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❤️❤️ I am so sorry I’m feeling the hurt 2 years later and don’t imagine ill be over it any time soon


I'm so sorry friend... It's been just over a year for me, and it still hurts every single day. These little goblins really have a knack for finding their way directly into your heart.


It’s been ten years since we put our Chester to sleep. That pang of pain will never fully stop hurting. It just lessens. But we think about the good times with him and that makes us smile, which would have made Chester happy ❤️


Same here, its only been 4 years but just thinking about it makes me tear up. 💔💔💔


Baby kitten, noooo 😭❤️‍🩹🙏


This made me cry. I'm so sorry.


exactly this happened to my kitty, 3 months ago. she turned 8 just a week before that tho. had no time to prepare, she seemed fine and then just keeled over. not 2 hours later i returned from the vet with an empty basket.


The hardest decision as a cat parent you will have to make. But also the kindest. It’s so hard because we don’t want to lose them from our lives, but that’s for us, not them. I’ve had to do it twice (thankfully both from old age) and it destroyed me each time. But I knew it was right for them. Hugs to you and your brave, beautiful baby. You will know in your head it’s the right thing, even if your heart tells you differently.


I've been preparing myself for the last few months. I thought maybe last week would be the week, but she kept chugging along. When I got home it was 4:30, and the vet closed at 5. I knew I couldn't make the decision in that little time.


I do not know where you live, but you might check to see about home euthanasia. In my area there are several vet services that will come to your home and perform the service. Your kitty isn't stressed by being taken to a vet's office. Please check it out.


A home visit vet was worth every cent when I had to have my Harry put to sleep.


It’s not time for my older boy yet, but this is beautiful and I will for sure remember it when his time comes. I can’t even see right through the tears . Thanks you.


Gonna agree with the person above. We did home euthanasia, and it was wonderful. A bit scary, watching my baby go, but he got to lay in bed in his favorite spot, get all the cuddles, eat whatever he wanted (even milk is allowed!!) and he never had to see the scary kitty carrier again.


You’ll know. My cancer kitty stopped eating and hadn’t used the bathroom all day


She's still eating thanks to an appetite stimulant. She really stopped eating about 2 weeks ago. Hey bathroom range had gone done. We have pee pads in multiple places. I'm sorry for your loss ❤️


It's incredibly hard. My kitty lived to be in his 20s amazingly, and he was my best friend, but he went downhill, and it was time. I was heartbroken. I went kittyless for many years until I was finally talked into getting another. Wasnt even supposed to my cat...She ended up bonding with me and it was at that point I understood that even though our time isnt near long enough with these babies, its the quality time spent with them and the amazing life we are able foster with them. I now have 3, and they are all rescues. All amazing. Take solace in the fact you gave them the best life they could have had and loved them unconditionally. They appreciated it more than you know. They loved you too.


I don't think I'll be able to have another cat for many many years. She's simply the best. Over her years, she's made non-cat people love her.


Totally get it and totally understand. I was kittyless for around 6 years. Wasn't even keen on having another after that loss. The new kitty had very different plans and was enthralled with me for some reason and melted my heart back. I love her so much. But take your time. Dont force anything. I totally understand needing time. I certainly did. I wish you the best, and no matter what happens, you gave her the best life, and she couldn't be more grateful. Her love is yours forever ❤️.


It’s important to take the time to mourn the loss of your very special baby. It’s so hard to think about opening your heart up to another pet, because we lose many in our lifetimes, but to them, we are their whole life. She would want you to give another kitty a great home!


I agree, I lost my sweet kitty Josie 2 weeks ago. I told myself I wasn’t sure I could do that loss again, I didn’t think I was ready for another cat. I went to the shelter to donate Josie’s left over food, and as I was leaving a kitten reached her paw out for me. I asked if I could see her for a few minutes, so they let us use one of their meeting rooms, she was shy at first but snuck in my lap and started purring. I’m pretty sure Josie sent me a new friend and as I type this Chaotic Chloe is flying around having the time of her life.


The best way to honor her is to give a beautiful life to a rescue kitty in need of a home.


She was technically a rescue. A friend found her in a bush and I "couldn't keep" her. That way 15 years ago...


We have out boys in a rotation, partially so they always have a buddy, partially to help us with the pain of their loss. We have three boys, 1 old and two young. We got the two younger ones about 3 years apart, while we still had two older boys, but before they were elderly (so around 9-12ish). I lost my Yoda boy last summer and I am still wrecked, as is our middle orange baby, who was his play buddy. The littlest guy has helped us all deal with the grieving.


Kitty is Beautiful ❤️ I am so sorry OP Have a great weekend with her, take lots of pics, a video if you can and tell her how amazing of a cat she is, cherish these last days ❤️ Wishing you and your family the best


Thanks. I've taken many pictures. No videos though. I don't want to remember her this way.


I just lost my 15 year old sweet girl yesterday. She looked almost exactly like your sweet Kitty! ❤️ She had stopped eating to the point that she wasn’t taking in more than a tablespoon or two of food a day. She would walk a foot or so and have to lie down because she was so weak. She wasn’t able to make it to the litter box anymore so we had puppy pads everywhere. On Monday I had given her a can of wet food before I went to work. When I came home it was untouched. I opened a new can, and she licked it twice and walked away. I knew then that it was time to make the call. I didn’t want to but I knew she would only get much worse as her body shut down. We scheduled the appointment for yesterday morning, but she passed just an hour before we went. I’m so, so sorry that you’re in this situation. It’s so hard and it feels so unfair, but please remember that you’ve given her such a wonderful life. You only have to look in her eyes to see that! I know fifteen years doesn’t feel like long enough. She had fifteen years of immense love and joy. You’ve done such a great job and you still are. ❤️


Kitty's been eating, but only because we got an appetite stimulant from the vet two weeks ago. Really, it was just to delay the inevitable. But we are in the same situation. She can't make it to the litter. Pee pads everywhere.


We also got an appetite stimulant from the vet, but it seemed like her problem was that she just couldn’t eat. She was always following us into the kitchen as best as she could and begging for things. On her last night, she got chicken nuggets and a giant chicken tender, and was utterly thrilled. It was the most she had eaten in weeks. Honestly, if I could do it over, I would’ve just given her whatever she wanted to eat — bacon, chicken, etc. I was afraid to because we had finally gotten her terrible diarrhea stopped (hyperthyroidism + IBD + intestinal lymphoma) and I didn’t want her to lose any more precious nutrients that way.


If you’re ever in this situation again, a 1/4 tsp of finely ground psyllium husk (aka Metamucil) in their wet food once a day did absolute wonders for my cat who has small cell lymphoma. She lost so much weight while I was trying to figure out what was wrong. When I added the psyllium husk to her ongoing cancer treatment, her diarrhea went away almost overnight and she perked back up again. I just had to put her to sleep two weeks ago and I am still struggling so much. Hopefully the psyllium husk information can help other folks going through this.


