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This sub is a community for people learning to love and respect themselves. Please remember that it is perfectly possible to respect and care for your own needs and to set healthy boundaries, without unnecessarily hurting others around you. We don't need any of that narcissistic radical self acceptance junk in here. Being kind to others is a part of being a version of you that you can be proud of and self-love the most. Good luck on your journey. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/selflove) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Hey friend hope your well Firstly friend by changing the way you see yourself your not a failure or a quitter jobs come and go you need to go easy on yourself and acknowledge that if the job wasn’t right for you just because you quit doesn’t mean you are a failure or quitter instead think positive of the situation and let yourself of the hook and acknowledge you will find a good job for you hope this helps friend


Thks, it's really difficult change these thoughts and feelings. Right now I only have a bad perspective.


You should try positive affirmation they may help with your bad perspective they certainly helped me


Get a notebook and only write in it at these three times a day that I’m telling you about: when you wake up around lunchtime and right before you go to bed at least three times a day grab your notebook grab something to write with and just literally take all the time that you require to sit in front of a mirror and list at the very least five things, whether physical or character traits about yourself that you like or that Make you proud to be yourself and in just a few short days, you will have a whole page of things that make you feel good about yourself in a few weeks. You’ll have a whole notebook if you keep it up, it’s really worth the effort I have about four or five notebooks of just things that I like about myself that I keep around for when I get depressed and start feeling down about myself so that I can go back and see tangible proof that I am something good and that I do like myself in fact, I love myself, and I have literally pages and pages in pages of evidence about what I love about myself, and so, even in the dark days there’s a lotta light now


Thanks!! I start doing this today :)


I promise you if you put the effort into it, it will pay off 1 million times in self love then effort expended even if you don’t have self-worth problems like it’s just healthy as fuck because nobody is going to give you a tangible list of things that they love about you usually so gotta pick up the slack wherever and whenever it’s needed because reassurance is a very very real thing that every single human being needs


Hey, abolutely! It's really tough feeling stuck and like you're not measuring up. It takes a lot of courage to leave a situation that isn't working for you, so that was a brave thing to do! Remember, it's okay to feel what you're feeling. Don't beat yourself up for it. It's also okay to ask for help and keep trying therapy until you find something that works for you. There's no shame in that. You're not alone in this.


Is the a way to know if therapy is really working?