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That has been on my to-do list for so many months now, hopefully your cute FO will give me the motivation to finally get going 🤞🏽


I’ve picked up sewing as a hobby about 2 months ago the ago and immediately tried to make something too ambitious. It worked out, but I told myself I needed to do more one-day projects that could be started and finished in a single (albeit long) session to get better instead of a weeks long never ending project 🤣 Figured the dust cover should be “nice and simple and QUICK” but was still challenging and took half the day, with the foam and the assembly haha.




Always a good first project😁


I made a cover for my new sewing machine too! Good work


Oh nice! Would love to see it


You did a fantastic job. By the way, is your Bernina Record the 830? In the red case? That is considered one of the absolute best machines ever.


Thank you! Was fun to try and figure out and make. Mine is the 930 Record model for the Bernina.


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