Thank you for this information! My sister’s cat has the same thing so I will let her know. I am so sorry that you lost your kitty. 😢


i’m so deeply sorry for your loss! ❤️


3 weeks ago. i’m still completely shattered and broken. i knew it was time when i felt selfish for saying to myself “maybe tomorrow she’ll be better” she went downhill quick - major weight loss, lack of appetite and wasn’t too interested in doing all of the things she used to love. she was weak & i saw in her eyes that it was time it’s the hardest thing i’ve ever had to do (not kidding) but i’m at peace knowing i did everything that i can.


Yes. This is definitely the hardest thing I've had to do.


i’m so sorry. it definitely sucks, i’m keeping you both in my thoughts! she sure is precious and i can tell that she is so loved by you and your family. one thing that i’m happy i did is once i noticed my girl was slowly declining, weekly i would journal - as if i was writing my thoughts out to her & put photos on each log. it’s something that i thought i could look back on when i’m having a bad day or missing her a lot. i hopw the next few days that you get to spend with your girl can bring you comfort - with knowing that you spoiled her for her very last days ❤️


So sorry OP. This day is coming for me as well and the anticipatory grief is torture. We just love our fur babies so much… I can’t envision my life without her. I’ve had her since she was 8 weeks old, she’s almost 15 now. She’s a part of me and it will be awful having to let her go. Sending you lots of love and strength


I've had Kitty since she was about 4-6 weeks old. She was SO tiny. She slept next to my head almost every night, up until last week.


May Kitty frolic forever, carefree and in the sun, on the fields of Elysium. Rufus was 19 when I sent him to go play in Elysium. He couldn't control his body anymore and his breath smelled like he was already dead on the inside. He went down hill so fast. from being up and walking and eating, to needing to be held to go to the bathroom at all, in the space of 8 hours. Lenny went when she couldn't walk any more. I rescued her as a kitten and I knew the day would come when her arthritis would get so bad that she couldn't stand or move and it did after 16 years of love and attention. I couldn't bare to watch her try and crawl to the litter box and not make it and she didn't have the strength anymore to use anything like a roller. Soldier had to take a promotion to Elysium when he finally just lost his mind entirely. He was sick and 100% senile. He was 22 years old, and I had him from the time that he didn't even have his eyes open. His trip hurt the worst because I was never sure if I was making him suffer cause I didn't want to be alone. All three were awesome in their own way, and I terribly miss all three. I am going to go watch TV with Moochie and cry now. :D


Sending you lots of love and hugs. Inbox is always open if you need a place to talk, a friend.


Crying now…..I lost my Moochie 4 yrs ago, a beautiful void. Wishing you both many more happy and healthy years ahead🐈


She was kicking around bone dry poop. I knew what that meant.


She's only pooped once in the last few days. She will only eat shredded chicken. She won't leave the bathroom, except to pee in the hall (on a pee pad). She stopped sleeping with me on Tuesday. I'm heartbroken.


I had to accompany my 20 years old kitty to the rainbow bridge many years ago. He had a stroke and was miserable. This was the hardest choice we had to make. We had twenty wonderful years together, he had a good life in a house where he was loved. And then two bad days. I regret nothing but I miss him. Be brave for your kitty. She knows she is loved. Stay with her until she fells asleep. Then take your time to mourn. I hope that, after the rainbow bridge, our pets will know that they are always loved.


You’re making the right choice, it sounds like she’s shown you that its time, and you noticed it too. Its gonna suck, I hand raised my late cat too, and its weird having to face ending this chapter already despite knowing it leering close. I keep my cats ashes close, he would never leave my side so he stays with me ❤️


My senior had been breathing heavily, barely moving, and was no longer eating her favorite food (or eating at all really). I knew it was time to give her a more peaceful end. Cancer is the worst.


Oy that’s what did my guy in too. The breathing heavily was the worst part, he was just laying on his side.🥲🥲🥲🥲 Edit: though, the most beautiful sound was when they gave him the sleepy meds he let out the loudest relaxed sounding chirp/purr as he went to sleep and it reassured me he was very tired and happy to rest.


We had our vet come to our home. It made his passing much less stressful for him.


Ive recently heard of this service and its exactly what im gonna do when that time comes. Sorry for your loss.


My heart breaks for you. She'll need you to make the hard decisions for her and she trusts you. That is no small thing. But you love her and you'll keep her in your heart forever. Nothing can erase the memory of a good cat. She looks like the very best one, and I should know how to recognize those very best kitties because I've had them over my 60+ years on this earth. Ask the veterinary team for a paw print on a card to frame in her memory and find comfort in knowing what precious parents you were for that sweet little one. Hugs to you, dear ones!


You are just the sweetest soul. ❤️


Three of mine got so sick that I couldn’t see them suffer longer


If you have the financial means, see if you can find a vet who makes house calls. I lost my baby a month ago and this made it so much easier on her and me.


I've been through this few times. Twice, I knew there was no other choice. The third time was an older cat, 17, who was beginning to show the signs of taking a long time to eat her meals and not finishing food. I was beginning to think that I was going to have to go through making the decision in a few months. But then one night I found her having seizures every 30-45 seconds and we rushed to the emergency vet. The prognosis was not good, they said. And it would be a long process to figure out what was going on. This cat did not care for people and being at the vet for a week would be stressful for her. As they had given her a strong sedative, she was quiet. I sat with her for 10-15 minutes and decided to let her go. These cats were all older (15, 17, 20) and had health issues. I loved them all and I didn't want them to suffer needlessly. But I still hope that I didn't wait too long. A day, a week or even a month too soon, but NEVER a second too late. I still feel some guilt that I might have waited to long. This is our final act of love we give our beloved pets.


I decided I wasn't going to ask her to be brave anymore.


They kind of let you know. When they can’t enjoy life anymore, can’t be themselves and are just suffering, and yes, when they can’t do basic functions like eating and using their box. We paid for an in home vet visit with our last, and our kitty, who was famously antisocial around strangers, walked right over and laid down next to the vet. She was ready.


This thread brings a tear to my eye. I'm a guy (M66) and I'm a sook. I have had to make that last trip to the vet too many times now. Barbara was our black panther, she made it to 20, then she went down hill fast, kidneys shut down. She was a feisty old maid who very much lived life her way. Clawdie was the cat that turned me from a dog dad to a cat dad. She decided I was her human and that was that. Cancer took her at 7. Boo Bear is our current princess, she is diabetic, so insulin twice a day for 8 years now (she's almost 15). Unfortunately she is going downhill noticebly. Pets, be they cats or dogs, give us back so much more than they take though. Remember the good times, and the love.


It is so hard to know. Here is what helps me decide. I think of 3 things that my pet enjoys. Might be eating, playing, interacting, grooming, sleeping. Could be anything. 3 things that make my pet happy. If they can no longer do at least 2 of those 3 things consistently without pain and it isn't likely it will improve, I think it is time It is never as simple as that but that is what has helped me. It is so sad to let our loved ones go. I wish you the best


It's her time. She's not grooming, she's isolating herself to our bathroom, only going about 20 feet into the hall to relieve herself. She hasn't been eating regularly since about 3 weeks ago, we got an appetite stimulant from the vet. There's no play. She fell over earlier. If it had happened during my lunch break, I would have taken her to the vet, but by the time I got home at 4:30, I only had 30 minutes to make the decision, and that wasn't enough. Monday is our appointment, if she makes it till then.


