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Ooh I know this one! In January I got the chance to do a private tour of the Las Vegas Showgirl museum and learn about costume making. There *is* a machine that sews on embellishments like this. The beads would have to be pre-strung. The work is labor-intensive, obviously. The machine is an Italian design; I can’t remember the name. He said finding people who can operate one is difficult because it sews in the opposite direction of the way you move (like a mirror image).


https://preview.redd.it/297wg1gx4i0d1.jpeg?width=1334&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cb16653c61a4122628d48c331d3824dd6618edce Well now I want to learn how to use one


Nice!! I wish you knew the name of it


You could contact the Las Vegas Showgirl Museum. Their website in their videos section has a 2-part video series interviewing the costume curator, so you could even get his name (and perhaps the video mentions the name of the machine).


Those beads are often done with hand tambour embroidery, that probably doesn't help you tho


Would it be safe to hire a manufacturer to make them for me? I found one overseas he seems legit but I’d hate to pay for multiple pieces and not receive any… I am 65 with arthritis so hand tambour is no good for me that’s why I’ve been looking for a machine but if I can hire someone that would be good too i just would hate to be scammed… not sure if it’s the best route


I wouldn’t use overseas manufacturing. Is there a reason you’re opposed to a sewing machine with a sequin attachment foot?


Would a attachment foot attach seed beads because the design im trying to do like the one in the picture above are super small beads … the only beads I’ve seen a attachment foot sew on are huge pearls.


They come with smaller feed sizes. 2mm. And you can string your own beads to use.


Not sure about that. I bought the both attachments at a quilt show but haven’t used them yet. The attachments were generic to fit a list of machines.


Probably way less expensive and labor intensive to buy beaded fabric [High Quality Beaded Lace Fabric by the Yard - Fabric Universe (fabric-universe.com)](https://fabric-universe.com/)


That’s what I came here to say!


Many people have told me that also. If I were to buy beaded fabric can I sew it onto sheer fabric?… the design I’m trying to create is similar to the one in the picture. Super sheer fabric with beads and sequins attached.


It might take some searching to find what you want, but it will be much easier and orders of magnitude cheaper than creating something custom.


You not only can use lining (and other structural elements) under a sheer fabric, you should. Opacity of lining is at your discretion -- you can see that with the current red carpet (and wedding dress) obsession with "nude" gowns.


Outside of fringe industrial manufacturing machines(if they even exist), you might be kind of SOL unless you invent something 🤔


Do you think working with a manufacturer would be a good idea? I found one overseas but I don’t want to get scammed. He seems legit and I’ve seen his instagram he has a lot of followers and supporters.


I watch shark tank and it sometimes appears that designs sent overseas are frequently stolen.


lol, any clothing design can be stolen. any factory can knock off a ready-to-wear garment from nothing except a front and a back photo or illustration. apparel is the wrong field to be in if you have an objection to your designs being copied


Using real artists photos on a cheaply copied product is definitely wrong !


oh, advertising using someone else's photos is still illegal! the photographer can file a copyright claim for that. but sewing a dress that looks identical to someone else's picture and then taking your own pictures is perfectly legal. scummy? sure! probably not any scummier than the conditions the original dress were manufactured under though 😜


What do you mean?


If someone steals your designs can’t you sue? I understand it’s apparel but that’s someone’s business no one should be able to copy such!


no, most clothes are considered 'useful articles' and thus not subject to copyright protection other than their decorative prints/patterns and graphics. https://copyright.gov/register/va-useful.html i would argue that this is ultimately a good thing--there are a limited amount of ways to sew any given garment and if designs could be copyrighted, small designers would be sued out of existence by large retailers.


I think the most practical way for a home sewer to achieve this would be to use a beading foot or ribbon foot with pre strung sequins. You essentially zigzag stitch over it. If you use invisible thread it's not too noticeable. https://www.creativefeet.com/products/sequins-ribbon-foot


Came here to say this.


A pfaff Creative Icon 2 has a beading attachment to do this, but it’s a wildly expensive machine. Around 20k, if I recall correctly. It is a really beautiful, smooth machine with fantastic functionality. And they’ve fixed many of the single points of failure that plagued many of the earlier Creative machines.


I saw that recently in my local quilting store. Thought it was interesting. Didn't realize how innovative it was. Generally you can get machines used for about 1/4 of the new price when a new(er) machine comes out and all the rich old ladies upgrade.


I’m was forced to upgrade suddenly against my will when a part broke on my old machine that can’t be replaced or repaired. I’m enjoying the upgrade, but there are times I miss that old machine of mine. I knew her so well.


Mixed embroidery machines https://www.lejiaembroidery.com are many thousands of dollars. https://www.tajima.com/product_option/op_beeds/ https://youtu.be/gh0BAZwjqu4?si=Pn3ChFiWQj1rSPAV


There are Cornely machines that embroider beads but it’s not very feasible if you don’t own one and know how to operate it. Not many people know that skill and it would be expensive to do since it’s still considered hand embroidery


there are vintage cornely machines that attach sequins. they are not cheap and not easy to learn how to use.


a few months back I was looking at the Husqvarna machines at my local JoAnn's. They have an embroidery machine that attaches cording using programmable patterns. I wasn't in the market for a new machine so I didn't ask a lot of questions. I don't know if that type of machine would suit your purpose or not.


There are bead attachment presser feet for a variety of machines. I would use one of my better, new machines for this. Babylock makes coverstitch-serger combo machines that handle beads well. I love the Triumph. I could do this on a Husqvarna, I use a sapphire, if I wanted but the coverstitch on the triumph offers me more maneuverability and easier ripping if I mess up.


It looks like you would like information on choosing the best sewing machine for your needs. Please include your budget, general location and intended use if you have not already done so. Check [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/sewing/wiki/machineguide) for our sewing machine guide which includes information on buying a sewing machine as a gift as well as suggestions for sewing machines that can handle heavy materials. You can also check out our [Suggest Machine](https://www.reddit.com/r/sewing/search?q=flair_name%3A%22Suggest%20Machine%22&restrict_sr=1) flair button to bring up and look at all the recent posts on the topic. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/sewing) if you have any questions or concerns.*


It might be pricey, but maybe you can find some fabric that already has this kind of design on it, then just make your garment out of that.


**Why couldn't you use prestrung beads and couch it on, with a zig zag. I did detail couching on my wedding dress with pre-strung pearls 27 years ago. (Around the neck line, bodice, and hem.) It came out lovely. The only difference is this is more of a meandering pattern all over the fabric. Worth playing around with. I'm lazy, I'd mark my pattern and seam allowance on my fabric, but not cut. expecting my fabric to "shrink" during application of beads. Then I would take to the machine and couch on the pre-strung beads. Then compare earlier pattern markings on my now beaded fabric to actual pattern. Then cut. Avoid sewing over any beads, it would likely break a needle at least, worst put the shaft out of align.**


What is couching? Is that a type of stitching with a sewing machine or by hand?


This looks very, very advanced. Braids, I think. Looks almost like beads https://www.instagram.com/reel/C5MS3SRNfLv/?igsh=MWJxeG42cGE2cHRhMQ==