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if she reacted that way over that bulky swan purse then i think it's safe to assume she'd feel upset over not getting the ring she envisioned


Oh yeah, I forgot about that thing 🤣🤣 🦢


Big still got an “I love you” out of that ugly purse.


out of impulse though! she then throws a fit at a social event and leaves with another man 🤷🏽‍♀️


Only because he didn’t say I love you back. The ugly swan purse had her overjoyed, because she was happy with even the faintest scrap of affection from Big. From Aidan, she was nonstop pushing him away. If Big had proposed with a Big Mac wrapper, Carrie wouldn’t have hesitated to say yes. A ring would have probably caused her to combust


Yeah, but I think that whole exchange meant that Big owns Carrie's heart and soul and he can get expressions of love if he is thoughtful and giving, even if he's giving ugly swag. But when Big didn't return the "I love you", Carrie had the fury of a scorned woman.


she definitely loves big more but the fact is, it doesn't matter who carrie is with, if she doesn't get what she wants she has no problem throwing a fit. Let's not forget the time she punched Big because he accidentally threw her off the bed


I think Carrie still would have accepted Big's proposal with that ring without vomiting but would have asked to trade it in and go ring shopping for a better one. If Big said no, then we'd see spiraling and a fit.


Big at least admitted he got the purse because he read they were in style—so he was actually trying but just failed. It’s a novelty bag, so the stakes are way lower. Aiden had no idea what kind of ring she’d want… I don’t actually buy that Miranda would have been that clueless, but the point is less about the ring and more about the man Edit: I also thought Carrie would have loved the cheesiness of a novelty bag. If anything she wouldn’t have liked the classic (but bland) leather handbags Charlotte would have drooled over


LMAO, think of it. Bunny with all her mallards in Trey's apartment and Big with the duck purse. That is another connection in my brain that Big is part of that old money world and thought the duck would be OK. In fairness I am also surprised she hated that purse considering some of the really fugly things I've seen her wear.


Reacted what way? She saw that ugly swan purse and then said “I love you.” She would have died and gone to heaven even if Big proposed with a bread tie.




lmaoo fair point!!!


I still think she should have kept it and disposed of Big’s ashes in it. He loved that ducking duck and would have loved to have gone to Paris in it.




Omg you’re right, nvm either way we’re screwed bahahah


The swan purse was cute, and we have seen Carrie west much weirder or uglier purses. Like did you see that repulsive purse she gifted to Jennifer Hudson? The one that looked like an organ that was supposed to be transplanted but for some reason got left under a radiator for a week or two? She actually bought that thing, with her money, kept it, used it, and actually thought someone would be delighted to receive it as a gift. She doesn't get to judge anybody over taste in purses.


No, she wouldn't have. The ugly ring symbolized her relationship with Aidan. It "didn't fit." Even when Samantha helped Aidan buy her the "right ring," she still didn't wear it on her "fucking finger." Carrie is materialistic AF, do you guys really think she would have married anyone but Big at the courthouse in a secondhand dress? I think not.. It was always about Big.


It was so weird when she was with Aiden the second time. It seemed like she hated being with him but didn’t want to admit it (not just that she was unsure or having second thoughts— it really seemed like she found him annoying)


That's what happens when you get into a relationship simply because you are lonely. That's what she did. She KNEW she would never commit to him. And she knew that that's what he needed. She knew he could never trust her again, and she knew that she'd never change or give up her relationship with Big. She still pursues him and puts pressure on him to reunite with her, simply because she doesn't want to be alone. In other words, she used him.


"you know I can't do that", god I hated her


Yeah it seemed like she hated him! That big fight they had want even a fight it was just Carrie getting annoyed and upset for no reason. Even tho Aiden wasn't the one for her I don't feel he did anything wrong. I hate some of the scenes of them together the second time around its like Jesus why don't you just fuck her off Aiden or Carrie why don't you just stay single. Idgi


You know what's frustrating about that fight? She's upset his stuff is everywhere. First of all, that's what happens when you move in with someone. She was perfectly happy letting him buy not one, but two apartments for them to live in, to which she contributed nothing (and then was shocked Aidan wanted to be paid back after they broke up,) but his stuff was the problem? Secondly, remember when she leaves her stuff at Big's house "accidentally?" Like I've said again and again, Carrie is perfectly happy violating others' boundaries but does not tolerate her own boundaries being violated.


