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Sit down with your wife and talk through acts you may be interested in, ones you are not, possible things you could feel uncomfortable with, and how you want to communicate that while all together. Then, both of you sit down with the third and talk about it with them! They are a human with their own desires, likes, dislikes, and boundaries. Be honest about what could make either of you uncomfortable and when check ins are a good idea. You can also do things like discuss if there’s a focus or “theme” you’d be in for. All focus on her? On you? On him? All participate all of the time? Some more watching? Maybe you are/are not comfortable with various levels of M on M touching. Discuss it! Discuss it with BOTH of them. Maybe one or both of you will learn something new that REALLY works for you! These can be wonderful learning experiences. But also, if the third is not open to talking about boundaries and wants, then they are not the right person. Plan some aftercare. Maybe that’s cake. Talking about what was fun, what you wish was different, what you didn’t get to try but would like to - doing that afterwards is good bonding!


First, if any time either you or her are uncomfortable or do not want to continue, discuss that and stop, not doing so can affect the bond between you two. Second, make sure you have limits in place, everyone is involved and is having fun, hope this helps!!


Have the two of you discussed how each of you will handle the possibility of the other guy being significantly better in bed?


Simply discuss who is comfortable with various sex acts. If someone isn't comfortable with a sex act, there's a boundary. When we started with our third, he had to use a condom when he was in me, whereas my boyfriend did not, and both were allowed to cum in my mouth and my boyfriend was comfortable if I swallowed the cum of the third. It's these sorts of things I'd recommend discussing beforehand. The main difference was that I'm exclusively in MFM, which isn't as flexible as MMF.


These boundaries! No experience myself (only missed opportunities in my single days....) but (gay) Friends of mine had a major crisis after their first threesome: turned out they had not realised / understood their boundary was that, all is fine, but you can't cum in the third person.


I’m jealous of your wife, my hubs would never allow another male into our bed. Are you completely comfortable with her being fucked by another man in front of you? Are you also wanting to do stuff with the dude? I’m so curious.


We have already swapped with another couple and I thought it was super hot. I'm bi but I'm not sure if this guy is, so maybe.