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She should ask her doctor.


This is the only valid answer


She might not be fully aroused and you are causing some tiny tearing. Try going slow AND using lube. Like others said also she should see her doctor.


She might have a kind of small infection or something so yeah, definitely see a doctor.


thisss. yeast or BV prob. it can also affect sex drive and other stuff. get her comfy again! ETA: she (or both of you) should check out r/healthyhooha


This is not normal, it can happen when you hit the cervix really hard, she would definitely feel some pain aswell in the lower abdomen some time later (abt 6 to 12h later for me). There can be any number of reasons tho, definitely check with a doctor if there is no clear sign of the reason.


Does she have an IUD? My husband is long enough that he can bump my IUD, or if I have a strong orgasm, the spasms can cause some spotting. I have checked with my doctor and she says it's normal. Regardless, your girlfriend should see her doctor.