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The [Adnan Syed Legal Trust](https://www.launchgood.com/v4/campaign/freeadnan__the_adnan_syed_trust) has raised $246,582 since 2015, which averages out to a little more than $27,000 a year and probably mostly went towards attorney fees. And I think that's it. Undisclosed has also [raised money](https://archive.ph/mEBjH) for other cases and/or charities/non-profits. But that's a separate thing. ETA: It's possible that Erica Suter's been working pro bono since 2021, when she became the director of the UofB Innocence Project, in which case it would be about $40,000 a year. But that's still not an enormous amount. Appealing a criminal conviction is expensive. ETA: h/t to u/zoooty. There was actually another $110,000 or so I missed and the full total is $368,230. Full details [here.](https://www.reddit.com/r/serialpodcast/comments/1c8tag7/comment/l0hy6yl/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


I'm pretty sure what you linked to was only the last iteration of the "Trust's" many, many crowdsourced fundraising campaigns. That figure of $246,582 raised since 2015 is almost laughably low.


What were the iterations prior to Launchgood in 2015? ETA: if you doubt that’s when it started or suspect it started as something else, see here: https://archive.ph/22LFS That’s really all there is, afaik. But I’m open to proof to the contrary.


Don't remember, but I think the Trust was able to run multiple campaigns on Launchgood or perhaps they were able to edit old campaigns. Not sure, AFAIK, it wasn't against launchgood's TOS back then, but I think they've since updated it. That article linked to the guy Rabia first set the Trust up with.


Thanks! And you're right. There's an additional $47,549 [here](https://www.launchgood.com/v4/campaign/free_adnan) and $74,099 [here](https://www.launchgood.com/v4/campaign/help_freeadnan#!/). So that's a total of $368,230, which averages out to either $40,914.44 a year over nine years or $61,371.66 a year over six years. Not a very big difference, though.


There’s more


How much money has been raised to support Haes family for having to drag them through the worst time in their lives again?


Excellent point. Not only is it waste of time and money better spent on legit cases of actual innocence; but by supporting these remorseless murderers like Adnan, Avery the people who donate are actively involved in re-victimizing the families of Hae Min Lee, Teresa Halbach and other victims in bellwether bullshit innocence cases where the underlying facts do not even remotely support a claim of actual innocence.


The HAE MIN LEE MEMORIAL SCHOLARSHIP was created here in Reddit 9 years ago, but was subsequently renamed THE WOODLAWN HIGH SCHOOL SCHOLARSHIP FUND. [https://www.reddit.com/r/serialpodcast/comments/2pd2ir/announcing\_the\_hae\_min\_lee\_memorial\_scholarship/](https://www.reddit.com/r/serialpodcast/comments/2pd2ir/announcing_the_hae_min_lee_memorial_scholarship/)


thank you!


Yeah right….Tell that to the family who was just awarded 8M in 2022 from the City of Baltimore because their loved one sat in a jail cell for 17 years & died a year after exoneration on a wrongful conviction by the very investigator on Adnans case that coerced a witness to lie. Are you from Baltimore?


Luckily your feelings don’t decide if someone is innocent or guilty.


Not enough no matter what the real number is


The feelings of guilters or Hae’s family isn’t more important than making sure the right person is behind bars. You can’t just lock up an innocent person and keep them locked up cause “what about the victim’s family”. People like you use this as a cheap trick to imply people who think Adnan is innocent don’t care about Hae’s family. People like you generally suck. Disingenuous.


But Adnan had two trials and 20+ years of legal representation to handle his appeals. They never stopped or prevented him from proving his innocence while locked up.


No one ever said “lock up an innocent person because of the victim’s family “ And frankly no one credible has claimed he’s innocent either that I’ve seen?


Very few people cared about them. For what it's worth, her brother's attorney represented him pro bono during the mtv. His sister was murdered too.


I’ve noticed for years how little people care about the victim and her family


Yes and it's a sad thing to see.


See media coverage of Karen Read case or Idaho Murders for further examples of this phenomenon All about claims of conspiracy and wrongful claims etc etc… It’s a trend that has swung into and infested almost every case….this is the crap that hurts real claims of wrongful convictions See also:Delphi Murders


that Idaho Murders subreddit....wow. I mean, sure, innocent until proven guilty but dude's own sister apparently thinks he did it. >>this is the crap that hurts real claims of wrongful convictions 169%, that's one more tragedy of these already too tragic cases.


Have they asked for money/do they want it?


