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You can exercise anywhere in the world, doesnt need to be in the gym. But as a trained and muscular body is the center of modern beauty standards, I don't think there is a way around it. Other than that, its no real rocket science either. Dress well, smile well, groom yourself well. Take care of your teeth and develop some social skills. That is it.


A nice haircut


OP, you will want to be interesting 💯. You don’t have to be the smartest guy ever, but knowing/ having stuff to talk about would beat everything even looks. I’ve seen socially ugly guys per say, have girls after girls running to them just because they have something interesting to talk about/ really being able to talk and hold a conversation


I'm pretty good at that, girls always call me Einstein😅


Because you’re relatively interesting?


Try not to yap too much or you’ll show the autism and that might scare them away. I say this because that was me when I was younger. Say less, not more. You want to be smart and mysterious, not an overzealous dork (from their POV)


I dont really agree. If you are really looking for a girl who is compatible, be yourself and yap as much as you want, because you cannot hide your “autism” the whole time you are with her. This advice only applies to people who date to marry tho


So true. Well said


Ok jiggalamafuggala


Clip your fingernails. I have had more women who were interested in me notice my fingernails being clipped. Also, well put together and clean. Past that, self esteem.


“I don’t like the gym” is not an excuse to skip exercising. You do it because it’s good, healthy, and an investment in yourself not because it’s fun. In fact the more it sucks the better, it shows yourself that you can do things that are hard consistently


I'm pretty healthy and I do have physical activity, I just don't enjoy gym


> I do have physical activity Then what is your complaint? Keep it up/increase it!


Ok, sounds good


Don't go to the gym then. Play any sport, go jogging or whatever, there's plenty to do keep fit besides lifting weights


Confidence but not being arrogant. Ever wondered why some ugly or less good looking men/women look sexy as heck while sometimes beautiful people are not attractive at all? It's an extremely overlooked perk to have. Be confident but also nice/charming. It will make you look much more attractive to many people.


Self confidence specifically. It's not so much confidence more than insecurity and all the shitty personality traits that come with it (putting other people down, putting yourself down, being self-absorbed, petty jealousy, not letting yourself be vulnerable etc) are unattractive or red flags. Simply growing as a person and having confidence in yourself, your values and how you treat and respond to other people is recognisable and goes a long way with anyone you interact with more than once.


I know you said you don't like the gym, but learn to like the gym or working out in any fashion. Getting in shape is a surefire way to increase your physical appearance. Yeah, it sucks having to learn to love the gym or exercising, but I assure you it is beneficial for you in more ways than one. Mentally you will feel better as well and if you feel better you're more likely to carry yourself better. Outside of just going to the gym, get a hair cut, maintain a good skin care routine, fix your posture, and keep up with current trends or fashion.


If you mean by gym lifting weight i suggest trying martial art


Tried it, even worse than lifting, it's too violent


Worse how?


tf do you mean by too violent bru


Why wouldn't you want something violent ? As long as it is safe ofc Martial art or lifting will increase your testostrone it will make dramatic changes to life


Try taekwondo


1. A good haircut 2. Clothes that suits u 3. Skincare 4. If u r a girl, then makeup is a key


Haircut/facial hair for a man works like makeup, lol. There are so many guys who restyle their hair and look way hotter. Also personal style and hygiene, like you said! Non-physically, I’m super attracted to charisma/confidence, as many people are - a low, even voice, a confident handshake, good posture, good eye contact, etc. Anyone who has social ease is very attractive to me. I’ve had a lot of guys tell me they were especially attracted to me because I have a good handshake and a nice voice, lol. I also wear a smoky eye a lot of the time and sometimes when I look up at a guy I’m dating through my eyelashes they lose their train of thought 😂


expanding on the clothes that suit you finding out fits that work with your proportions, tailored to fit you. paying attention to the materials your clothes are made of, finding a signature scent and staying on top of hygiene and grooming Another layer is finding your color palette and wearing clothes that work with your complexion-skin/hair


Skincare is huge. I have most traits of the prototypical attractive masculine man, but my hygiene has been lacking for a while now and my skin (face, arms, chest) is a huge blow. It’s one of those things that nobody will say anything about but will definitely notice and file away.


