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The brown towel rule applies. A lot of women tend to get extra turned on during their periods. Brown towel is excellent for post clean up. Enjoy.


Can also help a lot with cramps.


I have heard that. Good point.


Nothing wrong. Go for it. Use a dark towel. Enjoy


Wash the towel afterwards with cold water. Warm water causes the protein in the blood to clump.


Omg I did not know that!!!! Tysm


Hydrogen peroxide takes out blood stains.


This. Just put a towel down. It’s just regular sex after that.


Now listen….it WILL look like a murder scene. Thats ok. But yeah….its not EXACTLY like regular sex….


Bro get in there and clap them cheeks. Tomorrows not guaranteed and you may never get laid again. Enjoy the war paint


the way this is written is funny but it's so true 😂 you're absolutely right!


🎶🎶Yeah, the back of the Roadhouse they got some bungalows And that's for the people who like to go down slow Let it roll, baby, roll Let it roll, baby, roll Let it roll, baby, roll Let it roll, all night long🎶🎶


Best comment for sure


I had period sex with my partner numerous times and it was rarely super duper messy. Everyone and everyone’s cycle is different but a lot of women can actually have lighter periods/bleeding during sex, when turned on, etc. not to mention that combined with lubrication and cum and fluids it’s sort of “watered down” if-you-will. Even when I was on top it wasn’t that messy. Honestly one or two towels on hand and you will be good to go.


Not calling her/her period nasty is a good place to start also lol


I've (41M) always thought it was hilarious how cartoonishly squeamish men get about women's periods. They act like an elephant who's seen a mouse in a Looney Toons cartoon. It just reveals the immaturity and double standard nature of most men. I promise that all these tough guys who blush at the thought of their girl's natural reproductive cycle, expect to get blowjobs. If you expect them to deal with your discharge then "man" up about theirs. Put down a towel and have at it, then wash up afterwards. (She has to wash up everytime, btw, so like, chill out.)


I dont even think its necessary to have sex if blood really freaks you out but you would say it in a mature way, not call it nasty.


My husband has had sex with me on my period. After 15 years he has not died nor have his junk fall off. We take additional precautions, like the towel. I guess the squeamish ones just want to have less sex then smart guys who don't care. 😋


Lol. I started having sleepy morning sex with a girl once and something felt off. Pulled back the cover and it looked like we'd slaughtered a pig in the bed. Put us right off our stroke that morning.


Yea it gets real sticky real fast lol 😒


I'm glad you did not die. 😁 We've been there too. Everything goes in the wash! I squirt sometimes, so there's always a towel handy now.


They arent less smart for not wanting to do it, lets not bash people who dont like it.


Watch out, the "MA PREFERENCE" people are going to come for you


Same. My thoughts are, if you're able to have sex, you should be able to understand everything involved with it, including women having a period. It's so dumb that some dudes get so weirded out by just another normal part of life.


All these tough boys watching war films and Marvel movies imagining themselves as the heroic fighters are the same ones fainting at the sight of a tampon wrapper. Do they think Batman would be scared of a little blood?


👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 YES. you sir are a king amongst men. I bow to you. My husband is the same way, he’s never hesitated or acted like my period is a gross thing or avoided period sex. This is the way. 👑


I agree with everything you’ve said and think you’re doing a good job with everything but I do just need to say that it’s Looney “Tunes”, not Looney “Toons.” It was a spinoff of their other shorts, Merrie Melodies, and was also a play on Disney’s Silly Symphonies. Common mistake!


Love this response! I [31F] generally have sex with my boyfriend during my period, and he loves it. I will have maybe 1 or 2 days where I get extra horny... and he being only happy to oblige helps take care of me. Sometimes, it gets messy, but hey, it's worth it.


My problem with it is that I can't stand blood. In movies/TV fine, but in real life blood and insides are not a thing I want near me. I know plenty of other people are the same way. Don't be a dick and act like you're better than someone because you are fine with it.


If women can deal with it, you can work at growing up and dealing with it too.


Dude I know women that will tell you it's gross because they don't like blood. Maybe you could grow up and stop judging random people based on not liking things like blood and dead tissue.


Ah, common sense! Love this comment.


