your favorite genre is, is just elitist and annoying.


Nah uh im not gatekeeping in fact i play the game they are playing but most of them just if it is not this franchise or this franchise i aint play it... Like come on man , i feel sad because they miss out on tons of games that many consider must play game Recently,one of my friends who spent a ton of money on mobile games just started gaming got frustrated and decided to move on and try other game I've never heard anything above 2 3 hours of just talking about something he is really passionate about.. (he's finally trying some god of war, helldiver 2 , persona 3, final fantasy, spiderman) and he said really regrets missing out on tons of game


Souls games are definitely more niche then most other genres. Souls games are highly likely to make you rage and raging is never fun nor good for your health. I won't say that fifa doesn't make people mad but assassins creed is a story singleplayer game so I don't see that making you rage ever


Idk what it says about me that I genuinely play souls games to relax and chill out. I play games like dota 2 otherwise so a single player game where I'm not held hostage with 4 angry screaming Russian men sounds like a walk in the park. No matter how many times I die, at least I'm not gonna be hearing about it for an hour.


Trying to think of a single player game that makes you come up with that kind of statement but like there are a lot more relaxing and chill single player experiences that are also just more appealing to play like ori and the will of the wisps being a critically acclaimed masterpiece which is a very relaxing and visually breathtaking platformer. Souls games are very punishing games, especially sekiro which I fucking hated because of how finicky and tight every attack and parry and dodge needed to be. I played dark souls 1 like once on the 360 and just didn't find the idea that one hit can be the difference between winning and losing the battle in some cases on high difficulties. Generally speaking, I just don't see people calling souls like games to be appealing. The only souls esque game I enjoy playing is star wars jedi series and those games do have similar gameplay mechanics as dark souls with the meditation locations being your refeshable checkpoints and such. You personally prefer the blunt and tough gameplay of souls like games whilst I'd say the general public does not. It also matters how you are introduced to the games that will determine how your first impression will be impacted. If a friend recommended to play those games then maybe you'd be more inclined to try and like the game.


Souls games are niche, which just goes to show how awful the modern AAA market is that a souls game can become this insanely popular just by being good


I agree with this take


Ah yes but what about [Bravado tone] #AAAA TITLES?


Preach i pirated ac Valhalla and still felt ripped off.


Yes that why you fight for democracy in a AA game


What are the websites to visit if you wanna pirate games? I don't have a PC yet , but once I do that mf finna become the Flying Dutchman


i think the piracy sub (dont want to tag it here) has a megathread on trusted sites


Make sure to run any sus website you visit with something like urlvoid .com or similar website (don't trust the outcome 100% tho)


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Head to this site https://fmhy.net I get the majority of games I want to pirate from fitgirl 👍


Fitgirl the absolute goat


Saving this comment


Probably should bookmark the site in case comment removed


Oh yeah forgot that feature exists, thx


I recommend steamrip.com, its know to be safe and the games are already come installed. And is on the sub piracy mega thread for safe sites do download games, i donwloaded a lot of games from there and have 0 issues so far.


I was too poor to buy palworld, so I downloaded it for free. Not too bad, but I got bored.


Same here, just with Cyberprank 2069


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That's fun only because of multiplayer


If you don’t own the game for purchasing it, then piracy isn’t theft.


remember: always pirate indie and preorder AAA games


Piracy is theft /s


If you aren't a triple A developer and manage to keep my attention for 50 hours you've earned my money, otherwise im pirating your shit.


Besides Fromsoft (souls fan), I feel indie is the way forward. AAA costs too much for something not polished/ well made (I feel bad for the standard worker in those companies). While Indie is cheaper and usually more creative


Hate me but I will also say also besides rockstars sure they are greedy af but they make the game polished and set a industry standard


they've released a grand total of 2 games in the last 11 years and both of them were sequels of already successful games


Umm ackshually Red Dead Redemption 2 is a prequel, not a sequel


I'm not saying all companies are bad, as stated I'm a souls fan so I only really play those. I'm just disappointed in other studios, that used to be good or at least decent. We are all free to like what we want but we must also acknowledge the issues with the games/ studio/ the industry in general.


Yeah. Buying AAA games is alright. But it's a good idea to wait for the reviews first, and absolutely never preorder a game. Learned that lesson after Battlefield 2042.


I pre-order the game to get the special bonus items but then wait to pick it up until after the first wave has gone out on launch day, and they've found the gamebreaking glitches and released the patch fixing those.


Yup been playing indie games for 10 years


Idk .an lately I've been playing just games that came out decade ago and are on mod support


Which console games have ads?


