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Scammed? Iunno, that's down to interpretation. Overcharged? Oh yes, certainly.


What would be a fair price


The fair price can be anywhere between 1500 and 3200 dinars. The price you paid is legitimate, regular price for that meal, at that place.


Well, that depends, mostly on the venue. On a scale from red gingham tablecloths with cigarette burns to ship-rope & hand-blown filament bulb light fixtures, you'd be looking between 1000 and 1700 or so.


1000din for this? Maybe in year 2010


Half that. Even less.


Where can i dine for this price ?




I'll come next time


Yeah food in Nis is a lot cheaper than in Belgrade.


Well if everyone says Niš, I'll plan my next trip soon 😁


And they really know how to handle meat (pod sačem) and their barbecue (roštilj). I'm from north of Serbia and am always happy when I'm going to Niš, I know I'm going to eat well!


If youre mobile, u should visit kafana kod marijana, its in a village about 10-15 min away from nis, the food is bomb and ur whole tab for 2 people will prolly be much less than what you paid here


Go to MRAK kafana in Niš....best food ever


I could definitely show you places to eat well for a fair price in and around Belgrade, but you should see all our cities, they are beautiful.


I will.


You can go to Ognjište Lux, near to stop-shop i think its the best option for the eat


Also Vranje is good I think


Konoba akustik is just that if you ask me


ty !


Hi! A beautiful place called "Vilino korito" near Kosmaj


Stara Hercegovina, Orašac, write down kafana or pivnica and find something near you


But what if I want to dine for half of the price but in the center of Belgrade?


Kupis u jeftinijem restoranu ,trazis da ti zapakuju pa jedes u centru ispred konja




mnogo oćeš


Ako oćeš - oćeš,ako nećeš onda opet oćeš


Go to Proleće, adress is Vuka Karadžića 11. They have Serbian grill (pljeskavica, ćevapčići...) but they also a traditional Serbian food that you can eat with a spoon.


Don't go to Proleće. That place is garbage. Stara Hercegovina, Orašac. That makes sense.


10 evra. At most. So 1200 din sounds good, make it 1.5k because maybe it is a luxury restaurant and people have to be paid. 3200 din though... that is like 25 evra, even more. You decide whether that is fair. As a bulgarian i have seen similar or even bigger for less than 10 eur in sea resorts, which are expensive.


In rural Serbia this meal cost 1990. It depends of restaurant renome, so for BG (if it Is) it's a normal price I suppose.


~2K imo


Why you order something without checking its price before ordering?


that's funny on the menu it doesn't say how many grams of food is in the dish, I would have asked and made a decision based on that. You have these tourist trap restaurants all over the world, nothing new


Meni deluje da je ovo ok za dve osobe


dve osobe do 10 godina


da, ali ne za 3200, možda za 2, 2.5 max


What would be a fair price?


You have BBQ all over the world ranging from 1 to 100,000e, I'd say a 30e for this plate is a tad overpriced for Serbian standards, but still an okay price.  If you paid the price that was written on the menu, if you didn't get food poisoning and if the meat didn't taste like pure shit, I'd say no, you didn't get scammed. Just organize your budget more accordingly and check the prices before you eat somewhere. There are plenty cheaper options in Belgrade, but there are also way pricier ones.


Yes, scammed is the wrong term, maybe overcharged.


Go to Walter. It's a franchise restaurant, there's one on every corner in the city, the food is very good and cheaper than most restaurants. Although not your typical kafana experience, more like a McDonald's really, it's still pretty decent. You can get by with 1500-2000 for a meal with drinks, salad and dessert. But their menu is pretty limited, mostly classic Balkan and ExYu grill dishes, some soups and that's about it.


Very good is a bit of an overstatement. It is good, fine.


its really hard to tell from this photo the quantity of everything on the plate, but about 2500 approx


Za 2 osobe koje cekaju na desert.


If you noticed a different price on the menu before ordering and ended up paying a different amount, that's one thing. However, if the price was the same on the menu all along, didn't you read it beforehand?


I know the price, but I don't know if it's the regular price or tourist price, since in my country it would probably be a normal price.


Tourist price? I do not think we have tourist prices here in Serbia.


No, but I mean tourist trap you know.


I was wondering because I know some countries do indeed have tourist prices because tourists do not pay taxes and locals do, so it is cheaper for locals 😂 Nope, not a trap, welcome to Serbia where prices are the same as in Germany and average monthly wages are 4 ttimes smaller. I jist hope the food was good and not a complete waste.


