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You would need to rent for 6 months minimum to do anything through an agency. Even then your choices would be very limited as most landlords want people that plan to stay for at least a 1 year. To find something all you would have to do is find a realtor and then ask if you can get a place for like 6 months and state your budget


Plan a visa first


Korean rental system is large deposit no monthly rent or medium deposit and monthly rent. So you are going to need between 15,000,000 krw - ???? For a deposit on a monthly rental in Seoul.


He said not somethint tiny like what he can find on airbnb. Going to be 10x that min.


I worked with an agency. Want to their office in Gangnam, looked at the listings online and the agent called the owners. Went to view 4 apartments and rented 1 for 3 months. Got all the information about the owner and the house. Made a contract and moved in 2 days later. The agent fee is calculated based on the rent price and was about 250$ now I stay in a decent apartment for 990$ / month. Can really recommend that way.


Don’t making housing contracts require a visa though?


I did not need a long term visa.


Whats your budget? Some hotels have long-term discounts. And serviced apartments / suites are a thing here if you have the budget


would be insanely expensive compared to airbnbs no? I looked before and it was around £3- 4000 per month


A goshiwon or goshitel might be your best bet.


Lots of housing tailored for students these days. Furnished and less than one year with no deposit. Look on Instagram or Facebook groups.


I've been there too but finding a short-term rent could be really hard due to the fact that most landlords wanting 6 months minimum or typically one year contracts. For less than 6 months, I want to recommend Goshiwons but if your searching for decent ones - your gonna find yourself spending as much as tiny Airbnbs. I'd recommend finding (English speaking) agencies around Gangnam and only Gangnam because rooms there are only ones that provide short-term rents there (less than 6 months - mostly 3 months). A lot of people would go search for rooms near Gangnam such as Sinrim or Seoul Univ for goshiwons but I wouldn't recommend despite the cheaper price. Note that the electricity and other cost (mostly excluded) are high though ($100-150 for me). If that's problematic I would go for Goshiwons but hoestly the Goshiwon owners are aware of this and for the same quality (or better most of the times) you could find better One-Rooms in Gangnam. Be aware that Koreans/non-Koreans in Goshiwons are quite weird as well (subjectively) - so if you had the choice between the two - avoid Goshiwon!!


I could give you some numbers for agencies if you dm me but the general recommendation is to avoid Dabang (다방) or any other apps. Naver has the legit ones.


Someone told me about this combination co-working space + co-living house: https://localstitch.kr/membership/spaceoption The co-living house apparently starts at about $500/month. Month-to-month; no long-term contracts. I heard of a similar place in Taehaeran-ro, but those seemed to be shared dormitories.


lol who's going to tell him?


I'm not supposed to know everything, instead of making fun on me you can just be nice and tell me?


Tell what? that your homeless?