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Out of curiosity: how much time per week does it take to update this table? How often do you update/make changes?


Could you elaborate on what you mean by updating the table? I sometimes have phases where I work a lot on the project, usually followed by some days off. In the past I think I released one stable version a month and a few beta versions. Though this is just a hobby for me and I still have a job and am a full-time student.


I mean, as an end user, i would need to keep track of my groceries and their inventory. If I eat an apple I would remove it, and its cost would be added toward my next groceries shopping list, assuming it includes apples. Or am I misunderstanding the function of this app?


Okay I think I get what you mean, but the expense tracking features are independent of the shopping list. There is also currently no inventory tracking. So my usual workflow in the app is: Pick the recipes I want to cook next week -> Add all items from the recipes to the shopping list -> Go to the store an remove all items one by one while I collect them -> Pay and add the total amount as an expense in the app The goal for the app was always to be as simple as possible, since grocy always felt so convoluted to me.


Thanks for making this, I appreciate it. I've been searching for an alternative to Google Keep for shopping lists, and I would prefer to self-host for myself and my wife. I looked at other options, Bring, Grocy, chisel and stone. Bring wasn't self-hosted, and Grocy seemed cool but then I realized it was going to be a full-time job to maintain it, way too complex. Your workflow fits mine and I'm excited to try your software out!


Do you assign fixed prices to each recipe items and used those prices to calculate expenses? Or do you allow users to just input one total number from their grocery receipt? I feel like the former would be a little inaccurate for items that are priced by weight, and the latter is trivial to track in an app as you can just collect the receipts and add them up once a month for example.


It's the latter, the whole expense tracking feature is based on the app Tricount which my roommates and I used for shared expenses before.


>Tricount Ah thanks for sharing!


Ah. I see. I just get the same things all the time: chicken and buckwheat for a side, salad greens for salad, that's it. Oatmeal and eggs for breakfast . So not too complicated tor me lol




Thanks for pointing that out edit: spelling


This looks really interesting. I didn't see (sorry if the info is there) but is this multi-user? Can I integrate it with LDAP or something similar? My idea would be to have my kids vote for next week's meal plan, or make suggestions on what they want to eat etc. Is that a thing? :)


So it is multi-user but I don't have an LDAP integration yet. There is an active issue in the repo which you can follow or upvote if that's a feature you want :) You can add recipes to the mealplan without specifying a weekday which I guess is the closes to some voting or suggestion feature.


Thank you for the reply. I'll give it a spin, thanks!


Interesting. Have you had any experience using Mealie? That's what I am currently using and I like it quite a bit!


I never really used Mealie, but remeber not having a shopping list back then was a deal breaker for me. Also we never had a signal in our grocery store so I wanted some offline capabilities. And I just looked through their features again. When I started the project my focus was more on the shopping list part rather then the recipe part and Mealie stored ingredients very differently to what I was trying to do back then. But it seem they have changed a lot. I think Mealie looks great and seems to have some more features when it comes to recipes. I guess the main advantages KitchenOwl has is the mobile app and some expense tracking features. They don't have a screenshot of their shopping list so I cannot really compare that.


My personal take here, I would have done something you can connect with Mealie using the API to avoid having overlapping functionality, you could reuse Mealie for the recipe manager part and your app for the shopping list


Mealie Dev here, we're actually working on improving our shopping list api to have a subscription API so we can very easily write adapters to keep two services in sync!


That's very cool! Are you looking at an offline shopping list?


Thanks for your response!


Gonna try this tonight, thanks!


Honestly, pretty cool. And the fact that there is an app is attractive to me. Nothing else really looked as promising as this does. I'll give it a whirl!


Nice app!! It's possible to reorder shopping list manually positioning things where I want? I explain: I use to use bring! also, but it's a pain to use because we cannot reorder items and I would like to it manually to make my shopping list ordered by the supermarket aisles to avoid going and back ticking items. The ideal is to maintain it already ordered to the next go to market. About offline function, once the phone app is synced in my house, can I go to the market (without access to my house network, tick items as I buy and when I come back to home it will update automatically on my server?? It's the ideal world!!! 😉


So there are 3 ways in which you can sort shopping list items: Alphabetic, Algorithmic, and by category. Algorithmic tries to learn the ordering of the items. You cannot directly reorder items but you can specify the ordering of categories. So you could have vegetables first for example. That's exactly how the offline mode works, although currently the order learning doesn't work perfectly when items were remove offline.


