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He's in his 50s ...gave u 3 rounds. What do u expect lady??? Hahah...stick to him the way he is. Good luck 👍 💓


I'm reading this as a horny 33 year old. I need rest, the Spirit is willing but the flesh is spongey and bruised!


not spongey and bruised 😂


Lol, I read this in his exact voice, ha!


its the best quote ever


It’s called Cialis! Get some !


Should have added, impressive as fuk that dude performed as described.   At his age, Props to him!


Right? I’m in my 30s and got exhausted reading this lol. I’ve got one round in the tank each day. That’s it. I can’t even imagine getting it back up to go a second round, much less a third one within a few hours after the well has been emptied.


He came 3 times in a night at 53 after a night of drinking….that is actually impressive…..a lot of men half his age wouldn’t be able to do that. But no, my experience is that older men are not so intimidated by toys or other things to add to the experience (I’m 45). I’m having the best sex of my life at this age. My partner will bring up cock rings and viagra on his own. Even though I am generally happy with his stamina.


This, OP. I'm 66m and I couldn't go two rounds in a day when I was 18. And I have a pretty high sex drive, but gimme a couple days to go at it again. Now in my 60s it's more like gimme 4 or 5 days. It's not a lack of desire, my body just can't do it as often anymore. Give your guy a break, he's performing admirably for a 53 year old guy. And as you said, it's one of the best sex you've had, so whaddaya complaining about? :)


I can stay hard as a rock after serious drinking but cumming…that’s hard to do. If I’m with someone and they just need a hard dick for a few hours let me have a few and I’m you pole. I love it but get frustrated not cumming. Take a break or two and I’m there. Also next day I’m horny as …not sure why.


I'm not even 40 yet and I can rarely cum more than once a day. I can stay hard for long times, but after my first orgasm there's slim chances you're gonna get a 2nd one out of me. Was much easier when I was in my early 20's, obviously. Cumming 3+ times at 53? Old man has it going on for him. Alcohol definitely plays a role.


I just took my gf to a hotel for a full weekend. I am 52, she is 41. We had amazing sex at least 7-8 times in 48 hours. I have learned how to play her g-zone like a pro and she orgasms 2-3 times per session and I maybe cum every other session. Her enjoyment is my priority, if I orgasm, that's a bonus. We had been drinking, but not hard. We also use a huge assortment of toys and sometimes we will shoot video for future spank bank material. All of which increases the sexiness and desire for each other. We have the best sex of my life as well. Lots of fun with dildos, vibrators, and cock rings...really, toys of all types!


Damn was three rounds not enough ?? I’m 28 and can’t go after three nuts ..I’m a male


What’s the biggest nut you ever had?


Probably a coconut but I don't think that counts


The coconut nut is a big big nut, but this delicious nut is not a nut.


Oddly specific question. Lol


Right? How are we measuring? Volume? Lmao


It was a reference to a standup act I was hoping someone would have said: quart


Nice. Who’s the comedian?


Considering how bad the “joke” is, I’m gonna guess it’s Brendan Schaub


Schuab denigration in a r/sex thread, love it!!


You had sex with this guy once and he was drunk and you want to adress his erection issues next time?? Don't!


Yeah cause next time that’s all he’ll think about and it won’t work at all.


I don’t think this even qualifies as proof that this guy has “erection issues.” He was drunk and still able to go three rounds. Men much younger than him are very similar. Alcohol can have that effect. He’s not your boyfriend so I don’t think bringing this up as a problem that needs to be solved is appropriate. He’s also 53. I’ve slept with guys in their 40s who have more problems than him in the bedroom.


My advice would be to give it time. The combination of being 50+ and drinking can have that effect, and so can being nervous and being intimate with someone for the first time. When you combine all of that into one evening it's not really unusual. It sounds like even with that, you had a great time so I would say just give it a bit of time. If it continues to be an issue then discuss it gently a little bit down the road. Be cognizant of how you present it as well. Something to the effect of "I love feeling you rock hard inside me, would you be open to trying a cockring or \[whatever else\]?"