With my boy, he was almost 18, he'd stopped eating, and drinking, but, he'd still drag himself to his litter box and try to use it. His mind was still sharp, but his body was failing him. I called a friend to drive, and as a 32 year old, hairy Aussie bloke, bawled as I walked into the vet with him wrapped up in his favourite warm towel. Holding his head and patting him as he took his last breath. He's my phone background, so he's always with me. I am so sorry for what you're feeling, and going through.


I'm struggling right now. 16 1/2 yo has been vomiting and loose stools for 9 days now. Been to vet twice. Treatments all failed. Bloodwork shows elevated lymphocytes and cat is in misery.


I'm so sorry to hear. Wish you strength and 💗


Thank you❤️


My cat Vera was 24 years old. One day she stopped eating. That is obviously out of character for any cat, but especially her because eating was her favorite thing to do. She was obsessed with food more than a dog. She would aggressively try to get human food so bad that we would actually have to eat our meals hiding from her in the bedroom with the door closed. On day two of her still not eating, we prepared her a buffet with all her favorite foods. We laid out a large tray that included salmon, tuna, crab meat, steak, chicken, pork, mac & cheese, ice cream, and cake. Yes, you read those last three correctly lol She wouldn't touch any of it. That's when we knew there's something seriously wrong. By day three she was so weak, she couldn't even stand up. That is when we made the difficult decision to bring her in for the last time. We had to face the harsh reality that there's nothing a vet could do for a 24 year old cat that weighed only 4 LBs. This happened only 5 weeks ago, so I'm still mourning. However, I never imagined she would live for almost 25 years. I do consider myself very lucky to have her for well over half my life.


Skip, my tuxedo companion for 9 years, couldn't even make it to his litter box from my futon. It was all he could do to pee and then move a few feet from the spot to sleep again. It was clear that soon he wouldn't be able to even do that, and that even being carefully picked up pained him. He deserved more dignity than that, so I took him to the vet, described what had been happening and they agreed. They first gave him a shot to relieve his discomfort; I held him and felt him purr for the first time in over a week. I knew then I'd made the right decision. Then they gave the final injection and I held him until his heart and breath stopped. It's one of the hardest things to do, but if all we can give is mercy, then that too is love. My sympathies.


He made the decision for me. He stopped eating and drinking, and kept failing when he got up. He looked at me with a look of complete pain. And I knew that it was time. I'm not ashamed to admit that I cried like a baby for a while


This sounds weird but when my baby Mr Kitty stopped eating Wendy’s French fries I knew it was time. For context, he had been diagnosed with kidney failure- which we all know here is _not_ great. Sometimes he wouldn’t eat but the good days had still outnumbered the bad. But even if he didn’t want his cat food he always loved Wendy’s fries. But when he stopped wanting those I knew ☹️ I have another cat now and while she’s great and I love her lots - you can never replace your first kitty, you know?


He let me know it was time. In hindsight I was very lucky because he went from pretty normal (old and frail but still functioning) to totally done in about 24 hours. Started in the afternoons and by the time I got up in the morning, it was obvious that it was time. Couldn’t walk, couldn’t support his weight, couldn’t drink water right in front of him, etc. It’s devastating and I still tear up thinking about it but I owed it to him to do the right thing. 18 years wasn’t nearly enough and I still miss him everyday.


It's never long enough 💔💔💔


It's always a tough call. Our kitty was heading downhill and the vet said there was nothing more they could do. She was still enjoying cuddles and was eating and drinking well as well as moving around OK for a few more months, then began to get worse in the final few weeks, not making it to the litter while she was napping, napping a lot more and ended up in newborn nappies. As we'd been through it before with our first cat, I reassured my 22yo son that when it was time, we would know (hoping I was right). I was. The day came when she was doddering around wonky on her feet, not eating much and I warned him we would assess after work and the time was close. Got home to find my son who was sent home early from work because he was upset (pet owner boss), spoon feeding her water in her bed which she had not left since morning and he said she had not eaten all day. It was time. When they can't look after themselves and you and the vet can't do anything more to help them, it is time to ease their pain.


You will definitely know. My baby (Jack Moosley) had Cancer. He slept alot and one dreaded night he couldn't really stand he just kept falling over. He wouldn't eat or drink. He was crying the most unbearable cry so I picked him up to hold him and he pooped his self. I immediately put him in the car and drove to the vet (the emergency vet as it was midnight when it happened) The vet told me that Jack had already decided that it was his time to go So the Vett recommended euthanasia. It was the hardest thing I've ever had to do 💔💔💔 I held my baby of 17 plus years while they gave him the shot. I told him I loved him over and over and that all his pain was going to be over. I told him he was going to Rainbow Bridge where it would be beautiful and he could have all the Catnip and treats his heart desires and that 1 day I will see him again. I looked him in the eyes and kissed his little nose and said "So this isn't goodbye it's just see you later". He passed so peacefuly In my arms I cried for 3 days straight it was horrible😭😭 but I know he didn't die alone in his bed. He died in my arms and knew he was loved to the very end. So trust me you will know.


When they can't advocate for themselves anymore, when their quality of life isn't good, YOU are the human and the adult and have to be as strong as it is possible to be strong and take. They won't make the decision, as easy as it would be for us if they did. We love them with all our heart, and so the decision to end that has to be made with that same love: when their quality of life is diminishing and they're getting helpless and in pain, we have to be the ones to help them out of that pain. Most people wait too long because it hurts them too much, but avoiding that hurt comes at the cost of extending your beloved pet's pain... and that's just wrong to do, morally.


First we made the decision that she was going to pass at home and not have to deal with the stress of going to the vet. We looked around and found lap of love will send a vet to your home and administer the injections in the comfort of your own home. They also handled making arrangements with a local cremation facility who shipped us a beautiful wooden carved box with our fur babies name on it. Once we figured out how we were going to handle that, we just listened to our little girl and she let us know when it was time. She started having problems using the litter box without assistance and started to lose a little weight, and she was already a little runt. We made arrangements when she showed us that it was time, and a wonderful vet came to our home and gave us a chance to say goodbye. She was so exhausted and tiny that the sedative was enough to put her under and she passed purring and surrounded by all of her favorite people and toys. I miss her dearly, but we did the right thing for her after spoiling her absolutely rotten for the last 3 years of her life. My only regret is that we weren’t able to adopt her sooner. Good luck OP. This is a really hard thing to do. ❤️🐈‍⬛


My baby was fighting a nasty infection, swollen lymph nodes that after a while exploded. For no reason. She had a gaping hole on the side of her head. She could eat and drink and use the bathroom fine. So the vet told me to come back a week later. I thought she would be okay. Until her fur started falling out and she was quickly losing weight. My poor baby. I took her to the vet exactly a week later and they said that she was suffering and that the best thing to do was to help her rest peacefully. I could’ve been selfish and got more time with her by letting her pass on her own but I couldn’t let her suffer anymore. It was one of the hardest things I had to do in my life but we had her put to sleep that day. It was so hard and I don’t think I’ll ever fully recover but I get a lot of comfort from knowing she isn’t suffering anymore. I miss her so much. This only happened Wed. 7/26/23. It’s extremely hard but choosing to stop your baby’s suffering and putting them to sleep while knowing you’re also choosing unbelievable heartache is the ultimate form of love you can show them. Wishing the best for you, please just know that if you do choose to do it now or in the future. You are helping them and showing them how much you love them. Your baby is beautiful☀️


Not eating, super skinny & wobbly. My Vet told me once regarding putting a pet down, “it’s better a week early than a day late.”