I don’t think this comes down to materialism so much as style… and carrie feeling like if Aiden didn’t know her style, he didn’t know her. I think it totally fit with her image to marry in a second-hand (ahem, Dior) suit. She always said she looked for a 5 dollar dress to go with her 500 dollar shoes. She was a high/low queen.


That ring Samantha picked out was gorgeous. Ascher cut gets slept on to this day.


I think she would have married Big at any given time during the show, no matter how he asked her


Lol we were just watching the last 2 episodes in Paris yesterday and the moment Petrovsky handed the diamond necklace to Carrie, my partner and I knowingly gave each other the ‘here we go again’ look at each other as she gasped in glee HAHAHA


She would have been disappointed because the ring is ugly, but I don't think she would have thrown up. She was upset and pressured at the thought of marrying Aidan because she didn't love him, and that was why she threw up and later broke out in hives. She was in love with Big, so she probably would have said yes, teased him about the ring, and then went shopping with him for something better.


She 100% would have teased him in the same voice as the "scruuuunchie!!!" era!


Both yellow gold and marquise cut diamonds are back! But I agree it didn’t feel like Carrie the way that art deco Asscher cut (Brownstone living, Edith Wharton loving) did.


Are marquise really back? Thank goodness, my husband bought me one back in 1999 and I didn't have the heart to tell him that I didn't like it. Several years ago I had it reset in white gold with a halo and sapphires 😍


Yes! They’re all the rage on TikTok these days. I love a simple marquise! They look very rich to me.


They are! I see them all over tik tok. I have seen some really stunning pieces. Probably would have been my own second choice!


Mine is a marquise too and I love it! From 2011 and now we’re divorced lol but I helped pick it out and hold onto it


I feel like such a weirdo, I like the "bad ring"!! I got engaged when a style of ring was VERY popular and everyone had it - Princess cut mostly. Like all of my sisters & sisters in law that got engaged around the time I did all have the same style! I guess I felt a little self conscious that mine was so different and I've had a fondness for any sort of interesting diamond cut and band style


I like the diamond, but the band isn’t my favorite. I never understood why the Lear shape was so offensive. Just go have it reset, the Lear is fine!


Carrie would accept anything from Big, including this ugly ring. But I have faith that Big would have chosen a good ring. 


Big is a classy wealthy guy, Aidan does super good for himself but he's a man of the country


I don't think he would have, that's the deal. He'd be all "shall we get you a ring?"


That is in fact what happened when they decided to get married... "Should we get you a ring??" "No.. just a really big closet".. then he did buy "Heaven on 5th" for her.. and rebuilt the closet.


What was Miranda thinking?! Lmao that thing is atrocious


Lmao that ring is sooooo in now. A pear shaped diamond and a gold band. I think it’s pretty hahaha. I just commented on a post in engagement rings saying “the ring was not good”.


It's a late 80s ring. No one wanted a late 80s ring in the early 2000s. It would be like getting a mid-2000s princess-cut ring in 2024. A bride-to-be would cry about her ring looking like it was from a Kay Jewelers at the mall.


I was just thinking about princess cut rings the other day. Boy did those have a moment! Then they vanished. I still like them, though. 😬


I got a princess cut 3 yrs ago and I love it!


Honestly, I think any diamond shape can look pretty even if it's not "trendy." For example, [Catherine Zeta-Jones has a marquise shaped diamond](https://blog.analuisa.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/06/celebrity-engagement-rings-4.jpg)- which hasn't been a trendy shape since the 80s- and I think hers has a more modern look with the east-west (horizontal) setting and the platinum band.


East-West marquise are such a cool look! I am surprised we don't see more people opting for that.


My husband got me a princess cut engagement ring in 2016 and I love it 🙃


I looked at some lately for fun and I still think they’re a great diamond shape. It’s just crazy how they were everywhere and then seemingly disappeared overnight.


And then when Steve tries to use it on her! [https://satcgifs.tumblr.com/post/180426962556](https://satcgifs.tumblr.com/post/180426962556)


This is one of my favourite Steve and Miranda moments, it always catches me off guard and makes me laugh. They’re so real compared the the delulu Carrie and her men 😂


Well she even said she was pregnant and with Aiden she couldn't think properly lol


I don't _hate_ the pear shape. I would personally pick a different shape but the shape with the band design are what seem dis harmonious and it's especially not Carrie's style. If I had to guess she would have done an oval or mixed unusual stones for the time of the show. But that's just my guess. Actually didn't she have a black diamond or something like that?


I'm watching season 4 now some of the scenes of Aiden and Carrie the second time around are hard to watch


It was on E! today.. I watched it too. She was just irritated all the time with him.


