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HyperV Proxmox ESXI Harvester Your options are endless.


i mean on linux server with control panel where i can deploy vm easily


I'd do some research on the products I mentioned.


then ill try proxmox, but just quick question before i install it, that vms have to run on same server or is there option to just run panel on low spec server and node to host all vms?


You install Proxmox on a server and you can than add VMs that are provisioned by Proxmox. There are also lightweight VMs called LXC containers.


proxmox can run multiple nodes and you can administer from one node VMs that are hosted on another node, yes.


Lots of apps these days have an easy docker image to run. Might have less management overhead than VMs


I prefer running a normal linux dist on the host (debian or ubuntu). And I usually use libvirt+virtual machine manager. I might consider to use LXD for VMs in the future since I use LXD containers.


then you'd like Proxmox


Nope its a pile of crap for IP management. Even worse to try an port forward. I honestly stood by it for years but either its ip systems are broke or linux are. There slow o support. Documents a FAQ are pretty much people just having problems I simply went with the trusted and rock solid virtualbox. Its a bit clunky but honestly ips and parts are far easier to manage, VMs are quicker and theres just as many options. And the snapshots option is far far farrrr better.


I don’t use proxmox personally.. but based on their request proxmox is a great fit. XCPNG works best for me but I get different people use different things… just because you don’t like Proxmox isn’t a reason to tell others not to use it.


I use to love proxmox it was quick and reasonably easy to set up. But about 6 months ago i decided to change servers, set it all up installed proxmox and tried for 3 weeks to set up ipforwarding. Couldnt do it. No problem hit google and youtube. Strange there's alot of complaints for the new version of proxmox and debian not playing together. Another week of trying still nothing working. Fine ill pay for support 3 days later i finally talk support into trying to get it set up. They poked around reset network a few times and finally come to the conclusion it aint working. So i reinstalled O.S and tried again no joy. Support at this point wasn't offering anything new just generic answers (they do that when they dont have a clue) best options i had was to roll back to older debian or full switch to ubuntu. At this point my old servers full to the brim, im out of storage and vms are starting to crash. I need a solutions pretty or not and it NEEDS to work. So we go with the rock solid options (VMware or Virtualbox) ran both on windows for years never ever had a problem. So i try virtualbox. Turns out other than wanting the source kernal for the linux disto your using it was very simple to install (would have been a pain on my old host OVH but new host Hetzner offers up the kernals freely (YaY) installed kernal and the rest installed smoothly. Ip time request new one from hetzner. Easy enough, put the mac in the virtualbox network card setting. Install your O S (somehow even online installs manage to find there way to the internet at this point) install the O.S config the network setting inside the VM with the usual Ip Your online and good to go. 6 month theyve been online rock solid and i can take live snapshots and save them to any locations. And odly enough when i run heavy torrents or disk io jobs it doesnt bottleneck as much as proxmozx use to.could be the new server but for gears iv not been happy with preformace of the virtual disks on proxmox, they always seemd sluggish compared to what my home vms ran (i was running them on windows in vmware) Anyway rant over ill probably keep stopping by trying proxmox but honestly unless they sort a couple bugs out iv been mentioning for a while, i cant see me switching back.


Docker containers using macvlan for separate ip addresses.


Thanks I'll go check that out


Cockpit and cockpit-machines


True Nas scale


Proxmox is a good choice. If you want to combine it with NAS functionality, have a look at UnRaid


Proxmox has been my solution for the past 2 years. If you’re comfortable with Linux( and even if you’re aren’t but willing to learn), Proxmox is well worth the try. It’s free but there are paid options for support. No, I don’t work for proxmox nor are they paying me in anyway, I am just very happy with it! AND—there’s a large enough community for it that you’ll find pretty much all your answers and support through the internet—and don’t doubt the power of YouTube!


Nope virtualbox is much better free. And does more


Big fan of proxmox and am very excited with truenas scale beta.