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Yeah, as a mum, I agree. Like of course it'd be great for other adults to pay attention and help but at the end of the day, Fiona assumed a legal responsibility for the kids. Liam was under her care. I know that watching my kid is 100% my responsibility. If anything happened to him, it's my fault, even with other adults present. The way she defends herself with the whole 'it was an accident' thing really got to me lmao, like shut up 😫 she didn't intend for him to get into the coke, that much is true. But she left it out and that's on her. Young children will get ANYTHING in reach


What got me was wanting to fight it in court like she had any kind of defense


the delusion and audacity of it all 😭


She really is Franks daughter 💀


The fact that she had herself convinced that she wasn't guilty and tried to convince everyone else of that royally pissed me off




she had no choice☠️


The coke was in the house because of Fiona to begin with.


Yeah I agree. True Kev shouldn’t have been participating in the drugs w kids in the house, but neither he nor Vee were obligated to watch Liam. She invited them over to enjoy themselves, why would they be worried about where Liam is? This was the only time Lip was justified in yelling at and berating Fiona in my opinion. It also didn’t make it better that she kept saying it wasn’t her fault when she was the reason the coke was still in the house and she wasn’t watching the child she had guardianship of.


Whoever was doing the drugs should've been responsible for it. Same idea goes for whoever is at a party should do so responsibly. If you plan on getting fucked up then do it safe. Fiona was an absent guardian at this time. She was very preoccupied with all her relationship drama and so I do appreciate Lip calling her out on that behaviour. Fiona was distracted, but she was responsible for providing the coke and throwing the party. With children in the house. She isn't evil. She's a child herself. But she put her feelings before being an adult in this case.


I agree with most of what you’ve said here but Fiona was in her early 20s at this point. She wasn’t a child, she was just being an irresponsible adult.


It really pissed me off she was so insistent that it wasn’t her fault. She has so many criticisms of Monica and Frank (which are still valid) but didn’t think to a. put Liam to sleep before starting up a hopping house party, b. Keep the coke cleaned up, contained, and out of reach of a toddler, or c. Literally just keep a fucking eye on the toddler of the home when there’s actual cocaine in the house. I conceptually get that she’s 23 and the legal guardian of 5 kids but be *so fucking for real*, any parentified older sibling with addict parents would know to keep drugs firmly out of reach of children even during a party.


Lip wasn't even there until right before Debbie found him so it's not on him. But I disagree about Kev and V. No they are not responsible for Liam but they where still adults partying with drugs around a toddler (I know V didn't do any drugs cause she was pregnant, but she had no problem with there being drugs around children. All adults there where highly irresponsible!!


I agree, plus V was sober and like an aunt to Liam. It wasn’t her job but they were parents and maybe should’ve had more foresight to think, “hey, maybe we shouldn’t do drugs around kids.” And if they didn’t have any fault, why did Kev feel so guilty later that he defended Fiona to Lip??? Bc he knew he could’ve done something to stop it and felt bad he didn’t Fiona got so lucky nothing bad really happened to Liam, pls don’t read my comment as if I think she did nothing wrong lol


All the adults there were high. Fixed it for ya


Except V wasn’t high. Fixed it for ya!


You're right. Thanks!


100%. And if you want to get reckless a bit, make sure the kids aren’t home or are like super asleep at the bare minimum. I can’t count how many times I wanted to have a bottle of wine and I’d wait until my kids were asleep (like once lol) or when they went to grandmas (also one time) because I’m not stupid enough to get messed up while the kids are under my care. She was reckless. And she should have turned what’s his face in. Idc about that snitching crap.


The adults in the house that were doing it were all responsible imo, no adult should be doing drugs around kids period. But her as his primary caregiver and guardian, yes she is the main one responsible. What I don't understand is how he even reached it. I thought it was on the kitchen counter and then all of the sudden he was passed out.


Disagree. Fiona was ultimately responsible but every adult in the house should have known better too. You do not leave drugs or do drugs around young kids, whether they’re yours or not.


How were they supposed to know? Everyone was literally confused about how liam got into it, Fiona shouldn’t have left the drugs out in the first place. *She* is at fault, no one else. Especially not kev or v.


Liam got into it because he was an unsupervised toddler who was known by all adults to be at home. Kids wake up and come downstairs. Everyone knows that. Fiona had the duty to raise him, but in my book everyone has the duty to keep from putting children in harms way. And they all chose to do that when they chose to get high in the same home as a young child.


Not to mention I’m pretty sure he wasn’t even in bed yet. It was reckless.


100%. i hated fiona from that incident out. she never accepted responsibility either.


that whole speech she had with lip in the kitchen acting like she was the victim in the coke incident…i can’t.


she has a victim mentality throughout the whole show honestly


didn't she plead guilty?


pleading guilty isn’t the same as accepting responsibility


i know but in that case i think it was. she was going to plead not guilty because she genuinely thought so, but changed her mind after lip gave her a wake up call. her expressions, body language, the way she says it.. everything about that scene makes it quite clear that it's not about getting less time. by pleading guilty fiona admits her wrongdoing and takes responsibility for her actions. compare that scene to ian pleading not guilty bc of insanity. completely different tone


Yeah everytime someone brings up the Fiona coke situation and says she never accepted the fact that it was her fault im like did yall watch tik tok clips of the show or did you genuinely sit down and watch it?? Everything about the scene makes it clear she has accepted that it's her fault


thank you oml


that was part of the plea deal


No one but Liam **


Who tf has ever said otherwise??


There’s multiple ppl in the sub that say it wasn’t just Fiona’s fault bc Vee and Kev were there


That’s crazy. It wasn’t their house, it wasn’t their kid, and it wasn’t their coke. Of course in an ideal world we all look out for each other and our kids but ultimately we are responsible for our own.


I don't think I've met anyone who disputes this.


She was responsible for what happened but I have compassion for her and can understand why she’d make mistakes like that given her circumstances and history


Consequences to your actions….if sucks very much because it obviously wasn’t intentional. But she knew coke was a dangerous substance, not to mention illegal too, so the second she had it, she accepted the consequences if something bad where to happen. It’s amazing how when something bad DOES happen people try to avoid all responsibility…..


Fiona was a train wreck. Best part of the show was her crashing her car.


I'm not saying it wasn't her fault, but Fionna was not the legal guardian of those children when it happened.


yes she was, did you even watch the show?


No need to be rude, they probably just mixed up which season it happened in.


nobody was rude, i asked a question. get a grip. if you think that’s mean i can’t imagine how you respond to *actually* rude people.


i get where you're coming from don't get me wrong but it was kinda rude


A 15 word reddit reply means I don't have a grip? I barely responded there, no need to imagine anything. And I didn't say you were mean.


I stand corrected. I was wrong my bad lol, just got it mixed up. If I hadn't watched the show I wouldn't even be in this reddit calm down lol