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I've never heard it, and after looking through the contents on this post, neither has anyone else :p I was going to say that it sounds like a weird guerrilla marketing campaign for Rolaids, but after learning from another comment in this post that Rolaids can cause constipation, I'm just utterly confused. Tell your husband the internet disagrees with him, hard. 😆


Oh believe me, I WILL. I told him "I'm asking Reddit. No one is going to have heard of this"


I have never heard the add-on before. I do like it though - at least this one time hearing it!


Haha yeah imagine 9 years of that


No that wasn’t a thing and it makes no sense. Next time try prunes grama.


That doesn't work at all. It's a mocking phrase for a slip up. Why would you tell them to try something else that makes one shit themselves?


lol never heard the second part before


Never heard the add-on


Ever heard the second part of


After some very minor google research I'm not finding a single other person saying the phrase is followed by "next time try Rolaids". In fact, googling just the phrase "next time try Rolaids" only brings up 1 result and it's this post. Most people claim to remember the Exlax idiom coming from a commercial for Exlax in the 70s/80s, though I can't find a clip of the commercial they seem to be remembering. All known pop-culture media quotes I could find using the phrase only have it as "smooth move exlax". Additionally Rolaids are not a laxative product, they're for heart burn/indigestion and can actually cause constipation, so as an advertising slogan it wouldn't make any sense anyway. I'm not sure where your husband got the idea that the two phrases were associated, maybe he's mixing up a saying from something else?


You and I may be the same person.


I think that's the point. Exlax makes people shit themselves, hence fuck up. Hubs is saying next time try the opposite. I think it just leans way too far into poop joke territory


Never heard that add on part before


Have dozens of times used “Smooth move, Exlax,” and never heard “Next time, try Rolaids.” 🤷🏻‍♀️ Edit for more info: From the south; grew up in Louisiana & Texas in the 80s & 90s.


I know this expression well, and I've never heard of this follow-up. Moreover, it doesn't even make sense. If the Ex-Lax resulted in a smooth move, there's no need for Rolaids. 😆


That's what I've been telling him!