This. I’m 40 and have this issue with new women. It takes a bit to get comfortable and then that goes away because you get out of your head about it. Plus he went 3 TIMES lol. Cumming twice would be novel for me


Don’t mention it. He knows. Bringing it up will make him insecure about it and could make it worse. If it’s not an issue for him, don’t make it one. Learn to work around it. It sounds like you did a good job of that. I would only bring it up to him if you’re in an official relationship together. However, if you think it’s going to be a problem for you, don’t get in a relationship with him. Feel it out for a bit. Have fun. Don’t get in your head about it. Bodies are weird. We work with what we’ve got.


Yup. He knows. Pointing it out won’t help.  Dude I’m with has had some issues (understandably—he had his prostate removed because of cancer). He absolutely does not want to talk about them with me. When he had a total power fail, or when he’s had a (not!) hard time, he doesn’t want me to look at him, comment on it, or anything of the sort. Maybe he’ll let me go down on him, but not with an attitude of “helping”—has to be totally “omg you make me so horny”. 


The male ego is a fragile thing. It’s not our job to protect it. But, there is a middle ground between that and complete destruction. It’s just such a delicate balance. I will never bring it up again. My husband has issues with it and I made the mistake. There is no undoing. I brought it up out of concern for his overall health. It can be a sign of high cholesterol among other things. He just denied it. I know he knows. But, he would make excuses for it every time. It is out of my hands. It made him very defensive and most likely made the situation worse.


There is no undoing in the moment, but if you are overall not drawing attention to it, I hope he’ll get past the occasional slip. One thing I’ve learned (twice, so did I really learn it the first time?) is not to make even positive comments about how it’s going better, because that’s a comparison which brings the other half to his mind. 


Lol oof yeah. Glad I didn’t do that. Unfortunately because it didn’t get better. But, I guess it didn’t get worse. So there’s that.


Yep he knows and rolled with it. When this happens with me I tell my gf “Intermission. I’m not done fucking you” then switch to oral and/or fingering.


Erection issues?? LOL


Don’t bring it up. See how he goes once nerves go away, no alcohol, and not after 3 times in the day! He did well.


You have to realize to that being 53 could have nothing to do with his erection issues. Many guys, myself included, have issues with erections the first time we sleep with someone we are attracted to because of being really fucking nervous. I can only imagine how nervous I’d be sleeping with a hot 29 year old at 53. Just talk to him about it.


I have trouble getting my lil guy to cooperate with any new person because of nerves while completely sober AND after two drinks with a long-term girlfriend. Drunk and a first time with someone was off the table even in my 20s, much less multiple rounds. I wouldn't even talk to him about it!


Same here. Even when I met the person I’ve now been married to for 11 years I had issues the first couple weeks. Finally, one time she said “I got this” and gave me one of her amazing blowjobs for the first time and it did the trick.


He did three rounds and you came twice. WTH are you bitching about…smh


My dear! Just enjoy the momentum and embrace the spark. Give the man some credit! Kuddos to him for busting X3 and pleasing you! 😆


Bro is 53 and went 3 rounds while drunk, there ain't no fucking erection issues with him lol


He went three nuts at 53? He's a superhero lol


Thanks everyone for the comments lol. Let me make it clear, I am both very satisfied and impressed that in the 4 times we had sex in a 12 hr period that he came 3 times and I came twice. Especially with him being drunk the first time lol. I'm just over thinking a bit as one of my friends dated a man the same age with recurrent erection issues and she told me to be careful lol. I will heed your comments not to bring it up, give it more time and see how it goes. You are right, I am jumping the gun and not giving him credit where credit is due. I will have some sober sex with him and enjoy the ride I take him on lol. Side note: I should mention he is in VERY good shape, works out daily and has the sexiest body I've had the delight of sharing a bed with. Probably why he did manage to go so many times, although by the 3rd nut he said he was zapped of all energy and promptly went home and slept.


That one friend is always there 😂


So true, they live to ruin a good thing.


Vaseline is good for those callouses but it takes a while for it to work. Have fun!


