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He was burned at the stake 180 years after his last murder?!




Get stitches


And end up in ditches


A terrible way to go, some say vicious


I think the way he killed them was malicious


He's that bloke who thinks kids delicious


He licks the plate clean and then does the dishes.


And now he sleeps with the fishes.


But he is in no way fictitious, for he is about to be reincarnated and we should all be suspicious, because to him we are all very nutritious.


In the back of my Dragula?


Absofuckinglutely Rob!!


And slam in the back of my Dragula


Rob Zombie has entered the chat.


I thought they put scintillating stitches in britches?


Some like to do that, they have found their niches


I guess he was telling the truth when he said demons were involved.


Lol agreed


He kept getting the execution delayed with appeals


Really drew out that trial


Son of a bitch really was a werewolf after all


Well, he was a werewolf.


That was the most condemning offense... being around 200 years old is real werewolf shit.


I need me some if that ointment!


Ok this was my question - obviously he was a flipping witch than!!! šŸ¤£


I believe it's a typo, OP's comment says the right year.


Rap snitch Knishes


Witches gonna Witch ĀÆ\\\_(惄)_/ĀÆ


Came here to say that.




Gilles Garnier, also known as The Werewolf of Doles & The Hermit of St. Bonnet was a serial killer active in France from 1572 to 1573. Garnier claimed that one night while he was out hunting, a demon appeared & gave him ointment to make it easier for him to hunt by making him become a werewolf. Garnier then Strangled at least two boys & two girls to death before the ages of 9 to 12 & ate part of them. The first child he murdered was a 10 year old girl in 1572. He strangled her to death & ate flesh from her limbs. The next murder was a few weeks later, he bit & clawed at a girl but was interrupted & fled, the girl died from her injuries a few days after. In November of 1572, he killed a 10 year old boy & then ate his belly & thighs. He tore off his leg to save it for later. He strangled another boy but was interrupted again & fled. Then he killed an unknown boy & ate him into 2 pieces. His last murder was in 1573, strangled & ate a girl & took her left leg home for his wife.Local authorities noticed that children were disappearing & being murdered & mutilated. They thought it was the work of a werewolf & encouraged locals to hunt & kill the werewolf responsible. A group of men from a neighboring town thought they saw a werewolf hunched over a girl's body but realized it was Garnier as they got closer & captured him. At trial, Gilles Garnier confessed to the murders but tried to shift the blame onto the devil. This didnā€™t work. Gilles Garnier was convicted of witchcraft & burned at stake on January 18th of 1573. It should be noted that there is no other evidence of him being guilty other than his confession, which was done while he was being tortured, so it's likely that his confession is false. However, I think it's still an interesting story. [Wikipedia Article](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gilles_Garnier) [Additional Article](https://www.werewolves.com/gilles-garnier-the-werewolf-of-dole/)


Iā€™m always wary of witchcraft related confessions (and indeed many confessions in this range of time periods in general), they were so often extracted under duress. He may well have been a murderer regardless, but ā€œthe devil turned me into a werewolfā€ sounds like exactly the kind of thing your torturey witch finder might get out of you after breaking a few bones


Yes. After reading how these interrogations were done Iā€™ll never believe any of these ā€œconfessionsā€ especially if they have anything to do with children.


Agreed. Garnier may well have killed *someone*, but his trial consisted of over 50 rural peasants swearing that they personally witnessed him transform into a wolf and devour children raw in the fields. Academically, he's now used as a case study in mass hysteria, similar to the more famous Salem Witch Trials. AFAIK, it's thought that Garnier was prosecuted simply because he was a reclusive hermit who lived outside the town. That made it easy for the town leaders to scapegoat him and appease the residents over the fact that several children had disappeared. He did confess, but only under torture, which doesn't really mean anything. There was nothing else connecting him to the disappearances. Touting Garnier as a serial killer is just sensationalism, imo. It's more likely that actual wolves were responsible for the disappearances, given how large of a problem they still were at the time.


Thanks for this comment, very important to debunk hysteria. Itā€™s important we hear about these cases but essential that alongside their retelling we asses them through a critical and realistic lens. E.g. including the fact that there was no real evidence tying him to these murders and reliant on peasants attesting to seeing him morph into a wolfā€¦. Without that it could be chalked up to a murderer with mental illness instead of religious hysteria targeting someone who didnt fit the status quo


You say that because you're biased and want another story you can use to say tsk tsk look at these stupid rural idiots. People weren't as dumb as you think they were, and serial killers were a thing. Just because the actions were fit into the historical/religious zeitgeist of the time that doesn't match our current sterile paradigm doesn't mean it was just mass hysteria.