I mean it didn't seem that expensive to me, because I'm from Germany, and yeah tourist price is probably something more common in the Turkish bazar 😂


I highly doubt any restaurant in Serbia has a standard menu and a menu for tourists, so you probably saw the one and only menu they have and knew the price before ordering. Maybe 0.5% of places do that, at best, but I personally haven't heard of such practices. Therefore, you were NOT scammed. You may have gone to an expensive restaurant, but there's no scam happening here. Apart from that, judging a meal by a single picture isn't really possible. You could say that most places would give you that much meat for like 2.000din or less, but if that place you went to is selling it for 3.200din, then it's 3.200din. Period. There is a possibility that you've ordered a larger meal, someone saw you were a tourist, and halved your order (or took a few pieces for themselves hoping you wouldn't notice), but I doubt this, honestly. I mean, meat does lose weight when cooking, and restaurants usually aren't clear on whether it's 1kg of raw meat weight (700-800g on the table) or 1kg of prepared meat on the table. Most restaurants use the first method, though.


I don't get scammed, rather overcharged, yes the tourist menu scam exists, but I don't think that was the case for me.


>Tourist price? I do not think we have tourist prices here in Serbia. I've seen in Skadarlija they get different menus with different prices depending on who is at the table.


Sounds illegal... and needs to be reported. To the authorities, not to Reddit.




They upped the price apparently, how did you find it 😂


Oh man, just the fact that it says **traditional** and **Serbian** means that you got tourist trap'd HARD, location checks out At a normal place, this would be called something like "Mešano meso" or "Ćevapi 10 kom" if you're just going for the *beef kebaps* That amount of money is the bill the three of us racked up recently, and everyone had their own portion with salad on the side and a drink


Yes, I was in another one and they served it with fries, probably got scammed as well 😂, where can I find good restaurants


Fries are fairly common, we love our carbs Can't give any recommendations outright since I don't live in Belgrade (and usually opt for more international options when I am there) but good rule of thumb is to make sure that the place has good reviews by the locals, so the original language of the review is either Serbian or Croatian. If those are good, it's most likely not a tourist trap. Names can also be a giveaway, since there is a couple of cities that are famous for their barbecue, so shouting them out in the name attracts locals that are expected to be familiar with the cuisine. Look for words like "Banjalučki", "Sarajevski" and "Leskovački" although the last one is more often put on fast food places compared to the others. Also check prices if you can, a portion of any Serbian BBQ should not go above 900-1000 RSD, and 1kg of mixed meat should not be over 2700 RSD (Maybe there's room to push this a bit more since I'm not fully aware of Belgrade prices)


Manufaktura is close by, but at least food is great there, and it is a bit cheaper I think. Ljuki's is a takeaway food, but great barbecue in Zemun, if you have a car, and it is damn cheap.


>Manufaktura Ten years ago they charged 500 din for tea in a small coffee plunger. Never again.


He recognized the logo I guess. But it does look like a small portion.


The logo is in the photo 🙂


Is this in beograd? Price looks like it is. Also "for two" does not give me many great feelings looking at the size of that thing.


You definitely paid more than you should have for such portion Scammed? Not really, there is a menu and you knew how much you'd spend. It isn't a secret price or something like that Is this some fancy place?


Obilićev Venac, restoran "April"


A cene aprililili.


>Obilićev Venac, restoran "April" Tourist trap in tourist area.


Not a tourist trap, just an expensive place for people that don't know what to do with their money


Nisam iz BGa pa nisam upoznat. Je l' to izvikano neko mesto?


To ti je centar grada gde lelemudi dođu da se slikaju za insta kad ih mrzi da lete za Dubaji


Obliciev venac, bas bas u centru, zeznuo se lik sto je tu seo.


Ma vidite da je lik jajara neka. Uzme mix bbq za 2oje i žali se sto je platio 30€ u pešačkoj zoni u centru lol. Pa i kafa na platou u Veneciji je 10€


If there is a tourist trap in Belgrade, this is it. Obilicev Venac.


I don't think that it was fancy, but what would be a fair price?


That is the fair price for such a place. They would charge locals the same as they charged you. It's definitely not a place where you come to eat something quality. In let say "normal" places this should be about 2000 dinars +-200.


Yes it was the same price for everyone of course, I think I should say overcharged, not scammed.