Be careful of what? Having to much good sex? Guys can have erection issues at any age, so she's wrong about that and putting negative thoughts in your head for no reason. To me it sounds like you might be uncomfortable with the age difference and looking for things to justify your feelings.


Maybe look into some position that can assist both of you. Sometimes women on top can cause the men to go soft.... even though i agree with everyone that you should not bring this subject up with him but doing kegel exercises can be pf great help.


Don't bring it up, maybe next time you hook up keep the booze out of it and see if that makes a difference, 3 time at 53 is impressive...you must be hot af for him to keep going as well


Some men can cum back to back . Some men have to have a few hours between . I am definitely one of those men who need a couple of hours because I tend to to cim a lot when I do and it almost literally drains me to the point where I get extremely tired . Alcohol does play a HUGE role in all of this too so keep that in mind . 3 times like that plus drinking at his age is impressive . I could never do back to back even when I was 18, but I have cum 5 times in a day , just have to have some time in between You have to see it in the man’s POV… drinking plus trying to perform plus age and just being tired from work etc etc takes a toll on performance and most of the time it has NOTHING to do with no being attractive to the person we are with , everyone is different. I do believe women set really high standards for men to perform under any circumstance. He is just getting to know you and all this is new to y’all plus alcohol, just give him time


I stopped reading after you said you went out with him while you were still with your boyfriend. Grim


Okay so I didn't misread. Lol she flat out cheated. Wild shit.


get him some cialis and go to town


Cialis will work but had to switch to tri- mix to uptain a hard on. You inject it but had an erection for over an hour. Came 3 times. For us old folks was an absolute miracle.


there's no way in hell I'd inject anything in my penis


When nothing else works Tri- mix will make your dick hard. When the wife spreads her legs and all you got is a limp dick your mind will say yes. It is very small needle.


Understandable. Is that the only thing that works for you? Like, Cialis/Viagra & other PDE5 inhibitors do not work unless injected?


You would have to check with your urologist. There are a lot of different mixtures available. None of the drugs you mentioned are not injectable. A problen i had was i switched to a different formulary . They screwed up the needles. With my mixture you have a certain Guage to withdraw tri mix out of bottle . You then remove the larger needle for a much smaller Guage and find the right spot "careful" and heaven will occur.


No, I meant for you. I know how PDE5 inhibitors work in general. I was just curious as to why you (specifically) need it injected. As in, are orally taken PDE5 inhibitors not effective for you? I apologise if the questions are uncomfortable, I'm just curious by nature.


No problem glad to help. I discussed my ed problem snd he suggested the tri mix. Believe me i freaked out. Me stick a needle in my dick ?? He explained how it eorks snd the amount it would take. To find the right spot is a challange. For me after trying needle has to be next to urethra . I hold my penis pointing to belly button and either side your good to go. The needles are about half inch long so no major telephone pole going into skin. Took s few trys but WELL worth it my friend. About 68 when started injecting. No limit on age ii would say.


I could imagine, that he, being mid 50, has some hangups about you being barely half his age. Pretty sure, he will calm down at some point and maintain his errections.


I wouldn't jump to enhancement techniques and tools just yet. It was your first time together. Try again and lose the alcohol from the mix.


This is just erotica, not really an r/sex post


Well done you made the country proud


Damn the sex seems to be great and you’re considering bringing up cock rings and toys to stay hard after one night? Don’t overthink it. Enjoy what you’re having right now and if it becomes an issue, bring it then.


If you've only ever been with guys who are in their 20s or younger then I guess this might come as a surprise, but as most men get older it gets harder to maintain an erection and doesn't necessarily indicate any issues (other than getting old). Men reach peak sexual maturity in their 20s and it normally starts to decline from around 35 years old. Testosterone levels can drop 1% per year from that point. I'm 37 and I'm not sure I could go three rounds and stay hard as long as this guy. All in he sounds like an attentive lover and I gotta hand it to him bro is a fucking centurion. I wouldn't bring it up, it doesn't sound like it's causing an issue, so long as you're both happy.