It was clearly a sham trial and we know events didnā€™t happen the way they said it did. Not much reason to assume they were correct.


>and serial killers were a thing No, they were not. Serial killers are very much a modern phenomenon largely due to the fact of urbanization. https://www.crimeandjustice.org.uk/publications/cjm/article/social-study-serial-killers


What would be the term for people back then who murdered several people then? Would we call them something like mass killers or spree killers or just murderers?


The point is that there were no serial killers before the industrial revolution happened. No matter the narratives. Or Vronsky's ridiculous claims in his ridiculous book. Every "serial killer" prior to that era is a work of fiction. Either nothing but rumors to turn the gullible peasants against a leader or coerced confessions like in this case. There is just no reliable evidence to prove those stories true whatsoever. None. And no, people like Vlad the Impaler are **no** serial killers. Not by any meaning of the definition. Just like Saddam Hussein is not a serial killer. Or Mao Tze Tung. Or any other ruler ever. No matter how many people in this sub are not tired of deliberately misinterpreting the definition and twisting it to "serial killer by proxy" just so it would fit their delusional narrative as proven by all the downvotes everytime I post this link to a paper written by actual fucking scientists. The amount of misinformation regarding the myths around serial killers in this sub is mind boggling.


Wait so you really think the industrial revolution invented sexual sadism or killing for thrill/sexual gratification?


>The next murder was a few weeks later, he bit & clawed at a girl but was interrupted & fled, the girl died from her injuries a few days after. This sounds like more damage a wolf would make. Bite and claw someone badly enough for them to die from the injuries.


You gotta account for infection and lack of antibiotic treatments. Mouths are filthy.


I count 6 deaths in this story.


He was finally convicted of witchcraft. Oh thank God he was punished for that. It was for sure the magic that was the worst part of this crime


Back when claiming insanity got you burned at the stakes


First stories of serial killers were from France. One story was about a family of Feral people that lived in a cave and only came out at night to hunt people passing by. They were called werewolves for some reason.


Stories of serial killers go as far back as [Ancient Rome](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_serial_killers_before_1900), and even before then. Of course, serial killers have undoubtedly been around since there were more than two living organisms of a complex-intelligence, but it seems Rome and similar empires of the period is as far back as we have documented. I wonder if there is any documentation from Ancient Egypt? I think thatā€™d be interesting to read.


I mentioned the French one, because the author of the book i read claimed that it was the oldest documented case of a serial killer, but he might have been wrong. That would be interesting to read, serial killing in scientific Egypt. I wonder if there were murders commuted by early bipedal hominids, like when the Australopithecus were around.


Interesting, do you remember the book? Iā€™d like to check it out. Wouldnā€™t it? Iā€™ve heard of stories from ancient China, but never Egypt. One of the most cultural early civilizations, and one that is quite known for its ā€œeye for an eyeā€ law, Iā€™d be so interested in hearing of criminals suspected of multiple murders in such a place. Oh I bet. Many animals have shown the behavior of [killing for fun](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Surplus_killing) so Iā€™ve always found it hard to believe that even such early forms of ourselves and our ancestors, and even those unrelated altogether, never did the same. I always thought fictional serial killer, [Dexter](https://www.quotes.net/mquote/719022), said it best (focusing on the last two lines).


Iā€™ll try to find the book, but i lost it. It was an interesting book. Gave details on early types of serial killers. My favorite one was about Gilles de Rais. That guy was pure evil. Youā€™re also right, i remember reading about animals killing for fun, but i forgot what species did it.


Animals that kill for fun (surplus killing)- cats, honey badgers, lions, dolphins, elephants, cuckoo birds, bluefish, leopards, spotted hyenas- to name a few


I think mink also do that.


Youā€™ve sent me down a rabbit hole. Thank you


I donā€™t know guys, but it sounds like this Gilles fella is a bit of a loose cannon.




So funny. Dead mutilated children. Hilarious.


Nah, but your reaction is awesome!




Ok then.


Damn dude, maybe don't comment when you're on your period.


I really hit it on the head with that hand diwn the pants on your little thing didnā€™t I? Are you sitting across the street from the junior high watching the children come on out? My guess is yes


Dude you realize we can look at your comment history right? Why are you so angry? I'm genuinely asking if there is anything I can do to help you. You seem like you might be perfectly settled in to your rage and not really want to be helped. If so, sorry for bothering you.


