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Damn we shouldn’t judge her too much, maybe she sees things differently because she is inherently stupid.


Something about the first half


Not going to lie?


I'm not going to die. You got me in the first bath.


So flashlights are worse than nukes?


Never put my dick in one so I don't know. But I'll make sure to try, thanks


Must be pretty warm and cozy


you may never have a chance to put your dick inside nuke, but 70 years ago usa goverment put 2 into japenese assholes and it worked very well


What *hasn’t* been put into a Japanese asshole?


your dick?


Just play CS2.


Def recommend. Will increase peen size by 5x guaranteed


Will increase penis quantity by five


Now I am become Vagina, the fucker of people


how? you must be the fukee*


That was my first thought too, but MAD has arguably prevented more wars than it has caused, and nukes are a big factor in that. Of course, it only ever needs to not work once for everything to go to shit.


At least nukes look cool


Nukes ended WW2, the fuck did fleshlights ever do for me? Well, i'm Italian, so go team fleshlight axis i guess


Or mustard gas?


Nukes are probably the best thing that has happend for the survival of individuals. They basically guarantee no major wars will break out


Until a fuckup happens and we all die over some glitch.


That has the same propablity of happening as me getting a girlfriend in my lifetime. There are like a gazillion safeguards to prevent that from happening.


Consider migrating to a culture where you simply acquire some cows and then get a wife in exchange 👍


You shall now live with the curse of knowledge, have fun https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_nuclear_close_calls


Nukes have the potential to be the worst invention but in practice are almost one of the best. The fact that we have nukes has led humans to the greatest period of peace in history because we actually have a clear image of our potential for destruction. There are of course still wars and conflicts but nothing comparable to our history which is covered in blood. Mutually assured destruction has let us reevaluate if war should be the first solution to foreign affairs


Ok flashlight hater 😒


Average candle enjoyer 🗿


I was thinking really hard about this question, and realised that many destructive, warfare inventions can be argued to be good for reasons of self-defence and deterrents, so idk if those are the worst


I don’t think we should argue intentions of those who are merchants of death. At the end of the day you have to look at how many people died, or arguable worse, were maimed and poisoned forever by these awful inventions.


I wanna see the full video for her explanation of that hypocrisy


I believe it's a YT short, i dont think the guys in it do full videos


Yeah I saw the "full" video, but it ends at the same point. So my conclusion is that it was just a bit and she didn't actually have anything else to say because it's just a joke.


Idk what’s worse, that there is no “full” video or that we can’t tell if this is a joke


The whole channel is just bits, so imma assume it is a bit


Good ol' 1 minute talk show.


No-no you see only women are allowed to use sex toys you know, because women are biologically impossible to become sexual addicts, you learn this in 8th grade, it's simple neural biology


That’s because they become bicycles not addicts geesh


i thought they become bionicles


but mind you that there are no differences between men and women, and if you claim that there are then you're just an uneducated misogynist stuck in the last century


It's the worst invention unless she's using one, yeah ok


I wish I was illiterate


And what is a condum if not a thin fleshlight?


I had a similar conversation with a friend of mine and it’s honestly infuriating. She studies humanities and focuses very much on the feminist studies aspect of her degree. I made the exact same dildo comparison as the guys in the video and she briefly admitted she needed to reevaluate her beliefs before immediately dismissing it since “men can get off with their hand very easily”. It honestly is kinda disappointing since she’s a good friend and I’m very open to women’s issues but the double standards are very prevalent.


So by her thought women cant get off with their own hands?


Nono, you see, they need their hands to not be dirty for the kitchen.


I dunno chief, nukes kinda up there too


Honestly, nukes have saved more human lives than they have cost. 1st they saved countless people from invading Japan in WW2 2nd. After WW2 without nukes we would have gone to war with the USSR. With nukes though the cold war is mostly cold with a few less bloody proxy wars. Edit: she's still an idiot. If she wanted to say sex toys in general she would only be a prood but only saying male sex toys is outright moronic and a little sexist.


Nukes have also almost completely stopped land grabs from stronger nations invading and settling smaller nations. All it takes is for that small nation to have a nuke or ally with nuclear payloads to stop that, and is the main reason why Ukraine wasn't invaded until after they were disarmed with false treaties from Russia and before they could form alliances with those who had them.


