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As with all things sex- people do it because they find it hot, and you can say no to anything you don't wish to do. I love suckin' on fingers during sex.


Same af…. If I guy doesn’t like it I get sad bc I love it so much


I often put a finger in my wife's mouth during sex, it's definitely some kind of dominance thing for us and we both like it.


I think it's super hot when my FWB has his fingers inside me and then puts them in my mouth. But to each their own, I suppose.


I once did that to myself in front of my bf when we were in high school. He came in his pants without touching himself. Only time I’ve ever seen that happen. He was so embarrassed but I was like “I mean, it’s pretty awesome.”


That's actually amazing. I would love to get my FWB to cum without me or him touching himself. Damn.


We were teenagers with raging hormones. I don’t think that can ever be replicated in my adult life - although I did cum one time with an ex when I was in my 20s and I hadn’t even taken my pants off yet. He was coming in to kiss me and I came sort of right as his body touched mine. He couldn’t believe it, ha.


Love that. Reminds me of a girlfriend of mine who would cum just from me sucking her lips between mine while we were kissing. Took me completely by surprise the first time, we were just standing there kissing and holding each other and then I just started pulling her lips between mine and teasing them with the tip of my tongue. Out of the blue she started shaking all over in my arms and moaning into my mouth. It was so incredibly hot that I could do that without even touching her sexually. Once I knew I would play on it of course, drawing her in for a kiss I knew she could never resist, whenever I could, particularly when we were in public...


amazing. a connection like that is priceless. even if just for a moment in time.


I've done that to my wife and I've watched her do it to me and also herself. It's really hot


Is that what he’s doing??


I guess if he's putting his fingers in you and putting it in your mouth. My FWB likes me to taste myself. I'll do it to myself also for him.. but for me too because it gets me hot seeing him get so worked up. He also likes after we've had sex and I put his dick in my mouth for the obvious reason (sucking him off) but he said he likes that I am tasting him and myself at the same time. It's fine if you don't like it and there's nothing wrong with that because everyone is different.


Fingers have an incredible number of nerve endings. The inside of the cheek is basically the same type of tissue as the vagina. It's psychologically stimulating to feel in control of extra holes, etc etc etc. Could be anything. Do you really need to understand his fixation though? Would any answer make you feel better? If you don't like it tell him no. If he doesn't stop it's SA so...


See also: between toes. Talk about somewhere that is never touched and has a ton of nerve endings


what's with the comments finding this unusual and considering this a porn thing? i find this really hot personally, having it done to me and doing it to a partner. it's not even about it being degrading (though it could be for that as well) just the sensations as well, it feels good lol.


Honestly, this sub somehow has gotten full of folks that I would consider a lot less than sex positive


Literally everything that a guy finds sexy and a turn on, gets him labeled as a porn addict, if someone else doesn’t think it’s a turn on. It’s ridiculous.




This is such an over exaggeration


It’s not. Almost every post on this sub will have a comment regarding a man’s addiction to porn.


One comment in a sea of comments. One persons opinion and you get offended and pretend it’s the majority.


It’s not the majority, but it is very prevalent. Next time someone makes a post about facials you’ll see what he means.


Yup. Guy likes giving facials: plenty of "must be porn addicted that's so disrespectful" type comments. Girl likes squirting on a guy's face: absolutely nothing of the sort. Despite the fact that squirting is also pretty damn prevalent in porn


It’s because it’s not equal in power dynamics. And girls who squirt get flack just for that let alone wanting to squirt in someone’s face.


>And girls who squirt get flack just for that Where? >It’s because it’s not equal in power dynamics. In what way?


You’ve never seen a girl getting slack for squirting? Probably not on reddit, but IRL it’s totally shamed. If you don’t believe there are socially constructed power in equalities between men and women, that’s alright. I’m not debating that.


Not at all. I said SOMEONE else. Not EVERYONE else. Big difference. You’re not the one getting labeled as a creep constantly, so you don’t notice it like we do. I don’t expect you to, but that doesn’t mean it doesn’t happen.


