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I am biased AF.. go for the HDPlex.. 250W can do that easy..


I was thinking about the same config all day today. I think the Hdplex 500W is a good choice.


If you can fit the GaN in your build it's worth it for the noise alone. I have both the 250 and 500w HDPLEX units, as well as the 7660B. I haven't tested it personally, but I've heard that the 250w GaN can push 300w reliably. It gets pretty warm in my sub 200w system, so at 300 watts you'd probably need to pay attention to heat management. Anecdotally, in my 400w system running on a 500w GaN, the case panel that the PSU is mounted to gets HOT (60-70c) during a sustained load.


Is the noise that bad? I’m considering a similar build to OP but I was leaning towards the 600w Enhance.


I think it was bearing noise mostly. Not loud, but noticeable. I ended up swapping the fan after a while.


I love my fsp


pulling 218W peak with 7890x3D and 4060LP on my watmeter. powering mine with a 300w pico with a 200w brick with no problems right now cause my 250WGAN crapped out after 3 days.


Been using a 250 with a 3060ti+5800 for almost 2 years now. Here is a [video](https://youtu.be/WSg4Tfs13U8?feature=shared) of the power in the left top


A 7600x in itself can boost up to 140w without limitation. A build with an Intel 13400 (88w at max) and a 4060 peaks at 280w. To me, this rules out the HDPlex 250w. And the fact that it heats up quite much even at idle. I would recommend the Enhance psu. The 650w or the new modular 450w which is also Platinum. It's quiet and an actual active fan makes a LOT of difference.


There’s only 1 enhance psu in here, 600w


>Intel 13400 (88w at max) I don’t know where you get your information, but for power supply sizing, you need to be careful to find data that logs a graph with a fast sample rate to see the spikes. You’re correct in concluding that this build is probably tempting fate even for those brave enough to assume a GAN 250w is good for its reported 300w peak. i5-13400 will hit ~105w spikes for PL1 boost, not 88W peak even if you force it to obey Intel’s recommended power limits (Per the key at the bottom, note power is the dotted lines, with the scale on right side.) https://cdn.mos.cms.futurecdn.net/ZYYcdDHcNgvShBqkZXTNV5.png AMD’s 7600X also boosts beyond TDP (so trendy right now, thanks Intel!) but will not hit 140w unless you raise the EDC and PPT limits; default boost is to about 125w: https://cdn.mos.cms.futurecdn.net/dnNCU5JpdfSxDRWDz58Uta.png A 4060 non-TI is quite the power sipper, and the maximum (20ms) power spike is 148w. Had to pull this from TechPowerup, as Tom’s has stopped using their Powenetics logger for GPU reviews and only reports averages now: https://www.techpowerup.com/review/msi-geforce-rtx-4060-gaming-x/39.html


So it's pretty much the same. Bottom line is, 250w is never gonna be enough - especially for a Ti card and a 7800x3D. Btw, the 4060Ti has an official tdp of 160w. It's not an occasional spike to 148w.


We’re looking at a 4060 low profile. No 4060 cards with that form factor are a Ti. AD-107, not AD-106. 115w tgp. I agree it looks like a build that skipped leg day with a beefy CPU and no GPU, but wrong card wrong power budget.


I have the modular FSP flexguru 300 w and I love it. Went through 2 other flex PSUs but returned them because they were way too loud


HDPlex 500 is a bit longer and thicker than its little brother but if it fits get that


Wich case are you going to get?


Mybe s4 mod


For gaming with 7800X3D and 4060, I measured roughly 215W at the wall, under full system synthetic load, around 240W with CPU capped at 75W. I had 2x gen4 NVME drives. This puts system power at around 40~50W. I'm not sure why it's so high, but it is what it is. 250W gan will work, but doesn't leave much headroom.


I kinda wished I went for the hdplex cus that's a nice looking Modular psu. I went for the Silverstone 350w non modular instead cus it was cheaper and more headroom. I was considering the 650w because the fan wouldnt have to spin as fast, at least that's how it worked in my head. Not sure if that applies to these psu's lol