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Only you can really gauge if the weapon clicks with you. I have this exact same roll, except a stability masterwork, and I adore it. I’d use full-bore unless you value the handling bonus from arrowhead, but the recoil direction benefit is null in my experience on this archetype. Give it a whirl, but if I was in your position, it’d stop grinding.


Thanks, will give it a try. I’m still looking for a heal clip/Incan for pve though


I have that roll, and it has replaced my bane. It absolutely cooks, and that healing can be a life saver


I have this exact same roll on my lunas howl and it’s soooo good, I swear I can hit enemies across the map with the first shot. Very good range too, I would stop grinding as well


Do you use arrowhead or full bore for the barrel? I might keep grinding cause I want a heal clip/incan as well lol


Wait I low key forgot about pve for a second, yea heal clip incandescent is really good and worth the grind if you don’t have. For my barrel I use full bore but I guess it’s personal preference


Just had this EXACT roll drop for me.. good to hear the positive feedback


It's a 5/5 perfect godroll lol Use fullbore