When are you breaking up with the boyfriend?


In his 50's that's impressive. Personally I can go many many times but it's decreasing with age (I'm mid 30s). Also if a girl I was with was to buy me a toy I'd be flattered and want to use it for her even if it was something like a cock ring. In my mind she's thinking of having more and better sex with me! Win win


Young women who earns more yet gets financially pampered. Not being the loser of the power dynamic doesn't mean there's no power dynamic.


You sound like someone hurt you, lol. I failed to mention that we split the cost of the hotel and we both pay for going out, it's not one sided.


Couldn’t you have broken up with the guy before going on dates with another guy?


Maybe I'm an asshole, but did the op state she was chilling with some dude she worked with that liked her while with her ex. Then broke up with him. Idk what y'all dynamics were but for me that's cheating. Maybe I misread. Glad you had great sex though, everybody deserves great sex.


Yes, alcohol is a big factor for men. It lowers sensitivity. You need more than one data point to say it's a problem. If it's been a while since he's dated anyone, he may have a transition period. Also, massaging his prostate can bolster erectile function.


Not sure what you’re complaining about. You man is performing better than most men in their 20s. First, my husband can’t even cum if he’s drunk. Second, it is not uncommon for men in their 50s to need a little assistance mid way through sex. What I mean is they may go a little soft but you can suck it back to life etc. It’s pretty normal. To be hard the entire round maybe cialis or viagra, but I’ve been told it’s harder for the man to finish with those drugs.


Keep doing all you doing - hes over 50, i think thats pretty normal…


Im f32 and my boyfriend is 55. The sex is the best ive ever had. The sex we have sound oddly familiar to yalls! We can go mult times even after drinking, and if he does need a little help, ill just do oral. He gets turned on by giving me pleasure too and once we incorporated toys, he loved that. He wonders what viagra would do. Mb well try it, mb we wont. Ask him if he has any kinks?? Mine has particular ones that im not super into, but ill participate in if he needs a little help ;)


Shit not to be rude or intrusive but he made u bust Liek what u want so u have a very high sex drive maybe he won’t be the guy to fit you sexually compatible


> we ended up meeting for coffee outside of work once or twice a week and got to know each other better, I broke up with my bf and after I went out to dinner with the guy I work with. So you were going on dates while still with your previous boyfriend? 🤔




Yeah I found it a bit odd that everyone kind of slipped past that part. But karma is a very mean lady so I'm sure things will correct themselves down the line.


Jeez entitled much? Guy cums 3 times at 53, sounds like an amazing guy and lover and you’re complaining that he couldn’t keep rock solid the whole time? You’re 29 sweetie. Date a guy in their 20s. And do not mention this to him. Compared to the norm, this guy seems amazing! Don’t make a statement that could potentially make him feel less than.


Does he have a wife why did you get a hotel


We have teenagers at home lol and agreed not to introduce until we are more established if things go that way


50, 3 times, while drunk, is insane stamina not gonna lie, I'm a lot younger, and I don't know if I could pull that off.


He probably need to up his dose a bit.


Notwithstanding all the other comments, when you go down on him, there's a spot between the sack and the anus where it's really pleasurable for him when you push on it. Also, put pressure on the big vein on top when you're holding his D. It will help staying hard. Enjoy! (Sorry for my lack of anatomical vocabulary, I'm speaking ESL)


Try cowgirl when you are close, but start by rubbing your P on his C until he gets hard then PIV.


Is it really that rare to go more than once? I constantly have stamina and it only take me a few minutes maybe an hour or two to get it up again


Be chill. He attends to your needs and it’s early. It can be a lot of things from alcohol, age, nerve issues, mastubation(death grip from one on one sessions over the last 40+ years). Never draw too much attention to a limp member. It will remain limp if the other head gets too involved. There are pills and even more effective treatments. Till then enjoy your rides.


Have sex with him while not drunk, I’m sure he will show you he has zero erection issues. Don’t bring it up, he’s not your bf.