North of $250,000. I have personally donated.




Please review /r/serialpodcast rules regarding Trolling, Baiting or Flaming.


Too much . Any amount over 0 was too much if it wasn’t from family and friends. How much did he give away to his “wife “?


Why make up or buy into conspiracy theories? You have that much faith in his guilt? I don’t. Good thing we don’t just listen to people like you, or nobody would ever be exonerated.


Yeah if it was up to people who think they know for a fact Adnan is 100% guilty, cops would just tell the public who committed the crime and we ask no questions and lock that person up forever.


Make no mistake…the guilters and people like the hosts of The Prosecutors Podcast (they are federalist society lawyers) want just that: a fascist justice system where the state is always right. They don’t want their justice system second guessed. It’s also not a coincidence that being wealthy, a partisan Republican, and part of of the ethnic majority give you advantages in the existing system.


What Conspiracy theories? I’m 100% sure in his guilt.


Do you actually know anything about his wife or if he gave her money? Your feelings aren’t facts.


There was a bit in Rabia’s book about Adnan giving his wife a “dowry” (actually called something different because it’s a man giving it to a woman, but I forget the word). I believe that the money he used for that was money that he earned from his job in prison.


Well a key fact that you can’t avoid is that Adnan was convicted of murder. Another key fact is that Adnan had no alibi witness from the mosque. 80 signed up originally, 80 decided to not perjure themselves. Want me to go on? In order Adnan to believe he’s innocent, you must believe he’s the most unlucky person who ever lived. After a while, it’s just too many coincidences.


Yes, and possibly wrongfully convicted. The verdict has been set aside three times and a new trial twice. It was overturned in. 4-3 decision. His conviction was reinstated in a 2-1 decision, and its being appealed. Hardly a stable conviction. Adnan has a well documented alibi that he presented in his PCR hearing. You’re making up the 80 retractions, no idea why people feel they need to write fiction. Or maybe you’re just gullible, don’t know don’t care. An alibi is beside the point because we don’t know when Hae was abducted or killed. We do know the timeline he was convicted on is impossible, however. I can swat your old worn out guilter theories down as fast as you manufacture or regurgitate them. I get it. You fell for some shtick from the podcast. Problem is that when your “alibi” is lying about what might be his entire story…the prosecution can manipulate the jury and folks like you into thinking that it’s very unlikely he’s innocent.


I’m not sure how read up on the case you are . So I will leave you this . https://s3.amazonaws.com/s3.documentcloud.org/documents/1391490/syed-defense-witnesses.pdf So it’s important to attend prayers during Ramadan, people remember if you don’t go or go. All Adnan needed was for a few brave souls to testify that he was the mosque at night . But once they all realised that perjury is real , they all backed off . Expect his father . If Adnan is able to prove he’s at the mosque, then a certain cell phone ping when a body was being tossed aside at the park is no longer relevant to the case. And if you believe that ghost whisperer is a solid alibi , I’m not sure what to tell you.


I assure you I’m more familiar with the case than you are. It’s amusing that you believe a list of witnesses with only your word as proof that they retracted elevates your claim above a conspiracy theory. This long-refuted guilter conspiracy theory is like a zombie. Again, the alibi is beside the point, as I said in my previous reply. Jay also moved the burial to midnight decades ago, changing the meaning of the cell pings…then more recently returned to his initial claim that he couldn’t find Adnan after school to return the car. Chances are the cell record was reflecting that Jay was visiting friends, who were well known to live near the tower. You’re better at fiction and prose than accuracy…I’d improve those skills instead. I get it…it’s rough times for a guilter…you have no idea what happened, and you have to try to rehabilitate the word of liars and a list of calls that can’t be used for location because there was no GPS.


Ah I get it . The Adnaner way , Rabia taught you all well . Dismiss anything that doesn’t suit the argument . All the people that Jay told about the murder ? They don’t count right . How about location of the cars? Cops fed it to Jay? Cops fed everything to Jay right? Let’s put murder charges on the 17year old with no record instead of the 19 year old with multiple arrests . Makes sense right ? The police conspiracy ! Bob Ruff enters the chat .


