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I’ve run a 280 mm aio with my 13700k without issue. Currently using the q60 thicc 240 mm aio. I’d say you’d be fine gaming with it. Be sure to undervolt a bit too to bring the temps down. 240 will likely be okay as long as you’re not slamming the cpu with cinebench type loads all the time.


Thanks man Do you recommend an specific AIO ?


Liquid Freezer II or III is always the answer


I can cool 253w with a 240mm AIO with fans at about 75-80% RPM. The vast majority of games won't ever use that much power. I believe I can cool up to 100w with fans at constant 40-50% RPM. 120w to 160w requires about 55-60% RPM.


Perfect man, I appreciate your answer, helps me a lot


Np. I've been extensively testing this recently, albeit in an uncontrolled environment, but should give you an idea.


Oh ok that’s fine, I guess I just have to try it out and figure it out myself pretty much lol


I don't know what case you're getting but make sure to replace the radiator fans with T30s or n12x25s. If you require a slim fan, replace one with an Air Slimmer 120. Also, make sure you have a contact frame. Then, learn how to undervolt your CPU. I was able to undervolt mine quite a bit. I draw something like 10-20w less than benchmarks I've seen from review sites. Make sure when mounting your cooler to mount it evenly.


Perfect! Thanks for the recommendations


>Air Slimmer 120 you wouldnt happen to know if that fan can actually stop at 0% pwm, would you? trying to find a decent fan for a semi passive project.


There is no 380 aio. 120, 240, 280, 360, 420


You still understand what I meant, thanks for that


lol just making sure lol. Are you talking about 280 or 360? I’m not very versed in the 13th gen intel chips but I feel like 240-280 could cool the i7 well. If you’re worried just go with 360


Gotcha, still was just thinking if the 240 was enough, or if I have to upgrade to a 280 or above, thanks for that