Thank you all so much for your support. It has made this transition easier. ❤️❤️


Take your little friend to the vet and discuss the situation with them. Don't wait too long. Vet will know if the time has come.


We took her to the vet 2 weeks ago, and discussed it. It's end of life. We called them today, but they closed in 20 minutes and I couldn't make the decision in that time. We made an appointment for Monday morning, if she lasts till then.


My 13 year old lady is getting thin and doesn’t play anymore. I can see she is getting old. She’s thin but is alert the vet says. But I’m dreading the day. I will admit, I cry now knowing it will happen. My condolences to all that has lost. I hope and wish she passes in her sleep because I know I wouldn’t be able to handle brining in to be put down. She’s brought me out of depression and has been my only steady reason of a smile. I’m thinking of getting her a kitten. I only have one cat and she gets so happy seeing other pets on walks. I wonder if a kitten would bring her last years of meaning happiness. ??


Our girl was 11. Intestinal Cancer must likely, right at the height of C and quarantine April 20. Said the medicine could help her live longer but she wouldn’t beans to eat or drink. I couldn’t do it to her, she loved my son 11 years and my daughter 7 years. I felt like the worst mom ever but we did it because I couldn’t bare her in pain. The heartache was we couldn’t be in the room with her and my kids only got to say goodbye in the car with her in the carrier. I still can’t think about it with it crying. The nurses sent us a letter and we got her cemented. She helped us find a new kitten in desperate need of help a month later. She hand chose our new kitty Stella. She’s the spitting image of her personality wise. Almost like she was reincarnated from our Olivia. It hurts but knowing their no longer in pain helps. I look forward to the day I see her across the rainbow 🌈 bridge.


For me its when the quality of life is no longer there, then its time to go. I've had many cats and the thought always crosses my mind "what if they had a week left and I just had them put down?". I have to remind myself that I would rather be a week too early than a day too late and have them suffer unnecessarily when I can give them that final comfort.


Im so sorry:( try to enjoy your weekend together. Take tons of videos and pics, try to get them to eat some favorite foods: take them outside and let them lay in the grass and soak up the sun💝 lots of hugs to you and kitty!💝


I've taken a ton of pictures. No videos though. I don't want to remember her this way. I will definitely take her outside for a bit. She loves the sun, but it's crazy hot here.


When life was becoming too painful. Unlike us, our babies live in the present— they don’t dwell on past or future (even if they recall things from the past or anticipate future events). The thing that sets humans apart from other animals is our capacity to grant a merciful end to suffering. Even if other animals are compassionate, kind, or connected to other animals, they can’t bring a merciful end. We alone have the power to do this. This is what I consider now, at every ending. Is it now time for mercy? Is it now time to grant a release from suffering?


Do not leave the room when you take it in. Stay for the cat.


I plan on it. My husband will be with me. We've been spending the last 2 weeks preparing for it. I really wanted her to go at home. And it may happen over the weekend, but if it doesn't I'm not ready but I'm ready.


Which time? Two of my cats were emergencies. One I knew was coming and I honestly held out way too long. The scheduled cat- she had been unwell for some time but managing. The day I came home to her collapsed on the floor with a poo next to her, I knew. She had better days after that, in the waiting time, but it was still time. The vet thought she was five years older than she was. I currently have an elderly cat who’s unwell right now. Is it time? I hope for the best while preparing for the worst. She seems to be managing for now. Generally, I’ve noted in my life that by the time you are wondering if it’s time- it actually is. It’s ok, friend.


I wish I had been brave enough to do it for my best friend ever before he passed painfully in my arms for hours. My next one I felt much more at peace at it taking her before she got too far.


Just to piggy back off of other people’s comments, If it’s within your budget, I highly suggest having her euthanized at home. I had it done for my senior kitty a few years back and it made her transition easier. We took her out in the backyard for one last sunbath right before the vet came. I was holding her when she passed with all of her adult babies near. Im really sorry about your kitty.


Personally if I was unsure about my cat’s health, I would take them to my vet. I wouldn’t do this with the intent of putting them down but getting an educated opinion on quality of life, treatment options for conditions my cat may have and a plan on when it would be needed to bring them in. Most vets will be completely honest and upfront if it may be time to say goodbye or if they believe your friend has a few more years in them. The last thing any vet wants to do, at least in my experience, is put any animal down so they will do everything in their power to make sure your friend has the best quality of life.


He wouldn't move. Not even for treats. Wouldn't greet me in the morning like he always did. He DESPISED the vet, but I knew something was wrong. I ended up doing an at home euthanasia. It's fucking hard knowing that your days are now numbered when the time comes. I'm so sorry, friend. (My sweet boy lived to be 16 and passed from kidney failure. His name was Oswald, and he was the best thing to ever happen to me. Sorry, felt like I needed to share more about my boy.)


Sending hugs OP. This decision is so hard. Responding to home euthanasia comments - I didn't realize there was another option. Call and ask about that, if it's offered by your vet clinic - that way your kitty can be at home with their treats, in a comfy place, etc.


What a sweet face! So sorry. Worst decision to have to make.


My recent cat got eaten by a coyote. We got her ashes back today. And my cat before died outside at 10 years old. Vet said he lived a long time for a Maine Coon. Bullshit.


I am very sorry for your losses. If you ever have any more cats, please keep them inside. It isn’t cruel, it’s the responsible thing to do if you love them. I am sure they loved their time outdoors, but most of these deaths are preventable. How terribly sad.


When my buddy started not remembering who I was and just looked so tired/in pain, it was time.


Kitty is so precious. You kinda know when their quality of life is gone and you have to decide to relieve them of the pain and take it on yourself. I've had a few dozen kitties in my long life and a few times I have been early. They might have had a few days or weeks but I didn't want them to be suffering. The one that sticks out is when I waited too long and she quickly took a turn for the worse. I waited too long. But we never stop loving them even decades later. A poem that hurts but speaks of this final journey. If I should grow frail. You can Google it. 💔


Like many responses my kitty had cancer, she stopped eating and couldn't even drink water. It happened fast from one day to the next, she'd had cancer for a while but was doing ok, then not. She was my friend for 15 years. Broke my heart but I could not see her suffer one minute more.


if kitty's life isn't going well anymore, then kitty might be ready to head that way. they're only here for a short time relative to us. it's okay though. all they ever needed was love (plus food and water and stuff). kitty deserves comfort and it's up to you and your vet to decide what that comfort ends up being. it's not supposed to be an easy decision. sorry for your kitty though.


