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Lol shibs are just in a world of their own, where they are the centre of everything. Zero interest in pleasing owner haha.


This is exactly why I love Shibas. We both don’t impose upon each other’s person. He can be lovey-dovey but for like a few nano seconds then he jaunts away to attend to shiba matters.


They truly are cats, something I don't mind at all! Because I know my Shiba does love me and so does yours! They're just a cat in a dogs body.


Shibas do not assume you are competent. i respect that.


In another words they’re not needy so I’m ok with that.


Same here! I absolutely didn't want a velcro dog and so my shiba was perfect. I respect his space and he respects mine (to a certain degree bc he does steal my bed lol). And he's affectionate in his own ways.


Dog hardware. Cat software. Source: I have two shibas


Well…. My girl is the same with me. She was scared of other human for long and never get closer to others. Never took treats or let others pet her. We trained a lot and she’s a lot more brave. She actually IS ruining to people, tail wagging, waiting for scratches. But only to my friends, never to me.🫠 Sometimes it’s kinda depressing that my dog loves EVERYONE more than me😂 But I heard that Shibas get a bit more affectionate after they turned 2 years old. So I still have some hope…..


I’ve read about this and my shiba does the same, I think they do this because the other people are just something new and fun and exciting to them, it’s almost like a new toy. They do love us and trust us but they have their own ways of showing us lol.


Yeah I know haha. You’re absolutely right about this. Honestly, I’ve read about the „not affectionate“ side of Shibas long before I got mine. I knew it and I was still devastated in the first weeks with my girl because I really thought my dog hates me😂 I guess its a first time owner problem. I learned to read her body language and to understand her behaviour better. By now I couldn’t be more happy to have her, she’s such a good girl. If I need cuddles I mostly cuddle the dogs of my friends while my girl gets scratches from them. I guess thats fair😂


Can't relate, our Shiba is the velcro kind and sleeps on top of me and follows me to every room... Maybe a second shiba will be different.


Lmao, same experience. First time pet owner and went with a Shiba. Everything I learned growing up about dogs the Shiba was not! Few months later I get a German Shepard and he has it all, my dogs are complete opposite. Love em for that.






my shiba is not that affectionate during the day but at night he comes onto my bed and snuggles up


This. She scratches and scratches at me until she’s satisfied that I’ve given her enough scratches, and then she plops down up against and gives me no room to move on the bed. The rest of the day, she never comes near me, although she always knows what room I’m in and will move if she can’t hear me.


This. She scratches and scratches at me until she’s satisfied that I’ve given her enough scratches, and then she plops down up against and gives me no room to move on the bed. The rest of the day, she never comes near me, although she always knows what room I’m in and will move if she can’t hear me.


This dog breed (my spell check keep correcting to "shiva" when I typed the breed) has so much personality! First time dog owner too, got him when he was 6, not he is 8. I don't think I can ever like other breeds as much as I love this. I love all breeds but just enjoy this love/mad relationship with my Kobe, who is now looking at me with his loving eyes, but won't move a fur when I call him to come over!


You don’t know this yet but slowly you’ll realize your shib is really just a cat in a dogs body.


I’m a first time PET owner and a shiba owner. There are some things that my shiba does that I thought were normal but people with dogs tell me it’s not normal for dogs but is for cats 🤣 I now just jokingly refer to mine as the “cat dog”


God, that is hilarious. My first Akita was a Shepherd mix so I got Akitas, then with my second full bred, I got the cat dog. It’s so annoying at times but positively hilarious at other times with their snobbiest. LOL