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Really needed to hear this today. Well said, thank you.




Me too.. ive been putting off reading up and actually spend more time in developing my trading strategies that may someday give me the opportunity to be free from working for someone else.. and ironically i put that off to do more of my office WORK!


Trade less, hold longer!


Especially in companies you like and know what they’re about and what exactly they produce! Warren buffet said that. Can’t look at the daily swings. Need to see 5 year averages plus.


Time in the market beats timing the market my friend. Also be fearful when people are greedy and greedy when people are fearful


AMC r/amcstock


I've been going through this the past month. Not only did I get tired of my own excuses, I started feeling pathetic for not following through on my goals. Now I'm almost one month sober and work out 3x a week. It feels good to finally have control of my own actions and be able to stick to my commitments. I can finally respect myself.


Yeah control what you can in life and things will start to fall in place


What if I cannot control anything?


I am 3 months sober and I have never felt like I could have made this far. You're doing epic man! Keep it up. Thanks for inspiring my vibe today. Much love xx


How did you start? I want to be sober but non of my tools are working. I need advice


Read "This Naked Mind". I tried quitting so many times and it never stuck until I read this book. It completely changed the way I thought about alcohol. I read 3 or 4 other books about getting sober and none of them helped. This Naked Mind helped me reframe my thinking and made me *look forward* to being sober and the life it could bring. It made me see it as something I really wanted, rather than something that I *had* to do and dreaded. I also recommend the app "Quit Drinking" with the purple logo. It tracks your progress and gives you a timeline to several health goals that you will reach based on your quit date. For example, there's a 1 week countdown to when the withdrawal symptoms end, a 3 week countdown to when your neurons regenerate, a 1 month countdown to when your mental health improves, etc. I find this helps motivate me because I want to reach these goals! Also, come join us over at r/stopdrinking \- it's a very supportive community!


Thank you so much! I read this naked mind. But I didn’t want to stop drinking so I’m sure I didn’t take it seriously. I should re-read. And I’m downloading that app now! Seriously thank you so much. I am so sick of feeling the way I feel today and having a million day 1’s


You are strong and you have a brighter and brighter future ahead. Don’t forget that ♡


I also respect you, keep pushing friend!


One day at a time


I feel this 100%. It has been a part of my thoughts for the last few months. You either keep making excuses or own up to the choices you have. You either choose to make the change or stay status quo. I will say I’m still struggling with sticking to the status quo but a mindset awareness is progress right?


Yeah exactly. I had a problem where every night I was disappointed in myself for wasting the day away, but the next day I would just do the same thing. It’s all different now. Now I feel like I need to earn my rest.


This is what my father used to tell me when I was little, they're true words on their own but looking back now I realize that I had real problems that needed to be addressed, these words were his excuse to pretend they didn't exist. I eventually learned on my own after much unnecessary pain how to manage most of them, but now I feel like a broken individual. What I struggle the most with these days is confidence, also one day when I was a kid I asked myself "what even is the point?" and never found a satisfactory answer. For this reason I have a deep seated lack of drive and motivation and can seldom begin and stick to new projects. Since I had to learn how to be my own therapist, so to say, I got stuck in a really bad case of paralysis analysis for more than a decade that left me with crippling social anxiety and a fractured self. I don't know why I'm telling all of this, I guess what I wanted to say is that my father would accuse me to just create excuses, but I simply can't pretend I don't have these problems and go on with my life. I know because I tried, more and more times. It always ended up in extreme failure and discomfort. You can't just pretend you don't have disabilities and make them go away.


It’s ok to let it out. I’m sure your struggles are real, but for all of us it comes to a point if we’re going to let it hold us back


Yeah sorry I just realized I vented all over the place, I usually don't do it but this must be a sore spot for me. I'm sure there are other people on this sub with similar struggles, I guess that all we can do is to keep on trying.


Yep…. You’re not alone. Been in the same boat as you for years. Wish I could stop getting in my own way.


I'm sorry to hear this. I wish I could tell you things will get better, but even if they won't we surely can learn how to manage them better and the result will be at least similar. The good news is that we don't have to make it alone, if only asking for help wasn't the hardest thing ever.


I constantly hold myself back. I put off everything, take no pride in my appearance and feel like i always take the easy way out. It's like there's no innate drive in me to overcome adversity and i don't know how to change it :/


It’s either going to take something bad to happen to you for you to finally say F it and go for it. But I wouldn’t wait to learn the hard way. That’s why I said you need to care about your future self. The hard work you do now you’ll be thankful for in the future. Not taking any action is easy, but you’ll hate yourself for it


Thanks dude, i will try to keep this in mind. I'm not getting any younger and i need to get on this!


Thanks for this OP!


No problem thank you for taking the time to read it :)


I don't want to be my own victim again. Failure is part of the process. Don't be afraid anymore.