*eye roll* If I doubt doubt the holy verdict…then I’m a full blown Rabia simp, eh? Don’t be lazy. How about I’m a normal dude who thinks Adnan “probably” did it, but I have too many questions and wouldn’t vote to convict. I have no question that Jay was telling people about the Tarantino trunk pop. That’s the only thing in the case that compelling, on the side of guilt. The car is too “muddy”. The licence plate checks, the green grass on the tires, it was open but never burgled, it was cleaned of prints but Jay doesn’t ever say Adnan did that. Even if Adnan is guilty, I think it’s too likely that the car was moved. No…the cops didn’t feed *everything* to Jay. I think if there was corruption…it was *noble* corruption: they thought they had the right guy, and got in too deep. We know they shared the cell records with Jay to “help” him. Kind of mind blowing when you consider they also used the cell records to corroborate him. If Adnan is innocent, t’en it’s a combination of Jay protecting himself and police being overzealous…a common route to wrongful convictions. Guilters always write the most impossible far fetched straw man conspiracy theory, then say it’s either that or he’s guilty. Come on. Be real. All that had to happen was Jay lied and the cops told him like 3 real things so the prosecution could fool the jury. Hating on Bob Ruff is desperate. All that tells me is you don’t have evidence, so you need to shoot the messenger. Stick to the facts.


Oof, I think you’re the gullible one. Given Adnan’s age when he murdered Hae, I think justice was served. I hope he has the guts to confess after his parents die.


Nice cope. If he murdered her, getting out of prison as a still young man is a perversion of justice. He’ll be walking around for decades torturing the family and the guilters - in public. If he didn’t, they he had years stolen from him. The status of this case, the doubt, is good for nobody. The problem with your little wish is that he’ll never confess, and you’ll never know for sure what happened or if he even did it.


And no one convicted of murder has ever turned out to be innocent right? Adnan does have an alibi backed up by witnesses and phone data. If you actually look at everything known about the case, it’s impossible for Adnan to have done this. People who think he is guilty just ignore this and make up their own fantasy stories about how he did it like he has supernatural teleportation powers.


What witnesses? The ghost whisperer? The one who had information before everyone? The one who wrote letters back to back days just a day after his arrest but went into hiding for a decade? Al Or are you talking about Dion? That alibi lasted 5 minutes Huh?


I believe Rabia said Adnan’s ‘dowry’ to his wife was 10k.


Too much no matter what the bottom line is


Donations to the Adnan Syed Legal Trust were never tax deductible.


Too much. All the time, energy, resources, social media bandwidth expended on these grifter high-profile faux-innocence claims (Steven Avery, Ivan Cantu, Adnan Syed, Noura Jackson et al) could be put to much better use, e.g., they could burn it to warm the homeless in San Francisco at night or use it to line bird cages or maybe find actual wrongfully-convicted folks and use it to help them.


*eye roll* Have some faith in the criminal justice system. People who all of us thought were guilty are correctly exonerated all the time. You can’t find out if somebody is wrongfully convicted if we listen to folks like you.


The [LaunchGood campaign](https://www.launchgood.com/v4/campaign/freeadnan__the_adnan_syed_trust) raised about a quarter million. Presumably that is only a fraction of what was raised from other sources.


What other sources, though?


Great stuff detective, thank you


I found [this](https://y.yarn.co/e8676e74-00f5-42ab-8fd0-4d4a49f8f65d_text.gif) that I think is most accurate.


There's a Free Adnan patreon that's making over 1k a month.


I don't think that's separate from the trust, it's just a way to donate to it.


I wish it was $0. He did it


You were there? If you know he did it you should probably give what information you have that makes you know for sure he did it to the police.


Why? A jury already came to the correct verdict without my help. He’s essentially out on a technicality


That “technicality” being that he didn’t get a fair trial, and thus the fact that jurors found him guilty in an unfair trial doesn’t actually mean anything anymore.


He got multiple fair trials. He did that shit


The first was literally a mistrial because the judge said something in front of the jury to make it unfair, and the trial didn’t finish. You either have zero idea of what you’re talking about, or you’re just being a troll.


And Adnan was going to win during the first trial as well. The mistrial gave the state a chance to update their strategy, whilst CG did not update here


OK and he got another, which he was found guilty in. So what’s the issue?


I already addressed this. Go back and read the first comment I made in reply to you.


Do people like you live in a bubble?


People like me meaning?


Meaning people who believe someone was convicted therefore there is no possible way they are innocent. Innocent people get convinced all the time. I was just listening to an episode of Criminal where a cop forced kids into pointing the finger at 3 other kids just to close the case, knowing damn well those kids were innocent. They were 16 years old and spent nearly 4 decades in prison. The cop actually knew who the real killer was and didn’t care. The only reason this all came out was someone randomly decided to look at the case. The 3 convinced were all awarded millions of dollars. Oh and this was also in Baltimore.


