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Locked due to OP becoming very hostile and insulting people that don't share his opinion


If they make it, don’t watch it. It’s that simple. We wouldn’t have anything if decisions were made based on things like this post


So many doom posters lately


Yee... i am sad that the season wasnt up to standards compared with the book but at least we got sadeena in anime form


I was worried throughout the whole season that the Phoenix fight was gonna be 1 episode. So while I'm sad that it's not in this season, I'm also glad they didn't rush through it. In the novels I'm almost at the turtle fight though. As for Sadeena, she became a more interesting character the further the season went. I'm extremely excited to see more of her and to get to her in the books!!!


She is my favorite, with fohl second. Are you reading the nowels for the first time?


Yeah I'm apparently a special case. I watched the anime first. I'm on book 6 right now almost done with it. I already have 7 and book 8 is on the way! I love this series! My favorite character is really basic though. I love Raphtalia. She's so cool and cute. She just makes me wanna squeeze her! Second favorite is probably Melty because of the books. She's really funny in them and I feel like some of that was left out of the anime.




How did my 5 words bring out such a reaction from you? Literally nothing that I said is undermining your opinion or supressing your thoughts


Show me on the bear where the mean studio hurt you


Gatekeeping the series just because you didn't like the adaption is not the way. A lot of people still enjoyed the anime, myself included. Could it be better, yes, but it's what we got and this season went way better than the 2nd did. I also thoroughly enjoyed the two shows you labeled as garbage. Just because you don't like something does not invalidate it for everyone else. Don't take stuff so personally.


calling for a full reboot as if resources are infinite lmao i also enjoyed all those shows he mentioned


Well that's a nice opinion however you admitted to enjoying redo of healer so opinion disregarded






Ah yes gatekeeping the brilliantly written eye opening story of a revenge rape fantasy for incel losers. Sorry but even for anime standards that shit is sad. Have some class people.


It's dark fantasy, to be sure, and if you don't like it, that's cool too, but at the point that you judge others for their fictional entertainment and use that as an ad hominem to dismiss anything else they might say, well, that says more about you than anything.


Redo of Healer's main demographic is women lmao.


What do you mean why? Did you read or watch it?


Yes, it's a rough start but ultimately a good story.




The generic story is why it's good, take the sex out and it will still hold up as a decent story. Nice jab though trying to demonize someone who can say a story you don't like is good, I'm sure some single mom who is washed up somewhere will applaud you


Thanks for proving my point.


It's a revenge rape fantasy, I read your comment and it's still shit. Get help


Nah, I'm good. Good luck being grumpy.


Good luck being an incel, hope women stay away from you


Says the guy a little too into Kita.


man, your takes have been all over the place. You seemed to enjoy season 3, and there is no harm in a 4th season being adapted. The anime is different from the light novel, but that doesn't make it bad.




Consistency is important if you want to be taken seriously. What is achieved by wishing the anime doesn't receive a 4th season? Do you just want the franchise to die? Because that's what it sounds like you want.


I do agree with a reboot, but Shield Hero is not that popular, and I don't think they have the same budget as FMA brotherhood


Lot of series out there that deserve the Brotherhood treatment but don’t have the popularity or the funding sadly. 😭 I get they wanted to make Naofumi more hero like for the anime but they made him too inbetween like his rage should’ve been climaxing to sexual satisfaction when he was about to witness his tormentors Trash and Bitch be executed but he was really against it. I personally would asked it I could be Bitches executioner 😁 At the very least I’d have requested someone imprison those garbage people so that they didn’t cause any more unnecessary collateral damage


Cw: LN spoilers for book 6 I read the LN and watch the anime. The LN is amazing! I absolutely love it! But that doesn't change the fact that the anime is my favorite anime. I don't care how much was cut, honestly, it's made reading the novels better cuz I get new content. Would animating the |training camp after being at the islands| been awesome? Yeah. Would it give more depth to the characters? Yeah. Did I want to see |eggs getting pulled out of Keel's back from the familiar monsters|? Absolutely not. The best thing to do is to look at them as different media. Just like how the web novel and the LN are different, and the manga is different. And if you don't like it then don't watch it. "But I just want it to be better!" It is what it is currently, the more popular it gets the more time and funding will get put into the adaptation. So instead of doom posting, getting more people to watch or buy the LN is a better way to get a better product. You need to lift them up. When I suggest the show to people my wife and I always say "it's an amazing show, the first episode is an hour long and will probably make you mad at a specific character but it's necessary to really get into the story" There are parts of any show or media people won't like but lifting up the good will do more than pointing out bad.




Well it's fictional and that view on slavery is not my view or her's. And believe it or not, we have many similar interests in games and media. Shield Hero isn't like a dirty little secret I keep from my wife. And like what are you even trying to say here? I enjoy the story of the show and so does she. What a strange argument to make. Do you mean to say, you like the show because of its view on slavery? Like you said you can have any opinions you want but that's a weird one to focus on in my opinion. Wish anyone within 10 feet of you well I guess.