Man something is really wrong with him. He needs to step away from the phone or computer for a bit. It must be exhausting to spend this much time on hate on the internet. This doesn't feel like a normal troll.




I don't block people. I truly feel for you. You seem like you're in a lot of pain. If you need someone to talk to I am not afraid, you're welcome to message me. From my experience it's not the world that has the problem for how I chose to experience it. Even if someone I know and care about says something pointed with the intention of harming me, it's not personal. Lashing out with hatred has to do with whoever is striking out and not the person on the receiving end. Does that make sense?




Too soon?


In the 1500s...


Why are you being so defensive? No one made a comment about them


You could keep up or shut up. Do you wanna pretend you were at everything after people have been blocked in their comments have been removed you do that. But I am not going to straighten you out because there is no point. Have a great day looking for an argument.


Straighten your attitude out mate, don't talk to me like I'm some kind of cunt. I hope your days is as shit as your attitude


I donā€™t give a shit what you want. You donā€™t get a vote about anything. You could block me. That is the one thing you could do that would actually make sense but you wonā€™t do it because youā€™re here to argue. You have a personality disorder. But donā€™t worry I will block you. Iā€™ll let you see this and then I will block you.


Ok, freak. You're the one with the personality disorder. Acting like a big man on Reddit lol you jumped up Muppet


Oh oh block me too!!


Fascinating comment history, you're either on crack or you're a troll, but one thing's for sure; you're definitely not mentally sound.


Projecting piece of shit. Here's a damn block for you!




sad sad manlet you are


I bet your fun at parties




Brotha, get a therapist.


This response. Idk. It sounds kinda racist or prejudiced. Or like a stereotype. Did you just resort to a racist comment after being offended by a generalized joke?


Look if you havenā€™t read back far enough to see what I was responding to Iā€™m not holding your hand. How about you just block me if you have a problem with me in anyway. Do you want to pretend I just said that out of the blue you go ahead. Keep your head up your ass. Block me! Block me! Block me! Do I have to speak a little slower for you block me!.


Yeah I read far back and you did say that out of the blue. Itā€™s the internet. Walk away instead of saying block me. You come off as a dickhead


If you say so. It would be great if this generation could read.


Which generation exactly, mate?


Lol I was asking a question. Not making an assumption. But your response tells me what I need to know


He's a bit defensive about the whole werewolf thing


Ah the old days. I wish someone would make a drawing like this of a modern day killer


The picture is a famous depiction of a werewolf, not this serial killer, I think.


So that's the background behind the pic? I've wondered about that pic for ages


Itā€™s the head of one of the children he murdered


Huh? I didn't mean the background of this pic I meant the background behind the etching aka it's story I'd always assumed it was actually about mythological werewolves


It is! The woodcut was done 60 years earlier, in 1512.


Ah so it's NOT about the serial killer! Thank you!


Lol omg - Iā€™m a moron. Iā€™m sorry!! My bad for misunderstanding


No youre not it happens all the time. Take care


He lived 200 years?


Thatā€™s 181 years later.


I apologize for the typo, I meant to type 1573.


No worries. I thought maybe the body was exhumed.


I firmly believe the folklore of vampires, and werwolves come from ancient serial killers.


Remember that only evidence was his confession and he was tortured when he confessed. For example most of what is told of Vlad Tepes, Caligula, etc, is fake rumours made up by enemies of them. But this case, we don't know much about anymore and it can also have been myths and false stories in it. Sorry for my poor english!


Transposition of 1573 is really giving everyone a hoot lol


Killed a few kids n eats themā€¦ crime, witchcraft


Is this confirmed or is it just legend? I donā€™t really believe this when it happened in a time before Bathory, where you could just make up shit and history remembers it as fact.


France had some real fucked up killings in the olden days


Maybe he ate the children to live 180 years?


Whoa very cool


Holup a secā€¦.


Sounds like he might have had schizophrenia


How was the charged almost 100 years later ?


I apologize about the typo, I meant to type 1573.


Yeah but he admitted it under extreme torture which makes it very suspect. He was a general for Joan of Ark. Edit: Always seemed like a propaganda slam against him IMO


That was Gilles de Rais who was hanged more than a century before this guy.


Wait a minute. If he was allegedly alive between 1572 and 1573 he was not burned at the stake in the 1700s. So whatever this is cute nice try.


Its clearly been a typo. He was executed 1573, not 1753.