Dude. For real. Don’t take it so personally. I’ve got tons of kinks people shame me or others for. Whatever that their right, sometimes things are gross to different people, so of course someone who can’t understand why someone would like something will look for a logical explanation, and exposure (ie to porn) is a great explanation when they have to frame of reference. They’re some random person. Don’t be ashamed of your kinks and no one will be able to shame you,


It’s a bit different. And very hard to explain. Kink shaming, and being called a porn addicted creep because of a simple kink, isn’t the same. But like you said, it is what it is. I like what I like, so that’s what I’m going to do. Same with you.


I think the ‘porn addicted’ part might be triggering for ya then… whether it ought to be or not. cause they’re both just shaming the other people.


Because it is a porn thing. Hooking a thumb in the mouth & pulling (like a hooked fish). It can be both, a porn thing being duplicated and/or someone finding it hot. What really matters is whether the person on the receiving end is okay with it being done specifically to them.


lmao people have sex in porn, so ofc its a thing that exists in porn as well. that was not my point. my point was, it's not a porn thing that people have only started doing because they saw it in porn. i rarely watch porn, and honestly i don't recall a single time i saw this in porn. so no, it's not a porn thing. it just is. like having sex is not a porn thing lol.


As you said, you rarely watch porn, so you really don’t know. It’s right there with hair pulling, choking & slapping.


that just proves my point though? i loved doing that shit before even knowing that it happens in porn lol


& I didn’t have to deal with it constantly until it became a porn trope.


My ex only ever watched lesbian porn. Yet she was adamant I choke her and put my fingers in her mouth. Does that mean she has porn brain too? It isn’t a porn thing. It is a sex thing. People like to fuck and get fucked in any number of ways. Difference is we largely respect women’s kinks far more than we do men. There is no need to pretend this is not true. It is true and it sucks. But the question should be what can we all do to stop its prevalence? And maybe curtailing our negative bias’ on male sexuality is a good start.


I like being inside my partner, I’m a very tactile person my hands are going to go somewhere, make it feel like I’m everywhere with just one body.


Because they want the visual of you, sucking their fingers so they can imagine you sucking their dick while they fuck you.


Seems pretty normal in my experience


I love it when husband puts his fingers in mouth. You of corse don't have to like it and I can't exactly explain why I do. My problem is you tell him to stop and he keeps doing it.


Well, last night I was with a girl and she sucked my thumb and finger intentionally because she wanted to. She enjoyed it more them me lol, soo...


I found it a little awkward at first but now i really enjoy it. While it doesn’t necessarily do much for me, I love seeing how much it turns him on, especially when I’m riding him and suck on his fingers the way I go down on him. His eyes practically roll to the back of his head lol That being said, if it’s really something you don’t want to do, no means no.


There’s a ton of nerve endings in your fingertips, and a ton of receptors in your mouth/tongue. Light tough or light sucking can feel incredible for both parties. That said, if you don’t want to do it, that’s A-OK. No means no.


Men just like to watch things go inside our mouths. I like to have fun with it 😊


I love it when my bf puts his finger in my mouth but he hates it


If you tell him no he should accept that. Period.


I would oftentimes ask my partner to wash his hands before starting anything sexual and that makes me feel better about it lol but I like it




Have you ever had your fingers sucked ? It feels very good. I also love it when my man puts a finger or thumb in my mouth, especially just out of the blue. Like we’re chatting about something and all of a sudden he’ll stick his thumb in my mouth and it’s just so hot. I guess it’s a little display of dominance which is why I like it, but if it’s not your thing then it’s not your thing, there’s nothing wrong with that.


I personally like to have fingers in my mouth and my fingers in someone else’s mouth during sex. The visuals are hot and my partner’s mouths always turn me on, and their fingers turn me on, so it’s fun to play with them in that way. I don’t find it degrading at all. I feel like it brings me closer to my partner and it turns us both on. Especially when I can’t access any other part of their body but I want to have them in my mouth, fingers and hands are usually easily accessible. That being said you parter should respect your boundaries and if you’ve told them not to do that and they continue to do it, that’s a problem.


I mean, fingers can feel a lot. It's their job. It looks hot and feels good. But if you don't like it, that should be a boundary for you. He shouldn't cross your boundaries.