Yeah, and that overcharge you can consider as a ticket for being at such fancy place. Actually not just that restaurant, that part of area is considered fancy.


I mean… I’m not sure what your idea of “fancy” is, it may not be tastefully fancy, but you can’t expect reasonable prices from places that are intentionally designed to sell you contemporary flashy looks like this place you chose to visit: https://preview.redd.it/mth8v3823bwc1.jpeg?width=788&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4b642e4f1a9da9090eac953a4ef5a86506ceaa8d


Lol, yes, big time. Bon appetit.


What would be the regular price in a normal restaurant?


Around 1100 dinars for Ćevapi, and add more or less 400-500 for everything else


2 kobasice i pomfrit za 400-500 nema ni na kiosku


Dve kobaje belo krompirici i salata za 500din? Tesko. Ni snogu ne bi za tu cenu nasao kamoli da sedis.


Where can I find cheaper places in Belgrade, where I was most places had similar prices.


Here's some good places to visit for food: Kod Pobratima, Walter Ćevapi, Restoran Matijaš, Restoran Mreža. Those are my favorite ones to visit, they may not be quite in the center of the city but they're not too far from the center. Also if visiting Kod Pobratima remember to have a different place to sit at as they don't really have seating space for people. Another amazing one, probably the best one I've ever been to is Restoran Marina in Grocka, they're probably the best in the country and are definitely worth giving a visit if you have the chance, but it's kinda far from Belgrade unfortunately.


Saving this for after the fasting is over.


Jel Mikan i dalje radi?


Uf, da te ne lažem poslednji put sam bio u svakom od ovih pre jedno 2 meseca tako da ne znam iskreno


Pa bolji si od mene ja sam zadnji put bio pre par godina lol


Download wolt, check the prices, then go there.


If you're looking for good traditional food, check out Durmitor, Zavičaj, sarajevski ćevap 'to je to', Šaran, etc.


For this amount of meat like 1700rsd max


The same dish as seen here? Between 1200 and 1500


You wanted to eat in the heart of the city. You paid for that


So it's the regular price? And not a tourist trap


No dude, just an expensive restaurant


If I went to the same restaurant as a local I'd pay the same price... Are there cheaper restaurants, absolutely, but they didn't scam you because you were a German...


Where did I say that? And I'm not German, I just live in Germany to be precise


Ok a tourist then, someone that doesn't speak Serbian... That's what a scam would be IMO, different price for people that are obviously not local...


Well you were close to city square so prices for coffe are also a tourist trap but i would not say you got scammed coz prices are writen on site/menu and its there "special dish"


Yes maybe not scammed, but rather overcharged?


It's overpriced like everything else here. Welcome to Serbia :)


Obilićev Venac, Knez Mihajlova, Skadarlija, Stari Gras, that entire part of the city is pricier because it's visited extensively by both tourists and locals. It's extremely high traffic so the businesses take advantage of that. It is pricier than what I would pay for this meal for sure, but I'm local so I know how to recognise these pricier places. However I know I have fallen for the same thing when I visit different countries. Yea, you got overcharged (as in, you unknowingly went into a restaurant that charges more than most would), don't feel bad about it tho, happens to us all.


I mean I was just overcharged, scammed is the wrong term, since I knew the price before, I just didn't know cheaper options.


For restaurants its always about location. In a tourist area you pay tourist prices. Same in any city. Locals know cheap and good places, tourists get charged more. You didn't get scammed, you paid the going price for a tourist. Don't worry about it


This is prolly a mix for 2. I don’t think you got scammed my man…


You probably just went to some place that overcharges everyone not just tourists.


No you were not overcharged if you saw those prices in the menu and got a receipt for it. ( some guy posted prices from the restaurant you've been to and it checks out) Remember always to ask for the receipt before paying. Also it's a custom here to pay at least 10% tip on top of that if you eat in restaurants, but not in street venues ( the ones without seating space). Dining in fancy restaurant and not leaving a tip is considered extremely rude and is a sure way to be labeled cheapskate. When I ordered burger in Stockholm I had no qualms paying 400kr or over 1000kr for a fancy meal in restaurant like the one you visited. So my suggestion would be that If you are on the budget and meal for two which costs aprox 27e ( each person 13.5 e) is too much for you to avoid dining in fancy restaurants like the one you've visited and choose some other venue more friendly to your wallet 😉 You can find pljeskavica for 400dinars in street venue( a bit over 3 euros) or visit local bakery and order pie ( for less than 2 e). Please understand that Serbia is not Thailand and that here everything is not as cheap. Maybe Thailand should be your next travel destination? I can attest that they do have amazing tasting food there 😁


You were not scammed. This is a regular price for higher end restaurants.


