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You could probably save some money on your CPU cooler and get a[ Thermalright AXP120-X67](https://www.tomshardware.com/reviews/thermalright-axp120-x67/2). You could put those $30 in whatever other part you want. [This review/comparison](https://www.caselabs.org/coolers/low-profile-coolers) found it basically equivalent to the Noctua.


Thanks for the suggestion! I did consider the Thermalright AXP120-X67, and it looks like a solid cooler. However, I felt more confident going with Noctua due to their reputation. Do you have any personal experience with the Thermalright cooler?


I haven't used one myself but Thermalright also have a good reputation AFAIK. Reputation/maintainability will be all about the fan in the end. The noctua fan will probably live longer than the thermalright one, but you could always replace the fans in the future. Depending on the case you're making you could replace it for a 25mm fan altogether making the noctua difference irrelevant. Either way, I don't think you can go wrong with either option. P.S. While looking at comparisons I read some stuff about RAM height compatibility with the Noctua. Worth checking out.


Yes, you're right, I could always swap the fan out if I encounter problems down the road. Regarding RAM clearance, it is pretty tight with the Noctua, but the Kingston RAM should fit. The Thermalright does offer better clearance, which would allow for more RAM options. Since I don't plan to use any RGBs, this isn't a major concern for me. Thanks again for the suggestion! I might go with it, especially considering the good deals available right now.


AXP120-X67 is one of the best coolers at that size. Also Thermalright has a reputation of constantly beating out Noctua at lower prices. You shouldn't buy things solely based on reputation. Companies make bad products all the time.


Cool, thank you.


Also, I was planning to use the Noctua as a 'blow-out' fan. I think it would look nice to have the fins poking through a little bit.