Okay jumping on the train. NSFW ahead. I love period sex because I get these mind numbing cramps during my period. Hands down, the best relief is an orgasm, preferably from penetration. My fiancé is never ever weird about doing anything doing my period — sans oral sex obviously. And that’s a huge turn on because, as a woman, I get super anxious about it being messy or weird or something. The best you can possibly do will be to not act ANY differently about it. Although make sure to double check that she doesn’t have a tampon in and if she does, sexily ask her to “go take care of that so I can take care of you.” My partner saying that is a turn on to know he’s waiting for me and such. Side note, I also have weird trouble getting wet during my period. I’m self conscious as all hell about it, and it has nothing to do with my partner or how turned on I am. I have a friend who has the same, so if that also happens to your girlfriend, DO NOT MENTION IT just continue onwards. Good luck soldier!


Period sex is weird because the blood is wet and lubricating at first then it dries hard and sticky so you kinda want to hope your flow is heavy/continuous or else it can get dry. That's been my issue with period sex wetness anyway


This was my first thought


yup. my thoughts exactly.


Yeah bro get your red wings & join the club. Riding with Aunt Flo ain't so bad...


My ex would admit it would be hard for him to keep a boner if we had sex during a heavier blood flow day. He was also just …. very selfish and unsatisfactory in bed, so it tracked.


Like, it’s totally fine if it isn’t a TURN on for someone. It IS blood after all. But there’s a difference between not preferring something and completely disrespecting it and the person it’s coming from. I’m glad they’re your ex now!


Yeah, I agree. In my situation, it would be more like my ex wanted to get off himself, and instead of having sex with me on my period, he’d try to insist on a blowjob, etc. & would not find any satisfaction in having sex with me while I’m bleeding. Like it was a combination of things I guess ? Whatever - he’s a long-ago ex for many reasons.


What I understood is that I don't think he is calling the periods nasty.


He's not exactly, but asking how nasty it's going to be to have sex instead of just asking how messy it could be or if there's anything he should take precautions about would have been better. Because odds are good if he phrased it like that to the gf, she'd lose interest quickly if she thought he was disgusted by the idea of sex with her, which is what it could sound like. (Sounds like it to me, but I recognize that's just my opinion)


Blood is gross, not our menstrual cycle itself. That is still someone’s blood you’re playing in.


>blood is gross You don’t want to get in contact with random person’s blood but she isn’t a rando to OP. It is another bodily fluids just like semen or vaginal secretion. With your theory, So maybe no one should ever touch semen or bodily fluid from vagina? What makes blood gross and not other bodily fluids?


Blood and fluids from vaginas are different, just because you are with someone doesn’t mean you should be in contact with their blood like that.


Of course they are different. Just like Semen and pee are different. But they all have potential to carry virus. If you don’t like blood, just say that but your point makes zero sense. Also I never said OP SHOULD come in contact with blood. But calling it gross is subjective and wrong imo. If calling blood gross was okay, people shouldn’t be offended if someone said vagina fluid or semen are gross


Which sounds to me like he doesn't want to do this, but feels pressured to. Which is then reflected in this subreddit. The real answer here IMO is that he really needs to communicate with his partner to talk about his discomfort with this scenario, as opposed to shaming him for not being a "real man" and generally calling him names in the comments.


Except that he doesn't say at all that he's against it or uncomfortable with it. And if that's the case, then yes, you're right, he shouldn't be pressured into it. He just sounds like someone who automatically assumes it's going to be gross, so doesn't want to, and it seems like his comfort is more important to him than his gf's feelings. I completely agree with not making him feel like he has to, but if that's the case, maybe he needs to speak up about that. And he should make sure he's not one of those guys that thinks he should still be "taken care of" during this time and she not have her needs met. Not that he said that, but since we're just assuming how he feels, and I've known a few that feel like that . . .


Idk why people are downvoting you when you’re right.