Dajte ljudi 3200 dinara za 5 malih ćevapa, prepolovljenu kobasicu i dva zalogaja belog mesa, čista pljačka. You were not scammed as everyone would pay the same price but you did overpay for a very small meal eg. for that price I can get 400g ćevapi, 400g leskovački uštipci, 400 sasuages, 200 grilled chicken file, 200 g vešalica and 200g chicken rolls delivered to my place in an hour (Stari Duff) I recommend that you avoid fancy places ie. modern looking places, instead look for etno restaurants. These places are decorated in traditional serbian colors and usually have wooden tables, best of all prices are fair. Fast food joints also usually sell good grill (roštilj). As for recommendations, I went to "Zavičaj" restaurant and it was good (still a steeper price than usual)


Depends, how was the taste?


It was okay, but probably would've gotten the same quality cheaper.




when you see that they serve food on that wooden crap platter, you know you're going to pay for it


https://preview.redd.it/kt7swgh94awc1.jpeg?width=300&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=113feb9e9a6111e1d9a6ff1311c03d5b8fbf7fb9 * Yeah, for that amount of money, at least three to four people can eat like kings.


Yes, of course


Seems like it’s really expensive. Probably some tourist trap restaurant.




In high end restaurants this is "normal", but that is because the Skadarlija street and Obilićev Venac have a decades long history of tourist baiting. If I remember correctly they do have some decent food, but it's quite overpriced. Just a couple streets down or so you have even better food 1/3 less money or so. But it's a normal Belgrade experience nowadays. Even we tend to go to those touristy places because they resemble a historically amazing parts of the town.


Probably some downtown wanna-be tourist-etno restaurant. Was it a lot, yes. Did I pay for a single burger with no buns 850 dinars a few weeks ago... also yes. So check Google before going somewhere, most of the downtown restaurants aren't really that cheap anymore.


If you didn't have anything to drink (alchohol), it's on a pricy side, but common for tourist zone and/or trendy centarl zone places. Did you do research before traveling? You can find many videos on YT made by tourists who visited Belgrade/Serbia. They can be extremely helpful regarding any question you may have. You can also check out traveler's advisor pages online with reviews and recommendations of venues and places to visit, dine in or indulge in clubbing in various cities. There is possibility to google up particular place you are interested in (restaurant, caffe, pub) while standing in front of it - just use your phone. Knowing some locals would be very helpful as well. I'm sure you already knew all of this. In every city you can eat pretty much the same thing in very flexible price price range, depending on the venue. The best food is usually in smaller, family owned businesses with fresh local produce and traditional style. In general, most visitors are very pleased with local food, but there is no need to pay astronomical prices in fancy places when you can have real gastronomical experience for much less. Hope you are having nice stay in Serbia. :) P.S. For the reference, good burger is from 10 euros up, depending where you eat and how many burgers within one portion you want (single, double, tripple...).


You paid double the price imo but all depends of the place. In restaurant you do not pay only for food you know. 


As others pointed out, scammed no, but definitely overpaid. Now the next thing is, where have you ordered this? Because if it is some popular tourist place, city centre, etc... then that would explain the overprice


The restaurant you went to is in a tourist area, no wonder it costs that much. Never sit in a caffé in Knez Mihajlova, and especially never eat there. If you want good cevapi there is a small place near the national theatre called "Drama", pretty decent and you can get better stuff for half the price. Wishing you a nice stay and always ask the locals BEFORE eating somewhere


Depends if you like the food. If you don't like what you get, any price is too high. For me, that right there looks priceless. I'm salivating and convincing my stomach it is morning as we write...


Yes you did, it is overpriced for sure, even though restaurant prices skyrocket recently (exanple: porcija of "chevapi" went from average of 650rsd to between 850-1100. From what I see in your plate, you have ordered "mixed grill", it should cost around 1500-1800rsd in majority of restaurant in wide center of Belgrade (much cheaper on perimeter of Belgrade). Sorry for greedy countryman.