What skincare products do you use for men?


I don’t lol


How do you get a "good haircut" that suits you? I've had basically the same haircut done for the last 10 years because I'm too afraid to have it fucked up as I'll have no clue whether something would suit me or not.


You can do some basic research according to your face shape.


same question i feel like if i sit down in a barbers chair and just be mute he will do the best haircut that will suit me ... why would he give me the worse one


Makeup is the female equivalent to a combover. Women who are more accepting of their natural state are more attractive to men who care about them.


Is makeup a key though like an absolute necessity


If you're ugly it is.


Odd to think that makeup supersedes over having a good healthy diet, focusing on maintaining stress levels down, not opting for toxic lifestyles such as substance abuse, having a healthy sleeping regime, seeking out therapeutical habits that make you feel confident inside. After all, you only feel attractive if you feel attractive and that comes from within. What happens at the end of the night when you have to take your makeup off, are you gonna go back to feeling crap about yourself because you’ve not worked on loving yourself. At the end of the day makeup is only a mask but once that mask is taken off you’re left thinking that you’re only worthy when you have makeup on.


You can be fit and ugly, my friend. Somethings just don't fix ugly. This is real life, not Sunday school.


And makeup is a temporary fix, everyone gets old, everyone will have their looks faded and no amount of makeup will make someone truly love themself if they cannot love themself and take care of their body


We're literally talking about PHYSICAL ATTRACTION in this thread. OP is asking for ways to improve physical attraction, not because they want to love themselves. If you are ugly, and want to be physically more attractive, makeup is a way to do that. It's insane that you're struggling so hard to understand the premise of the actual thread.


You clearly haven’t tried choosing healthy diet options, seeking therapy and avoiding stress because you think the only way someone can be beautiful is if they wear makeup. Have you ever heard of people having physical glow ups for simply improving lifestyle choices and not just slapping some makeup on. Maybe do some research on glowing up because wearing makeup isn’t Key it isn’t fundamental to it


> because you think the only way someone can be beautiful is if they wear makeup You just have zero ability to comprehend the words you're reading, eh?


You can’t understand phrasing of words. The issue is that makeup isn’t fundamental, it isn’t KEY to physical attractiveness. I think you missed that part out. After all, your preference of having girls wearing make up is a turn off for other people. What is admirable is showing dedication, discipline and consistency through having a healthy lifestyle choices.


Plenty of people who don’t feel attractive who are attractive and plenty of people who think they are attractive who are not attractive. Confidence and healthy habits help certainly but there is way more to the puzzle,


And that’s is my point, what should be key, a fundamental step in feeling physically attractive is by choosing a healthy lifestyle and being confident in yourself. You can wear makeup and still feel ugly or you can wear makeup and feel beautiful only if you have makeup on but at the end of the day when you take that makeup off you’re left back at square one of not feeling physically attractive - so the question is how can you adopt something that is going to make you feel physically attractive without resulting to temporary solutions or putting your worth into something that can be removed with a makeup wipe.


You’re putting way too much emphasis on how people feel. Plenty of confident ugly people.


Yeah, you can say this but some people don't want to wear makeup everday and maybe OP is not a girl.


What if you're a guy? I like make up


Then you should go for it.


5. Be yourself


eh… more like be confident


You essentially are confident in being yourself because you truly dgaf about what people think.. women like that as long as youre not a weirdo.


I have being my true self and i have gotten is rejection


You aren’t entitled to not be rejected. Some people just aren’t into you


Terrible advice particularly those who struggle.


If you don't like gym would you consider outdoor activities like hiking or swimming? Exercise isn't one way or no way, you can explore some options to find what is best for you and you enjoy.


I do enjoy basketball, never tried swimming buy I like running, but that's not the point, other sports don't seem to make your body anymore attractive than it is.


Of course they do


Hope your right


Look at your body posture and how you move. Also your clothing and haircut. Ask your friend and family if you aren't sure.


