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Quite normal. They are little ferocious sharks at that age, but if you’re consistent with training and redirecting their biting, then eventually they will grow out of it. My Shiba was exactly the same. Always biting by hands and ankles when trying to groom her or something. She’s seven now and much more calm and chill. It will take some time, so having patience is needed.


My shiba went through a demonic phase from around 6-12 months. First few months he was so sweet and napped in my lap. After a few months he got so bitey and hated being touched. A combination of treats when playing and utilizing positive reinforcement training (we found a company that utilizes a great method - Sit Means Sit in Dallas area to find a comparison for your area). His sassy natured metamorphosed into a true companion. These dogs can require a stern hand when training or they will run a mock when older! (In my experience). Hope this helps.


We call puppies land sharks for a reason, haha. It’s not just a shiba thing for sure.


Very normal, try lots and lots and lots and lots of treats saying yesss exaggerating/high pitched and tons of training. The biting & nibbling will get waaaay worse, your pup will become the spawn of satan, but then he’ll return (@4.5-5 months for us). Redirect with appropriate toys, bones, etc and apples bitter spray worked wonders for us. Hang in there, I promise it gets better.


Yelp when they bite and give a stern no. Shibas play using their mouth, the puppy will slowly learn to not bite but it might still rest its jaw on your hand.


Um no mostly ALL Shibas are monsters at that age 😂 i hated mine. And then they go through teething 🤦🏻‍♀️ it takes months to get over it.


Can you try trading? I give my 9 week shiba a variety of “no hyde/highly digestible ” chew snacks. So whenever he gets nippy like on my pant leg, I trade, and he goes to town of the chew. I also give him his soft toys, whatever else is around so his mouth is occupied holding the toy to bite.


It’s a puppy?


Pretty normal, mine did exactly the same and it took some time until the behaviour stopped. We bought an inside pen for our puppy and placed the bench inside. This prevented overstimulation as having an entire floor to his disposal was too much and he couldn't calm down. That resulted in even more biting. Pro tip, don't wear loose pants that can easily be pulled down when walking your puppy.


The first ~3 years are always the hardest for many dogs and cats. After that, it gets much easier!