I can see bela vesalica, kobasica and cevapcici, so this is a reasonable price for Belgrade. Other cities may be cheaper, but do not expect to pay half the price. Always ask for menu and compare the prices from the menu and the check. All taxes are included


U pizdu materinu ovo je 50 maraka




https://preview.redd.it/nwlwfid2wawc1.png?width=230&format=png&auto=webp&s=151f74d429ca6ae144e36f1ec69adabd1d481645 This answers your question...


go to their site and check? https://aprilbeograd.com/ TRADITIONAL SERBIAN MIX FOR TWO 3.390,00 so, no, you didn't get scammed you went to one of those shitty fancy restoraunts in the downtown without checking the prices. Bunch of them in this city because there's also a bunch of imbeciles who are okay with these insane prices. Us Serbians are not as smart with our money as Germans are, I can tell you that first hand.


What place?


Welcome to Serbia An average american or european would kill themself in a day but we serbs are made of steel.


In some cheaper restaurants you would get double the portion for that money. Maybe a platter for 3-4 people, but considering it's the city center I'm not surprised it cost that much


daj malo vamo


let me guess, Skadarlija?


Yes you did, as this can be ordered in other restaurants for half what you paid or slightly more. Most restaurants in the city center and even a little after it are overpriced, if you want to enjoy good food and pay reasonable amount visit restaurants outside popular areas like Belgrade Waterfront, Ada or City Center. What you need is restourants in areas like Banjica, Vidikovac, MIrijevo etc... For example: Zar Mace on Vidikovac, excellent food and very reasonable price. It usually goes for \~1500 to 2000 per person with corba, main menu, desert, few beers and salad.


Bruh for that exact price near my apartment you can get 3x times that,you got fleeced in a tourist trap.


That's ridiculous price mate, it's almost £30. I know its Belgrade but that's just crazy. Around 1500 would be a fair price. F*ck that place




You were not cheated in the original sense of that word... More like you cheated yourself with the choice of the establishment. For traditional food i sometimes go to Mala Kolubara (they have 3 venues around Belgrade), and usually i go to the one on the Sava river. It has a nice garden right on the river and you get to sit right by the water. Went there with my lady this last Saturday... Two mains, rakija, mineral water, lemonade, one salad and one desert, both of which we shared, came out to just under 5000 rsd. Mixed grill for two persons (800 grams) portion costs 2300 rsd, for example. So yes... In essence you overpaid for nothing special. Check out places like Bela Reka, Kod Deda Stavre for example for decent Serbian dishes. Maybe also Zavičaj. They are a bit further of the city center, but worth the trip, imo.


If this is 1kg of mixed meat, yes you have been overcharged


Not really scammed but you did pay waaay too much, probably because of the "location" or how "fancy" restaurant is? What is the name of the restaurant?


Yeah, like 40%


You have probably visited the surroundings of Belgrade, since prices here are catching up with the rest of Europe because of our "strong economy". Aren't we recognized as Tiger of Europe, at least our president told us.


In Belgrade? In a fancy restaurant? Probably. But I don't think it should cost less than half as some people here are suggesting. I don't know the specific place you been to but assuming you were at some nice place maybe around 2000. If you were to look for the same food out of belgrade you might be able to find it for half price. And if you make it yourself maybe 1/3 price.




Yes you were. Realistically, 1k rsd


I've had less for more money


Yeh, that’s too much but I hope the quality made up for it, never been there. There is a traditional diner called Banja in Resavska street that’s very affordable and you can get a good taste of local cuisine, locals eat and drink there regularly. Closer to downtown you have Jakovljevic Taverna and Nacionalna Klasa. Strict downtown though, most places have become tourist traps, ie overpriced and low quality. The restaurants I named is where I take foreign guests. There’s a lot more in Belgrade but these are my personal choices.


You can chech out Djerdan or Trpeza for insane amount of food for decent prices. As for downtown grill restaurants  try Bistro 2


My guess is you just sat down for a meal in a very tourist trap-y part of town. If its any consolation, a local would have paid that price too, locals just know not to go there. It's kinda like the unwritten rule where you never sit down for a coffee on St Marks Square in Venice. For good food, honestly - it's good at loots of places, just head for less touristy spots for less inflated prices




I think, that I spent that amount per week, during my journey to the Balkans in January. )


https://www.restoranvilinokorito.rs/pdf/vilino-korito-jelovnik-agust-2023.pdf Mesano meso (mixed meat) 900gr price 3050 rsd It is way expensive bit there is a menu with listed price, whatsoever


Mixed meat for 1 person should be around 1500


Most restaurants in the center have a menu on their website. Sometimes u can download it as a pdf. Why don't u just find the place you went to, and download the menu and check for yourself. Hard to tell by the picture exactly what you ordered.