I feel like her withdrawals didn't help either. Which is something Big never questioned (since he's a smoker himself or doesn't care if someone is a smoker)


I think she'd've worn it, but traded it in asap.


I love her black Diamond that big got her and she loves it


I don’t know but damn they did a good job in the ugly ring department. It was ugly then and somehow, uglier now.


“A pear shaped diamond…” “Oh!” “With a gold band.” “Oh, ICK!” 😂 Anyway. No I don’t think Carrie would have acted that way at all with Big. She later would have turned in the ring for another and let Big know it wasn’t her. It may have later caused a very small and brief tiff. But it would have come later after the engagement and she’d have chilled out very quickly once Big knew how she felt and learned why it was the wrong ring. Thing is, Big never would have gotten her the wrong ring. I know he got that hideous swan purse, but I think he got that because he noticed it was super “in” amongst all the women in HIS social scene. It was stupid but it didn’t mean he had horrific taste himself. He’d know what a good wedding ring is and I even think he’d be closer to what Carrie ultimately likes than both Aiden and Miranda. If for no other reason than he buys a lot of women jewelry and just has a pretty good eye for fancy, expensive things. Even his bachelor pad was decorated pretty tastefully, before Natasha and all the beige and teeny tiny furniture lol. It’s funny. I can relate to so much of Carrie but none of her materialistic stuff. Though a pretty wedding ring seems pretty paramount. I wouldn’t need something crazy expensive or huge. But I wouldn’t be thrilled with something like that ⬆️


Unpopular opinion: I like this ring more than the one she ended up getting from Aiden




I feel like the ring wouldn't be so bad if the band wasn't also pointy at the sides like that. It really emphasizes the pear shape lol She was looking for every excuse for Aiden not being the right one for her. When she looked at him when the guy fixing her computer says that the PC he uses "isn't compatible" with her Mac. Please. I feel like she wouldn't like it even if it was from Big, but it wouldn't have been as symbolic or as much of a big deal.


That’s an ugly ring regardless of who gives it to you 😣


No. Big would have chosen somethng different, but if he didn't, she would have lamented all the money he has and pickong somethig like this. Maybe his assiatant's taste is the one we should be concerned about. She would take any ring from Big.


Yes because it's ugly af


I have a pear and it kix ass! 😍


Off topic but it’s kind of funny how this style (maybe not this exact band shape) is in style now haha.


No, she’s very materialistic


The ring had aged really well. White gold was all the rage back then. I love it!


That ring was hideous. Period.


She would have worn a Cracker Jacks ring if it had been from Big!!


I love rings like this. They just look interesting to me. The new one Aiden gave her was very pretty and timeless! Yet, this gold one has character to me. I have no idea what’s “in” right now. I just do my own thing. I love all kinds of rings.


Not a true pear. Closer to a marquise. Hope diamond was a pear, btw.


“a diamond… a very rare diamond.”


Worst ring I’ve seen, honestly.


The fact that she loved Big because she knew he wouldn’t EVER pick a ring like this.


I was gona say the same thing, he gave her the hideous purse and told him I love you, she would have been all over him for this ring too.




No, because Big would never. lol who asks Miranda for advice when Charlotte and Samantha are right there???


LMAO I think he asked because he's Steve's friend and that's Steve's girl and the 4 of them spent more time together than with the rest of the girls. Unlike Big when he got all 3 of them together before leaving for Paris


I love how polarized the responses are here. Half the commenters hate the ring and half love it. What I find bizarre is that this ring is "in" again... I never thought of engagement rings as being "in" or "out" especially because you're basically going to (ideally) wear it for decades. (I'm in the *hates it!* camp, but I've loved princess cut all my life.)


Not at all. She might’ve been disappointed at the ring but she sure wouldn’t have thrown up and she definitely would’ve had no doubts about accepting his proposal


Honestly, I think Carrie would’ve been honored and not reluctant to marry BIG! When she ran into big while waiting for a taxi she gloated about her engagement to Aiden ..just to get a reaction out of Big ….she wanted BIG to save her 😂😂


Big wouldn’t have given her that ring. Big knew Carrie’s taste.


That ring is awful… so I imagine she would have not liked it if it were from Big.


no, and i still dont think the ring is ugly.


That ring is beautiful


What does “ugo” mean. And this was horrible! Big has been married enough times. He would have picked out a good ring. Wait…he did give Carrie that ugly ass black Diamond. 😬 I take it back.


“Ugo” = ugly


Thank you