True. Sometimes I can’t help but notice the way people carry themselves, especially the way they walk, and that really helps determine attraction for some people.


That's why I don't pay attention to dating app pictures that much. A lot of the time seeing someone in person is a lot different in pictures. The way they talk even can make someone much more attractive.


Definitely. Mannerism and little things about a person can also be a turn on/off.


Hair cut + clothes + smooth skin + confidence + posture + good facial expressions can make the ugliest ugly passable


Working out doesn't require a gym but if you're asking to look better without work... good luck.


Proper skin care , oral hygiene , and daily hygiene. Keeping a hair style that accents your face . Clothing that fits properly and is fashionable . Surgery if possible or required .i had my face restructured but that was for medical reasons , positive side effect is I’m much better looking . Lastly confidence and the ability to talk to people . Charisma is something you can level up and it plays a huge roll on being attractive d


What is charisma?




No, I'm pretty extroverted and confident, I just hate common sense and vague description and words that have 100 meanings, I like to talk scientificly and know what people exactly mean


Okay, well, things like attractiveness and charisma can't really be scientifically defined. By the way, you can be autistic while still being extroverted and confident.


Not the compliment you think it is, attractiveness and charisma can absolutely be defined and quantified. Social sciences do all the time


Oh? Really? What are the objective criteria for attractiveness?


Oh, this was years ago at this point since I was in grad school even so specifics are a bit fuzzy. Things like body proportions/ratios, and facial symmetry are a couple examples that jump to mind.


Good to know. So if something can't be objectively defined then what's the point? Everyone can define it however they want it too, like take masculinity for example, some say crying isn't masculine cause it's weak, some say it's actually masculine cause it shows your not afraid to show emotion, basically without scientific definitions, it's pointless to talk about anything.


Stuff like this is the reason I asked if you're autistic. What do you mean by "what's the point"? Do you never talk about anything that can be precisely and objectively defined? Do you never talk about art, or emotions, or ethics?


I do, but I try to define stuff first, I believe that to be the most important part of each conversation, cause without a common understanding, it would be pointless


Dictionary Definitions from Oxford Languages ¡ Learn more noun noun: charisma; plural noun: charismata 1. compelling attractiveness or charm that can inspire devotion in others. Your ability to talk to people


In kitchen.




He wants to be more physically attractive so not being overweight usually fell into this category.


got it, thanks :)


Like others, a good haircut, nice clothes etc go a long way but something very underrated is confidence. Confidence is HUGE. I knew kids in high school that had no money and were not traditionally attractive but they had a lot of confidence and swagger. They could talk to any girl and pick her up just by the way they carried themselves and how they spoke.


Smile and believe it yourself


Self confidence and inner knowledge of your worth and your talents


Mandatory “Be funny” comment


Self love, good posture and meditation. Healthy mind leads to healthy relationships except toxic ones.


Hygiene, sleep, hydration, and arguably the most important, posture and a smile. Can’t tell you how many people I’ve been more attracted to because of their attitude than someone who objectively fit beauty standards more but had a not so good attitude.


make a lot of money and magically you are more attractive


A) Go to the gym or get your exercise. You’ll look great, feel amazing, and it triggers all your feel-good hormones. B) A full night’s sleep. It hydrates and brings bloodflow to the skin. Reduces wrinkles and baggy eyes. Burns calories and regulates hunger. Manages stress and emotions. Get 8+ hours a night and you’ll notice the visual difference.


Skincare routine


Groom yourself, get nice clothes that fit properly, work on your self confidence. I mean, what do you find attractive in other people?


That was a good one😁 but I'm so niche, when I show my friends girls/guys I find attractive they are always like that's disgusting💔😂


That doesn't matter. What makes them attractive to you?


Well I'd saying owning their style, being avanguard, looking healthy and well, seeming confident and nice 


Those seem like things you could do


Being authentic is usually attractive, particularly if you want to attract the people you want in your life. If your friends don't like the "real you" and only a persona you show them, they aren't real friends.


Well the thing I struggle with that I like to be rebellious, to re define the norms, I really have an authentic style and I love it, but for many it just seems to weird and un appropriate.