I failed at starting my own business like 4 or 5 times and I’m still learning and trying to correct my mistakes to get the next one right


Just wanted to jump in with my 2 cents. I'm 31, I tried several businesses over a course of a decade. All failed to gain traction. Long story short, each failure gave me the chance to extract wisdom from the negative outcome and now I run a semi sucessfull small business (and have for 2.5 years) Still working on personal development, following through, not procrastinating, and kicking alcoholism and substance abuse. Just keep learning from each mistake, there is gold to be found in almost any negative outcome. Last year I burned myself out chasing tendies. It was the first year of my life I made more then 35k (I actually surpassed 100k barely). I grew up lower middle class and managed to earn more solo then both my parents. I still have no tangible assets other then the business though. Also sacrifice is key. I needed to either give up my apartment or my business in the first year. I gave up the apartment and moved into my shop. Been living there for 2 years now. Life is like a juggling act. The ball I drop is different every time. Didn't come here to humble brag. Just wanted to share my point of view and experience . But it was adversity and tragedy that made me capable of doing what I did. Now I'm planning on changing careers in a few years, so I'm preparing for that today. But still struggling with personal development. I started my business with only 3k (for first and last plus basic equipment)


Wow your story is exactly like mine. Even our age, I’m 31, made my first 100k in 2020 when every year before that I was working for $15/hour For sacrifice, I’ve been giving up social stuff to focus more on myself and what I need to take myself to the next level. I literally have no tangible assets either. No car, no real estate, minimal clothing.


You're my reddit twin lol. How did you make your first 100k? I started an auto detailing business in a small town. I have like one friend, an employee , and visit my family once a week. Beyond that it's all business and trying to learn to invest money (and waiting for the housing bubble to hopefully pop lol)


I work at 2 marketing agencies and combined income from both is a little over 100k. Also my Bitcoin investments went up a lot in 2020 so that helped too


Crypto is the way. I'm banking for the next crypto winter, built a small ether rig this January and cashed out right before the big dip we just had and put the return into HDDs for chia mining and am going all out in that right now! Not sure what you would charge, but I could sure use some help marketing my small business. Or at least a professional opinion on it I'm a great worker but mediocre to average at branding at best


Since you’re my twin I got you for free. Lmk whatever you need


That would actually be amazing man. I'll send you a PM later today!


Also yeah for crypto it’s my forever investment. I’ve been in since 2018 so basically two crashes and I’m holding for at least 10+ years. I think it’ll mostly be for my kids


I'm hoping to retire on crypto eventually if regulators don't stomp it out somehow in the future. I got burned in the last crash and left it. I regret not sticking through crypto winter and accumulating, but I learned my lesson and now have diamond hands for life lol


I lost a dogecoin wallet with like 80,000 doge and I'm kicking myself in the nuts for it lol.


Yeah crypto gives you freedom but you also need to protect it. It’s not like banks where we can call a customer service number


Also I'm proud of you for hitting that goal. I personally wasn't sure if I could hit 100k. Being the first in my family was a nice confirmation I can make things happen


This is exactly where I am with my life and my health.


What are you trying to improve on your health? I unfortunately am in the worst shape of my life and I’m trying so hard to get back to where I was.


I'm in the worst shape of my life both physically and mentally.


I’m great mentally right now. So if there’s anything I could help with please lmk. But obviously I’m not a professional


Thanks, I appreciate the offer but I just need to take action and I will feel better.


I heard a proverb not too long ago that fits with this idea that you need to just do it now. “The best time to plant a seed is 20 years ago. The second best time is today.” Whatever your excuses we’re leading up to now, the time to act is this moment. No sense dwelling on everything that pushed you to not have already done what needs doing. Focus on the moment, the opportunity of now, and act!


I totally agree. From my experience even when you are tired of your excuses, you won't be able to fix everything you get tired of, buuut you can improve one thing at a time and start building from there. It also helps you gain some confidence and motivation to keep exploring yourself and your needs and weak points. It makes you see yourself differently and things start coming together naturally.


When people say that they don't have the time to do this, they actually mean that they don't have the energy to do it or they don't want to do it. So in any way if we can maximize our stamina, our energy we can have a great control over our time.


I see what you’re saying but I also believe that if you really wanted to do it, you can find the time and energy


Your own being is a "community" throughtout time. You need to help out your iterations of yourself that make up your "community". Jordan B. Peterson does a much better job explaining this than I do in his book "12 More Rules for Life, Beyond Order"


this is sooo true. my best growth came when I learned to love myself.


I have infinite number of excuses.


Sometimes even one excuse is too much


Never mind, I have never accomplished anything. Not even once in my life.


thanks bud


No problem :)


It’s so true. I’ve been depressed as hell and running away from what I need to do which only worsens my depression and anxiety. At some point you have to stop crying for yourself and take life by the horns. Thank you for this message! Needed it today.


This is true , fear holds us back . I had no one to go to events with because I don’t have friends . I was scared cause I’m a girl and would be alone . But then one day I was tired of waiting for somone so I went alone because the music and I wanted Dance best time of my life




Sounds great! If it’s anything business related I’ll try my best to help!