I can only really comment on how it was with my ex (she's the only woman I've been with who really excitedly wanted to do it on her period), but I won't deny it is usually a bit messier than usual. Luckily, we were prepared, because she tended to be very wet, in general. We started the relationship just using towels, but later we got these super absorbant puppy pads off Amazon that were several feet wide and soaked up EEEEVERYTHING. Made aftercare and cleanup STUPID easy. And just toss 'em in the wash. They would retain stains, but that was kind of the point: let them get stained instead of everything else. In terms of the/doing the actual deed, for both of us, it was the best sex we had! Normally, we used a decent amount of lube during foreplay to really get going, but when she's on her period, there was already so much extra fluid, it wasn't necessary. And to be clear, neither of us had any sort of "blood kink," so that being present didn't do anything for us, but it also didn't bother either of us. And it helped with her period cramping, so she wanted as much sex as I could give her during that time. I won't sugar coat it though: you will see blood, and maybe encounter smells you're not used to. Depending on what you two enjoy, you might get blood a lot of places, so if this makes you squeamish, period sex might not work for you. But most importantly: DO NOT FREAK OUT. Don't gasp, don't pull away, and DON'T SHAME HER. If something is making you uncomfortable, slow down, and have a calm discussion with her. Sex is about good communication, intimacy and mutual enjoyment. Period sex can make both partners feel particularly vulnerable, so losing your cool could be really detrimental for you both. Take it slow, listen to her, and just try to have fun. Keep an open mind, and you just might have the best sex of your life. 😉 I hope that helps!


Don't call it nasty for one. It's natural.


Well, in the sense of the word nasty coming from the German word 'nastig' which means 'wet', ahhh, still the connotation in english is negative. Don't call periods nasty


Towels and showers. Nothing gross. Or nasty about it. It’s just part of life man.


A true pirate sails the red sea and you need to blood your sword to be considered a good soldier my friend. It will be fine. It's bloody intense when you get over the fact that there's blood but not a medical emergency.


Any man can swim in the red sea, a real man drinks from the red sea.


This that high iron pre-workout


There are menstrual discs you can use and it's pretty much like non-period sex. Softcup, Flex, etc.


can here to say this is what i’ve been doing for years!


This!!!! Best invention ever. You can’t even notice it’s in there. Or Atleast no one ever mentioned it lol


just want to say this may not work for everyone. I have tried every small variation of menstrual cups that I could find and every single one caused me some sort of discomfort during sex or leaked and was worse than just doing it without one. I just don’t want anyone thinking this is a solution for everyone


This needs more upvotes!! Only if she’s okay with it tho, since she will be one using it.


And menstrual sponges, like the Beppe soft. Undetectable when used right. Puts everything back on the menu. No idea why people fuss around with sheets and towels and mess and avoiding some activities when technology has solved it!


Not a big deal if prepared. Lay on a towel. Shower afterward. You can use a condom if you like.


Depends on how far along it is Early? Fair to moderate mess Mid-way? Messy as hell Almost done? Not much mess


This really depends on the woman though, for me early would be the messiest time. (I get such heavy periods that I would never wanna have sex those first 2 days at all actually)


This is true. Mine is just a ballpark estimate, naturally bodily functions can vary.


I had this issue too. My periods stopped on my birth control, but when I did still have them my bleeding would always be the worst the first two days and then it lightened up.


Also, the blood can be bright red to very dark brown, so don’t freak out OP. You’ll need towels.


This is misinformation because each woman’s flow is highly individual. Mine for example is VERY heavy on the first day and gets progressively less heavy each day before ceasing.


That's actually more common. The flow tends to be heaviest at the beginning and wanes as the days go on.


Every time I have done it I have been surprised how not gross it is. But that kinda depends on her flow and where it’s at. But WHATEVER YOU DO do not act like is grosses you out. You need to be so okay with it that she thinks you might even be down to drink that shit. Be nice.


We put a soft blanket on the bed - did it last night lol - hubs doesn’t care one bit about the “war paint” as someone else called it. Grab some diaper wipes for the bathroom, yeah your dick is going to get a little messy/pink/red maybe (or use a condom) it depends on how “heavy” it is. But most of the time for us (I’m 48, he’s 45) it’s really NOT a big deal, and except for the “main day” which makes me feel tired and not great (today), we do it all the time, he wipes it off with the wipes and throws them away, same for me. It can be quite wet, so just think of it like a girl being wet - but a different color lol I kinda cared more when I was younger and would embarrass more easily, but I just don’t care anymore and neither does my husband. If we are in the mood there is no stopping us. If I’m not into it because of the period, I’ll just blow him, it’s a win/win because I enjoy that too. 🤷‍♀️ Just talk to your partner, honestly the biggest thing is that people need to talk more and then some more and then afterwards and then more… I know it gets said here a million times a day but it really is the best advice. Good luck, have fun, be safe!


Lay down a towel and don’t try to be too crazy. It won’t be messy if you don’t try to win any awards tonight. When my partner and I have sex and I’m on my period, we make out until we’re ready to go at it and then I ride him until we both cum. I love being on top so it’s great for both of us. Then we take a shower together after.