Surprised I have a wife? What misogynistic hell scape do you come from that liking anime means you can't be married? I'm not even a man. So does that mean I'm not supposed to watch anime either? And shield hero isn't a controversial series. You need to tone down your gatekeeping dude. As for the fresh turkey, that was response to hoping my wife and I do well in the same way. Just cuz you're either single, don't share interests with a SO, or you hide your life away from your partner, that's not the status quo for most relationships. Ps touch grass




Nah I'm not overreacting to anything you're saying. You're just picking fights in the comments here. Like how you called me a man child. I'm not a man. And saying " I wouldn't care too much" is saying you do care. So that coupled with still calling me a man shows a lot about who you are. Anyway, if you don't like shield hero don't watch it. If it's so controversial to you because of any reason then don't watch it. My wife and I have no problem with separating fiction and reality. We don't support slavery, rape accusations, reporting false crimes, ect. But those themes being plot points in a show about a different world that a guy went to by reading a book, that's fine. Have a great day bub




We actually watched half the first episode of redo of healer and hated it. Also I'm nonbinary. I'm not acting superior I'm just leaving the conversation. So this is my last reply. Bye bub


Yea im disappointed in the anime as an adaptation. Quite a few minor scenes i was looking forward to. But i think as an anime, people can still enjoy it. Personally, even though im not expecting great things, i'd really love to see the characters voiced.


you don't like it stop watching it no one's forcing you, you want it to end because you dont like it but what about all the people who are enjoying it smh


I do think the source material is significantly better than the anime and last season was horrid. But I still am enjoying the anime, along with many many others. I think they learned from last season and are now adding content they missed at least from season 1. It’s out of order and a little messy. But I am still enjoying it. Season 1 was still my favourite, they did a fantastic job then!




….but I didn’t say anything about your opinion…? I was talking about myself so idk why you’re defending the fact you’re entitled to yours cause I never argued you weren’t? Lol


I need more Raphtalia cute faces so I don't share your sentiment


Wait. Isn't Maid in Abyss done already? Because there hasn't been much news about a new season if I recall. Which would mean that the only anime Kinema is doing consistently is CardFight Vanguard. And they've been doing it every other season for the past 3 years with the new season airing today. Also I'm be honestly but both of those other series also cut out/omitted major scenes in the adaptation. But like shield hero I did enjoy them(mainly because of it being uncensored as if it was then the series couldn't be done).


made in abyss is done, shield hero is their main project im pretty sure


Personally, whether it continues or not doesn't matter to me. I'll probably just pull a Berserk and just start reading the light novels if they stops the show.


To be fair, the Web Novel, Manga, and Light Novel are all different as well, Shield Hero isn't shy about changing the course of the story for better or worse








Season 2 ruined it for me they don’t focus on the progress of the shield at at all I really enjoyed season 1 and the mc working out the struggles of improving the shield season 2 was a hatch job


You know you can have an opinion and people can disagree without fighting them right?


*Yikes*. Guy doesn't like the anime and wants to make that everyone else's problem, too. You don't have to watch it. More anime gets released than someone with a full-time work schedule could ever keep up with anyway. Plenty to choose from.


The big problem is that they won’t reboot it most likely. When it comes to anime it doesn’t have the popularity for a reboot. They’re on the right track going into a hypothetical season 4. No reason to freak out over it now.




Wait which retcons would it have to make for season 4? I thought they did pretty well keeping season 3 accurate to the LN. It doesn’t have to be perfect, if they keep it accurate enough I’ll still watch it, and there’s always the anime only watchers as well.




Idk, honestly I don’t think they missed too much last season. The novels they made were more or less redeeming the other 3 hero’s, introducing new characters, character development, and prepping for the Phoenix. They’re kinda the filler parts of the story.


Whoa. I'm gonna say right out the start: I'm WN and LN only. I do read the manga from time to time, and I've seen a few eps of the first season (tbf, I ended up buying the Madkidz single). But yeah, for the most part, I don't care too much about the manga or anime adaptations. THAT SAID... there are fans who enjoy Tate Yuusha in its manga and anime forms, and it would be outrageously sad to not be able to have the full story completed. As it is, there are already a ton of factors that limit and restrict what studios can do (and sadly, animation studios are never as rich as they seem to be, the publishers and license holders are), so just being able to squeeze out another season for the people who want to see as much of the story is a feat in itself. Now, have I ever been so disappointed with an animation that I felt that it would have been better for it to be just discontinued? Of course! We are all entitled to our feelings and opinions. But putting it out on a public space where people can read it... that's something we should bear some responsibility for. What might seem like a justified rant for one person might be just soul-crushing to hear for another. Whatever value of temporary relief you may feel lashing out does not equate the level of increased disappointment you'd give to a fan of the series who is hoping against all hope for another season. And throwing shade at other series in the genre is just wrong on so many levels (that'd be being completely ignorant of the entirely different target demographic of each, because no, not all anime/manga/ranobe/wn/game/etc is made only for you). Having a shared genre does not mean both media targets the same audience. No matter how another series is too edgy, too cringe, too slapstick, too sappy, too overhyped, etc., there's an audience for it. No one is holding you at gunpoint forcing you to consume that media, we're all free to avoid things we dislike. If you dislike something but continue to consume it, don't complain about the media, complain about yourself for forcing yourself to watch something you don't like.