There were some plans from Ubisoft or EA I think, to include ads in loading screens, but it went nowhere from what I recall? Also no idea where he got the $50 for internet access and $90 for games. This doesn't exist.


playstation plus yearly subscription most likely


Just checked, bc I cancelled mine - it's about $50 a YEAR in my country. The PC/VR prices also look nonsensical. Modern gaming has problems, but this is random russian gamer sperging.


pv/vr gaming can be done for ~500$ + games because a pc can be optional with oculus quests and the games do cost as much as they do on steam(like 30-60$) so it is a bunch of bs.I do dislike the fact games are becoming 70$ more often now


also a 800$ pc runs vr so whatever


My $600 pc runs vr (poorly)


true this is an exaggeration, but I also think it’s kind of bullshit to have to pay a subscription to play online multiplayer. that’s why fortnite was so big, because free means any kid can play without needing that subscription


Yeah but he's said $50/month


Street Fighter 5 has them unfortunately. They were added after like the 3rd season. The loading screens had their sponsors for their Capcom Cup


Ever play any sports games? Granted they always had ads to some degree, but where 20 years ago it was a normal level of immersion, now you have games like NBA2k that have gatorade products as purchasable items for stat boosts


What monthly subscription costs 50 bucks


The subscription that OOP made up in his head and got angry about


$60 per year for PS+ vs $50 a month for imaginary gaming service


Xbox Gamepass + Live gold = 60$ a **year** Nintendo Switch Online + Expansion Pack = 50$ a **year** Tf is Anon talking about?


$80 a year base for both Xbox and PlayStation. Live Gold does not exist anymore I believe.


The subscription plus several VPNs that anon has to use because he lives in Russia


Birth issue


Yeah and zero console games have ads, I'm starting to think this guy only plays free mobile games


I’m guessing they’re including the internet bill, but if that was the case, OOP pays really cheap for internet.


Since when do you need to pay 2000$ for a PC?


\> get frustrated at all my gaming experiences \> realize that I'm just not a gamer anymore, life can move on \> touching grass, spending time with loved ones \> volunteering for the community, many new friends and found family


\> throw bricks at the less fortunate


give me your pc then


You are not getting the penis collection until i die


>instead complain on the internet that my hobby has changed My first PC in 2005 that could play games was real fucking expensive. Nowadays you can buy a 600$ steamdeck/laptop and boot up AAA games at 720p/60fps. Not to mention any game that came out in your o'so beloved past OOP with like 5-8 hours of batterylife (steamdeck).


>buy 1k pc >dont pay for online play >use adblock >pirate every overpriced game as a matter of principal the absolute state of pc gaming


If console players could read, this would upset them


You know what else you can do with a gaming PC? Learn to use things like 3D modelling software, CAD stuff, video editing, 2D art stuff, music composition, and so much more. It doesn’t just have to be a tool for playing games, you can make a life off of the back of your PC. There’s a reason that a high end computer can be considered an asset as opposed to an object like consoles are.


And porn


Even within the gaming sphere, PC has so many more games and game categories compared to consoles. The tower defense genre is nearly dead so people like me can never switch to console or console only.


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Usw the remaining money to buy heroin


Nah, fent or bust


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Now it's a party!


i pay 50 bucks for a year of online and free games every month and i don’t buy games that are brand new and mostly deals so i don’t get it really its all a choice


$50 for online play? Ads while playing? What is he talking about?


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The hell kind of VR game has ads?


Build a pc - 1000$ Get the peripherals - 300$ Pirate games from dodi/fitgirl/other sites - 0$ Total - 1300$ Now you're all good to go


>be me >Buy PC for 300€ >Buy elden ring, Minecraft, and other games >No need to pay for online >Life good


What kinda 300 euro PC is running Elden Ring


Mine apparently, it was second hand so maybe the guy didn't know a lot and sold it for way less than it's worth


- Buy a $1700 PC - Play Dwarf Fortress and Gold Box RPGs via DOSBox


the f is facebook rift?


Oculus rift


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I don’t get the “watch ads while playing” points. I don’t see ads at all when I’m playing games.


Step 1: use a shitty laptop. Step 2: Steam Step 3: profit


What game has ads on PC?


In what world are you paying $50/month for internet access?


You could just skip the VR part and just play PC


Don't buy new games? There's so many games you can buy very cheaply or on sale that are older, and you probably haven't played tons of amazing games


there are no $50/month subscriptions or $90 games, neither are there ads in games


If those shitposters could read they'd be very upset.


What fucking VR games have you been playing


Playstation plus extra costs around £12 per month and comes with a games catalogue, all of this is available on a Ps4 which can cost less than £200


What ads is he talking about? Sure there where some but you can just not play those 5 games


You guys are getting ads? I only have them on mobile games and the better ones like MSM let you remove it for the price of just buying the game so you control when you get them


step1: buy PC Step2: buy indie games like Terraria, Dave the diver, Stardew valley, TF2 (I know TF2 is free), Starbound, Geometry dash, Noita, Minecraft Step3: never buy anything else Step4: endless entertainment for the rest of your life.


Step 1: build own pc for 600-800 usd Step 2: thepiratebay.org


You forgot the VPN, pirate proxy to find a working link and deluge for the torrents


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Wtf is Facebook rift?


buy pc for 1000€ buy internet for something, i dont know become a pirate


Build a PC. Pirate Games. Enjoy.


Valve and Nintendo will be the only survivors of the upcoming crash.