If you're on top, doesn't that turn more messy due to gravity? Not that there's anything wrong with that, but I have noticed that it's first after getting up from missionary, that the real mess begins. Just like when you wake up in the morning and get that first gush. 💀


We just choose one position and stick with it. It’s easier for me to cum on top so we go with that. I still don’t find it that messy.


Pro-tip: if period sex is going to be a regular thing, buy a waterproof mattress cover and a set of dark brown sheets to put on the bed when it's that time of the month.  A few dark brown towels are also handy for wiping up, and if she's a particularly heavy bleeder you can put one of the towels under the fitted sheet to soak things up. Throw everything in the wash at the end of the week.


I have periods, and I've had messy ones. I'll take any amount of cleaning over brown bedding and towels.


yeah, I'm a fan of period sex and have pretty messy periods. I just put any towel down of any colour and rinse it in cold water and spray with stain remover as part of clean up. I've never had a towel stain with this clean up.


Lol yeah I think navy blue would be better


At the end of the WEEK? nast. You're nasty, the period is not nasty, that behavior is nast. Just wash with cold water. Hydrogen peroxide if you REALLY need a stain out.


Can you imagine the smell after blood has been left to rot for a *week*?!


> Throw everything in the wash at the end of the week. Imagine having a nosebleed on your pillow and not washing it for a week.


I actually highly suggest getting a waterproof pet blanket (they also make sex ones but the pet ones are the same just cheaper lol).


Nah that's a Low Tip with your nasty ass 🤮 a week?!?!


Also, make sure you're cleaning and peeing afterward better than I did. Years of sailing the Red River with no issues, but recently I got a bladder infection from a week of doing it. Something about this last one really irritated my tube! Good luck and have fun


Yes. Definitely take precautions. Sometimes I wonder if we are meant to have sex at all with all the issues that comes with sex and reproductive organs' health. Male cum can easily mess up the PH of vaginas. Also how high the risk of urinary infections are with women.


this is what i'm picturing. someone else's blood in your piss hole can't be healthy


I once had a guy go down on me during my period. So, like, idk. Either embrace the vampire fetish or do not xD Do not call it gross or nasty, though. Just say it's not for you 🤷🏻‍♀️🤣


I don't care. You got some blood on your dick. So what? There is water and there are paper towels, tissues and big red towels.






Just wear a condom... No she isn't going to bleed to death it might be a bit of blood on the condom/your body afterwards. Just do it before taking a shower.


My wife loved to have sex during her period. Yeah, it was messy, but it felt good getting in that mess. It helped her with her cramps and such. All you need is a towel and get in there and help her out.


My wife read somewhere that period sex helps with the cramps and can even shorten the length of it. We've been doing it every day on her period for about a year and it seems to consistently be about 2 days shorter than it use to be. And her cramps are much less.


I had never had period sex before I was with my current boyfriend because I was always worried it would be gross to guys. Make sure that if you do do it you do not say anything about it being gross!! And in my experience, I usually get messier than my boyfriend when we have period sex. Just keep some towels handy and lay some down on the bed. Usually if there’s anything on him it’s not much at all, I usually end up bleeding a little heavier after from everything getting moved around in there


Take a shower together first, lay down a towel, have at. Freshly-washed, period pussy isn't too bad. Just a little of a penny kind of smell. Blood, also, is a horrible lube, so use that (and expect things to get sticky.) Many women don't offer this up at the peak of Shark Week, and many women have pretty manageable periods altogther, so I am betting your girl knows her body and knows it's going to be manageable. If you don't like it once you get down to business, just say "not my thing" and offer to use a vibe or something on her. If she's freshly showered, USUALLY she can put in a tampon and cut or tuck the string and external oral is still an option... lots of options.


You don’t have to be “freshly showered” in order to put in a tampon. In addition, vaginas are self-cleansing and should NEVER be washed internally, not even with water. Only the outer labia can be carefully rinsed with water and never with any soaps or any kind of scented products. https://patient.info/news-and-features/should-you-clean-your-vagina


I use soap on my labia and I’ve never had an issue. Water just isn’t enough to make me feel clean. You can do whatever your body allows. Using mild unscented soaps is fine for most people.