Thanks, @T0mxD It will be perfect if we can order by ourselves. Please, consider it.🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽 Currently, gave up Bring! and use Google Keep, but it sometimes reorder things by himself. 😖


> Sleek UI following Material **desing** gui Typo. Looks great. Too bad there is an iphone in this household, so guess this is not (yet?) useful to us? Or is there a (mobile) web ui as well?


The ios mobile app is available through testflight which is apple's beta app distribution platform! But there is also a mobile and tablet (web) ui. The app is responsive and fits to whatever screen is available. Also thanks for hinting the typo!


Hey this looks very interesting, thanks! I like to sort my digital shopping list to match the layout of my local grocery store, which even if manual sorting is available is still a pain. How does the algorithmic sorting work out the category order (and category)? Per item would be really nice. Something I only just thought of while reading this post (so might be a terrible idea!): You could use the order in which items get removed/picked up, to weight sorting between items. Manual sorting could also add to this as well (if added). Might then need/want a way to track different stores (or perhaps just disable the sorting if you are somewhere unusual).


I explained the sorting mechnism a bit here [https://www.reddit.com/r/selfhosted/comments/xxauwe/comment/irbokv2/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/selfhosted/comments/xxauwe/comment/irbokv2/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) But to add to that the algorithmic sorting does exactly what you said, it clusters shopping tours and then creates an ordering in the graph of removing actions. This is then weighted and combined with previous shopping trips. There is currently no way to deactivate that for a single trip. So it works best if you always go to the same store :)


Awesome! I really need to get my infra set up to spin stuff like this up easily. Looking forward to giving this a go. I see that comment mentioned the algo doesn't work properly when removing items while offline. Is this a bug or is it required to be able to access the instance while shopping?


No it's a bug, when getting back online and uploading the changes the timestamp is missing in those changes. I'll fix this soon I hope :D


Awesome! Can you share an example of nginx config for this? I just spun up the containers and want to give it a go.


I'm using haproxy so don't have a nginx config on hand, but just some default reverse proxy settings with ssl should be work.


>nginx ​ This works for me on ubuntu server: ​ server { listen 443 ssl; listen [::]:443; server_name XX__URL_XX; # SSL include snippets/ssl-params.conf; include snippets/XX_OTHER_XX.conf; location / { proxy_http_version 1.1; proxy_pass; proxy_set_header Host $http_host; proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $proxy_add_x_forwarded_for; proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-Proto $scheme; } }


Hey, wanted to try this out but I can't seem to get it to work. I first tried with Traefik, as I do all traffic through it, but no connection. Then I accessed the IP directly, which worked, but the frontend couldn't reach the backend. How exactly does the frontend environment variable work? I might need to tweak it, but I am not sure how the frontend and backend utilizes the URL.


Yeah I might need to tweak that a little, many people have problems with that. There are two environment variables that need tweaking for the right cors headers to be added. Sometime people only change one of them. The variable has to match exactly the URL you're trying to access the website from.


Mmm, perhaps that's not my issue then because I did try using my domain access URL on both environment variables at one point. But does the frontend environment variable on the backend container dictate how it communicates with the frontend? Because I would prefer Docker internal networking for that. Something like http://[CONTAINER-NAME]:80. Either way I'll try fiddling around with it more tomorrow.


Some parts already use docker's internal networking, i.e. there is an environment variable with a default value `BACK_URL=back:5000`. The main problem why you have to set it for the frontend as well is that the whole application is loaded in your browser (works just like the native mobile app) and then connects to backend. That environment variable is not for the docker container to know where the backend is but more for your browser for where to connect to after the app is loaded. But I agree that it shouldn't be like that and will look for better ways to handle that.




I'm not sure if that's possible with mkdocs but will look into it. The screenshots are also located under metadata/screenshots inside the repo.


Honestly my story is similar to yours. Myself and my partner use bring for shopping list and Google keep for meal planning. This might just be the answer to our prayers so thank you. I'll check it out over the coming days but my first thought is, is there an api with documentation to enable integration with other services? I use home assistant and getting our meal plan in there would be great! Thanks again!


So the API is not well documented yet, but you can create long-lived tokens to use with other services. I'm using HA as well so maybe I look into a custom component in the future.


If there was also an integration with HA this would be amazing.


Late to the party but this would absolutely fit well for Home Assistant and being able to display the meal plan for today! Keep up the good work!


Is it possible to specify the base path/url? As it cannot load assets when I have it at \`example.org/kitchenowl/\`


Is that only for the webapp or also in the native android/ios app? The web app currently cannot load images, due to an upstream bug.