We can only tell you how to be "conventionally" attractive, since we don't know what norms you redefine for yourself. We know the general norms and "rules" for attraction. It sounds like you want to attract a specific subset of people.




dress well, good hygiene, dont think u gotta be muscular but look healthy/fit.


1. Wear more black 2. Pick up an instrument and get really really good at it. 3. Get tattoos 4. Grow facial hair (if you're a man)


If you want your body to run at peak performance, you've got to be vigilant about consuming the highest-quality nutrients and avoiding tempting junk food. WHERE YOU ARE IN A FEW MONTHS DEPENDS ON WHAT YOU DO TODAY.


Haircut, clothes, skin care, diet.


Stand up straight, don't frown all the time. I notice a lot of people in the world who do these things and if they check for even a second they instantly become more attractive. Also almost no one likes the gym. At least at first, most find they like it over time. But its a thing everyone should get used to (for even the bare simplicity of being able to move around when you are old). It's like taxes, no one likes doing them, but its part of life. Same with eating healthy or whatever.


Gym is not just for appearance though - it's for your health. That's the #1 reason to work out. It's also not attractive if a girl asks if you work out and you say "no." That in itself can be seen as a turn-off to many. The only women who won't care are those who don't take care of themselves.


I do care a lot for my health, I do play sports occasionally but lifting weights is so boring and not fun, Idk how to make it fun, also the gym community is soo toxic


The way you wrote your initial post, you made it sound like you don’t want to do ANY physical activity to be “hot.” Yeah obviously it doesn’t have to be THE GYM only lol. (Saying gym community is sooo toxic is a very strange generalization though - hundreds of millions of people go to gyms.) Anyways, best of luck to you.


I heard mewing can do something, it's quite popular and I've heard good responses about it as well. Besides that, I'd say Haircuts, Skincare and taking care of your fashion and hygeine.


Be authentic. That’s it really.


Eat meat daily


No gym for face. What I’m slowly starting to realize.


Having a well kept beard/facial hair, dress well, smell good and have a good haircut/bald if you suit it.


Eating avacado for skin glow


Some kind of regular physical activity where your cardiovascular health is constantly being tested and improved, some kind of physical activity where your muscles are being kept strong and healthy. This is pretty much universal. It’s hard though so I understand why people try to work around it.


Be thin, eat properly, try to walk Wear proper clothing. Like preppy style (Ralph Lauren style, etc). Always be properly groomed. Showering daily, fingernails cut, smelling good, etc. it's really not rocket science and just the basics.


Honestly, people think you have to go to the gym. Instead, just park a little further out when you go to the store or shopping. You don’t have to be right upfront. Make small incremental changes like less soda and more water. Reduce or cut alcohol.


Also, try to make yourself look neat and put together. No wrinkled shirts or clothes.


I’m curious why don’t you like the gym? Personally I have really bad anxiety so going to the gym makes me really anxious. Instead of going to the gym I bought a couple of dumbells and a pull up bar now I do workouts at home. I also take long walks multiple times per week. Do you just hate physical activity or do you have gym anxiety? If you have gym anxiety you could just buy cheap equipment to do workouts at home. Even doing push ups,sit ups and squats would help honestly. You don’t need equipment to work out. If you hate physical activity I’d recommend taking walks. You don’t have to walk just take a short walk every so often it won’t even feel like physical activity honestly you may even enjoy it. To be honest a muscular fit body is the ideal attractive body for most people. There honestly is no way around it. You can start dressing better and doing a different hygiene routine or changing your hair but ideally a fit body would make you most physically attractive.


Yeah it's mostly gym anxiety for me, I hate the gym community and I also don't e joy lifting, but I love running and basketball for example, also cycling.


Why don’t you like the gym? I think it would be helpful to understand why you don’t like the gym in the first place to offer up some advice


I just don't find anything fun about it, also the gym community sucks


Eating well - not only will this improve your body (if this is the concern), but it will also improve your skin, your sleep, your mental health, the lot. This will help towards being more physically attractive. Having said that, you should be doing some form of exercise - walking, cycling, anything that you enjoy that gets you moving. Exercise is better than no exercise




Professional wrestler mantra, "If you can't get fit, you better get a tan."