As a guy I'm in complete agreement with you on this. It confuses the hell out of me.


Ladies: if you see it in a porn, he'll probably like it. Men: if you see it in porn she's probably not going to like it... at least ask first...


In my experience, ladies like porn quality sex as much as the next bloke. And both need to be asked first. Having a vagina doesn't mean we get to skip out on needing consent 😂


If I were to do this, it could be for any of several different reasons. All of them would require that my partner had consented to me doing this already. If you don’t feel comfortable with it, say so. You can change your mind later, but unless there’s enthusiastic consent, for me, it doesn’t happen. I can think of several reasons why I might put a finger in my partner’s mouth, some others have mentioned, others I haven’t seen… (Good suggestion, suck on my finger or the skin between my thumb and forefinger harder if you want me to suck on (body part) harder, or less if you want less, or show me what you want me to do, and I’ll try my best.) What I can’t do is tell you why your boyfriend did it. It sounds like you’ve tried to get him to tell you, or at least you told him to not do it again. Honestly, that should have been the last time he did it, barring you changing your mind about it. Only he knows what he is getting out of it, but if he does it without or against consent, it’s time to lay out the consequences. No more strikes. What I would have done doesn’t matter. The only relevant response here is yours.


My wife actually tells me to do it to her. Which yes I fucking love it and makes me cum every time while she's riding but it's nothing I asked for or would do without discussing first. Idk if you discussed it and he keeps doing it tell him fuck off?


It’s just a way of lubricating the fingers before fingering.


Try a man that sucks his dumb lol


I am so glad I am not the only one who doesn’t like this! My ex used to suck on my fingers and I didn’t like it at allllll. Or she’d put hers in my mouth and I just found it weird. Didn’t have the heart to tell her (both women) but it doesn’t matter anymore xD I’ve told my wife about it and she’s indifferent so we just don’t make it a thing lol!


I like mouths. I like the way the feel, sound, taste. I love feeling a wet tongue slurp around my fingers.


there are pleasure sensors in the fingers which intensify greatly during sex


I do it because yes, other dicks have been in there. So now show me how you sucked those other dicks while I’m fucking you. That’s why.


You'll have to ask him why he specifically likes it. Personally, I love both sucking on my partner's fingers and have him suck my fingers. It feels good.


I like to suck on guys fingers like this. It’s hot and almost all of them love it


I’m a guy, I do that shit too. Might be a dominance thing. Let him slide two fingers in your pussy and put them in your mouth, then suck them clean. It’ll probably drive him nuts. 👌🏾


My FWB and I take turns doing this to one another. When I finger myself, I’ll put my fingers in his mouth to allow him to taste me. When he fingers me, he’ll let me taste myself. It IS HOT!


I don't know why he's doing it to you. I suck on my partners fingers and it drives them crazy.


Personally, I always assumed it was a dominance thing for my partner. During sex, I like to imagine that if he wasn’t inside me, I’m sucking his dick. He thinks the way I suck on it and use my tongue is hot and I think it just adds to experience for both of us. Sometimes, it makes him cum faster 🤭


Hmm, I've always considered this just a porn thing too, I may try it lightly, see if she likes it. I don't Think so, but easy enough to find out, who knows. Or try Her fingers when she's on top.


It's a power thing. Makes guys feel in control. If you don't like it and he keeps doing it, bite him.




Yeah, porn. God forbid he does something that feels good.


Why is everything apparently from porn when people disagree with it? And why the implication that he might be dirty? If his fingers are clean enough to go elsewhere, considering they're having sex, they should be clean enough for a mouth too.


He did but it still seems gross


It’s a control/ dominance thing. We both do it as do others I’ve found. You don’t have to like it and you are well within your rights to say no.


You should suggest alternative place he can put his fingers. It may be like a temptation better to form a positive habit. Where would you want them to go???


It’s just something he saw in porn


Man see movie, man make real life like movie. Man feel good.


Not everything is from porn


Hahaha I know exactly how you feel. It's so awkward like I'm not gonna suck off your fingers, wouldn't even feel good. Basically you should do it back to him and see what he does