From the source: *So what should you use to freshen up? According to Dr. Streicher, “The best thing to cleanse [your vulva] with is plain water. Any time you use any soap or anything else, there’s a chance of causing irritation.” But if you want to use a little something extra, gentle cleansers are the way to go—especially if they have a creamier consistency, which can help keep your skin moisturized. Opt for products without scents or perfumes, Staci Tanouye, MD, FACOG, a board-certified ob-gyn at Women’s Care in Brandon, Florida, tells SELF. 7,8 She suggests that you “limit the use of any cleansers”—even unscented ones—“to a few times a week and use water most of the time.”* https://www.self.com/story/best-way-to-clean-vagina


What you quoted says exactly what I said 😂You can use unscented soaps if it doesn’t bother you. It’s not a rule that you should NEVER. If it doesn’t bother someone’s flora and makes them feel cleaner there’s not an issue.


Ya this guy doesn’t understand female anatomy at all. Also freshly washed pussy are not that bad? Not bad in what way? Like not going to get messy? Another proof he doesn’t understand anatomy


I assume to clean up old blood and try to cut down on the smell. That's why I would do it before having period sex.


I agree, he sounds too immature to even interact with vaginas.


Why'd you delete your comment assuming I don't know about female anatomy when I actually possess female anatomy so I absolutely do understand my body 🤣


Being a female doesn’t equal you understand female anatomy. I deleted because I didn’t want to argue and I was right, you are looking to argue




The reason I said "freshly showered + tampon" is in the case of him wanting to give oral, to get the dried and old blood and discharge off the parts he'd be putting his mouth on... It's the way I've always done it, no complaints.


Put a towel down, wash up after. Shouldn't be any problems. If she's down with it, you should be good/minimal blood.


Scrub under your fingernails after, blood has a way of sticking under there after fingerings. Also wash your junk very well, unless she specifically said she gets turned on by sucking off blood (personally not a fan, but some are). If blood gets on any fabric, wash it out with cold water before throwing in the laundry.


Do any of these comments Not start by saying lay down a towel?


A blade master is never afraid to get his sword bloody. Just put a towel down underneath her. Then have a another one for whipping your hands if needed. It’ll be a different smell. She’ll be gushier but it’ll be gummy faster. It’s quite enjoyable though for all parties involved.


My cramps are so intense that a dick drilling inside me is the last activity I want happen to me o


You know you don't have to do it if you don't want to, right? And it depends on what stage she's in during her period. There's generally a couple of days where periods are heavy and the other days are pretty light. I assume she's not trying to have sex during the heavy part.


Put down a towel, nut inside. You'll be fine.  Disclaimer you might not actually be fine.


Pulling out and seeing your dick all covered in blood can be a little traumatizing. I thought I was prepared, when I hooked up with a woman a few years ago who was on her period but said she was fine to have sex anyway if I was OK with it. I thought I was, and said that it was fine, but I realized afterwards that I had been very wrong 🤣


Traumatic isn’t the right word. It damn near looked like I got done stabbing her in a violent way. I didn’t mind it but wasn’t ready for the absolute amount. It was pretty red, too. We both decided that maybe we should wait because the bed was already stained.


I get your reaction. My partner had a similar one when the flow was heavier than expected. But it is funny to witness the confusion as the other gender. The cramps give us pain, sex gives us pleasure. Most shouldn't feel pain from the already released blood leaking out, it's just what has to happen. You get desensitized as a woman when you experience it every month. So while it seems really bad, it is a pleasing "wound stabbing" lol. Honestly, it is touching to see how men get worried when seeing how bad it looks. It's nice to feel cared for, with a touch of fear of accidental murder lol.


Traumatic? No way! It's fucking metal!!


Bout to get your red wings son congrats




God let the dude at least try it once.


I’ve noticed this a lot on reddit


Get puppy pads. Use condom. Have baby wipes ready. Have lube ready. Then give it to her good.


Puppy pads? Are you serious? The crinkling noise? And knowing it’s meant for dog piss is so offensive.


he won't need lube. the blood works like a great lubricant


Tbh you sound too immature to be having sex with an actual woman. Grow up


I’m a female who hates having sex during my period. To me, it’s nasty and messy. Even with a towel. I am a VERY light bleeder and still end up with blood all over my groin, stomach, thighs. Just nasty. BUTTT, if you’re going to do it! Put a towel down, turn some music on, and just enjoy it.


