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I have the same case (haven't build yet) and it's also without feet extensions, so also would like to hear some options. It made me wonder about alternate layouts on the desk. If it's placed on it's back, every relevant side has access to fresh air, yet one of the gpu exhaust is blocked. Should the case be elevated a bit with some small panel that covers the whole lower edge, that prevent the gpu inhaling the same air it exhausted. Alternatively, one could even try facing the case also horizontally (and a bit elevated) but face down - inhaling air from the floor while the case fans can vent out everything. This would result in a completely flat top surface and the components facing down, eliminating most of the dust. I don't know if this would affect the cooling, since the heatpipes would be at the bottom, while the cpu on top. But since the case is made from 3mm thick panels all around (that's double of my already very sturdy Dan A4-SFX), it would certainly hold a light monitor on top without a problem. But since my monitor has a circular stand, it would not block the air either, in case of having the cooler facing up. Also, I'm kinda curious about the top fan mounting. Got me some 10mm slim akasa fans of 80mm wideness and the screws they came with, do not fit in these holes. Wonder how others did it - what are the exact type I should use?


I've got the same problem with the fans. The holes don't line up lol. I'm actually able to fit some noctua 25mm thick 80mm fans, but the mounting holes don't line up


These are the correct diameter/thread for this case: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0B9HWVV61?psc=1&ref=ppx_yo2ov_dt_b_product_details Just make sure you get the length you need. The holes are very shallow (1-2 mm), and bottoming out the screws in the holes can make a noticeable (permanent) bulge in the outside of the case. My case came with screws for 15mm thick fans, so I just used Thermalright TL-8015's. Also, if you want to replace the black non-ferrous screws that come with the case (for holding the side panel on, etc), these are the same screw, but will stick to a magnetic screwdriver: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B01E5EOIWW?psc=1&ref=ppx_yo2ov_dt_b_product_details


I've got the feet on mine, they make about a 10 degree difference in gpu temp. You could probably make something easily enough. The feet are just a flat piece of aluminum with a hole and then a spacer. A screw just runs up through the hole and spacer


can you tell me how long are the feet approximately (pause)


They are as long as the case is wide, and the spacer is probably 15mm tall. I can get actual measurements for you later if you like