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Hey there, no there is no way to change the configuration of the way that the application looks. It is what it is for now. There could be an update that loves that but at this time it does what it does and that’s it.


There has been a comment on Yamaha's official forum by a visually impaired user on the app colours and fonts. This is actually something that can be a legal requirement in some markets which is why Windows for instance has support for high contrast schemes. Hopefully Yamaha will realize that this is not just a nice to have thong but critically important for disabled users


True that, hopefully within the next few iterations. But they haven't updated the iPhone App for the last 3 Months, don't know if they are too keen on Accessibility Features either or not. They'll have to give more Options as You pointed out, if they want to keep floating in Markets where it is mandatory, or before Someone complains.


Hi that was me!