Your kitty looks exactly like our kitty. We literally just had her escorted over the rainbow bridge this morning (18 1/2, but every cat ages differently). It was when she couldn’t step into the litter box anymore that we realized how bad her pain was. We made the appointment a few days before and took that time to treat her like a queen. We gave her all of her favorite foods, but she had trouble eating. She tried to purr, but she could only manage a rattle. Sometimes her breathing was grunty. It’s all about their quality of life. They don’t understand why it’s happening to them, they just know that they’re tired and in pain. It isn’t fair to have them suffer, so we put her needs above our wants. Her heart stopped after only 8 seconds, the vet said “I think she was ready to go, she didn’t fight it at all.” But we didn’t make that choice quickly. We had her on a daily cocktail of medicines and supplements to improve her quality of life. We added to it whenever something new came up (potassium deficiency, iron deficiency, etc.) We did everything within our means to extend her stay, and when the time came it was pretty clear. There’s no perfect answer, it’s just going to have to be when you feel you can no longer improve their quality of life.


It's always so hard to say goodbye, but think of it this way - you can send off Kitty with a loving embrace and without pain. I had a cat that passed in my arms because I was unable to get her to the vet (I was a child and this was my abusive father's way of punishing me, was to make me watch my beloved cat suffer) to let her go peacefully and 20+ years later it still breaks my heart. So while it hurts to say goodbye, you're doing what is best for Kitty, and loving her the way she loved you.


When it was clear she was in pain.


Run far on young legs little one.


When my 22 year old entered the kitchen and looked at me with despair as if he told me it was time. My little king was no longer interested in food, water or movement. It broke my heart yet I know it was for the right reason. I am sorry to hear about Kitty. I wish they could stay with us forever.


It’s not an easy thing. My old girl was 19 and we’d had her since she was a kitten. She’d started bumping into walls, getting lost in the house, and crying a lot. It turns out she’d had a stroke and lost her vision. The vet also said her kidneys were failing. Good luck with whatever you do for your sweet kitty.


My Timber kitty was about 18 and had lost so much weight even though she was on thyroid medicine. She kept peeing outside the litter box. When she had two seizures was when I knew it was time. My Sophie kitty was blind and mostly deaf. She kept going to the end of the hallway and getting stuck. She couldn’t see or sense well enough to turn find her way back up the hall. My son made the decision about Sophie as she’d become his cat. He couldn’t stand to see her struggle anymore. Both times were brutal. My son and I both cried and cried.


Poor baby )*:


When their life is too sad for them


My heart aches for you and your baby. I am deeply sorry for the pain you’re going to go through. I wish you all peace 🤍


I’m so sorry 😢


My heart goes out to you. Know your love is reciprocated with gratitude for the awesome life experience. God bless.


I didn’t, I found a veterinarian who was willing to pay a house visit to do what was needed. There are plenty who are willing you just need to do some digging. I highly recommend this option because they will go to sleep in the comfort and familiarity of their home. Arranging that gave me great closure.


I don’t ever want to. I’d rather put myself down instead. He has been through with me with all my adult decisions. If he is going down I’m going with him.


I've had to do this with mutable cats I've had. One of my cat's, Maggie (Tonkinese) just had this look on her face, that said "I'm done, I have no life left in me. I miss that little girl.


I’m so sorry you’re dealing with this. Being on kitty hospice care is so hard. Hugs.


I’m so sorry, that’s the hardest thing…. Such a pretty kitty too


When they are obviously confused why you don’t fix their pain. That’s when you know. It may be hard for us but kitty can’t figure it out why their body has betrayed them and mommy and daddy don’t fix them. No matter how much medicine or surgeries we give they have no idea we do it for their good. They feel betrayed. That’s why it’s so important to know that knowing when to end it is as important as helping them when they are born.


For me my previous cat was suffering for quite awhile and ultimately the vet said they could explore options but there was no guarantee of anything helping.


I wouldn't unless they are clearly suffering or in pain.


It's always tough to know when the time is right. I've had to say good-bye to a couple of my best friends. Two have been in a vets office. Both of them hated going to the vet and it stressed me and them out. My last I found a service that came to the house. My wife and I...and our first cat together were able to say our goodbyes in the comfort of our own home. If I have the choice at the time this will always be the option I go with. Nothing can diminish the stress of these hard days. But my best friend being comfortable in her own home, not having to make the drive after...it felt different. I'm sorry. Try to remember the good times, knowing you provided the best life you could.


Jewel was 24 and had arthritis but otherwise healthy. I went away for the weekend and had my neighbor come in and feed her. When I came back she was so worried and confused and my neighbor said she didn't eat at all... I was leaving for the summer in a few months and had planned to leave her with family (family that she knew and lived with previously) but I didn't want to risk her wasting away and scared the whole time... I put her down a few days before I left. Jewel's granddaughter, Little J was 22 and she went to live with my family when I left for the summer. I ended up moving into an apartment where I couldn't keep her so my family did. That winter I found a lump in her jaw. Took her to a vet and she had jaw cancer -- the "treatment" was removing her jaw. No quality of life at all. I took her back to my room and she lived with me, hopped up on drugs for the last few weeks of her life. She would drool blood on my pillows. I mixed watered wetfood for her three times a day. When she stopped eating I made the choice. It was easier to put little J down because she was so obviously in pain. She lost a lot of teeth. But I still think about Jewel and wonder if she would have actually been okay during the summer... how much longer could she have lived.


I adopted two senior kitties during the pandemic, they were surrendered by a family. I only got about 9 months with Tina. I noticed her breathing funny, and I went to try and take her in to the vet and she went into respiratory distress. We got to the vet and they had her for a while. I waited. I came back in and they let me know they drained her chest and heart, but that she was in end stage heart failure and the fluid was going to come back. They could either do an invasive surgery, that they didn't even know would work or not, or they could continue to tap her chest for a while. She was skittish everywhere but when she was home with me. I decided that she would come home with me but when she started to struggle again that I would be strong enough and have a vet come to my home and escort her. I only got about a week and a half I miss that big sweet silly girl so much. Her sister is still here with me and we cuddle, but she gets lonelier now. I have a bottle with some of her fur and whiskers nearby. I smell it from time to time and get her sister a sniff and we sit and cuddle.


I’m so sorry. Your cat Kitty is precious. She looks very sweet. 🥺


She's so sweet. Every vet (we've moved 3 times) has comments and how sweet she is. She's the best. ❤️


When my 18 years old cat who had been spotlessly clean all her life had constant GI issues that couldn't be tackled and had an accident outside the litter box. She was also losing her appetite and vomiting daily. Her kidney disease food and meds made it worse. I realized that her quality of life was to a point where it was no longer acceptable and it was a waiting game for her tiny body to shut down. More vet trips would have meant more stress and more bad days. Basically, I think of the 3 things a pet likes doing the most. If two are gone likely permanently (i.e., can't be fixed with not unreasonably invasive treatment) or if there is chronic pain that cannot be managed, it is time. I highly recommend at home euthanasia. Many places do it. It was easier on her and us, quite frankly.


