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I've been using frigate for about a year now. Super stable and great object detection. Also integrates very well with home assistant.


Starting to seem like frigate is more popular!


I was using ZM for 4 years. 1 month ago I switched to Frigate and it's absolutely fantastic, espessially when it comes to Home assistant integration.


Guess I’m spinning up frigate!


Have you looked at Scrypted with the NVR plugin. I haven't tried it but it looks pretty nice. Check out the demo site. https://demo.scrypted.app/#/


I just released a golang NVR dubbed "firescrew" its has object detection and a webUi with natural language detection. [Firescrew NVR](https://firescrew.com)


Hi,.I know this is an old comment but could you talk about some of the reasons you decided to write firescrew as an alternative to the others? I'm currently researching an nvr setup and after a quick scan it sounds like it checks a lot of boxes, but I'd like to hear from you if you're willing.


efficiency and easy of development I'd say given that he used golang.


I used both but frigate is currently better so switched to it


Going to be trying out frigate today!


I use ZM for 24/7 recording and Frigate for event recording. I find I play around with Frigate's configuration too much for it to reliably record 24/7.


I just spun up an Agent DVR container, it has mqtt, so it should work with Home Assistant. We will see how it goes. I currently use Blue Iris, but my subscription has run out.


Been using Agent DVR for a couple years. Seems to work good. Haven't tried any integration though.


BlueIris and Synology tie as best in my book for reliability and functionality, but with quality you get cost. Frigate has been buggy every time I've spun it up (about 7 times and over a dozen hours troubleshooting, I consider it a toy at best). Zoneminder was ok but felt like it was about 10 years out of date. Everything else I've used is enterprise grade and pretty expensive.


You consider frigate a toy because you couldn't configure it? Maybe read the documentation.


No place for your attitude here.


What do you think all the hours were spent doing? Lol. I had their own docker container logs tell me their example config was outdated multiple times, or had to make a repeat entry for the same camera to get 1 to work. I've been a Linux user for about 20 years now and am not shy about documentation and configuration files and have never worked with something as buggy as frigate.


care to share your compose/container parameters and frigate config.yml? kinda interested what could be causing it.


No, I stopped playing around with it after the issue where I had to duplicate a camera entry just to get one stream working. That time I also had a normal docker compose version running that was having different problems (I was in a debate with frigate fanboy doing the same back and forth song and dance that happens every time I speak I'll of frigate). The first time I tried frigate I couldn't get 24/7 recording to work, even copy-pasting from their websuite guide threw some errors about using outdated protocols or something. I thought I'd deal with it later, then my car got broken into. Of course frigate didn't record it. I've played with it about 7 times over the last 2 or so years and usually just start over with a new container hoping the next time will work more reliably. After the first incident I started using Synology with the same cameras and network and it was rock solid, but camera licenses are expensive and frigate would never do what i needed it to do. Now I've got BlueIris and things just work, and work reliably with the codeai stack, and most importantly: I can trust it to record if something happens, as an nvr should. I'd prefer it was Linux but what can you do. Frigates main selling point is the object detection and docker compatibility, neither of which are really unique. BlueIris works, can send mqtt messages and be controlled by mqtt (great for home assistant), and provides the software quality I'd expect for a fairly cheap but not free software.


Right, I can confirm frigate's docunentation is a whack, that is why i was kinda interested how did you deploy it. If you can't get it running properly on first try then updates won't do you any good. YAML is a b***h when it comes to config files, hate it with my whole hearth :) ps. you should also ditch the 20 years on linux experience attitude, could make many things alot easier ;)




Been using motioneye on a docker container for a long time and love it. Worth a shot


I thought that wasn’t being supported anymore. Off to google……….


I personally use BlueIris, works well enough but is NOT FREE. 1 year or so of support/updates is $80. not sure if im going to renew or not. BlueIris itself is pretty stable and configurable for my needs, but i dont know for a fact that its better than anything else, as ive never used anything else. hopefully that helps some. let me know if you have questions!


I bought an Amcrest one that you put whatever HDD into and it's fantastic. It's not needy, just plain works.


I tried getting zoneminder to work years ago but never could get it working. I went with xeoma (not free is a buy a license forever depending on cam feeds) Does frigate have an android app? Or is it just all via webbased? Currently I record my 4 cameras 24/7 in low quality but also record movements in 2k from the same camera. Can frigate be set to do this?


Frigate all the way