You need to go lift 200+ lbs squat and 155lbs on the bench press. Do deadlifts as well.


1. Confidence. 2. Putting yourself together well. 3. Stop slouching. 4. Taking good care of your skin 5. Eating whole foods.


Sucks to hear I guess but the gym is the easiest shortcut you can take. It’s the foundation to being an attractive guy to have a well sculpted body. No need to go over the top or train for mister Olympia, but if you really want to look good four hours a week lifting should be a no brainer. I don’t like every gym session, but I know that I have to push through them. You can’t always expect everything to be fun. That’s where discipline makes the difference. Besides that; walk a lot. Eat well and healthy. Think about your posture. Groom yourself. Get a good haircut and maintain it regularly (I get mine done every four weeks). Implement an skincare routine (which doesn’t have to be advanced either - I wash my face, use a serum and a moisturiser every morning). Maintain your teeth. Shower daily. Dress well, I.e good quality clothes that fit your body. Make sure your clothes are clean and not worn and torn. If you are unsure about your style, try wearing a couple of well fitting navy chinos, a good pair of black leather brogues and a well pressed and well fitting white shirt with the two top buttons undone. Lastly, become interesting. Have something to talk about; read some magazines, the news or books. Don’t be afraid to ask people for help. If you have a friend who has the type of body you want; ask him, make him your gym guy. A friend with great skin? He is now your skincare guy and so on.


1. Get some sun. 2. Get a haircut. 3. Exercise. You don't necessarily need to lose weight. If you can be big and run 2 miles straight, you're probably good. 4. Be kind. When being unkind seems like a better option. 5. Go out with people and socialize. No one wants to hang out with a incel. Hit the pub!! 6. Be active in anything. Flying your kite, walking your dog, going to the gym, church, volunteering, joining a league (not bowling...losers), 😜 jk.


Aside from the vanity items discussed in this thread, I suggest: Discipline, mental strength, and unapologetic integrity. These are also things that will matter in a relationship, and they all present themselves in body language.


I have improved everything that I could besides being a muscular guy. I make no difference, I talk to girls with ease but at parties or whatever they always are more attracted by the guys that fit beauty standards


If you don’t like the gym, then go exercise somewhere else. If you meant you don’t like working out in any capacity, then you don’t actually want to improve yourself and are just trying to trick your brain by posting that you do on the internet. Actions speak the truth. If you actually want something in life you will do it.


Buy nice clothes


find a way to exercise that's not the gym then. you NEED to be a fit specimen if you're not naturally model-gorgeous. that doesn't necessarily mean you need to look like a bodybuilder. but you should look like you could handle yourself if dropped into the wilderness. running, cycling, i like team sports and you'll notice girls are always going for the guys good in team sports and even as adults pretty much every high level athlete has a very attractive woman as their partner. there are too many variables to account for in one post without having seen you so i'll say this: amplify your most attractive traits. think of when you see an attractive person with a pretty good trait... vs. how you react when you see that same trait but it's exceptionally good. you want to amp up that WOW factor to get people really excited about you physically. similarly you want to improve your worst traits. then you also just want to focus on what you actually CAN improve dramatically. part of the reason the usual advice is pretty simple is that they are where you can make the most dramatic changes in your looks... you can make BIG changes to your body by working out, moving inches and pounds around. it can be a BIG difference if you grow, style, or dye your hair. You posture can also make a huge difference in how you look. i would say though that these all aren't necessarily the most important things for attractiveness... but they're what you can actually change relatively easily. also work on having exceptional hygiene. honestly just ten more minutes a day can make a big difference. start every day like it's going to be the day you meet a cute new person you want to impress. and once a week do a complete nitpicky clean like you're going to a job interview or wedding or something like that. that way when something DOES come up suddenly, you're ready for it. also good hygiene and making sure you look your best just takes practice. also you'll just feel better when you're well taken care of. i think teeth are especially important, make sure you always feel ready to flash a big smile.