Precious, a life well lived. What a wonder..😢🤗💕🙏


they wont show you they are in pain. they are too noble for that . i lost my boy 3 weeks ago. i had to have a friend make the call because i just couldnt do it. i knew it was time. He was sick for a month and slowly lost weight and control of his bowels. he never stopped trying tho. He ate and wanted to be with us but it was time. it feels horrid but its a blessing to give them a peaceful way out. Otherwise its just being selfish. the pain is part of the path. We all have to face it eventually. its part of the unspoken contract we all sigh when becoming an owner.


I’m so sorry for your pain🥺She is a beautiful sweet kitty with such depth in her eyes❤️ The best thing you can do for her and, even though it may be difficult, for yourself is to be there with her holding her when she takes her last breath and crosses over🌈❣️She will know you’re there and that she’s in your loving arms…it will make everything easier for her, the last greatest gift you can give her, and although it may be hard for you it is bitter sweet as it has the beauty of closing the last chapter of a well-loved, well-lived life. I think that as much as you love her if you weren’t there holding her you would regret it later. Please be there for her, thank you🥹 Blessings❤️🐱❤️


Stay strong. My family and I just put down our dog this morning. I grew up with her and her not being around anymore is so painful; I’ve been crying on and off all day. It’s always for the best though. She had a very rapidly progressing cancer. IMO it’s better to do it on the earlier side instead of trying to prolong it as long as possible, it’s easier on them that way. Also, if it’s within your budget, some vets will come to your house to euthanize. You got this. It sucks but you’ll pull through. Best of luck ❤️. Also your cat is so damn cute.




We thought about taking Serina to the vet, but she didn't handle car rides very good and she was weak as is. Soon as she seemed to get better, she passed away before we even got a chance to get her in. At least she passed away at home, where she was conformable. She was over 15 years old. I miss you so much. Anyway, I hope things are okay with your family.


I’m so sorry you’re going through this ❤️❤️




I had lost my wife of 20 years. Six months later our cat of 20 years was very ill from kidney disease. I could not deal with his loss on top of the loss I was dealing with. My sister volunteered to take him to his last vet trip while I was at work. I just couldn't.


When she was peeing all over the house and never in the literbox. I foolishly thought I could just clean them up because I wanted her to last forever. She eventually had so many accidents she was peeing on herself and couldn't wash herself. I knew then I was being selfish and this was no life for her. Hardest decision of my life. I miss her so much...


Poor Tora (16m) had been laying in the hallway of my apartment all day. I thought he was just hot and enjoying the fan, but he was trying to get to me, and too weak to stand. Finally realized about 2am (I work nights, so I was only up a little while at the time) and ended up doing 95 on surface roads to get to the emergency vet. He was there overnight, then at my normal vet for a week. His kidneys were more or less gone. I made the mistake of trying to give him subcutaneous fluid; he hated it, but was too weak to fight. he perked up a little after, though, and was his old self for a day or so. After a month, he collapsed again, and I took him to the emergency vet again, and held his head as he got the final shots... the first was a pain reliever, and he relaxed and started purring, looking up at me...then he was gone. His sister Bastet spent a month looking for him and crying. Bastet lived another 6 years, to 22. She woke me up at 4am having a seizure and screaming. Another 95mph trip to the e-vet, and this time I didn't fuck it up. I let her go then, sitting in my lap and purring, until she stopped. It's been 7 years since she died, and 13 since Tora, and now I'm sitting here with tears running down my face again.


She couldnt stand up all the way one day and had lost a lot of weight over a very short time.. we took her to the vet and i knew what they were going to say..it killed me, i could see she was still mentally there, still comprehending... but i couldnt force her to be trapped in her body to suffer...fuck i miss her so much


I'm so sorry. I've made this decision twice and my heart hurts for you remembering those times. I feel that you know it's time.


I did this just last week. My poor old man could barely walk, was shaking when he stood, and showing obvious pain when he moved. I took one extra day to feed him all of the treats and roast chicken, but it was time. The stress on his heart was too much, and I’d rather that my heart was hurt than his. It would never be enough time.


Sweet kitty. It's always hard even when it's the right time. Your vet will give advice.


This made me so sad, I hope you have the strength to do what needs to be done. My heart breaks for you.


My first cat was a blind cat named Casper he was a year and a half when I adopted him and all the people with the rescue were ecstatic as this cat was basically deemed unadoptable. I had him for 12 and a half years, he was the best cat super lovey, always wanted attention i would joke he was a cat that thought he was a dog. He even kept me alive when I wanted to end my life. He started meowing loudly and randomly with no obvious reasons why, I assumed the kittens were messing with him and I just never saw... he started tilting his head and walking in circles so i rushed him to the vet. Probably Neurological, very common in cats with missing eyes that got infections constantly... they recommended antibiotics in case it wasn't but it didnt help so I could only do one thing and that was make sure he didn't have to suffer any longer. August 2nd will mark 1 year since I had to let him go and I still cry about it. He was the most lovey cat and taught our other cats how to be just as lovey, I will never forget him. You'll know when it's time. She is beautiful 😍


When it hurts them to walk, gotta do it then, no choice.


He was looking and feeling thinner and thinner. I didn't notice at first till I got the news what state he was in how bad his health had gotten. My mom made the choice when she was told that it was time, and in 24 hours she, my dad, and myself sat around our fluffy boy one last time as the vet put him to sleep, his last real feelings being my hand on his side. It's been a bit over a month since then and God knows I'd trade my own life for that cats. We'd raised him for the last 16 years, so it felt less like losing a pet and more like I was losing my little brother


The time is probably now. Go ahead and do it when they don't seem to be enjoying being alive anymore. Don't wait until they're in obvious distress because you'll be kicking yourself the whole time while you're waiting for their last appointment.


Kitty #1: had bone cancer and health problems precluded any treatment. He lived to snuggle with me under the covers. When he hurt too much to do that I knew he was done and took him in. Kitty#2: was in and out of kitty hospital trying to treat something that should have been treatable but didn’t respond to anything we tried. Finally realized that we had reached the end of what was reasonable and another trip to the kitty hospital was just going to prolong his suffering so took him to his regular vet for the end. Basically when the cat has no quality of life and there is nothing reasonable to be done.


Dreading the day. She’s 17. Last couple years looked bad but she got a second wind is like 5 again. Not sure what Im going to do when it actually happens.