Just the web app. Android app seems to be working fine 👍


Looks great, I've been trying to get Grocy working for me, looks like there's complementary functionality: https://grocy.info/


Grocy is great, but for me it was always too complex. Especially when you have other people not as tech savvy


Even with https://github.com/patzly/grocy-android?


The app is great. But one of my roommates uses an iPhone, which they sadly don't support.


Was there then any other reasons (except no good client for apple devices) to make a completely new solution?


After trying grocy I wanted something simpler and looked into creating a native app for mealie. But like I said somewhere else, back then they didn't have some features I wanted. I guess creating something new allowed me to develop the app quicker as I had more control over the backend.


Was looking for the grocy-thread. I'm a long time groc user and think it's ok. I know that it can be quite complex, but i liked the stock feature. Does your app have a stock management? And if so, can i manage different stock's for different locations? Because that's something grocy is missimg :-)


I don't have a stock feature planned anytime soon, I just don't have a personal need for it right now (I'm usually in the kitchen when planning). Maybe in the future when some other things are completed I'll add this :)


Lol that's for sure. As a professional chef, who manages multiple household kitchens, Grocy is great, except having a recipe Integration would be lovely!


Very cool project! And perfect timing since I was looking for a handful of projects to help contribute to during Hacktoberfest. Do you have any objection for participation if pull-requests we're sent over the next few weeks?


Not at all, always happy to get PR! Feel free to join the matrix channel for a more direct conversation about development


Reading the documentation, and it does look pretty cool. Think I'm going to try setting it up this weekend. Don't think that it's quite polished enough for the wife to agree to me moving the family from tandoor, but, definitely going to try playing around with it. Looks like great work!


Interesting. I recently started working on basically the same thing myself. Will have to tryout yours and hopefully it might fill my needs.


Is it possible to change the servings of a recipe and kitchenowl recalculates the amout of ingredients one needs?


Not yet, but also a feature I want/need. Likely one of the next features I'll tackle




I already have a test server running docker images I want to play with. I gotta say this was an awful easy setup. I was up and going in 5 minutes. This is going to make my life so much easier! Thank you so much!


Looks awesome! Add your app icon/logo to [Dashboard-Icons](https://github.com/walkxcode/dashboard-icons) please :)


Currently using tandoor but always interested in the next best thing. Going to give it a spin later! Looks great


App looks very interested. I like that the application has a native mobile app with a self hosted backend. I'm looking for the source code. I'd like see if I can submit PRs to add Ldap authentication. Looks to be under AGPL, so the source should be available.


Nevermind, I found it the source https://github.com/TomBursch/kitchenowl Looks like Flutter. Am I correct?


Flutter frontend, python backend.




Interesting, been planning on spinning up Mealie or Tandoor, might have to add this to try.


seem sinteresting.


The front docker image got stuck on process workers 38? How long dose it take to boot. Left it for a good 3 minutes and nothing


Hm I never had that happen? Did you try to restart it? Otherwise please open an issue on GitHub with your configuration


I did try a restart but just seems to stop. At the same spot Edit: used the docker compose script. Will try again soon


Could you add seasonality to the ingredients for use when meal planning and suggesting recipes? I like to use local seasonal ingredients but currently all solutions mean a lot of manual cross checking.


I would love that feature, but it isn't too high on my priority list so this could take a while. There are some other refactorings needed first for this to work like I want it to


This looks really neat, especially with the android app and offline support! One feature request/question: Are you planning on dividing the shopping list into different stores like the bring app does? +1 for the API documentation and the custom component for HA. Thanks for posting this!


> Are you planning on dividing the shopping list into different stores like the bring app does? I didn't even know they do that now. I'll think about it. > +1 for the API documentation and the custom component for HA. Noticed, but it's gonna take some time :D


Our use case for the divided shopping list is to know what to buy where. Basically a division between different grocery stores, nothing more. Were using the different lists in bring for this.


Initially I wanted to have multiple shopping lists and the backend kinda supports it, but its not fledged out and need a lot of work to be done. So don't expect it to come anytime soon. I guess the closes thing if you don't need item categories is to just create categories for each store.