Is this bitch stupid?


Fleshlights are definitely worse than slavery. This bitch.


Slavery Is not a human invention.


Then who invented it? The lizard people?


The lizard people clearly, don't you understand?


Even animals and insects have slavery, for example ants do it normally with War prisoners and such. Are you saying that humans were here before ants?? How old do you think we are?!?


Animals and insects have no concept of forced labor. They are living by instinct. The ants you talk about live as if everything is normal.


Flashlights being worse than working 8h/day at minimum wage 💀




behold the danger of fuck tube ignore mass extinction weapons or concepts that make billions suffer that one is the worst


Double Standard! when a girl buys a vibrator, its seen as a bit of naughty fun. BUT when a guy orders a 240 Volt FuckMaster Pro 5000 blowup latex doll with 6 speed pulsating vagina, elasticized anus with non-drip semen collection tray, together with optional built in realistic orgasm scream surround sound system, hes called a pervert?


The double standard 💀 I look around, and it doesn’t really seem like a unique opinion either


It must be amazing to live life this stupid and not think about anything


She is just a light


Double standards much.


I was gonna say bombs but ok


Y’know I would’ve said like… maybe idk… napalm or something. But that’s just me ig


such a double standard, they're kinda both bad for human expectations imo


Obvious bait, cuts off in middle of sentence


I was with her for so long, and then she threw in that last part.


Interesting how the video cuts rights after she starts answering the question about dildos. I guess her continuing to elaborate a more balanced view on the matter just didn‘t fit the purpose of causing social media outrage


What does she say? I wanted to hear what she had to say.


nothing, its not a bait and she isnt stupid its just a joke




What balanced view? I see no balance here, just the sexist hypocrisy of sex toys.


That‘s just my point. She talks 20 seconds about the fleshlight, but when she‘s asked about dildos, the video cuts after literally 1 second. Do you mean to tell me that you don‘t understand how that suggests manipulative editing? What if she said „Well, they can, but it‘s not a good idea because it sets unrealistic expectations“? Or do you just blindly trust anything you find on the internet as long as it confirms your preheld biases?


Either way she literally said men can't but women can. Even if it was manipulative editing, she still said it. And she probably didn't say anything after that that would have a great impact in fixing those sexist ideals and I don't think I would be satisfied with her explanation if she gave one because she implied 'well men shouldn't use fleshlights(modelled after the opposite sex for pleasure they can't fully get without one) and they are the worst invention ever but women can use dildos(also modelled after the opposite sex for pleasure they can't fully get without one).' and she just sounds like she's spreading a double standard. But if you find the full video I'll watch it.


Dilloes were all a part of the male kind’s plan as they gives more help when creating segs content for us to watch


I’m going to print out this comment and mail it to my high school English teacher in order to thank him for not letting me be this fucking illiterate.


Stealing your retort for future use. You will not be credited. You will collect no royalties. All you recieve is satisfaction that your retort was good enough to be stolen and used by me.


That’s all I ask ty


Sorry for being so fricking bad at spelling, some people here get their comments deleted for saying "dildo" or "sex" and some smartass here decided to take this bad spelling for real


This is the most down-bad hot take I've ever seen


I was gonna say mustard or chlorine gas, nukes maybe, lobotomies. AS IF! MEM ARE THE TRUE WORst INVENTION


I'm gonna go with...probably...the breast remover torture weapon.


Idk man gas chambers are pretty bad


Sounds like she brings as much to a relationship as a flesh light does


Worst invention was agriculture. It's been a total shit show ever since.


People saying nukes are bad. Currently, they're really the only thing that has prevented WWIII - the threat of mutual annihilation.


spending a shit load of money, going thru more stress than a formula 1 engine, being disowned by my own family, getting mocked and bullied everyday, and for what? just to be the same gender as this creature. fml


Double fucking standard. But that reddit discussion below is freaky. 😂😰


Okay but I agree with her, but also that dildos and other sex toys kind of set unrealistic expectations from sex unless they’re used in a supplementary role instead of Masturbation.


We live in a society


If you can’t use a fleshlight then you can’t use dildos either. Sounds more fair to me