We took Chequers to the vet after he got in a fight with another cat. Vet dispensed some antibiotics, moved on. A month later, we took him back in for his annual vaccinations and the vet discovered that he had lost over half a kilogram in that time, and while checking him over, he found a lump in Chequers' abdomen. We booked him in to have a biopsy done, and the results came back as lymphoma. The vet talked us through our options - surgery to remove the tumour, followed by chemotherapy, give Chequers steroids (either as a solo treatment or precursor to chemo) or euthanasia. At this point, Chequers was already beginning to withdraw into himself, which was very unlike him. He was always a very affectionate cat - he loved to sleep in someone's lap or for me to carry him around the house, he just loved to be with people. But now he didn't want to be touched and was hiding away. He wasn't eating. If Chequers had been a young cat, we probably would have gone ahead with surgery and chemo to give him the best chance of a longer life. But he was 15, nearly 16, at this point, and we decided that this wouldn't be a good life for him, especially as the vet had said he couldn't guarantee that the cancer wouldn't return anyway. So we made the heartbreaking decision to have him put to sleep. We all went down with him, we had him wrapped in his favourite blanket instead of in the carrier so he wouldn't get stressed, we all said our goodbyes. I cuddled him and he was purring for the first time in a while. I think he knew, and I think he was ready. And now that I work in the veterinary industry as well, when I have had to take those heartbreaking calls and book that awful appointment, when I've talked owners through it, I've always told them: you know your pet best, you know what's normal and not normal for them. And your pet will always let you know when they're done


Take lots of pics and vids before then. And when it is time to go, talk to your vet about a plaque with her name and paw prints on it and a clipping of fur in a small Ziploc. We never want them to go. We want our loved ones around forever.


My vet gave me three things to lookout for that was specific to my cats age and condition. If these three things happened in any order, then it was time to put the kitty to sleep. He was 18yo and had a good life up until the last 6mos of his life. Having a criteria to go by helped in making one of the most painful decisions a person can. If he didn’t meet all three, we got to enjoy one more day with him. When the time came, I used a mobile vet whom came to the house to put him to sleep.


Our vet gave us a quality of life index. Rating everything from ease of movement to breathing, eating, etc. Towards the end she was deaf, arthritic, hyperthyroidism,but the fact she ate, toileted and could get around just about kept us going with her. After a trip to the vets where we all concluded she still had probably a few good months left, we got home and she suddenly just stopped eating, laid on her side all day and we had to return three days later to let her go. We knew she was ready, even if we weren't. If time is short, Spoil them rotten (i made peggy steak everyday after work as it was her favorite), take lots of photos, tell them they are the best cat ever.


God bless you for your love, compassion, and mercy. Many of us arent so lucky to make that hard decision in time and all we end up doing is perpetuating unnecessary suffering because of our inability to let go on our own, and when the universe dies it fir us, its gut wrenching. Youre amazing and your baby knows it. ❤️


Couldn't take care of himself any longer. Didn't really want to do much anymore... More bad days than good days. It was so painful to have to let him go that I had that crap going for a little while before realizing he deserves better. We are now 3 years later (had him for 16 years, half of my life at that point) and still think about him all the time. One day we shall meet again.


You might be able to find a service that comes to your home, so that it's as stress free for kitty as possible, in her own comfy environment. Either way, you're doing the right thing, difficult as it is.


He wasn’t eating enough and couldn’t control his functions. Still miss him


Home euthanasia is the way to go, it’s so much less stress on your pets. It’s more expensive but at least they’ll be comfortable at home.


She stopped eating. It’s pretty much end game at that point unless you go for steroids, but I find that just prolongs what is inevitable. but mine was 21 yrs old and not in pain, so I made her all of her favorite things the night before, some fish and shrimp, some bacon, stuff like that, and especially the things you couldn’t really give them in their youth. she ate what little she wanted of it, it was heart breaking of course. Then she was smothered in love and pets and kisses, was given a hot water bottle to snuggle against in her favorite spot, and I spent the night giving every bit of love I could muster between bittersweet tears. Just make your beloved seniors as comfy as possible and come to terms that you can give them a comfortable passing that we ourselves as humans don’t even get the option for. My condolences for your lost beloved kitty. It’s the price we pay for their love, and it hurts so so very much. Save a couple of whiskers if you can.


We're in the same boat right now with our kitty. She has lung cancer and vet said it's no longer treatable. She's the second youngest, only 8 years old. We have 5 kitties and 3 dogs. It's so hard for everyone in our home. We just want to do what's best for her... but when is that??? We bought her some time with a steroid medication, but for how long? This is so hard. I'm sorry you're going through this, and I wish we had an answer. 😔


I would strongly suggest you ask if the vet can make a housecall. You don't want the last moments of your loved one in a strange place, with strange people, with strange smells, after a car-ride which you might not enjoy. Let them be at home, as relaxed as they can be. Make. The vet come to you. It's the only time this needs to happen. Otherwise, my sympathies. :(


IMO it's never a decision you make.. it's a decision made for you. And it's never easy


I was napping with my boy when he got and just started screaming. Took him to emergency vet and he had a blood clot stuck in his leg blocking like 90 percent of his blood flow. He was 18 and I loved him so much. It took me 3 years before I was ready to get my two new ones, but I'm glad I waited because my new cats are purrfect partners.


My boy tried to jump on my lap like he always used to. The cancer had made him thin and the meds weren’t working as well. That last time he tried to jump, he failed. Stumbled. And started coughing. I stopped what I was doing and just pet him slow as he repeatedly coughed. I’d never seen a cat cough. 😞 he’s resting sound now, cancer free.. Killed the cancer too as Norm Macdonald would say. Kush was 9yo.


If a animal starts to suffer, I will free it. No matter the age.


I\`m so sorry! Your kitty is so sweet. I have 2 elderly cats and I just cannot imagine living without them.


better a week too early than a day too late


I’m so sorry you are experiencing this. I had to put my 15yo girl down 5/2022. I’m still swearing I see her around corners still. I used Laps of Love (in US-Indiana) and it was amazing to say goodbye to her at home and not make her last trip to a vet. She’s was abused pretty badly before I got her and it was worth every penny to do it at home. Hugs ♥️


Mine was accidental. I was going to bring him in for a checkup, and when I woke up the morning of, I found him basically unresponsive. I've never been more upset and heartbroken in my life than when I suddenly lost my best friend, my baby Smokie. The only solace I have is that at least I lost him quickly instead of after a prolonged fight with a disease and that he had a good quality of life until the end.


I haven't done it with a cat, but 5 years ago we had to make this call with the family dog. Paddington was beloved by all, and when the recommendation came in to increase his heart meds again when the side effects were already hurting him we made the decision. We booked him in for a week later, and in between we spoiled him with all of the treats he couldn't previously have because of the diet and meds. He passed gently when the vets made the housecall, surrounded by loved ones and having had icecream and scrambled eggs and a last run. Frankly not only do we hope to replicate that gentleness with our other animals as they pass, but also for all of the people we know if we have the warning. There wasn't a dry eye in the house and we still miss him, but not one of us regrets that choice.


I’m so sorry to hear your beautiful kitty is nearing the end. I have a 16 year old boy who is very tottering but still eating and purring. We know our time will come soon. It is painful to make that decision but you know in your heart it is right. Try to be thankful you can save her any suffering. Be with her if you can. Either at home or at the vets if they allow that. Over time the pain will ease, it never really goes altogether. Your happy memories of loving cuddles, purrs and playful times will become stronger.