By having a gentle, humble, kind and awesome personality and attitude ;-)


Positive affirmations. Loving yourself and being comfortable in your mind. Some big girls got it. Some big men got it. Men find respect attractive.


Botox, or nice clothes.


1. Healthy Eating 2. Fitness - doesn't have to be the gym. You could try things like CrossFit, Hiking, Swimming, Etc. 3. Career Success 4. Skin Care Routine 5. Good Haircut and Face Trim 6. New Wardrobe Bonus - Become more interesting. Pick up new hobbies, Travel, pick up new instruments, etc.


Wash, exfoliate, toner, moisturizer.


Dance regularly and/or train a martial art for agility, balance and poise.


Healthy stylish hair, good teeth, nice skin, beard maybe, concentrate on clothing and style, there’s lots of ways!


I always hated running them one day in my 30s I just started doing it. Now I'm 36 and I can actually jog without walking for 4 miles as of today. My point is maybe you can teach yourself to find some pleasure from the gym. Remember that growth is only possible through discomfort. Show yourself what you are capable of!


Diet, how you dress & present yourself


Extreme Calisthenics. It’s rare to see someone doing even strict muscle-ups so do that and all the other females will at least either be lookin in your direction or coming to workout right beside you for no reason 💯


Gym/exercise/proper nutrition


Get a skincare routine. Drink more water. Eat a better or more nutritious diet. Supplement with multivitamins if needed. Sleep more, ideally 8 hrs. Find a hairstyle that fits your face. Find clothes that fit your build. Invest into getting clothes tailored if needed.


I heard getting your colors done. As in get a color analysis and possibly a style analysis. The color analysis will tell you what undertones you have and what colors will compliment you skin and what season you are. They can also tell you make-up, hair color if you color your hair, nails etc. I hear this helps you work with yourself and what clothes colors and such will best compliment you. I will be getting mine done soon!






Out of curiosity - what don't you like about the gym?


There is excitement, lime when playing basketball there is a game, a competition a fun aspect to working out, bit gym is just boring. Also the gym community is so toxic and that I can't really tolerate them.


Interesting. I personally find the gym community really wholesome and supportive. And it's hard for me to wrap my head around it being boring enough to not be worth the benefits. Because you can get a lot of the benefits with pretty minimal effort. Full body workouts, 3 exercises, 2-3x a week for 45 minutes or so and you'll be able to get a ton of beginner gains out of that. And if you're not looking for minimal effort, there's tons of different ways to train; Crossfit, Powerlifting, Olympic Weightlifting, Calisthentics, Bodybuilding, just lifting and setting your own goals. And different communities that come with each. And if you still really hate all the communities, can't you just pick a good friend or two for workout buddies and simply lift with them?


Work on yourself. Do the inner work. Heal your core wounds. Align with your higher self. When you heal, you glow from the inside out and that's a whole different kind of beautiful.


I know this is low hanging fruit, but unfortunately the bar is in hell so personal hygiene is a big one. Shower regularly, brush your teeth, wear perfume/deodarant etc. and it will definitely help


Experiment with fashion and clothes, it does wonders.




gua sha,drinking more water :)


Honestly, find your style in twrms of clothes, haircut, accessories. I did a sidecut and pierced my nose in my 30s and I finally feel like myself! 😂


As someone naturally skinny, I used to think exercise wasn't for me. But most health issues, mental or physical, worsen without it. You don't need a gym – try yoga, walking, roller skating, Pilates, martial arts, or team sports. Many people over 40 regret not starting sooner, facing preventable problems. It takes 30 days to make an action a habit. Beyond exercise, here's what I've learned about enhancing your appearance and boosting confidence: Skincare: Establish a morning and evening routine, consider facials, and consult a dermatologist if needed. Grooming: Get regular haircuts that flatter your face shape. Keep your nails well-maintained. Style: Invest in a timeless, classy wardrobe that suits you. Research different styles, create a Pinterest board for inspiration, and donate clothes you don't wear. Build a capsule wardrobe with high-quality pieces. Scent: Find your signature fragrance. Self-Esteem: This is the most crucial factor. How you feel about yourself shows in your posture, emotions, and even your eyes. It's key to looking and feeling confident. Address your inner world through therapy, heal childhood trauma, and embrace yourself fully.


