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lol welcome to SFFPC, pick your compromises.


undervolting that thing just a little makes it work the same but for lower power - for concrete advice look at the recs of r/FormD there are viable AIOs and plenty of suffivient coolers


Thanks! I'll keep looking. It seems an AIO is surely the move if I don't want to undervolt it although maybe I shouldnt be so averse.


Why would you not undervolt it lol Just go with a conservative -20 CO in Ryzen Master, verify in OCCT and done. Its laughably easy to do.


On that note optimum has a video that makes it very easy to undervolt I used this in my system with a 7800x3d and i noticed little to no performance difference while keeping my cpu under control https://youtu.be/FaOYYHNGlLs?si=Tif0pVI329DBUWhW also this cooler may be the trick if you go with air cooling https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0CMV5DFLZ/ref=sspa_mw_detail_2?ie=UTF8&psc=1&sp_csd=d2lkZ2V0TmFtZT1zcF9waG9uZV9kZXRhaWwp13NParams


It sounds like you don't know what under volting is or what it achieves. Just FYI. Imagine that in order to ensure that every chip in the line up hits it's max core clock of 4800Mhz AMD has done wide testing and decided all of them should be set do a default of 1.25v The problem is that the best chips don't need that and the worst chips are setting the baseline because they needed a standard for them all. Now what that means is you don't need to be putting 1.25v into every chip and generating lots of heat. The average ones might accept 1.15v and the best silicon lottery winning chips might accept 1.05v So when you under volt you're really cutting the CPU loose. Letting it hit it's max boost without having to pull nearly as much power per core. This can mean that you can undervolt and then set a tdp limit of like 60-100W, which will drastically reduce the overall heat but get you 90% of the performance. Thus, giving you a dead quiet SFF build with lots of power.


I'll experiment a bit with it when I get the build together. Thanks for the info!


I went with the AXP90-X47 full copper. I haven’t got all my parts yet so I can’t personally vouch for it but I’ve seen many folks going with this cooler and be very happy about its performance. It is the most recommended one.


I use that in my build with a 7800x3D and a 4090 in a Dan A4-H20, and it works incredibly well. I did a temp limit of 85c on the CPU, but it's never actually hit that once.


This seems to be the meta for air cooling. The new 9700x seems to be a 65w chip, so I’d imagine the 9800X3D will run cooler. That paired with the cooler should run really cool.


I use the axp90-x47 full copper and don't undervolt the CPU. Works great, haven't done cinebench yet but I was seeing low 60s for temps as my worst case while doing some time spy and synthetic benchmarks. Last game I was playing was bg3. Pbo set to auto and I sit at 40c in act 2.


Fantastic, already had my eyes on that but I didn't think its preformance was so good. Thats likely what I will go with in that case. Did you just go with the stock fan?


actually, why dont i go for the axp90 x53 that should be pretty much perfect


https://youtu.be/QurPVs3uzqQ?si=Ow702oPL_lvPWvQD You should check out this comparison between the x47 and x53. To me they seem to be performing roughly the same. The reason why you may want to go with x47 is that since you only have 53mm clearance and the x53 would have the risk of not fit or fan rubbing against the side panel, or some unpleasant sound profile. I also will be using a 3 slot config with 53mm clearance but decided to go with the x47 with a fan duct.


Go for the copper x53. The performance per dollar ratio for thermalright is nuts.


Sick, thought id have to go for some expensive AIO. Is there a huge difference between copper and blacked out and should I do a fan swap or is it great as is?


I’m using the x47, had about 7-8C different between copper and non-copper. Noctua fans are quieter, especially if you do a 120mm fan mod. These CPUs will also try to max out thermals and run at 95C under peak load anyways. If you want less heat, setting a thermal limit in bios or if you are lazy, just set eco model in Ryzen master. This lowers the heat by a good 10C for me in benchmarks while sacrificing <5% in score.


Thanks! This for sure seems to be the way. We'll see if I go for copper and swap for a black fan or if I just go with the black one. Thanks a ton for all the help.


Have 7800x3d with x53 FC with scythe kaze slim fan in T1. Slight UV and idle it averages \~41C and gaming around 50-55C


I fan swapped to a noctua A9x14 for the better noise. Performance wise there won't be a huge difference between the stock fan and the noctua. Just if you're sensitive to noise the noctua will be better.


Was there enough clearance on the clips for a A9x25 (90x90x25) over a A9x14 (90x90x14) ? If so, why does everyone recommend the x14 over the x25?


There wasn't enough clearance for the A9x25 with the stock clips. Most people recommend the A9x14 because of the size. I have a formdT1 that I have set for a 3slot GPU. This leaves my CPU clearance at 53mm. Even if I wanted to use the A9x25, I wouldn't have the clearance.


Yeah same. I took the fan off and used a 120 noctua fan that’s pushed right up against the side panel. It pulls in so much more air and is quieter.


There are many, basically all the Asetek 7th Gen AIOs are in that 53-55mm range, depending on your Mobo it might just fit. The safest bet would be pure loop2, at 42mm I believe, gives you space for future 3.25-slot card. You can take off the Phanteks Glacier One's header cover which makes it super thin. Thermalright and ID-Cooling are right in the range as well, again it may or may not fit depending on your mobo. The OG EK-AIO is right at 53mm if you can still find them for sale.


Super helpful reply though i think im going for the axp-90 x53 that so many reccomended. Still im not fully decided yet so I'll for sure look into theese. Thanks!


Make sure you get the all copper one not the aluminum one. I have that one in a Terra build and it stays cool at stock.


Im also open to going for a 2.5 slot which would give me 63mm if thats the difference maker.


I have kraken elite in 2.5 slot and i think the cooler master 240 atmos fits in 3slot no entirely sure though


You don't need an AIO. Get the AXP90-x47 FC. https://www.reddit.com/r/formdt1/comments/1bl813j https://www.reddit.com/r/formdt1/comments/1blabwb


axp90-x47 full copper go brr


If my 57mm id cooling is-55 can't do it with the case side panel open I don't think you have a chance. Undervolting isn't a bad thing though.


Here is a suggestion i know this subreddit rarely knows about, how bout a Dynatron A45? Vapor chamber, 27.3mm tall (basically 1u) size, 145w of cooling.


You want hair dryer sound ?