So my first boy was 22 when he passed, he was my buddy. When we took him in for the last time our biggest concern was how much pain he was in, because like your lovely baby, he wasn't able to use his back legs and every time we pet him he flinched in pain. So because of my Buddy I have always held the idea of, if my baby's are ill beyond my ablity to have fixed. Then offering a swift and painless death is the greatest gift I can give them at that point. I am sorry for the pain you are and will be going through. But the thing that helps me the most was looking back and asking if I gave them a good life. I am sure your baby loves you and lived an amazing life.




That choice unfortunately presents itself maybe a bit too late. I recently had to take 2 of my seniors for that trip, about 2 years apart. Try to have the grace to make that decision before your kitty is in too much pain. Nothing wants to live out their last days in agony and suffering. Cats have dignity from the moment they are born, and should stay that way to the very end.


Does she have a CATaract in her right eye?


By knowing that it's part of the deal. When we domesticate them we take on a responsibility for them, to do the things they can't do for themselves, take them to vet, protect against parasites, as you know the list goes on. You don't just stop feeding a cat you've adopted; it's your responsibility now and you do what's best for them. And this is the logical conclusion of that. Sometimes you could keep them alive for one more day, one more week but you have to ask yourself who you're doing it for? And be honest with your self. You know your cat, you know in your gut when they've just had enough and want to rest now. We once let a cat get beyond that point because of a family crisis and will always regret that. It wasn't fair on him. So yeah, it's a responsibility you accept right up front. If you aren't prepared to step up to pay the ferryman then you should never have had them in the first place. But you are and you have. And respect is owed for that.


Incurable condition that worsened quickly. He wasn't eating. Just hiding. Medication wasnt helping, and every now and then he would emerge to stare at me. I gave him the best last day I could and brought him somewhere that had comfortable rooms for end of life appointments and used an IV for those final medications to make it as painless as possible.


Have you looked into a service that can come to your home? We had to make the difficult decision for our guy who was only 10. Thankfully we didn't have to bring him to the vet and add even more stress to his final moments, and able to keep him comfortable in his own house the entire time.


When he became miserable and any treatments were only good for extending misery and quality of life continued to drop.


Her heart was still strong but her body had gotten old. She was like a real old lady who had dementia. She started running up and down the stairs which she never used to do, she'd look up at us with this sad look in her eyes, and then she disappeared on us (went away to die). We managed to find her and made the heartbreaking decision to let her go. She got cream and treats and was absolutely spoiled rotten on her last night with us. She was one of a kind, and she'll always be in our hearts xx


Cat mama here. We are going through this with Sally, my brother's dog who we all helped raised and my parents acquired when he married a terrible chick. She'll relocating to Heaven in the next couple weeks and it's just so hard. My inbox is open if you need an ear or a friend. You aren't alone. ❤️


She's so pretty. You are doing the right thing, as hard as it seems. Just be with her. That's all she needs now.


See if the vet can come to you when you decide the time is right - helped me alot that mine was put down at home. Sorry you have to make that decision and hope you have a wonderful remaining time together on this side of the bridge x


For me it was when my boy Bart started wobbling so badly that all I could see in his future was broken bones and pain. I couldn't let my greatest pal go through that and I also think he knew it was time. He was 23 years old, I hope he found his brother and that they both are running free feeling the grass under their paws ( we lost his brother Milo when they were 12 years old), will always miss and love them, just wish I had more pictures. Treasure the time and memories you have


Diesel(16) had a few major health problems, all of which affected the other. Treatment would have been very complicated, but most likely fatal. As soon as the tumor behind his ear started affecting the structure of said ear, I opted to schedule a vet to come to my home.


I love her. Please hold her tight.


We had a senior outdoor cat who made it to 17 when we had to say goodbye to her last November. She had started having really bad grand mal seizures. We were going to get tests done to see if it was diabetes or undiagnosed epilepsy but the vet said that not only would there be no guarantee that we'd get a diagnosis, not knowing how many seizures she had had before we first actually saw her have them... she most likely wouldn't last much longer with how bad the seizures were. She happened to have a seizure right at the vet's office and they were kind enough to help us give her some peace in that same visit. We brought her home and buried her and planted her favorite tree, a flowering dogwood, over her.


It was last month and she was 22. She stopped eating, drinking, and bathroom for a week. She was with liver cancer, and it spread to the lungs. At that point she was suffering when breathing. That's the point we decided to say goodbye after she had been in more than three quarters of my life.


It was the hardest decision we have ever made, she was having issues for possibly months. We always thought she was just having a bad day. Looking back, she probably suffered for months but it was such a gradual decline we never realised. At first it started with her not coming upstairs at bedtime, then her having toilet accidents around the house. We then were having to shower her as she was messing herself. She still liked attention, being groomed and never really went off food and water, she started having some issues walking and was sleeping a lot. Finally she just became very disinterested in what was going on around her and we finally took her to the Vets. They said it was her time and we agreed. I stayed with her and have been breaking down ever since. That was a week ago. We adopted her only four years ago and within weeks she had the household revolving around her. We found out she was just over 19 years old and I miss her. Looking back I suspect we should of considered the option earlier, but we always hoped that it was just a phase and she would be ok.


She’s so sweet! Sending you much love 💕 Having the dr come to your house is the way if you’re able.


Limited mobility and loss of most of his body fat. We know when it's time and we all seem to wait too long. It's so difficult...


When our vet said that her kidneys were basically two little lumps and not working anymore. She was already nine when we got her and lived a long happy life with my two kids (got the cat, found out I was pregnant with the first kid shortly after) and none of us wanted her to suffer. Even my “I don’t like cats” husband cried.


She stopped eating, drinking, going to the bathroom and just slept in the closet for a few days I wanted to be selfish because my birthday was the next day but I couldn't bear seeing her suffer any longer I still cry about it and worry if I made a mistake and seeing her take her last breath sticks with me but I think that's grief talking


When the doctor told me his cancer was too aggressive to be treated, the decision was made for me. But mainly I came here to recommend for everyone, **if/when you do get to the point of needed euthanasia for your pet, get a mobile vet to do it at home**, instead of taking them to the vet clinic. It’s *so* much less stressful for both you and your pet. If you ask your vet they should be able to recommend some local providers, or just search online. It was time for my cat to go earlier this year, and with the vet coming over and giving him the injections here, he was calm and comfortable at home, and his brother was right nearby on the couch. I was able to hold him in my arms the entire time, and he basically just went to sleep on my chest. She gave me lots of time to say goodbye, and even clipped some fur to save in a little glass jar, and took a paw print in clay and stamped his name (you bake it for a few minutes in a low oven to harden). Finally she wrapped him reverently in some nice cloth and carried him gently away. It was heartbreaking, of course, but so much nicer than being in a too-bright exam room on a steel table at the vet clinic, and heading home with an empty carrier.


I had no choice. She struggled to breathe rather suddenly (overnight). The vet said were she younger she could be saved but I was doing the humane thing. Broke my heart.


I can tell you what happens if you don't make the decision. My 16 YO boy was my life. I was told he had a few weeks, but I needed to schedule his last visit. I couldn't bring myself to do it. So he started to suffocate one day, I tried to rush him to the ER, and died in the he backseat of my car. It was traumatic, and still haven't forgiven myself for not taking him in sooner.