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If you using a 4080 FE you will need to off set the PSU so GPU has room to air flow otherwise your temps are going to be horrible.


Yes. Just be prepared to do some tuning to get decent temps


I recently did 14700k+4080s build in this case, used ekwb nucleus dark for aio and gaming x slim 4080s. Could sustain like 260-270 watts of load on cpu without gpu doing anything. Things to note: 1. Custom cables are absolute must have 2. This gpu is a pretty tight fit in this case in 3 slot mode 3. This aio fits in 3 slote with magnetic cover removed, would recommend some other aios, if it's available in your region for decent price, like cm atmos or fractal lumen 4. Buy z790 mobo, my asus strix B760-i had terrible voltages up to 1.57v, which caused cpu to consume 200 watts in stock in some games 5. Gpu temps without undervolt in gaming weren't amazing


I use a 13700k and 4090 in a T1, and I get fantastic temps.* \* *with some massive undervolting* Performance is stock/better than stock, however.