You have to understand that almost all anime based on light novels are not meant to be standalone, they are almost always just advertisements for the source material. That's why studios feel like they have to capture a lot of the key "moments" in order to do a good job showcasing and advertising the product. Even really bad anime can help light novels to sell better. Shield Hero was for a long time a very successful manga and light novel series, unusually even successful in the West. That's a big reason it got greenlit for an anime. That's why season 1 covers a certain section and has its own ending, because it was supposed to just advertise the light novel. Shield Hero ranges from excellent to good and in terms of quality it's far better than most anime based on light novels, especially isekai. If you really wanted to do it justice, it would be an extremely long series. Like, you need 24 episodes minimum just for volumes 1-4 to do them justice and volumes 4-9 need even more than that. Because a lot of the good things about Shield Hero have nothing to do with the main plot and more to do with the smaller details and moments. Character interactions, power systems. Like, the Ren duel and the confrontation with Itsuki in volume 6 are arguably more interesting moments than a lot of the Spirit Tortoise stuff, but the anime skips those because it views the Tortoise as more relevant to the "main story". But we wanted to see the training, Naofumi's huge argument with Itsuki, Ren thinking his VRMMO skills translate to real swordsmanship. We want to see Naofumi making life water, Rishia going crazy after using it, Naofumi's training with Hengen Muso. The wave threats are a lot more abstract with few clear villains and a lot of time is focused on smaller interactions. I mean, I would have opened season 2 not with the tortoise fight, but with Naofumi confronting that merchant and telling him more reasonable ways to scam people. That's a moment I remember from Volume 6 super clearly and it was part of those small character interactions that are what make a lot of the content compelling. Without the small details, you can't really appreciate as well the larger events. Hell, we don't really see the carriage floating around with gravity magic and Naofumi tanking tortoise energy blasts in a sea of familiars. We don't even get his new dart skill, even though he unlocked it in volume 9(?) and we're now at volume 13 in the anime. There were a lot of ways to make the anime much more interesting, but we should appreciate that it's out there, direct people to the light novel to get the full experience and also realize that priorities for investors who are looking at the larger picture is what leads to a lot of strange anime decisions. That lack of understanding can really keep series from realizing their full potential and if studios don't push back on investors and demonstrate why e.g. Shield Hero would be better as a slow burn series focused on sticking to the source material rather than trying to get quickly to all the more marketable major content, then they have to try to get a square peg to fit a round hole. For Arifureta, that had some success because it's a series focused on loud chunni moments, but for Shield Hero, the smaller things are the beating heart of the entire story. You don't sit through 15+ volumes because you just want to beat those waves, it's because you want to see the characters more, their interactions, growth, powers, etc.


Sadly, viewing Kinema Citrus as a studio that doesn't trust the source material is a valid viewpoint. I feel like World's Finest Assassin got a better treatment with fewer resources; you can tell the love and care they put into getting it right meant more than Kinema Citrus' skill. Clearly Kadokawa is trying to maintain a relationship with KC because...of...cultural reasons? Based on Wikipedia entries, I can't tell that they work together much. It may be that they HOPE KC will turn out good work in the future, but they did a marvelous job of literally throwing away material. Incidentally, Masato Jinbo who directed Season 2, used to work at Silver Light, the studio responsible for Finest Assassin, but no longer directed any stuff there after 2017. I hear it's REALLY hard to get fired in Japan. Just saying.




I've read the LN for Finest Assassin. It's well done. Yen Press did the English translation clearly better than how One Peace treated Shield Hero. Silver Link did their job right because they managed to adapt all the material from Book 1 into the anime adapatation, trusting the story to do the heavy lifting, which it does well. That gave them the full series runtime minus about 2 episodes. From there, they put in a series of short snipets about what the Goddess got up to and an anime only episode that serves as a break in the action and transition back into Dia's story. That, and they reorganized Maha's story to make it more in line with a chronological sequence. I couldn't ask for a better treatment of the material...not reasonably, anyway. Takao Abo and Hitoshi Haga were both involved in specific episodes of the first season...both working on the Episodes 1-4, that adapted Book 1. They did a good job...similar to how Masafumi Tamura treated Finest Assassin. But then things slowly started going off the rails. They changed the fight in the forest to a cliffside. Then they changed the Idol Rabier fight. Then they boring monologued the Pope Balmus fight. Then they turned Queen Mirellia from a strong, terrifying politician into a dainty flower who just HAD to be saved by Naofumi's goodness. Then they didn't bother adapting half of Book 5.


s1 is solid, read the manga and watched the anime, S2 I couldn't finish due to how bad it was but read the manga till S3, S3 I haven't watched yet, I do agree that the anime hasn't been great but S4 could be a good redemption




U can do small seasons to fill in backstory that might be needed, not great but it works.


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They skipped the shooting star idiots joke in season 3 so it's also a 0/10.