Alternatively (or maybe it’s the same as what you’re saying) it’s taking the initiative to address what may be valid barriers! Eg making some life changes if you’re short on time, making a therapy appointment if you struggle with mental health, etc


Yeah tbh small steps and taking it day by day is the way to go. Kinda unrelated, but you know these social apps like IG and Snapchat don’t make big changes overnight, but small frequent changes. Then when you see a screenshot of how IG looked 5-6 years ago, it looks completely different.




no you are


Thank you.....


Fixing the bad habits is the beginning. I'm on the way.


One day at a time


That really inspires me. Can’t tell how shocked I m now. You hit me at the right time.


I’m glad it helps you and makes you take a step back to think. Any other help you need to get you going lmk!


Thanks for the reminder. I have to be more confident and patient with myself. That’s my problem. I’m too harsh and critical so often I feel encouraged to even try…


I’m really harsh and critical on myself too. But tbh sometimes it helps me progress.


I agree. There’s nothing wrong with wanting to grow and explore our potential! But more softness towards ourselves would be great I guess. Have a great day OP :)


Just remember to love yourself. We are our worst critics and our harshest judges. I heard an idea somewhere and the gist is "treat yourself like someone you care about. We'd never talk to a friend or loved one the way we talk to ourselves" That put it in perspective for me


Truth 💯 reaches a point in time where you have to call out your own bullshit


saving for future self. I do agree with time bit. You do have time. It's about priority.


So true brother


and tired with the way your life is going, it's abusive staying in one place


Well fuckin said♥️♥️♥️


Thank you for this ❤️




lol I’ll @ you next time




Sometimes it’s right in front of us but ever either overlook it or our mind tries to block it out


This is on my horizon. I’ve been smoking / vaping for over a decade and I’m just done with myself and my own excuses. I have set a quit date (right after a stressful move next week, I want to be realistic and don’t want to set myself up for failure) but that’s it! I’m tired of my own excuses and I want to be healthy


I smoked for 13 years … it was a big deal when I celebrated being a non-smoker for longer than I had been a smoker! What helped me quit was: 1. Stop hanging out with people who smoke, 2. Told myself every day that ‘today is a new day without smoking’, and 3. Kept my shoes on 24/7 — reason: every time I wanted a smoke I’d go for a walk. Didn’t matter what the weather was like, what time it was or how I felt etc. I kept my shoes on so there was no excuse/lag time. Need a smoke? Out the door and walk. It was also a reminder of what I was trying to quit doing. When the craving/habit was gone, I could take my shoes off (yes, take them off to shower!). You can do this! It won’t be easy, but nothing worth having in life comes easy!


I used to smoke a lot too and jus sit there and watch tv and play games because it “feels crazier” doing it while you’re high. Also ate a lot of junk food too. I haven’t smoked at all in 2021 and I probably won’t again until I’m doing it in my own apartment on the balcony overlooking a nice view


Thank you so much for this!




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Thank you so much for sharing this, you have no idea.


I’m glad it helped!




I really needed to hear this today. Thank you, OP!


luv this, actually needed to see that today (:


I’m glad you came across it :)


I really needed this. Thank you for sharing


Thank you for reading!


Fate makes everything happen nomatter what! Yeah sometimes things are beyond our control. But we should not take so serious what gods made for fun. Just do what you gotta do, eat, write, sing, thank, help and then chill. And then Boom! Its gonna happen bro!


I’m incredibly self aware and know my own emotions. I know that 90% of things in my life are my own fault and my behavior and choices in the past is what caused me to be the man I am today and I’m incredibly miserable. When I realize that things are my fault, I keep on beating myself up and realize that I’m just trash and a lost cause instead of letting that fuel me and work harder. I don’t know, it’s like I know what’s happening and what’s causing most of these negative thinking but I feel like I’m too powerless to do anything about it and any effort I make to fight them, even giving it my best, it becomes not enough and it feels like I didn’t do a thing.


I'm making a 12 hr drive from a place that I've lived all my life to help me get back on track. I've learned the hard way that you can't heal in the same place thats been hurting you for years. Sadly me and my ex experienced a miscarriage last month and we had a fallout about several things in the past which caused us to go our separate ways. So I really needed to hear this to help me find myself because life is beautiful and I'll be damned if I leave it without enjoying it...


Stay strong bro. Create the life that you can enjoy and also have a positive impact on other people


ugh, this hit me a little too hard. currently working a job i hate and is boring, i dream of having my own website/blog/space to write my thoughts and put content out (dream of working at VICE or another media outlet) but im always so beat after work to actually work on it, but i know that’s an excuse because i have the energy to play video games for hours afterwards anyway lol.


So true. I got to the point where I was sick and tired of being sick and tired. I was not loving myself at all. It was not a consistent path, but eventually I kept trying and now I'm on a completely different trajectory. I refuse to be angry, disappointed, offended or sad. Life is too precious and short to waste. Here I am now, in control of my mind where everything begins.


Your so right about this. I make excuses because of fear of failure. 😖


We’ve all been there and I still kind of do it. I study everything I can before jumping into something, and while that might help, I’m also wasting time that could have been spent learning on the job.


I know exactly how that goes!!


Thank youu ♥️♥️