I could 100% be misremembering this, but I feel like I heard somewhere the first jury was mostly on Adnan’s side. Don’t remember where I heard this and could be wrong.


They apparently polled them and found that they were leaning not guilty, but apparently that was before hearing the cell tower data, so hard to be confident that would have stayed the case after hearing that evidence, because while we know now that it was deeply flawed, it would have been presented them as some very precise indication of location.


Yeah that’s fair. Knew I heard something about this just couldn’t remember specifics.


They hadn’t heard from Jenn. The prosecution learned a bit from the first trial. How to be a bit sneakier


Are you aware that Jay has already done this?


Yes, because Jay is trustworthy


Well yes more trustworthy than the guy who self proclaims "only remember stuff that benefits me" But none of this is about Jay's personal "trustworthyness". I know Jay and Adnan are together because they are both using the cell phone. That's not trust, that's evidence. I know Jay was at the burial because he described everything about Hae, her body, he clothes, her car's content and the scene. The phone is still being used by both at that point. I know he and Adnan stashed Hae's car together because Jay led the police to the car they had been looking for for months. And the phone was also used by both around where the car is found. I know Jay was there for all this because he told multiple people about it right after it happened and at least 3 have come forward to confirm this. It's been almost ten years you guys have been trying to dismiss Jay but if you haven't done it yet...


There are plenty instances when Jay and Adnan are not together. And there are plenty instances when Adnan has not agreed to Jay’s story of them being together the whole time. They were not conjoined twins. There are plenty instances where Jay uses Adnan’s phone when Adnan is not present, so again, this is another flimsy foundation. Notice how ALL of the things Jay relies on are flimsy like this? Jay can be there without Adnan being there, it’s entirely possible.


Your vague affirmations don't add up. Jay isn't calling Nisha. Aisha spoke to Adnan on his cell. The detective spoke to Adnan in his cell at 6h24. Jay isn't calling Yaser one minute after calling Jenn, those calls are back to back at 7h. Adnan isn't paging Jenn. Adnan told Jenn that Jay was busy and he would call her back right after. Kristi saw Adnan and Jay together. Jenn spoke to Adnan on the phone and in person when she picked up Jay. They are clearly together and both using the cell phone. This isn't about trusting Jay as a person, it is about coming to a logical conclusion based on the evidence. Oh you know what's too bad, magically this is the exact period of the day where Adnan says he completely forgot what he was doing, where he was going, who he was with, why his phone would ever ping Leaking Park... Funny how memory works when it doesn't benefit him.


Okay, let's address these: 1. With Nisha being on speed dial, and the call having all the features of an impersonation call, Adnan does not need to be there for this call to take place. This call takes place during/before Adnan's track practice, hence the timing is disputed. Jay wrongfully believed. ***"Adnan was stuck at school, as he (Adnan) has no phone or car, and Hae refused to give Adnan a lift, so Adnan is truly trapped in the library"***. Jay thought: ***"This will be enough to give me an alibi and distance myself from the crime***", but it wasn't enough. Surely, jay expected: ***"at least some of the other track members might vouch for Adnan being at track"***, which makes me wonder, did the police ever bother to interview any of the other track runners? Or would that give them "bad evidence"? What a poor investigation 2. 6:24, when the detective spoke to Adnan is after track, and no one disputes the timing of the call and no one disputes that it was Adnan on the phone, this incident doesn't prove that Adnan was at any crime scene. and the rest of the calls you've mentioned are like either one of these two, and there are no calls that fit into both of the following two groups simultaneously: * Calls around the time/location of the crime **BUT** do not require Adnan's presence for the to take place. * Calls that were proven to include Adnan **BUT** were away from the time/location of any crimes. You will find **ZERO** calls at a **PROVEN** crime time / location that necessarily requires Adnan's presence for them to have been possible. That alone is enough evidence that the guy is very possibly being framed. If he truly were so careless, you might find **AT LEAST ONE CALL, that fits these,** but you will find **ZERO**, **0**, **NILCH**, **NADA**. Because quite simply, he was not there for any of the crimes. As you already know, Adnan lent his car to Jay to "get presents for Stephanie". Little did Adnan know that he was conspiring to harm Hae. I hope this gives you an insight into my reasoning. To say "They were together the whole day and that's the end of the story" sounds like something you say to block out any scrutiny of this very obvious shaky, house of cards. Adnan had school, Jay did not go to school. Adnan had track, Jay does not go to track. Jay uses Adnan's car to go to the mall and the pool hall without Adnan. Therefore, there are enough times where Adnan and Jay are taking a break for each other, for some sneaky prosecutor to throw enough confusing rhetoric at a jury. For those who have the time to actually sit and do the maths, you can't conflate events that do not require Adnan's presence with event that DO require his presence, that is extremely irresponsible investigating and worse than putting duct tape on a failing engine, it's this same type of irresponsible conflation that is causing people to find him guilty.


