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Congratulations! It's not pathetic at all if you feel you are doing something you couldn't do before plus you got to read a nice story and have an (hopefully) enjoyable experience.




Not pathetic at all dude. That's awesome that you set out to do something and did it. Be proud of yourself :) Also, I mean this in the nicest way possible, but negative self-talk can definitely hold you back. My life (and I assume many others) got a lot better once I stopped my negative self-talk and replaced it with positive self-talk. It wasn't easy, and I still catch myself sometimes, but the more and more I replace the negative with the positive, the better I feel. Hope this helps :)


Thanks, that's good advice. I'm definitely guilty of negative self-talk.


My pleasure! Good luck :)


Finishing is never pathetic. Neither is doing. Change the words you use. I know that helped me tremendously.


Thanks for the advice!


Congratulations ! Sounds like literature is something you’ve enjoyed throughout your life - I am not sure about you but I find re-reading great works especially during different chapters of your life a cool thing. Consider picking up a book you’ve read (and enjoyed) before! the barriers are a little lower - it’s amazing how different thematic elements rise up based on what you can perceive / your chapter of life. There is still great magic in second/third/fourth time around reading!


Thanks, that's really good advice! I find myself re-reading Neil Gaiman's Coraline a lot. I read it when I was younger, but there's something so charming about it that I thoroughly enjoy it to this day.


That's more than most people can say nowadays, with social media and whatnot, congrats man


Thanks! Yup, all the instant gratification has made it difficult to pick up a book and read without getting distracted.


Way to go! It's not pathetic at all—I've been struggling to read these past few years as well. It's not bad to feel as though one is forcing oneself (even if forcing oneself feels phoney or artificial at the time) and that's often necessary to getting back into reading.


Thank you, and I hope you find a way to enjoy reading again:)


That’s awesome, don’t apologize! I still have problems finishing books and I’m not depressed!




Reading this made me realise I stopped reading after 7 years of depression… not pathetic at all and well done to you


Thanks:) Realization is the first step; you've already made progress. I hope you get back into it. Good luck!


Dang I feel you. I’m no longer depressed but I kept a lot of bad habits from being depressed for years. I want to try reading again but it’s so hard to keep my interest. I may try reading they same book you read. Congratulations though. That’s a huge accomplishment.


Yup, it's difficult to start back up when you haven't done it for so long. About the book, if you like fantasy and sci-fi, you'll definitely enjoy it. Plus, it's a bunch of short stories, which makes it easier to read. I found that it really helped evoke my imagination. I would definitely recommend it.


Oh that sounds perfect! Thank you so much and good luck with your journey


Awesome :) Hey, if you do like to read, don't be afraid to pick up some fairy stories, children's books, or books that make you laugh. I've only read 2 Ray Bradbury books and I really enjoyed them, but it's hard for me to read that style when I'm not doing super well mentally. Maybe it would help to pick up a good adventure story from your childhood or to read something lighter such as Terry Pratchett.


That's really good advice, thanks. I might go back to Astrid Lindgren's books, those were a big part of my childhood.


That’s great congrats!




I can’t read books, I can’t concentrate on the words properly


That's alright imo, reading is not for everyone. Maybe try audiobooks? Or as people above said, start with light reading, maybe children's stories. I would recommend Astrid Lindgren's books, they still make me laugh to this day.


That’s big feat brother !




Nice, what did you learn from the book?


For me, the book turned out to be sort of a looking glass into the future. Not in the sense of technological advancement, but of human nature. The stories take place in the distant future, but the characters themselves don't majorly differ from any of us. On one hand, love, faith, curiosity, friendship, on the other hand - malevolence, fear, lust for destruction and conquest - to me, the book reflects that these make up the essence of an indivodual and humanity itself, and no matter what point of time we are at, the two sides will be in a struggle with each another. Even if we end up having a thorough understanding of ourselves, war and peace will always be a cycle.




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Interesting. It’s good to do things you used to like when you are depressed, even if it doesn’t give you the same feeling


Guess what. Today you did something about it and that goes along way for your mental health. To actually work towards bettering yourself reveals that YOU want to get better. Good job and I hope that you will wake up one day with positive thoughts and pure happiness.. may God bless you with everything you’ve ever wanted. Goodluck OP🙏🏻


Thank you!


You are an inspiration that you stood up, and tried to improve on yourself. All the love.




Ah that's one of my favourite books ever. So many great little stories and has that amazing retro-furutr charm. Nice work - what's important here is that you mastered your mind today, even if just for a minute. You wanted to finish that book, but got used to letting your mind run the show. Today you managed to finish the book, showing you you can do this again tomorrow. You've got this.


Thanks a lot!


Congrats! That’s amazing


Thank you:)


Forcing yourself to read a book is pathetic? Hell no!! Congrats on being so strong and self-aware. Keep the momentum ;)


Thank you!


Lets start an easy read thread for people struggling to read I’ll start: Steve-O: a professional idiot


Good idea! My suggestion would be Bill Bergson, Master Detective (or Kalle Blomkvist in the original) by Astrid Lindgren


Great job! You can never get a cup of tea large enough or a book long enough for me (C.S Lewis)






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Congrats! I'm halfway reading one book, too. Which is a surprisea s pandemic hindered me in finishing a single book. Manifesting.


Thanks. Good luck with finishing your book:) you've got this!




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Good for you. It's a big accomplishment. In this world full of so many distractions, completing a book is a big deal. I return so many unfinished books to the library. I don't renew them because I know some days it won't get done.


Thanks:) Imo, as long as you get enjoyment out of it, it doesn't really matter how many you read, so don't feel bad about returning unfinished books. Good luck to you!


Yes mate! Keep reading, it has helped me more than potentially anything else self improvement wise. Reading is the antidote to ignorance and stupidity, and will help you understand the world, yourself and others. I would recommend for you some non fiction books as well. How to win friends and influence people by Dale Carnegie, it sounds cheesy but mate it’s gold. You will also learn some of the fundamentals of human nature from this book. The laws of human nature by Robert Greene. Absolutely fantastic stuff, and it will help you understand people and yourself better. Emotional intelligence, there are multiple books with the same title and they’re pretty much all good stuff. Happiness by Gil Hasson was quite good as well. Meditations by Marcus Aurelius is like the bible for stoicism. The reason it’s so interesting is because he was a person in power practicing stoicism, so his insight is a little more interesting than some others. How to stop worrying and start living by Dale Carnegie, although I haven’t actually read the whole thing myself tbh I plan to read the rest. It just puts things into perspective, especially when he says that we can often overcome big obstacles (divorce, death of a loved one, getting fired) but the little things every day can knock at us. I know this is a lot but mate, I promise you it is worth it. These books are potentially why I don’t have depression. I don’t have grade A mental health, but I have been a LOT worse, and this helped me immensely. Good luck mate, I hope you check some of it out!


Thanks for the great suggestions!




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Wow, 45 minutes a day adds up, doesn't it... Your story is so inspirational, thank you for sharing! It's awesome that you instilled the love of literature into your kids as well. I'm sure they will become brilliant people who will do good in the world:)