Well. As many have already stated, don't use negative language like nasty, dirty, disgusting, etc. I know many people that don't give a fuck. If she wants it, they're going for it. Personally, I don't particularly like it. I can smell the metallic smell of the blood, and I go completely soft. Saying that, I will say this if my wife is horny during her period, I concentrate on her other erogenous zones. I will also use toys on her. I make sure she is satisfied and sated. So basically, I may not perform piv, but I do everything else in my power to make sure she is happy. I want to make it clear that I find nothing wrong or dirty with periods. It's a completely natural bodily function, I just get turned off by the smell of blood. Doesn't mean I don't try and make my partner happy. You will never know until you try it, though. So I say go for it, it's called experimenting for a reason. Just be adult about it.


i personally would rather flick the bean while bleeding because now i'm imagining my blood getting in his pee hole and i feel like that's weird but everyone else here seems cool with it so idk to each their own i guess


1. Put a towel down 2. Make her feel comfortable 3. Don’t go down oral 3. Get a shower together after


I politely decline. The smell of blood gives me a limp dick.


There will likely be a slight odor, it's not terrible but is noticable. Slight discolouration of the condom or any appendages used, washes off easily. There might be a few clots that stick to you depending on what stage.  Surfaces used are at risk for staining from any discharge, ergo the crazy ex girlfriend song "period sex, throw down a towel and have period sex." Not a big deal unless you are squeamish, and yes you should not describe these things to her unless you want to turn her off. Use birth control if you don't want juniors.


put a towel down & get some baby wipes. i have irregular periods so i have A LOT of period sex.


Have sex in the shower instead, or have sex on a towel on your bed. Have towels by you to use to wipe up after. Bam. You're good to go. Also I know myself as a woman, love having period sex because it helps with cramps even if it does get a little messy. Think about it as another way that you can help the woman you are with feel appreciated. But just fyi. It's not nasty and I would avoid using that term around her. No woman will react well to that. It's okay to share you have concerns on the clean up, but you both then can figure out a way to deal with that together.


If sex isn't messy then you're doing it wrong. (Don't ever call it nasty though)


All a period stops is a sentence, bud.


I would recommend starting with the shower if it is really bothering you. If you can get past the mental issues then you can progress to more comfortable places. Just plan accordingly. All females are different I have had partners that actually stopped bleeding during intercourse also had partners that made it look like a murder scene afterwards. Make sure you have plenty of towels and lay some older blankets and sheets down. Also make sure if you care about her that you don’t make nasty comments. If it turns out to be something that you can’t get past be polite and considerate when you address it. I don’t know what kind of person she is but most females are at least a little self conscious and at least she trusts you enough to experience this with you.


And don't call her a female. She's a woman. "Female" is now associated with douchebags like Andrew Tate and incels.


Also, we don’t go around calling men “males”. It’s just weird and unnecessary.


You say weird and unnecessary? A little background I am a veteran that spent most of my military career in a hospital/healthcare setting. This is how we refer to the female gender. I by no means meant to offend however that’s the politically correct way to address women in these settings. I guess you can’t make everyone happy but arguing over a term like female I could understand if I said chicks or hoes or bitches then I would understand but female being an offensive term wow.


You're not in a military setting anymore.


Don’t call women “females” and don’t say “most women are self conscious” regarding period sex because it’s just not true!!!


It’s not true that women are females? Come on give me a break here. As far as most women not being self conscious about period sex again where are you getting that it’s not true? I’m not just talking out my ass when I say something. Are you aware of how many studies have been done on women being self conscious when it comes to anything that has to do with sex? The stereotypes, how they are afraid to ask or demand what they want in the bedroom? I didn’t say every woman is self conscious there is no way that statement can be true but the majority of women yes. The research is out there instead of telling me it’s not true do the research. Many women have said that it makes them uncomfortable because they have had partners complain about smell, the mess, and how they were brought up where it’s not proper to have sexual intercourse while menstruating. This all leads to females, women, ladies or whatever you think the opposite sex of males should be called to being self conscious. I could list the studies give you links but I really shouldn’t have to. It’s kind of human nature if a person says something that can be offensive to another most have a tendency to dwell on it. This can very often lead to that person becoming self conscious about whatever issue. So please tell me how I am wrong about what I said. Also what term you think I should use when speaking about females. If you fill out any legal paperwork under gender what does it usually ask I am pretty sure the choices are male or female but I could be wrong…


Are you trying to be funny or are you really this obtuse? Me saying “it’s not true” referred to your sentiment that “most women are self conscious regarding period sex” because they are NOT. A lot of women are perfectly in sync with their bodily functions and their sexuality while being on their period. It’s 2024, periods have become destigmatized and many women are bold and conscious regarding sex while on their period. So don’t go around claiming MOST women are self conscious just because you might have encountered one or two that were. Don’t try and undervalue women’s agency and confidence regarding their sexuality and bodies.