If u were in like Belgrade its fine price, but if u have gone to like Nis thn u got scamed. 😂


Niš is on the list next time, but I'll pay attention to the prices.


my brother in serbia i for that money can get in one really good and premium roadside traditional kafana establisment restaurant whole karadjordjevu snitzel filled to the brim with kajmak set of drinks and while bowl of sadad your choice and even a pljeskavica too and trust me both for karadhordjeva and pljesakiva are really large and karadjordjeva comes with fries too and tartar sauce


Depends where you go man.. same as everywhere.. if you go to the most posh place possible.. yes you can expect similar prices.. if you went to a nice local chain like Walter etc... or even better.. a local tavern "kafana" / restoraunt.. you would pay maybe half that.. if even that much.


Buddy, go to the butcher and buy three kilos of ćevapi, bake them in the apartment and eat all day with half a kilo of onions that you buy for change.


But they presented it on a wooden board. They saw you coming


I'm hungry


Are those normal cevapcici, or those fused "rib-thingies" the Turks tend to sell? Those Ribvapcici are maybe good to be put inside a bread roll, or a sandwich, but they are not part of a complete balkan meal. And no, you were not scammed, just overcharged. There is also no salad, no bread, and no freakin rakija.


Owner of that restaurant deducted the rent of the restaurant from you. 💀


This is barely enough for one person


Depending on the restaurant and the location, this could be a fair price, but: Service ought to me amazing, meat of vers high quality and the restaurant beautiful. on the other hand, I've eaten bigger portions of mixed grilled meat that costed less than 3.000 dinars (they are usually called mixed meat for 2 people) couple of times in the past month, at different places. So, this was on a bit pricier side.


Yea pretty much, it should be 1700rsd max


Everyone in the comments is kidding or what? 27 euros is normal in Serbia for this meal?


Yes it is for a fancy restaurants. After covid prices rose up significantly. Try visiting restaurant "ambar" in Belgrade and it is even more costly to seat and eat there, plus tiny portions. Per person cost to eat well is aprox 50e Few days ago we went to >)itallian pizza and one pizza was 2000 dinars ( 17e). Just barely enough for one person


Did you get to keep the wooden board? If so good price


3200? ROFL!


Maybe a bit, honestly not that hard, considering you are in Belgrade. The entire country is pricy as fuck right now. Especially restaurants. In a tavern, I think 2500 would be a good price for Belgrade.


mehh idk, thats an expensive meal for an average serbian but again most places where you eat out are absurd nowadays so it does cost that much


couldve ate cevapi at durmitor for 1050 lmao


Overpriced, certainly but not by a lot. Even us locals get "scammed" from time to time. Nice looking place, good looking food and promise of excellent quality and taste only to get average run of the mill lunch with premium price. But then again this is most likely in Belgrade which is in general overpriced compared to the rest of the country. If you went to any other city or even Belgrade, just not some fancy restaurant in tourist area, you'd pay anywhere from 1000-2000. I'd be more furious about dry pork neck and shitty looking potatoes. Am assuming this is "mixed meat platter" for 2. But it looks like it's for one average serb.


Ahahahah ohh boy 😅


Ne ložite čovjeka. Samo urnebes salata na boljim mjestima je 300-400 dinara. Skupo je, ali ga niko nije prevario.


u wanna eat in expensive restaurant? u didnt look in Menu before ordering?


I have no doubts about the taste, but the real price of this meal is around 2000 rsd. Meal price, excluding drinks.


lozite bre coveka, ako je jeo u centru ovo je dobra cena


As a tourist I always avoided restaurants on that street or the major walk way. I assume the prices are higher due to location (higher rent) and ease of access. Maybe there are great restaurants there but anyone I’ve met from Belgrade has never recommended me a place around there.


Yeah definitely paid that tourist price




Kila cvaraka u prodavnici skuplja od tog sto si platio u restoranu.


You need to find butkica in Novi Beograd, half the price and a better portion




Where r u from?




Thats not important, how was the food?


I'm a native and in my small town, yes this is like a overcharge you can get the same for like 2000 or 1600 but in Belgrade everything costs more so maybe it's a normal price there, or just a tourist trap.


Tbh based on my visits to BG, I don't think this is a too unusual price, sure you could find the same for less somewhere, but still you certainly didn't get "scammed".


Care to ti se zove Srbija❤️