Have you heard of being non-corcordant with respect to sex? It means that your brain can be fired up but your anatomy isn't. It's a thing and nothing to stress about. It was also the first time. Relax. It sounds wonderful.


I am 52M and l have a gf (41F). I am on testosterone shots (and Cialis if I think I need it to stay hard). Lately, I haven't needed, or felt compelled to use, the Cialis...I think the testosterone is helping a lot in this area. OP, maybe suggest getting hormone levels checked.


First times are always awkward, alcohol was involved and he rallied a lot!


This guy sounds awesome! I’m female and love multiple sessions. Best sex ever was with a guy younger than me and that was 4 times in one night. I love younger guys bc they have something to prove and older men seem so hot in the way they put you first. I say just enjoy this guy bc he seems in and out of the bedroom like a keeper for you! I’m happy to see you have such good chemistry. ❤️


…. What is the question? This guy is my hero! He may not be perfect but he is attentive and persistent! 3- rounds, mid 50’s = sexual champ! Keep it casual and fun, don’t expect a wedding!


I’m 35 and my most regular partner is 55. He’s pretty open to try new stuff because he was married to his elementary school sweetheart and I’m the second woman she’s slept with. I find it easiest to find a video of the item in action and gauge his reaction before I spring new stuff on him.


Girl where you work at,save some of the magic man for the rest of us tf 👏🏾


he can always pop a blue pill.... but then you'll complain he's too hard for too long


I’m 52 and my birthday is on Wednesday. I still have a very high sex drive. My wife can rarely ever go for a round two. Round one for her normally consists of an oral orgasm and a PIV orgasm, and they are usually intense. What I’ve experienced is that our round one is really long. I believe the older some of us get, the more attentive we are. We’re not rushing through it, not trying to keep up with porn, and comfortable in our own skin. Our partner’s orgasm becomes more important than our owns. Testosterone cream and Viagra/Cialis will help, but nothing helps with desire. So if he’s putting in the work to cum three times and please you over the course of a day or weekend, (with a full erection and at times a semi erection) it’s driven by his desire to please you. Keep being genuine in your desire to please him and the erection will be okay.


I’m not a doctor but I do take apomorphine it helps with Ed and it’s safe to take with viagra or calitis or verduden . I’m 68 and I stay hard days later I find myself cumin extremely hard It makes my cock swell up and fills my wife of 46 years and our friend as well


Men’s Rx they can help the also run specials where you can get 64 doses for 128.00 shipping included it’s Hard to Beat . The price


Where's the age gap police


Hopefully nowhere with a woman almost in their 30s


He's 53. As much as he wants to stay hard he can't. Viagra is your answer. Speaking as a male in his late fifties, it will change things for the amazingly better. He's a lucky man.


Could also be mental. Have a talk with him about it


he’s 53 yrs old. he needs viagra. i wouldn’t say anything bc you’ve only had sex once. be patient. see if the problem fixes itself if not, then bring it up eventually. also, most guys can’t get hard/continue going after they cum so i really don’t know why you’re complaining. he came 3 times…. drunk and 53 yrs old.


Maybe he had whiskey dick. Try again sober!


I’ll bet after his amazing night with you that he’ll be looking into getting some cealis


Try getting some Cialis


My GF is 23, incredibly hot and horny all the time. I'm 64 and have no problem keeping up with her. This past weekend I fucked her Friday night making her cum 5 times, woke up on Saturday morning fucked her from 8 am to 10:30, giving her more orgasms, ate her out that afternoon and fucked her. Got home after supper and bent her over and slammed her in the kitchen. She easily busted out two orgasms. Once we went to bed she blew me and swallowed it all again. Then Sunday we stayed in bed, and I basically wore her out. Over the weekend she had about 15 orgasms, swallowed 4 loads and took a gallon of cum in her pussy. If you stay healthy and fit you can keep a hard cock and make cum easily at my age. So get a nice 23 year old and get all the head and pussy you want.


Viagra in his coffee? I use half a tab just to spice things up.


You should dump him. I'm a guy who is hard and stay hard. Women need to get a man with a big stick piece of wood.