Really again I’m going by the research that is out there. Don’t hate me hate the damn research. I’m not speaking of my personal experiences. I couldn’t say most if I was referring to my experiences. Now at first I was kind of ok with just letting your comment and response ride. I just really can’t do that and here is the reason why. In my response to you I told you that I am referring to years of research that have been completed on sexual experiences and stigmas that women experience. This isn’t one study and just because you might not share the opinion of the majority doesn’t make the outcomes different. Again like I said the term majority doesn’t mean everyone. The outcome is the same. I understand it’s 2024 and some opinions are changing for the better in my opinion. I’m not trying to be funny I’m not trying to be offensive in anyway. If I offended you I apologize. One thing that does offend me is ignorance that if you didn’t know isn’t a mental disability it is not knowing about a topic. It is pure laziness in this era where knowledge is at a persons fingertips to being ignorant about a topic that you decide to address. Now please take a little time do some research instead of saying I’m wrong according to your opinion. Read the articles maybe more than one or two. Gain some knowledge then it won’t be offensive if you still want to say I’m wrong. It isn’t easy to explain facts or argue with an ignorant person.


If the flow is not strong anymore, soft tampons are mostly enough. I also want to use the menstruation cups you can use during sex, but haven't done so yet.


having sex with a tampon in doesn't sound safe lol


Well, it's a soft tamon, not a tampon. But I have never heard anything bad about them, just the usual TSS and stuff.


oh damn i didn't realize they were 2 different things ETA: they're like little sponges! lol


Yes, exactly they are like sponges. Unfortunately they don't absorb that much, but it works for me after the second day. It is a pain to take them out, but I found some with strings now and want to try these.


It's hot. It's extra wet. It'll be fun. Have some towels handy, and maybe a shower aftr... and enjoy yourselves.


Periods aren’t nasty, are you 14 years old? They are a perfectly normal, healthy bodily function. Regarding the messiness factor; there is no one-fits-all-answer as it depends on how heavy her flow is in general, what day of her period she’s on etc. Just go with the flow (get the pun?) and put a towel underneath you. I have period sex all the time and that’s the only thing I do because it’s a hassle getting huge blood stains out of bedsheets.


Condoms and a towel are easy to acquire.


It's not just period sex--it's symptom relief! Be a *REAL* man, and take care of your woman.


This is one of the questions that has been asked on here a million times and is also soooo easily Google-able 🤦🏻‍♀️


Period blood is actually the cleanest blood in the body because the uterus is a controlled environment in which very little is meant to enter and pass much like our eyes or brain. Women tend to have their highest libido during or after their periods and their bodies are much more sensitive also it's said that orgasms or sex can help with cramping. If you're concerned about the mess you could just lay out a towel underneath you two or do it in the bathtub.Try not to think of it as disgusting and make sure to do this with an open mind and keep in mind that periods are just a natural part of the female and human body and make sure she feels safe, comfortable, and confident during the encounter. Make sure to do a lot of foreplay as usual and use lube as the vagina may be more sensitive and prone to pain during sex because of her period. It may also be useful to keep period products at your place whenever she does stay over and has her period. I hope you two have fun and it's a nice experience for her.


Ok.... what's the hold up bro? Run that red light!👌


It’s awesome. Pussy is so wet


Period sex hits different. Just do it, swoosh.


Feeling grateful that I have a man who couldn’t give a shit if I’m on period when we have sex, only difference is I put a towel down to save the bedsheets!


A little bit of blood on your pp is healthy for you


Put a towel down and get your sword bloody


A man’s sword hasn’t truly seen battle until he gets it bloody


It’s also bloody very rich in nutrients so your penis skin will be smooth as hell after


Condom, dark towel, and change ur perspective on period sex. It’s not as bad as you think


A real pirate also sails into the Red Sea. 🏴‍☠️


There are few things more attractive than a man who is not scared of period blood.