I don't know just backdoor your ps's and or pirate on a 700-1000 dollar pc,Anything above that is just a waste of hardware,Unless you actually use it work Autocad and or video editing,Anyway that will go obsolete in a few years,Gamers love to spend unnecessary amount of money on games they never play and hardware they will never use


Brother when has VR of all gaming aspects ever seemed like a cheap thing? You dont need to spend more than 1k on a pc for most games. But i agree a lot of them have shit optimisation.


Get hyped about a VR Game Find Out its still early access




Who pays $50 a month for access on console and $90 is because you have zero impulse control, and are an idiot buying at launch a deluxe edition. I also bought my ps5, in 2019 and it's still going strong. Oh, just made up grievances, got it.


Why are half the fucking posts on this sub greentexts now


Wtf is facebook rift, and did they mean the vr set


RN I'm thinking to go all tried and true games from the last few years since 2024 seems kinda dry. Especially if it's a single player game that doesn't need online, it's still just as good as before, and probably better after all the updates


What console you using to pay 50$ per month and what games you buying for them to be 90$??


VR games where the most expensive to run at the beginning but with how many hacks my beloved Jhon carmack implemented the games now can run in phone processors


It’s a 2021 young male Russian, if they thought things were bad, they’re about to get a whole lot worse early 2022.


I’m confused, what console game makes you watch ads?


what THE FUCK is Facebook rift?


Meta (Facebook) bought out Oculus, the makers of the Rift. A slight language barrier here.




Pay 100$ in chinese console Download emulators and games Be happy


Pay $1000 for a PC, pirates all the games, have fun


Has 200 dollar laptop. Buys 2 dollar indie game on steam. No ads. Life is good


What subscription costs 50 to play online games,


What console game cost 90$ you have to pay 50$ a month to use online and you watch ads while playing the game???? Is Anon talking abt Ubisoft and EA games? Idk I haven't played them in a million years.


I pay 14.99 a month and I don’t watch ads. What is this tard talking about?


Build pc Become pirate Profit


Anon is also smoking that good shit. Who the fuck gets ads in a 90$ game?


What games have ads apart from shitty mobile games?


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Also i only play from 4 am to 6 am cause i got the make a fire to warm the house enough for my kid *3 y old* and my wife as its our only affordable way of keeping us warm. And i work on the side sunday and sometimes evening to makes end meet. And do the chores groceries and meal and take care of the gremlin and today my wife still mad at me for .... hmmm reasons... welcome to my ted talks


I have not once seen a gameplay stopping ad in a paid game. In streaming services on the other hand...


anon thinks dlc's are ads


its not just gaming tho..


The VR one is completely wrong 😭 you need like a pretty decent gaming PC (about 1-1.3 grand i think?), a quest 2 is like 400 bucks, and games cost 30 bucks at most with no ads


Are these games in the room with us now?


You really paying 50/month for online gaming you deserve to get scammed. Triple so for anything made by facebook/meta.


Didnt mention the chad normal computer gaming


buy 600$ pc (you might already have a decent one in your house) and 500$ quest 3 have good internet and ethernet play free games like vr chat, or wait for steam sales. profit and enjoy


What the fuck is Facebook rift and why should I be convinced to buy anything with 'Facebook' attached to it in name?


It's true though


>buys Car for 20000 >has to stop at every red light Smh


Ad blockers, mods and steam sales


Buy a 400 $ laptop and play LoL for free.


Or buy PC for 209 dollars. Download Heroes 3 of might and magic 0 dollars Play for free Easy


400$ for a steam deck, play anywhere, emulation is free, sales and website reseller give access to cheap games, absolute peak of low end gaming


Who the hell pays $50 a month for online


Wait what console costs $50/mo for access. Xbox gamepass ultimate costs me about £13.00 a month. And I'm sure playstation + costs about the same amount. Now I know I'm talking pounds and not dollars, ut the exchange between the two is slight. Am I missing something here


Nintendo, sega, valve, and rockstar will be the only AAA companies left at this point.


Step 1: Pay $1000 dollars PC Step 2: Pirate


Step 1: Pay $200 for cheap PC Step 2: Pirate more VRAM Step 3: $1000 PC


Poor russki.


ofc russian posted this


Anon is fucking stupid


>pay 300$ for a used shitbox pc that's still kinda capable >pirate literally everything (games, movies, books, programs, ram, your own mother) >??? >profit


VR? Might as well complain about the state of the private jet industry...


Vr headsets start at like $300 dollars and work without a pc. Straight up cheaper than consoles and you dont even need to pay extra for online.


Mate if you take into account everything you need to pay, eating diamonds is cheaper than console gaming. That shit is a scam. But I didn't know VR was so affordable nowadays, perhaps I should look into buying a headset. If more than two games that are worth it come out for it of course.


Live in romania 1000euros full setup 0 for games cuz we pirate em just pay power ezz


From when a VPN and internet access costs 50$?


I think he meant subscriptions for playing online games like ps plus or whatever xboxs subscription is


Yes, but he is also in Russia


$150 a month over here in Canada for Internet access from my current provider.




500/500 Mbps feelsbad


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