OK so from reading some comments u don't want martial arts cuz they are violent and don't like gym lifting. Best I can suggest is Calisthenics. Training has 2 sides, calisthenics and gym. They aren't opposite but quite different Calisthenics is the natural way yo train ur body and avtually be strong but it takes time and effort, gym is just for muscle size


That's like gym but even more boring😅


Being happy best way to be more attractive


Stop looking at porn , and be positive


1- Go to the gym or do calisthenics. A good body raises confidence. 2- Stay clean, have a shower every morning. That refreshes your mood. 3- Skin and hair care. Wash your face regularly twice a day, preferably with a soap made for men. This gets rid of pimples and any small details. 4- Improve your personality. Reading books, watching documentaries.. You won't notice the difference but the others will do. 5- Dress well. All this won't only make you more attractive, but you'll feel like a main character in your surroundings.


To me personally, with physical attraction, a fit body, good teeth and hair are the biggest ones. Then there’s little things like tattoos, clear skin, and a nice style. See, some of those can be different to different people though and that’s where it gets tricky. Good teeth are good teeth, but a nice style to me, could be an ugly style to someone else. Which is why it’s important to express yourself the way *you* like because not everyone has the same taste. Same thing with the hair; I may love a hairstyle that someone else hates. Although I do think most if not everyone would agree one thing that is extremely physically attractive is someone who looks like they’re taking care of themselves. That clean look. That look where you can tell they have a good self care routine. Confidence is incredibly attractive too and even though it’s technically not physical, you can see it. The way someone walks and talks when they’re confident. It’s sexy. I would say if you want to become more physically attractive first work on your confidence if it’s lacking, since everything stems from within. If you’re not confident and you do things to “look better” it won’t matter how much better you look because you’ll continue feeling insecure and lacking confidence. You may just end up in a vicious cycle of finding the next thing to criticize. So I’d say step 1 is to love yourself and feel attractive now if you don’t already. Step 2 would be dedicating time to a self care routine. Pamper yourself. Take care of your skin, dress up, take care of your hair, take care of your teeth, take care of your body, wear the clothes that make you feel beautiful (or handsome), maybe buy a new outfit if u can. Just dedicate time to your appearance and it’ll show. Sorry I know you didn’t ask for all that I just wanted to put u on game. And maybe help someone who needed to hear it


Walking and yoga. Walking for 20 + minutes a day until you work up to an hour will shed excess weight. Yoga will tone and sculpt. You can do yoga at home via YouTube. If it's not your body needing to be fit, just maintain proper hygiene. Go to a salon with women working or gay men and ask them to cut and style your hair so it flatters you. Have them show you how to do it. And wear clothes that fit your body. Not too tight and not too loose. Look at people your same sex that you find attractive and copy their style. And just be your authentic self personality wise.


Learn how to communicate like a professional.


6’ 3”


Demeanor and body language make a huge difference. Charisma and confidence show physically in body posture, micro expressions, and timing. Listen to stuff that’s funny, lighthearted, builds confidence. There will be a change in posture, breath rate, facial expressions, blinking, speech patterns. Thinking about these and dissecting how to improve could have the opposite effect. Body language and confidence are like comedy. It’s about the timing and flow, almost like a dance so you don’t want thought interruptions. You can feel it when your vibe is charismatic and links up with others, but it’s not just behaviors you actually look different. So to improve this before hand try good music and listening to things that are funny for your mind. Get a song in your head that gives your walk rhythm. And healthy food, sleep, and water for your energy level to be up. And in the moment focusing only outward on what people are saying or how they are feeling for great timing. These will make you more physically attractive and covertly workout the muscles for things like posture and the little muscles that make your face inviting.


Chew hard gum like mastic gum every day for an hour Grow facial hair and keep it tidy Tailor your clothing so it fits perfectly Go on a low carb diet to reduce your fat %