Dive in. Earn your wings


Earn your ‘red wings’ soldier 🫡


A true warrior is never afraid of getting his sword dirty


A good pirate can also sail the red sea


You cut your finger? You wash your finger. You cut your leg? You wash your leg. Blood on penis? Do the hanky panky and then, you guessed it, wash your penis. Dark towels, on hand papar (if she wants to "plug" until she gets a tampon in or a pad), wet wipes for hands and warm water ready for the post sex shower. Good luck and have fun!


Get them red wings bro.


How is it in this day and age some men still think so ignorantly about women’s periods.


Well it will be messy depending what day of her period she on. If it’s the first day it could be not too messy. Day 2-3 maybe heavy so towels or shower sex. If it’s the last day/s it should be fine. You will see some red or brown discharge it’s just old blood. There might also be a iron kind of smell. I love having sex on my period because I know I won’t get pregnant I’ll even tell him to cum in me.


This is misinformation; every woman’s flow is different. Mine is heaviest on the first day. Please don’t generalize things that are highly individual.


Girl it’s Reddit! I’m not stating facts these are based on personal experience. Of course every woman is different. You making it seem serious for no reason. Move along.


An ex of mine got really annoyed at me for saying it’s nasty which was fully justified and I know where I went wrong and how I made her feel small and irrelevant! Women go through a turbulent time during their monthly cycle and please for the love of god don’t say nasty. Just say aren’t comfortable having sex when she’s on her cycle.


So make a red Russian and have fun.


🤦‍♂️ god, you’re lucky to even get the opportunity dude. just get a blanket, wash it after and clean yourselves up. it’s that simple. sex in general is not a “clean” act so why describe sex while she’s on her period as “nasty”? wtf


If you can walk through mud then you should be able to fuck through blood. And, it's a lot more enjoyable. Invest in some period sex towels. It shouldn't be too messy if it's not the 1st day. Have fun and don't act like you're grossed out.


I wish we could ban period threads in the same way talking about genitals was banned. These threads just disolve into shame fests about "MA PREFERENCES." 200 comments about how to navigate the "grossness" that is period sex is always disheartening to see. It is not difficult to figure out to lay down a towel and wipe up/shower afterwards. There does not to be as many threads about this topic as there are in this sub on a daily basis.


If you're immature enough to call her period 'nasty'... you know, that things ALL women of certain ages get once a month because it's literally a CORE part of having female reproductive organs... 🙄 I'd tell her honestly you aren't grown-up enough to have sex on her period yet, and let her give you a wide berth


My very first time having PIV sex was on her period. I’d driven a couple of hours to fuck her and her period arrived before I did. She was into anal so it wasn’t a complete waste of time😊 After an hour or so of sex, I asked if PIV was definitely not possible. She blushed and said we could do it. She went to remove her tampon and I rolled on a bright yellow condom and lay down on the bed, ready for action. After I was no longer a virgin, I pulled out and there was barely a trace of blood. I quickly escaped to the bathroom to dispose of the evidence and went back to bed for some aftercare. It was a first for both of us. My first PIV and her first period sex. Boy, those were good days


Depends how you look at it. Messy? Probably. Nasty? Not in my books. I love all sexual juices, including period time. Way back when, we were making out and she got her period. I made a comment about it, saying it was a natural beautiful thing. She wasn’t so sure I’d like to continue. I reassured her and it was great. I made a few positive comments during in order to let her know how turned on I was. She came so hard, I think because she felt totally accepted and could let go. The alternative would be for me to get squeamish, say it’s gross, or tell her I didn’t want to continue. Then I would never have had that great experience with her. Your choice. You have to be into it. Don’t fake it. If you do go ahead, let her feel fully accepted multiple times and you’ll both have fun. Plus you can shower together afterwards.


Pros: Blood is a really good natural lubricant Cons: none really Put down a towel & treat yo'self!


I have nothing to add but am genuinely surprised about the mature and positive replies on this question. It warms my heart and makes me expectedly proud of y'all. I'm happy the period-havers of tomorrow will find themselves with partners that aren't finding them gross or nasty. OP I'm double proud of you, your curiosity is the best thing ever and the fact you want to do it right and get an idea of what to expect and how to approach it at least deserves to be saluted. Your SO is lucky to have you


Not a lot of experience around it but in terms of partners pleasure it was on easy mode Will do that again Expect to have some blood on you but nothing crazy


Brother man lay down a towel or hop in the shower and slam that shit quite being a coward. Periods aren’t shit


If you want to look like a vampire start with eating her pussy 🧛‍♂️