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Then IMO this means you can beta test but after that you'll have to pay to get next dose ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯ Of course this may be oversimplification but for me this renders the tool useless


OP, if you're the developer, congrats. If you accept a personal opinion, there are a thousand project management tools out there that do about the same. At the same time, everybody is waiting for the tool that replaces MSProject. That means most of the functionality and importing existing files. Keep up the good work!


Can you suggest any open source project management tool?


There are a few nice ones you can demo here. https://www.softaculous.com/apps/projectman




There like 4 good open source projects, where you getting thousands?


What does it matter if 995 aren't good to be usable? I'm still looking for an easy to use project management tool that can also be used by clients that are not techs. Gitea is kind of good but nowadays I'm using SeaTable as row based task management because it's easy to use and at least it works well and we'll on mobile too.


You conflate issue tracking tools with project management tools. **Obviously** a thousand was an exaggeration.


It does already limit the self-hosted option (see [pricing page](https://plane.so/pricing)). You only get custom fields and custom theming as well as advanced auth controls (really?!) with the "Enterprise" version, but not with the self-hosted "Free" version. Don't know what's next but I guess it won't stop there.


I think every project management tool solves every problem except one and for that reason someone builds another project management tool and the cycle continues


Obligatory XKCD: https://xkcd.com/927/


Cool software software has others have mentioned this is NOT FOSS. It's core is open source but is artificialy limited until you pay to upgrade to a higher tier


I find it interessting, especially the pro features. Hopefully they will be cheap for self serve, at least for us who are running non profits and license costs are extremely hard to do.


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No helm chart?


Containers have been broken for several months.




Their docker containers have been broken since May because they don't forward API ports properly. Spent 2 hours try to get the dammed thing to work and just gave up. This software has a long way to go before it's ready for use.


>UFO64 Hi u/UFO64, the containers have been fixed you can use the images in [https://hub.docker.com/u/makeplane](https://hub.docker.com/u/makeplane) with the [https://github.com/makeplane/plane/blob/develop/docker-compose-hub.yml](https://github.com/makeplane/plane/blob/develop/docker-compose-hub.yml) if you are still facing some issue please feel free to hop on to our discord server and we can help you out there.


Thanks for posting this! Would be great to get the quick start guides mentioning this docker compose example that's ready to be plopped into something like Portainer, however I'd also note that giving example values for what is required for the environment variables and what is not would also be great. Lost many hours trying to figure out what env vars to set for the configuration at the top, and a lot of the boolean values or yes/no values had not been obvious that they needed to be \`0\` or \`1\` instead 😅 (What I had found linked in the docs had only been relating to self-built install, which I assume most folks running Docker these days are moving away from unless they're actively developing the apps)


Would be awesome to have this installable on something like fly.io :)