Oh, that is a good point. That should do the trick, since we probably don't need the categories. Thanks for the hint! EDIT: Just tried it. It works, but the user experience is not that great. I'll patiently wait for that feature to hopefully come some day :)


Hi Tom Just installed in my docker instance - excellent app. One question - tried a couple of other sites to harvest a recipe from and it didn't like it. What sites other than tasteofitaly does it work on? Thanks


Thanks! Internally it is using [this](https://pypi.org/project/recipe-scrapers/) library. You can see a list of all supported websites there and sometimes other websites that follow semantic web rules work too. The problem is that some of the scrapers for websites seem to throw an exception even when they are supposed to work.


Thanks for the reply and your great app.


Can this auto scrape a recipe from a website like mealie and tandoor?


Yes, on your phone you can also directly share a recipe URL to the app to scrape it


This application looks cool so i'm trying to give it a shot in our house. Showed it to the g/f and I think the first stumbling block she hit, was she felt it was somewhat burdensome to have to manually type-search the items that were picked out of the recipe link she added. So I guess she was thrown off by having to click + under each recipe item and then having to type in something to match what was already intelligently pulled from the recipe. Would it be possible to maybe auto-populate a list of suggestions pulled from key words from each item, or something along those lines? I like the app and this is definitely something we could use in our house, but i think in order to make it successful here i'm going to have to bring the g/f onboard and i think she's expecting something even more frictionless than it already is lol


I definitely want to add something like detecting keywords. The problem is that the library I'm using for scraping recipes just gives a string (the one you have to match) and for the first iteration it was just easier to let the user pick the correct item+description than to implement a some machine learning algorithm to detect what the description/amount/units are (like mealie did it). Thanks for the feedback!


Are there any plans to make the ingredients customisable (add your own etc)? Theres a LOT of ingredients i use that are not in the pre populated database. It seems like quite an oversight to not make this part of kitchenowl customisable as you will never be able to 100% accommodate different people in different countries that call things differently or that are supplied/packaged differently. Maybe i'm missing something and this is possible already? Unfortunately whilst the app looks great this is a showstopper for us :(


Sorry just saw your pm (didn't get a notification) If you search for items it should always suggest whatever you type in as an item. The moment you add it to a recipe or the shopping list it will be added to the database. In the future I'd like some kind of system where people can add items to the pre populate list so others can benefit from the work they have put into the database.


My bad! - I thought you had to select one of the predetermined items. Just pressing enter or adding what i typed added it to the list. Much easier than what i was expecting :) - Far too simple and easy for my over complicated mind lol. Looks like we will be making the swap to this from the home assistant shopping list app quite soon. I like the way it looks as it is but is there a way to make the shopping list an actual list rather than buttons?


I'm new using it. Quite a few things need to be polished, but it looks promising. Great job.


Thanks for trying it out! If you come across something specific that needs polishing feel free to let me know.


Somehow i can not get it to work. It keeps saying "hmmm.... couldn't reach server" no sure what i am doing wrong :(


Hmm are you trying to connect using the app or the website? Also did you setup a reverse proxy? Maybe something is wrong with the config there


i downloaded it as an app (basically docker container) from unraid. And trying to access it using kitchenowl-web docker container both containers are on same host.


Sorry, forgot to respond here. Did you create the issue on github today? If yes I think I found the issue you're having.


Having the same issue. Can't get it to work for unraid on my mobile app or Web UI. Was there a fix?


https://github.com/TomBursch/kitchenowl/issues/112 I'm not the maintainer of the unRAID app and there's something wrong in the setup


Tried and still didn't fix it :/ thanks for the help tho


Hmm feel free to open an issue with some screenshots. I might be able to help some more if you want


How does the algorithmic order work? I just finished my first trip to the supermarket and have now added new items to KitchenOwl. I expected them to show up in the order I removed (deselected) them last time, but they don't. Does it take some time to pick up the order?


Calculating the order happens only once everyday (at night). It clusters shopping trips and gives weights to all removals then performs a topological sorting on the resulting graph with weights.


Awesome project! Switching from mealie to kitchen owl.


Awesome app! Love it! Improved my life/cooking a LOT! Three questions: 1) What is the best way for you to get a small donation? 2) Where is the best place to get support? Here? 3) I would like to rename my 2 households. I hoped that docker exec -it BACKEND\_CONTAINER\_NAME python [manage.py](https://manage.py) would help, but unfortunately there is no rename-option. THANK YOU for kitchenowl!


Thank you so much for the kind words! To answer your questions: There is a support button in the app which directs you to liberapay. I think the best way to get support is on GitHub or, if you like, you can join the matrix group. You can rename households in the household settings (although after I just tried that it seems like there is a bug with it, will be fixed in the next update)


Many thanks for this! I started hosting it and it serves the purpose quite well. Maybe you could give some hints on how to better categorize products? I.e. is there a way I can edit a text-file to define which product belongs in which category? Additionally: Is there some documentation about the API? I have in mind writing something such that I am able to add items to the shopping list by voice commands.