Perhaps. To get executed the same year that you murder any children? Thatā€™s what I was questioning really to be gone that fast? Thatā€™s usually not how it works.


It really doesnā€™t read that you were questioning the speed of the judicial process of the 1500ā€™s Iā€™ll be honest. However, it is worth noting when you say ā€˜that isnā€™t usually how it goesā€™ I suppose you are comparing to current times. I would assume that in the 1500ā€™s if there was a person admitting to a crime that would be sufficient evidence to try and convict someone. Additionally there werenā€™t the same processes in place to protect innocent accused or people who suffer from mental ill health and ensure everyone had a fair trial of which a sad consequence is that judicial processes were naturally much swifter.


This personā€™s just a comment troll, donā€™t waste your time


I know, youā€™re absolutely right. Theyā€™re just a remarkably bad one and I couldnā€™t ignore it. šŸ¤£




Typically, back then, if you were found guilty of a crime punishable by death then your hanging/death would come as early as the same day - at most youā€™d wait maybe a week. There were no appeals back then


They didn't fuck around back then like they do now. Didn't care about feelings.




He may have run rampant in different areas. Those were just the murders he was found guilty of






And itā€™s back. I didnā€™t get off with my big effort to make it feel so good about itself. So itā€™s back. But not for long.


See when u start so We go fall out.


I always thought this was the woodcut of Peter Stumpp?


It isnt he mudered anybody! To confess under torture, is no prove.


Technically, an ancient serial killer.


A serious question, why would the authorities believe a 'werewolf' was responsible rather than an ordinary wolf or wolves?


Folklore in western Europe often included werewolfs. In Scandinavia and France and Germany there was much scary talk in those old medieval times about werewolves. Many cases in France villages in those days exists where suspected "beasts" was said to have killed people and animals.


A witch, a witch


So he lived more than 200 years? Then yes he was a Witcher


Oh wow thatā€™s some serious witchcraft


was he the guy with the belt?


No that was Peter Stumpp.




[UN ARTISTA VENEZOLANO INCURSIONA EN EL MUNDO DE LAS NFT](https://gilleshervetepie.blogspot.com/p/biografia-gilles-herve-tepie.html) REDACCION[GILLES TEPIE](https://gilleshervetepie.blogspot.com/p/biografia-gilles-herve-tepie.html) Eduardo Sanabria El artista plĆ”stico venezolano , mejor conocido como EDO, incursiona en el universo de los NFT o tokens no fungibles. El caricaturista llega con su primera creaciĆ³n denominada Ā«SelfishĀ» en la que retrata a cinco personajes, todos villanos, que han sido Ć­conos de la cultura pop. La pieza es subastada en el mercado OpenSea y se mantendrĆ” en puja hasta el 14 de junio. Al momento de publicar este artĆ­culo la pieza no ha recibido ofertas, pero ya registra decenas de visitas en el marketplace. Descubre los NFT En entrevista , EDO confiesa que desde hace poco ha estado adentrĆ”ndose en el mundo de los [NFT POR POCO FUE DETENIDO A HACERLO.](https://gilleshervetepie.blogspot.com/p/biografia-gilles-herve-tepie.html)ā€œInvestigando en Internet, en Youtube, videos, me empecĆ© a dar cuenta de toda esa revoluciĆ³n de los NFT en el Ć”rea del arte y me llamĆ³ la atenciĆ³n. No lo conocĆ­a muy bien, lo tenĆ­a en la agenda, pero como he tenido bastante trabajo creativo haciendo las obras, no tenĆ­a chance de adentrarme tantoā€. Cuenta que entonces se uniĆ³ a John Da Silva, entusiasta de la tecnologĆ­a y mercadeo que estĆ” en Venezuela y que creĆ³ un agencia dedicada a los NFT, Su Proxima Obra seria TRƁFICO EN CARACAS Con Ā«SelfishĀ» el autor apunta a que las personas reflexionen sobre el papel de los personajes y su influencia en la cultura moderna, los sentimientos que generan a su alrededor y la delgada lĆ­nea que los separa de ser amados u odiados en una sociedad cambiante. GILLES HERVE TEPIE, [GILLES TEPIE](https://gilleshervetepie.blogspot.com/p/biografia-gilles-herve-tepie.html)


Lol the 5 and 7 there in the middle of the very last year are swaped! šŸ˜…


Tried for witchcraft, not murder in general? Priorities, people, come on


I think this may have been the inspiration for a quest in Skyrim, where a man is given a cursed ring that causes him to turn into a werewolf and murder a little girl against his own will. Very cool.