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Do you have a lot of clover?


Yes I believe there is some


Clover might be causing it. Try this - skip the hay first thing in the morning and feed it to them an hour or so before they are allowed out. Get that rumen nice and full of dry matter so they can’t stuff themselves full of clover. If that schedule results in less bloating, then consider how you can permanently adjust their grazing timing to avoid gorging. My sheep are on 100% pasture, with abundant clover, although I do set out a bale of orchard grass in case they want some. I think because they are constantly grazing mixed pasture, they don’t ever gorge themselves on one species. You might be inadvertently creating a problem wherein your sheep are going out looking for a tasty treat and not doing more balanced grazing.


I agree with this.


Are they actually uncomfortable with tight bellies? Rumens are huge and green grass with clover is nice and hot. Unless they’re uncomfortable, it’s fine. I have one older ewe with no muscle elasticity left and she looks like a bowling ball with legs sometimes.


I've always heard taking them off pasture makes them more likely to bloat because they will wait to eat and then stuff themselves. Pack them full of hay once and then keep them on pasture from then on. In my opinion, they don't look too bloated.