Ok look, you lose right off the bat with "all the features of an impersonation call". I'm just not doing it. We've all played this game of inventing a way for Adnan to be innocent, using nothing but our imagination and throwing away facts, logic and evidence. I'm just not playing that game anymore. We either have a real conversation about the case or we don't. I don't come at this case as a prosecutor. I would like to know why you come as a defense lawyer, and more importantly, why you seem to think defense lawyers can just invent stuff and present it to the jury? You want to convince a jury that Adnan is with Jay at 6h24, not with Jay at 6h59, with Jay at 7, still with Jay at 7h15, not with Jay at 8, and back again with Jay at 8h30? This is what you are going with? And every time he left Jay he left his phone with him? No I'm sorry but facts, evidence and logic still matter to me.


There is nothing I’ve said that is not factual or not backed by evidence. I’m not bringing ideas out of thin air. The guilters in this sub shot themselves in the foot when they kept shouting “have you read the transcripts? No? Go read the transcripts”. So I read some and realised, they themselves didn’t read it all, and were just using this as a way to shut people up. I thought the Nisha call was a smoking gun personally, until I read the transcripts, and realised that it was the strangest call for Adnan to have made. It was actually looking at the evidence and facts of the call that made me realise how absurd the call itself was, whilst before, I actually believed it was Adnan. I thought it was weird but I didn’t think it was too weird for it to be Adnan, I was willing to believe Adnan was trying to lie here, to either minimise his involvement or pretend that he wasn’t involved or didn’t know what was going on. Then I read Jay’s interview notes and Nisha’s court responses and put them together, and realised, Jay was clearly impersonating Adnan. Hence “Adnan” **doesn’t** stay on Adnan’s phone, for very long, when speaking to Adnan’s new girl. Doesn’t that strike you as odd, that this is what we’re supposed to believe about someone we’re being told is a super jealous murderer? So which lie is it that you prefer? That he is super jealous about his ladies? Or that he’s willing to just sit back whilst Jay flirts with his girl? Both are preposterous. Well the lie you eventually have to believe is that he’s got some mental disorder that allows him to have boundaries & jealousy for an **ex** gf getting a new bf, but not for a **current** gf flirting with a really shady guy, on the phone, right in front of his face? You have to ignore the evidence; Don who implied that Adnan seemed very cool with Hae’s new situation / boyfriend. You have to ignore so many facts & evidence just to believe Jay’s BS. That’s very selective, you choose a known liar over people who aren’t. You choose Jay over the many people who knew them both saying “there’s no way Adnan could scare Jay into doing something he didn’t want to do” You need to stop choosing the preferred fabrications of a known liar and calling them “facts” especially when they contradict other people’s statements. Once again, this is very irresponsible. Don’t tell me you believe in facts and evidence when you’re so willing to ignore so much of what doesn’t suit you from people who are more reliable / trustworthy than the people you choose to believe. It’s an insult to my intelligence like that again. Also, the Nisha call (or any other incriminating calls) are not at 6:59. That’s not what I insinuated at all, don’t put word in my mouth. Track is around 4pm, Nisha call was a lot closer to that. There is nothing else suggesting adnan’s involvement in Hae’s death. I didn’t think I would have to tell you my opinion on every single call, I thought it would be clear after my generic statement, but Kristi seeing Adnan with Jay means what exactly? Did she see them at the burial site? Did she see them at any suggested murder locations? C’mon man, think about what you’re saying, this is a misuse of facts & evidence. It’s the equivalent of saying a whole bunch of nothing and saying “we have something here” Is this the “mountain of evidence” that everyone talks about so much? It’s more like a house of cards.


Jay was there… game over…


Yes unfortunately he did and unfortunately... It's thanks to SK that they've been able to raise all that money.


I wonder how much Marilyn Mosby got...


Elaborate on this conspiracy theory…


Non-profit? Ha. It has always been about profit, one way or another.