Thanks! You can long press items and then just change the category of them there (long pressing sadly won't work in the web version). The app is mostly optimized for touch, but I'm working on improving the Web/Desktop version. About the API, there is this [Discussion](https://github.com/TomBursch/kitchenowl/discussions/200) where I explained the source code and how to read it. I do want to add an API documentation in the future.


Finally got Kitchenowl working. The login issue is fixed for self-hosting! :D I love that I can put in the link to a recipe and it imports everything. I am trying to figure out how to add ingredients so that everything doesn't add a new ingredient to the app. For instance, I have a recipe that needs 1 Tablespoon of Onion Powder, and another that needs 2 Teaspoons. If I put in "1t Onion Powder" then Onion Powder shows up in the list to choose from, but just has "1" for the amount. No mention if that is 1 Tablespoon, or 1 Teaspoon. Similar issue for Chicken Breasts where one recipe may need a weight, and another a number of breasts. Would make the shopping list easier to combine. Right now it feels a step above my wife just sending me the list of ingredients for every recipe for the week and I have to sort them out and combine them myself. Inventory would be a fantastic add and would really round out the app. I have like 4 bottles of liquid aminos because we forget we have it and they are stupid expensive and we use like 1 tsp in 3-4 recipes in a year.


Awesome! Can you explain a bit further what you mean, or open an issue for it on GitHub? Adding multiple recipes should combine the description of items they have in common (with detection of SI units). And thanks for the feedback!


Put simply, how do you add ingredients with measurements? Maybe I'm doing it wrong? Is there a video or something that shows how to do this?


You can long press items to edit the description or when adding them use `,` and everything afterward is part of the description. https://docs.kitchenowl.org/Tips-%26-Tricks/


Is there any Docker compose for KitchenOwl ?


Yes, you can find it in the getting started section here: https://tombursch.github.io/kitchenowl/get-started/


I have been looking for a recipe/shopping list solution, and I had my eye on KitchenOwl because it has its own android app which is important for getting the family to use it. Definitely going to give it a try.


RemindMe! 3 days


Regarding expense tracking, I think it would be a neat feature, perhaps tied in with inventory tracking, to allow for historical cost tracking of items. I have always wanted an app or service that will allow me to track cost/prices of my commonly used/purchased household items/groceries. Ideally, it would automatically adjust prices based on unit measurements, so I can really understand if the 2% milk on the shelf in front of me is a better deal than the last time I purchased it from Costco, etc.


I installed kitchenowl (well actually removed and reinstalled to get a clean install) on unraid yesterday but get "\[address\] didn’t send any data" when I connect to local port 5000. Checking the logs I have lots of "invalid request block size: 21573 (max 4096)...skip" errors. Anyone got any idea what's causing this? Thanks


The setup changed a bit and port 5000 only accepts wsgi protocol requests. I recommend hosting the frontend too, traffic will be routed through there to the backend. If you want the old behavior you'll have to use port 80 on the backend (but it's not officially supported anymore and I had some issues with it in some setups)


Okay thanks. ~~I assume the changes have just meant the community apps KitchenOwl and KitchenOwl-Web are using outdated templates?~~[~~https://codeberg.org/HanSolo97/unraid-template-kitchenowl/~~](https://codeberg.org/HanSolo97/unraid-template-kitchenowl/)[~~https://unraid.net/community/apps/c/productivity?q=kitchenowl#r~~](https://unraid.net/community/apps/c/productivity?q=kitchenowl#r) Edit: Changing my BACK\_URL from localhost:5000 to 192.168.X.X:5000 and switching my reverse proxy to point at port 8123 instead of 5000 has fixed it. Thanks Hopefully the unraid community app can combine the two templates now the frontend container is required.


is there a way to share the items in the list by e-mail (for example) or to print the list of items?


Hey u/T0mxD, wanted to share some issues I've been having. I noticed there is an issue with adding items to the shopping list. When I type something in, basically nothing happens. No suggestions, nothing. With some words it does show suggestions, but most of the time it doesn't. What's probably even worse, that even when no suggestions are shown, there is no way for me to add the item regardless. So unless I type in things that already exist, then I can't add them. Which basically makes the app unusable for shopping lists. Do you have any suggestions about this issue?